HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-16 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Clarington Oder Adult Centre Board of Directors Thursday May 16th, 2013 at 9 am Voting Members Present: Steve Coles, John Hutchings, Don Welsh, Linda Duffie, Malcolm McCombe, Josie Roberts, Cathie Ward, Norma Evans, Elaine Spicer, Alan Bayliss, Ron Hooper, Mayor Adrian Foster Non-Voting Members Present: Angie Darlison, Skip Crosby, Erica Mittag 1.0 Call to Order President Steve Coles called the meeting to Order 2.0 Approval of the Agenda Motion that the Agenda be approved as presented Moved by Malcolm McCombe Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 3.0 Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of March 19th and March 22nd 2013 Motion to approve the minutes as presented Moved by Malcolm McCombe Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried Before the meeting proceeded Steve Coles and Angie Darlison presented a gift to Skip Crosby to celebrate his retirement from the Municipality of Clarington. It was a large framed photograph of the Beech Centre. Skip very much appreciated the gift and thanked us all. Skip then introduced Erica Mittag who will be his replacement on the board 4.0 Business Arising from previous meeting 4.1 Review of By-Laws Malcolm McCombe presented the review on behalf of Jim Boate and himself. They felt that there was no need for any alterations or additions at this time. 4.2 Strategic plan review Angie presented the staff's update as it relates to page 19 of the original strategic plan. Adrian Foster addressed the issue in 1.1 which stated that not all members of council participate in our events by saying that the councillors are very busy and that we should not take it as a slight. Cathie Ward would like to see added to report under 3.1 that we are looking for a new facility. Ron asked about Satellite Programming. Angie replied that we are doing what we can but we have limited resources to do any more. Cathie also suggested that we add to 4.2 that we need a volunteer coordinator on staff. Cathie also felt that we should add to 5.1 that we need a monthly newsletter. There was some discussion about this as it is a lot of work. i Steve suggested that at the next board meeting we discuss what we have to do to move forward. Don suggested that a subcommittee be formed, while Angie suggested that we meet for a morning in the summer with Peter Spratt. Safety and accessibility was also discussed, and Angie said that we are constantly following up with the Municipality, as a caring and careful manner is always used in our programming. Angie is going to let us know what dates will be available for us to meet for us to move forward. 4.3 Facility Sub Committee Update The committee is waiting to hear back from the Community Services Department within the Municipality. A trip has been arranged to tour other facilities like ours on May 30th, with many of our Board members and staff. They will be going to a number of Senior centres to the east of the province, including Kingston, Belleville and numerous others. Another trip will be planned at a later date to tour the western facilities. 4.4 Community Services Department Update Skip presented this update and a copy is attached for your review. Motion to accept in principle the reports are provided Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by John Hutchings Carried 5.0 Correspondence 5.1 Letter from Margaret Lover and Pamela Bowers Re: Donation A letter from Lorraine Lover's family was received with a cheque for$5000. This gift is in memory of Lorraine is to be used to buy card tables for the centre as they knew how much she loved coming to the centre and playing cards. 5.2 Card from Whitby Seniors We received a card from Whitby Seniors congratulating the COAA on our 151h Anniversary 5.3 Card from Gary Bray A Thank You card was received from Gary Bray 5A.Minister Responsible for Seniors Re: Seniors month We received a letter informing us that the theme for Seniors month is the Art of Living 5.5. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Re: Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship We have been asked to put forward a candidate for this medal. 6.0 Reports 6.1 Municipality of Clarington Update Ron reported that the Green Road Project is now going forward through to Baseline. The Mayor was not sure what we expected from him as an update, as he felt that Skip was keeping us informed. It was made clear that all we wanted was just information on what was going on in Clarington such as the Wind turbine issue, the Green road project, new buildings and development in Clarington. 6.2. President update Steve thanked Angie and her staff for another great Volunteer Appreciation Night. Also he announced that we have a new transportation coordinator, Sharon Spooner. 6.3. Fundraising update. Elaine reported that the Courtice Rotary President Marie Visser presented us with a cheque for$6,000 at the May 71h Tuesday lunch. Up-coming events are: Saturday May 251h Euchre Extravaganza Friday June 71h to Sunday June 9th Ribfest Motion to accept the reports as received Moved by Josie Roberts Seconded by Linda Duffie Carried 6.4. Treasurer's Report Alan presented the report. He had made some visual changes, which makes it easier to read and understand. He has met with our staff (Angie and Stella), and also with municipal staff in order to fully understand the COAA finances. He intends to continue with these meetings. Motion to accept the report as presented Moved by Alan Bayliss Seconded by Don Welsh Carried 7.0 Other Business 7.1 August 13th Tour of Golden Horseshoe Centre to the COAA There will be 50 seniors from the Golden Horseshoe Region coming to lunch on Aug 13th Angie would like one board member at each table. 7.2 CACAO - EPC Impact Survey Stella is working with the front desk staff getting these surveys to our members. 7.3 Ribfest Representation Angie reminded all the board members to sign up and come out and volunteer 7.4 Durham Elder Abuse Network event. Please see Angie if you are interested in going to this event. It is on June 14th 1 pm- 3.30pm Norma, Josie and Elaine are signed up at this time. 7.5 COAA Picnic Angie is looking for a venue with lots of parking. Soper Creek or the Visual Arts Centre would be ideal. Skip and Ron have offered help with this. 8.0 Adjourned by Elaine Next meeting will be Thursday June 13th at 9 am with Peter Sprott i