HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-08 Minutes Clarington Older Adult Centre Board Friday March 8th 2013 Meeting Minutes 1.0 Call to Order Meeting called to order by Vice President Norma Evans 2.0 Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve the agenda as presented Moved by John Hutchings Seconded by Gary Bray CARRIED 3.0 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes from: Friday January 18t"2013 Motion to accept the meeting minutes of Friday January 18th as presented Moved by Jim Boate Seconded by Gary Bray CARRIED 4.0 Business Arising from Previous Meeting 4.1 Annual General Meeting Update Angie reminded the board members that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday March 22nd at 12 pm, prior to this meeting we will be hosting another Board of Directors meeting to review finals 2012 Financials as well as to review the meeting agenda and formal reports to be presented. Please if you are not planning to attend the AGM let Angie know as soon as possible. 5.0 Correspondence 5.1 Gary Bray Re: Board Resignation Motion to accept the resignation of Gary Bray with regrets, and good wishes Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by John Hutchings CARRIED 5.2 Request for Information From Municipality of Clarington Community Services Department Skip briefed the board of directors on some portions of the request made by the Community Services Department, while Angie confirmed that some portions of the request have been deleted due to privacy issues. Motion to direct the COAA Staff to complete the request and report back to the Board of the Directors Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Josie Roberts CARRIED 5.3 Clarington Heritage Building Committee Re: Letter of Thanks Motion to accept Moved by Josie Roberts Seconded by Irene Gourlay CARRIED 6.0 Reports 6.1 Municipality of Clarington Update-Mayor Foster& Councillor Hooper Councillor Hooper provided the following verbal report to the board: • the proposed development located within the prior Bowmanville Senior Public School • the approval of the COAA Budget request made to council • passed along thanks to Gary Bray and Steve Coles for attending Council regarding the budget • passed along thanks to the COAA for its involvement in Heritage Week 6.2 President's Report (Submitted by President Steve Coles) • A huge thank you to Nancy Taylor and her staff for the help in presenting the COAA Board budget so it would be the least confrontational as possible. It was very comforting that Nancy offered to explain anything I could not. During the presentation a staff member offered to change screens for me as the mouse decided not to work. Again that took a lot of pressure from me and it made the presentation flow smoothly. • Also a thank you to Angie, as she prepared the presentation before she left for vacation. It only goes to show you be careful what you wish for as I have gently encouraging Angie to use her vacation time so she did right when the budget presentation had to be made. I appreciated the fact Gary sat in on the GP&A Council meeting to see how our budget would fare as I had to be at two other meetings that evening. Our budget was not challenged. • The growth of the programs at Courtice is very impressive. Again that is thanks to the efforts of our staff, our volunteers and Community Services staff who are understanding our culture. The bulletin boards arranged for and installed by Skip are greatly appreciated. • Our staff have continued to meet the needs of our members through dedication. After all I had to stress very strongly that before the big storm when the Centre was closed no staff member was to I risk driving in if the school buses were cancelled. They were concerned about members who might come out! • It is great that Tom is back and little Alex is doing so well!!! 6.3 Fundraising Promotion &Current Initiative Gary Bray updated the board on the following fundraising information: • Donation of wine from Castle Cellar (minimum donation of$10) will be collected and we will thank them with a bottle of wine (charitable receipts are also available if requested) • Big thank you to the Castle Wine Cellar &Village Print Shop for the donations in support of this program • Partnership Fundraisers are planned with both the Courtice Rotary Club and the Bowmanville Rotary Club • Currently the committee has raised$8000 toward the 2012$32,000 goal 6.4 Staff Report (Submitted by Angie Darlison) • Continued support for all events and programs from the membership • Successful Heritage Week Activities • Increased membership continues • Working to improve the daily operations of the 'Wheels in Action Program' • Currently working to organize all of the details and presentations for the AGM • Satelite programs are improving in Courtice with the exceptional support of John H and Angela Adams • Survey results have been posted for the general membership to see, lots of great feedback on this project • 2013 Budget Approval of Municipality and EPC 6.5 Nominating Committee (Submitted by: Past President Don Welsh) The nominating committee of Terry Kelsey,Muriel Moynes and myself have completed the process as outlined in our bylaws. A total of seven nominations were receive along with a letter of resignation from Gary Bray effective the date of our Annual Meeting in March of 2013. From the seven nominations one was disqualified due to being a Non-Clarington resident and another withdrew their nomination just prior to our February information meeting. Upon approval of the membership at the Annual General Meeting the following will make up the Board of Directors for the 2013/14 year. Josie Roberts *2013 Starting 1 It year of her 3rd term Malcolm McCombe *2013 Starting 1,1 year of his 2nd term Norma Evans *2013 Starting 1 It year of her 2nd term Stephen Coles * 2013 Starting l It year of his 3rd term Linda Duffie *2013 Starting 2nd year of 2nd term John Hutchings *2013 Starting 2nd year of l It term Cathie Ward *2013 Starting 2nd year of 1,t term Jim Boate *2013 Starting 2nd year of 1 St term Elaine Spicer*2013 Starting 2nd year of 1St term Alan Bayliss *2013 Starting 2nd year of 1 It term Completing term for the position previously held by Gary Bray Donald Welsh (As Past President) Mayor Adrian Foster Municipal Representative Councillor Ron Hooper Municipal Representative Motion to accept all reports as presented Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Gary Gray CARRIED 6.6 Treasurers Report—Financials Previously Forwarded Linda reviewed our January financials, Angie clarified some increased expenses related to the 15t" Anniversary Celebration. Motion to accept the financial reports as presented Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Jim Boate CARRIED 7.0 Other Business 7.1 Accessibility Update: Don Welsh requested an update the facility accessibility issues, Angie explained that this item is to be addressed by Fred Horvath and the Operations Department. Angie will request an update for the next board meeting. 7.2 Donation Thank you and Bequest Recognition: Don Welsh & Josie Roberts recommended that staff draft up a public thank you to be inserted into the next program guide, as well as distributed within the centre. Angie to prepare a draft for review at the next meeting I I 7.3 Next Meeting-Tuesday March 191h at 3:30 pm 8.0 Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:47 am by Gary Bray I i I