HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-27 Minutes Clarincifon Older Adult Association Board of Director Minutes of the Meeting of Friday, March 27th 2015 Voting Members Present: Muriel Moynes, Cathie Ward, Alan Tibbles, Alan Bayliss, Irene Gourlay, Tim Funchion, Elaine Spicer, Gary Bray, Barb Singleton Non-Voting Members: Angie Darlison 1 .0 Call to Order. Executive Directors called the meeting to order and chaired the meeting 2.0 New Business. 2.1 Election of Officers. It was agreed that when more than one name was suggested, that a paper vote take place with Angie Darlison to be the enumerator. Floor Opened for nominations for President Barb Singleton proposed Cathie Ward which was seconded by Tim Funchion Irene Gourlay proposed Muriel Moynes which was seconded by Gary Bray Motion to close the nominations Moved by Tim Funchion Seconded by Alan Tibbles Carried Both nominations received acceptance, so a paper ballot vote was implemented. Introduction of Muriel Moynes as President and Cathie Ward as Past President Floor Opened for nominations for Vice President Cathie Ward proposed Alan Tibbles which was seconded by Muriel Moynes Nomination received acceptance Motion to close the nominations Moved by Tim Funchion Seconded by Cathie Ward Carried Introduction of Alan Tibbles as Vice President Floor Opened for nominations for Treasurer Terry Traill proposed Alan Bayliss which was seconded by Barb Singleton Nomination received acceptance Motion to close the nominations Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Irene Gourlay Carried Introduction of Alan Bayliss as Treasurer Floor Opened for nominations for Secretary Muriel Moynes proposed Norma Evans which was seconded by Irene Gourlay Nomination received acceptance Motion to close the nominations Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Elaine Spicer Carried Introduction of Norma Evans as Secretary Floor Opened for nominations for Chair of Fundraising Elaine Spicer proposed Barb Singleton which was seconded by Cathie Ward Nomination received acceptance Motion to close the nominations Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Tim Funchion Carried Introduction of Barb Singleton Chair of Fundraising Motion to accept the Executive as follows: Past President Cathie Ward President Muriel Moynes Vice President Alan Tibbles Treasurer Alan Bayliss Secretary Norma Evans Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Tim Funchion Carried Motion to update signing authority with the TD Bank to include only the following representatives: Cathie Ward, Muriel Moynes, Alan Tibbles, Alan Bayliss, Norma Evans and Angie Darllison Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Barb Singleton Carried Motion to destroy all ballots Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Tim Funchion Carried 3.0 Adjournment by Elaine Spicer