HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-20 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Clarington Oder Adult Centre Board of Directors Friday September 20th 2013 9 am Voting Members Present: Steve Coles, John Hutchings, Linda Duffie, Malcolm McCombe, Josie Roberts, Cathie Ward, Norma Evans, Elaine Spicer, Councillor Ron Hooper Non-Voting Members Present: Angie Darlison, Erica Mittag, Regrets: Don Welsh Alan Bayliss, Jim Boate Mayor Adrian Foster 1 , Call to Order i Vice President Cathie Ward called the meeting to Order she explained that President Steve Coles, had a previous appointment, but would be attending later. 2. Approval of the Agenda Motion that the Agenda be approved as presented Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Linda Duffie Carried 3. Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of May 16th 2013 Motion to approve the minutes of the May 16th Meeting as presented Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Elaine Spicer Carried 4. Business Arising from previous meeting 4.1 Budget Sub Committee This committee has to meet before November 15th, but no date was set at this time. 4.2 Facility Update - Accessibility The Operations Department and inspected our facility, and is going to lower the front desk and make it drawbridge style, to give quicker access to the front lobby. Drawings and quotes are being prepared for alterations to the upstairs bathroom as well. 4.3 Review of other Older Adult Centres This has been moved to the next meeting I 4.4 15th Anniversary Celebration Angie reported that there will be a week of activities, starting with Open House this Sunday. She also recommended that we all buy the special T shirts @ $5 each and wear them to the events. The committee also has free gifts for all members (change purses and special pins) that attend each of the events. 5. Reports 5.1 Municipality of Clarington update presented by Councillor Hooper: Ron talked about the sustdinability meeting. He also had a copy of a report from the Government of Ontario called Age Friendly Community Planning and recommended all board members retain a copy to review. He said that the Queen Street project is moving slowly due to Ministry approvals. There is also a condo project for seniors in Newcastle but it is not geared to income. 5.2 Community Services update presented by Erica Mittag 5.2.1 . Erica reported that there are two possible locations where we could park the COAA vehicles, either the Garnet Rickard Centre, or 130 Church Street. It was felt that the Church Street location would suit us best. 522. Older Adult Strategy Update: This is still being worked on, but will be presented to Council in late October or early November. 5.3 Fundraising update presented by Elaine Spicer Fundraising meeting was held on Tuesday, September l Oth. Two fundraising proposals were deferred by the committee 1 . A proposal to collect Tassimo T-Discs, however on investigation it was found that hundreds would have to be collected and shipped to a dis- tribution site to make a too few dollars. Collecting them maybe envi- ronmental friendly, however not very financially rewarding. A letter was send thanking the Beech Centre member for their suggestion. 2. Hanna Travel Group's Older Adult Group Travel proposed using their travel agency for group travel events. It was differed as we already have trips scheduled with another agency. A letter was sent thanking the Beech Centre member for their suggestion. A thank you letter was sent to Don Hutton, President of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville for the $8,000 cheque from Ribfest; we also suggested we would be interested in participating next year and indicated we would like to offer our assistance during the early planning stage. Thank you letters were also sent to the 90+ volunteers who assisted in collecting donations at the gates for the Rotary Kid's Camp and the Beech Centre. The Budget report indicates fundraising dollars are healthy. It was suggested by the Fundraising Committee that staff/Board look at the "wish list" of items we could purchase with some of the money. Fundraising events between now and the next Fundraising meeting are: Saturday, September 28th—Euchre Extravaganza and the 50/50 draw Friday, October 18th—Apple pie event Saturday, October 19th—Dollywood Trip 5.4 President update presented by Steve Coles Steve reported that he is working very closely with Angie solving a lot of everyday issues. He also found that working on the committee that hired Olivia was a good experience. He mentioned that Chelsea (the summer student) did a good job of mentoring Olivia. He announced that there was an exciting week coming up for the 15th Anniversary celebrations. 5.5 Staff update presented by Angie Darlison Angie reported that we have hired a new Program Coordinator, Olivia Lean, and she seems to be fitting in very well. Marie Visser has been hired part-time to look after the Courtice satellite programs. All courses are doing very well and we use the South Courtice Complex as well as the Recreation Centre. We received $6,000 this year from the Government to pay for our two summer students, Chelsea Wolf and Connor Visser. Angie stated that Chelsea did an excellent job on arranging the Health Fair on Open House Day. She also reported that attendance and revenue numbers are continuing to grow, and we have met our target of increasing our membership of 10% a year. To date our membership number is 1941 !! Motion to accept the reports as presented Moved by Josie Roberts Seconded by Linda Duffie Carried 5.6 Treasurer update by Alan Bayliss presented via email. Motion to go into camera Moved by Ron Hooper Seconded by Malcolm McCombe Carried Motion to come out of camera Moved by Ron Hooper Seconded by Malcolm McCombe Carried 6. Correspondence 6.1 Municipality of Clarington Re: Budget Guidelines Budget is due on November 15th and the committee will meet before that date. 6.2 Municipality of Clarington Re: Countryside Discussion Paper This paper contains really good information and can be found on the Municipality website 6.3 Letter to the Board of Directors Steve read a resignation letter from Jim Boate. Motion to accept this letter Moved by John Hutchings Seconded by Cathie Carried A card of thanks will be sent to Jim from the Board and Staff of the COAA after today's meeting. Motion to invoke 6.03B of our Bylaws and ask Muriel Moynes to rejoin the Board for the remainder of Jim's term of office Moved by Steve Seconded by Malcolm McCombe Carried 6.4 Invite from COCOPE We have been invited to an event that COCOPE are having next Friday. Erica will be attending, and also Linda. 7. Other Business 7.1 Vacation/Lieu Time (Alan Bayliss) No discussion 7.2 Courtice Santa Claus Parade This is to be on December 1 st at 1 pm, but as we have an event that day, we cannot support this either by taking part or financially. i 7.3 Computer Access & Usage Policy We are going to adopt a policy and implement it as soon as possible 8. Adjournment Malcolm adjourned the meeting. Next Meeting will be October 11 , 2013 C 9am �I