HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1964
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The regular meeting of BowmanvilleTown Council c?nvened at
7:30 p.m. on Monday October 19, 1964 in the Councll Chambers,
Town Hall with His,lorship Mayor Ivan ~~. Hobbs in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday October 5, 1964
be received and adopted.
Ontario Street:
Mr. B, Payne of Ontario Street acted as spokesman for a
delegation of Ontario Street residents who wish to discuss
the Engineer's Local Improvement Report. The matters which
they discussed with Council were:
1. Actual length of the sidewalk.
2. Estimated cost of the installation.
3. The reduction of frontage on Lot 6 Block 23.
~~. Payne indicated that a quotation had been received by
them for a cement sidewalk in this area which indicated a
cost of 33% lower than the Engineer's estimate. It was ex-
plained that the Town found asphalt to be considerably more
serviceable and that tenders would be called to obtain the
best possible price.
The delegation was advised that the By-law to authorize con-
struction of this sidewalk would be given two readings by
Council and application affected for 11unicipal Board approval
following which tenders would be received for Council's con-
1. Stevenson & Kellogg:
"Every clerk, treasurer, engineer, superintendent and depart-
ment head is involved with the challenge of managing the
municipal enterprise. Each elected representative has also
a duty to insist upon sound management practice. Both respon-
sibilities, in turn, require at least an awareness of what the
current municipal management standards are.
In its Municipal l!~nagement Seminar, Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd.
is, therefore, pleased to present:
- An exploration of the concepts and techniques which are
basic to any management situation.
An exchange of ideas, in discussion, reflecting varying
skills, viewpoints and positions.
Page 5
- An intensive examination, under competent guidance; of
the criteria, methods and approaches used in the professional
appraisal of Canadian municipal situations.
Registrations are now being accepted for the November sessions
(see attached form). Please specify alternative dates. Attend-
ance will be limited to keep these meetings lively and, there-
fore, rewarding to you and your associates."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the letter from Stevenson & Kollogg Ltd., dated October 1,
1964, advising of the forthcoming l1unicipal iVJanagement Seminar
be received and filed.
~. Department of Health:
A letter was received from the Ontario Department of Health
outlining the Air Pollution Control Assistance Program.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THil.T the letter f, ~m the Ontario Department of Health respect-
ing the Air Pollution Control Assistance Program, dated
October 5, 1964 be received and fjled.
3. Department of Labour:
"Your letter of September 15, 1964 cldvising th'1t Iilr. R.
Hetherington has been appointed Trench Inspector and Con-
struction S'lf<:ty Inspector is acknowledged.
~egarding the appointment as Construction Safety Inspector,
the prime responsibility for appointment of an inspector for
your municipality is placed on the County of Northumberland
and Durham, who must appoint an inspector. If your munici-
pality cl8sires to withdra w from tho County for the purposes
of the Construction Safety Act, then it must give notice to
the County of this intention. The appointmont of an inspect-
or must be made after the formal notice has been given. The
notice to the County must be given at least three months
before the end of the year and is effective on the first day
of January of the year next following.
Regarding the appointment as Trench Inspector, this is acknow-
ledged and will be recorded. Information re the Act and its
enforceffior-t is being forwar~ed to Mr. Hetherington, and Mr.
W. R. Ovens, Consc,:,uction Safety Officer of this Branch, will
b~ calling on ~rr. Hethe~ington very soon, at which time he
will also contact you to discuss the Construction Safety Act. II
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
~H"T the letter received from the Dep2rtment of Labour Tespect-
ing tho appoint~ent ~f a Construction Safety Inspecto~ ~o re-
ceived and filed 2nd that a letter be forwarded to the ~nited
Counties of Northumberland and Durham advising them that we
wish to withdraw from the County for the purpose of the Con-
struction Safety get, effective October 1st, 1964.
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-3 -
4. Sn.rah James:
"I wish to r'-'port th'lt t'NO chestnut trees in front of my
residence at 50 Horsey Street, Bowm::mville, are (lying :md
becoming unsafe. Theyc:riJ loc'lte::l west of the sidewalk
leading to my front door town.rds the intersection of Horsey
Street with Concession Street.
I would appreciate it if you would report this matter to
Council so th'lt the approprin.te :lction can be taken for their
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH,lT the letter
be received Rnd
for a report of
from r~s. George James, dated October 6, 1964
referred to tho Roads and Streets Committee
the Board of works Committee.
. VI
Finance Committee:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THnT the report of the Finance Committee be amended by chang-
ing the "lO"to a "20" in the first resolution and that the
report as amended be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the procedure outlined re g::trbage qrrears be effected
every year commencing January 1st.
BY -L,,',vS :
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH,lT leave be granted to bring in the following By-l3,ws:
1. ;, By-law to petition for interim payment of the St'ltutory
grant under the High\vay Improvement .iCt on expenditures
made in the year 1964.
2. " By-law to ccuthorize the construct ion of a sidewalk on
Ontario Street under the provisions of the Loca 1 Improve-
ment ..ct.
J. Ji By-law to authorize temporary Borrowing in respect to the
Lord Blgin School ,tddition.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THnT the By-laws be re'ld a first time, referred to Council-in-
Con~ittee-of-the-Whole and read a second time -- Mayor in the
Page 7
liloved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chqnt.
TH"T we rise and report successful second reading of the
By-laws in Committ ee-of -the-'.Jhole.
;bved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
TH.T the report of Council in Committee of the ;[hole on the
By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a third
time, engrossed, signed by the Milyor and Clerk, sealed and
numbi.-red as follows:
^ '''''?II ;""I"'/'Ov,__ "'/ . O,.,""'.N';" '$r. 5".;';.. ....~/k . -. /9..1). - F3
1. A. By-law to petition for :interim payment of the Statutory
grant under the Highw'iY Improvement :lCt on expenditures
made in the year 1964. B!L No. 1923.
2. .i By-law to authorize temporary Borrowing in respect to t
the Lord Elgin School .ddition. BIL No. 1924.
1. Bernard Street:
Nothing further reported in this respect.
2. Sturrock Road:
This matter is to be considered at the regular Board of Works
3. Park Land:
Nothing further reported in this regard.
4. works Department Shed:
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT this matter be referred to the Board of Works Committee
for consideration at their next regular session.
5. Oshawa Wood Products: - Prospect St.
J10ved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH,\T the Town Solicitor be instructed to effect the necessary
action to acquire sufficient land for the widening of Prospect
Page e
6. Beach:
The Clerk reported that in accordance with Council's decision
the Solicitors, Greer and Kelly, had been engaged to act against
violators of the zoning By-law in the beach area and that a
report will be presented in the near future,
7. Kiwanis Club: - Trees
The Roads & Streets Committee Chairman reoorted that necessary
arrangements have been made for the planting of 50 trees in
the Memorial Park area.
e. United Counties Brochures:
Nothing further reported by the Industrial Committee.
9. Frank Street:
It was reported by the Clerk that all matters pertaining to
the Frank Street opening had been cleared and that Council
should now give consideration to enacting a By-law for the
opening of this street. Council suggested that this meeting
would be temporarily aduourned until Tuesday October 27, 1964,
at which time such a By-law would be considered.
10. King Street:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the parking meter located in front of the driveway next
to Stanley's Lunch Lunch be re-located on Division Street
adjacent to the area where the new fence is being constructed.
11. Fire Department:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
TH;\T the Fire Department be granted permission to use a fire
vehicle in the Santa Claus parade.
12. ,irmistice Day:
Con. Leslie, Chairman of the Civic Committee advised that the
,lrmistice Day services had been scheduled for Saturday Nov. 7,
1964 and encouraged all members of Council to attend.
13. Lights:
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TK,T the Public Property Committee investigate the possibility
of the installation of vapour lights on Queen's Avenue in the
vicinity of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.
14. Parking:
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Leslie.
TH.\.T the Police Committee be requested to consider the parking
time limits on the south side of queen Street and report to Council.
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Moved by Deputy Ree.ve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little:~
THdT tbis Council temporarily adjourn until 7:15 p~m. on
Tuesday October 27, 1964.