HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-15 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Clarington Oder Adult Centre Board of Directors Friday November 15th 2013 9am Voting Members Present: Steve Coles, John Hutchings, Linda Duffie, Malcolm McCombe, Josie Roberts, Muriel Moynes, Norma Evans, Elaine Spicer, Alan Bayliss, Don Welsh and Councillor Ron Hooper Non-Voting Members Present: Angie Darlison and Erica Mittag, Regrets: Cathie Ward, Mayor Adrian Foster 1 . Call to Order President Steve Coles called the meeting to Order at 9 am 2. Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve the agenda with the additions as requested Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 3. Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meetings of October 1 1 th 2013 & November 12th 2013. Motion to approve the minutes as presented Moved by Malcolm McCombe Seconded by Linda Duffie Carried 4. Business arising from previous meeting minutes 4.1 Budget Sub Committee Presentation Angie presented the Budget as prepared by the Executive Committee. A question was asked about raising membership fees, which prompted a discussion about maybe having a graduated fee structure based on age. Angie will break down the membership by age and report back to the Board at the January Meeting. Motion to approve the budget as presented for submission to the Municipality of Clarington Moved by Josie Roberts Seconded by Elaine Spicer Carried I 4.2 Facility Update - Accessibility Angie reported that there is no word yet on the upstairs bathroom upgrades. The front desk is now accessible to the membership, however the low desk is very heavy, and therefore very difficult for the staff and front desk volunteers to lift up. The street access issues have still not addressed. Motion that the municipality board representatives be asked to find out when the accessibility from the street is going to happen and to report back to the Board at the next meeting Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Muriel Moynes Carried 4.3 Review of other Older Adult Centres This will be done as a separate meeting with a date being presented at the January Board Meeting. 4.4 Santa Claus Parade Updates (John Hutchings) Work is being done today on the van, suv and the wagon. Angie asked that everybody come out and support the float. The dates are: Bowmanville Saturday November 16th, Newcastle Sunday November 17th, Courtice November 30th and Orono December 1St 5. Reports 5.1 Municipality of Clarington Update: Councillor Hooper Ron reported that the Queen Street Development is still in limbo due to environmental concerns. 5.2 Community Services Update: Erica Mittag 5.2.1 . Beech Avenue Community Liaison Committee The terms of reference have been received. The Board felt that it was very negative and that it wasn't the best use of time to participate. It was also noted that there have been no issues with the street or the Tennis Club since it was announced that we would like to move. Motion that rather than a Beech Avenue Liaison Committee we would suggest a Clarington Older Adult Strategy Committee be established in its place. Moved by Malcolm McCombe Seconded by Linda Duffie Carried 5.2.2. Older Adult Strategy Update Erica reported that she hoped that she could let us know when the RFP will be out at our next meeting. 5.3 Fundraising update: Muriel Moynes Since the last meeting 2 very successful events were held, Smile Theatre and Euchre Extravaganza. The upcoming events until the end of the year are: Smile Theatre (Nov 22), November 28th start of a Penny Sale in the Lobby, November 24th Scott Woods Show, November 22nd pies by the baking group, December 19th Clarington Concert Band. Looking ahead for the New Year there will be Euchre Extravaganza on January 1 1 th, and a bus trip to Seneca Casino from February 9-11 . 5.4 President Update: Steve Coles Steve felt that we we should celebrate the fact that our membership is now over 2000! He also thanked all the volunteers for all that they do 5.5 Treasurer Update: Alan Bayliss The Board appreciated the new look of the financial reports and thanked Alan for all his hard work. Alan will send out the financial report for November as usual even though we are not meeting in December. Motion to accept the Treasurers report as presented Moved by Alan Bayliss Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 5.6 Staff Update: Angie Darlison Angie reported that there was an article in the Orono Times that the COAA needed to do more in Newcastle. As a result of the article, she initiated a meeting with Willie Woo and Wendy Partner, and our staff along with Ron Hooper, The Library in Newcastle would like to partner with us, and offered us a beautiful room at their facility every day after 10.30am where there is lots of parking. 6. Correspondence 6.1 Bowmanville Hospital Foundation RE: Thank You Note for the loan our stage to them for the Harvest Ball 6.2 For the Love of Art RE: Request for Funding As a committee of council we are not able to sponsor to donate to other events of causes. 6.3 Letter from Community Services Thanking us for meeting on November 12th, and to let us know that they will not be going ahead with the application for New Horizons Funding. 6.4 New Grants The Ontario Government is planning to offer more support for seniors across the province through a new Community Grant Program. This will be the first grant program in Ontario dedicated solely to supporting seniors. This is great news for the COAA, and we will definitely be applying for these funds when the information becomes available. 6.5 Memorandum of Understanding RE: Courtice South Art Hanging i 7. Other Business 7.1 Sports Day in Canada November 30th Community Services are looking for volunteers to help with the Pickleball and the Badminton events. 7.2 Bike lanes A question was raised at the last meeting about parking in the bike lanes, and Erica reported that there are no restrictions to parking in the bike lanes. Muriel mentioned that walkers are using the bike lanes and that the lanes have been put on very busy roads. 7.3 Nomination Committee Don Welsh will head this committee and will bring the names of the applicants to the next meeting. 8. Adjournment Linda adjourned the meeting Next Meeting will be January 17th 2014 @ 9am