HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-13 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Clarington Oder Adult Centre Board of Directors Friday October 1 1"� 2013 9am Voting Members Present: Steve Coles, John Hutchings, Linda Duffie, Malcolm McCombe, Josie Roberts, Cathie Ward, Norma Evans, Elaine Spicer, Don Welsh, Alan Bayliss, Councillor Ron Hooper, Mayor Adrian Foster Non-Voting Members Present Angie Darlison, Erica Mittag, Regrets Muriel Moynes 1 . Call to Order by President Steve Coles 2. Approval of the Agenda Motion that the Agenda be approved Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Linda Duffie Carried 3. Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of May 161" 2013 Change within item 6.3. motion was moved by John Hutchings Motion to approve the minutes as amended Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Elaine Spicer Carried 4. Business Arising from previous meeting 4.1 Board update on item 5.6 of previous meeting in camera session Cathie and Steve reported that they had reviewed the parameters and all is worked out. 4.2 Budget Sub Committee (Meeting Tuesday October 151" at 3pm) This committee consists of Steve, Cathie, Alan, Norma, Don and Angie 4.3 Facility Update - Accessibility (Angie Darlison) The work on the front desk is starting today. The electrical work is being done on Wednesday of next week. All the work to make the front desk totally accessible will be finished by this weekend. The upstairs washrooms work is out to tender for accessibility and the street access updates are still in the review process. 4.4 Review of other Older Adult Centres This has been moved to the next meeting 4.5 15'" Anniversary Celebration (Angie Darlison) Angie reported that the budget for this event was $4,000 and we made $4,600. It was suggested that the next time we do anything like this that we spread it out more. 4.6 Board Vacancy (Steve Coles) Steve spoke to Muriel Moynes and she agreed to fill the vacant position on the Board. Motion to fill the vacant position with Director Muriel Moynes Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 5. Reports 5.1 Municipality of Clarington Update (Councillor Hooper & Mayor Foster) The Mayor reported on the fact that the nuclear plant in Darlington will not be a part of the province long-term energy plans. He also reported that $3.5 million is going to be spent on updating the Darlington Park, He reported that the Fish By Pass is moving along and the equipment is back in the water, and 10,000 fish have been moved over the dam. Also bike lanes have been painted around the town. A new LCBO opened today in town and also a store called the Chocolate Factory. A question was asked about the new build for older adults that is being built on the site of the old Bowmanville Senior High School site, and we were told that there were environmental issues involved causing delays. 5.2 Community Services Update (Erica Mittag) 5.2.1 . Beech Avenue Community Liaison Committee Reps Norma and Cathie both declined to be on this committee. Steve asked that we see the terms of reference for this committee before we appoint representatives. 5.2.2 Parking options at 132 Church Street There was some discussion on the value of getting a security system at the Beech Centre. It was agreed that we would get a price on a economy system, however Ron offered us a used system. So this will be looked into. 5.2.3. Older Adult Strategy Update This is still being worked on, but will be presented to Council in November 5.3 Fundraising Update (Elaine Spicer) Nothing to report, next Fundraising Meeting is November 12th at 1 :30 pm. 5.4 President Update (Steve Coles) Steve reported that Peter Spratt's mother died and he went to the visitation. He also thanked everybody for the success of the 15th Anniversary Celebrations, especially the staff. 5.5. Treasurer Update (Alan Bayliss) Alan reported that there are still a few problems with matching month to month budget numbers, but this will be resolved in 2014 as the budget committee will try to allocate the budget numbers month by month. Norma suggested that for the rest of 2013 we just use the budgeted dollar amounts for the whole year of 2013. Alan agreed to do this if he does not resolve the month to month budget numbers for 2013 before the next meeting. 6. Correspondence 6.1 Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Angie received correspondence about this year's Santa Claus Parade. They are not allowing advertising on floats. The Parade this year is November 16th John offered to be in charge of a float group. It was suggested that a signup sheet for float building put up to see if any interest was generated. The Mayor suggested that we could decorate the COAA vans with a Christmas theme and include them in the parade. 7 Other Business 7.1 Angie had a few copies of the Age-Friendly Community Planning Report made for all the Board members to read. 7.2 OACAO Conference Angie reported that Olivia and Maria will be attending this on Oct 21 & 22 in Mississauga, Ron is attending this event as well. 7.3 Satellite Programming Angie thanked Erica for helping to make the Courtice Satellite program work. She has done a great job. The people of Courtice are very happy however now members of Newcastle and Orono are looking for the same opportunities. 8. Adjournment Malcolm adjourned the meeting. Next Meeting will be November 15th, 2013 @ 9am I