HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1964
The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Co\.ncil convened at
8:00 p.m. on lionday October 5, 1964 in the Council Chambers,
Town Hall with His WOI'shio ~lliyor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
110ved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. E. Rundle.
THAT the minutes of the meetings held on Tuesday September eth
and Tuesday September 29th, 1964 be received and adopted.
1. Rot ary Club:
Messrs. Ian Smith, Rex lifalters, and l'~eril Brown, members of
the Civic Affairs Committee of the Bowmanville Rotary Club
appeared before Council to discuss their proposed park project.
l'~. Smith, spokesman for the delegation advised of the club's
purchase of 17 acres of conservation land in the vicinity of
the old McKay I\li11ing Factory. He advised that the purpose of
the Committee in coming to Town Council vvas to have Council
consider extending this area with Town owned land when the
opportunity presents itself i. e. when the area to the north
of the proposed p ark is subdivided, Council should consider
accepting its 5% in land adjoining the 17 acres and possibly
using funds delegated for park purposes to purchase land in
this respect. Following considerable discussion it was:
floved by Deputy Reeve Stevens j seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT when Council considers subdivision agreement in the
vicinity north of the Rotary Park land that consideration be
given to accepting our 5% dedication in extension of the pro-
posed park.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the
matter of a Parks Committee be referred to the Board
Committee for their consideration at their next regular
2. A petition was received signed by thirteen indicating
opposition to the proposed Sanitary Sewer in the vicinity of
Rehder Ave., Sturrock Road, Edsall Ave., Frederick Ave., Barbara
Road, and Jackman Road.
Moved by Deputy Reeves Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the petition received proposing the Sanitary Sewers be
received and filed for further reference.
1. Department of Health:
A letter was received from the Department of Health indicatihg
that the Air Pollution Control Association is holding its
annual meeting in Toronto at the Royal York Hotel from June 20
to 24, 19b5.
Moved by Con. Hughes, Seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter from the Cntario Department of Health - Air
Pollution Control Division respecting their Annual Meeting in
Toronto June 20-24, 1965 be received and filed.
2. The L. O. D. 0-1.
"You have recently received notice of a meeting from L.O.D.A.
and the Ontario Department of Econo~ics and Development con-
cerning the Zone Industrial Development Conference to be held
in your area. It is the hope of this Association that you will
make every effort to attend.
You will find enclosed an agenda for your information. Please
fill out the enclosed coupon and return with your cheque to the
Lake Ontario Development Association, Box 353, Peter borough','
Ontario. Ii
~oved by Con. Hooper, Seconded by Con. Hughes.
TH"T the letter from the L.O.D.A. concerning the Zone Industrial
Development Conference be received and filed.
3. The County Clerk:
"For sometime now the Counties' Council has been thinking of
having a brochure compiled for purposes of advertising our
Counties. It would also acquaint a lot of the local people with
the history, industry and points of interest which these Counties
are so fortunate to have within their boundaries.
A Committee has been appointed by Council and they feel that
one of the first things to do, in connection with getting out
such a brochure, would be to assemble as much information,
pict ures, et c, as possible. Then, this material can be (Jdited
and an interesting folder f'1ade up from the best material sub-
In order that as many ideas and as much information as possible
can be collected, I have been asked to write your Council to
obtain the following:
1. Points of interest, both historical and otherwise, located
within your IIunicipality.
2. List of inJustries and/or main types of farming operations
carried out in your area.
3. Any good pictures which set out types or branches of farming;
industry operations or vacation facilities.
4. Brief history of your Municipality; i.e. date of incor-
poration, etc.
This is a big undertaking but if done well, and distributed
wisely, the brochure could benefit all of the iJ[unicipalities
within the Counties, which in turn would add to the greater
recognition of these Counties' place in the future growth of
the Province of Ontario.
We would appreciate receiving any material you can obtain by
October 10th. Thanking you in advance for your anticipated
co-operation in this project. iI
Moved by Deputy Heeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from the Clerk of the United Counties of
Northumberland and Durham dated September 17, 1964 respecting
compilation of a brochure advertising the County be received
and co-operated by forwarding it to the Industrial Committee
to reply.
4. The Royal Canadian Legion:
"The perwission of the Town Council is hereby requested for the
holding of our Branch's Annual canvas of Poppies in the Town ~
BowmBnville on Friday evening, !'!ovember 6th and Saturday,
November 7th 1964.
Hoping that this reouest meets with your approval and reply,"
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH"T the letter from the Royal Canadian Legion dated September
21, 1964 be received and that we grant permission for the Branch
to hold their annual canvas of poppies in the Town of Bowman-
ville on Friday evening November 6th and Saturday November 7th,
1964. Council Chambers to be used by Legion if they require
5. The Oshawa and District Labour Council:
"As a result of an accident, which happened on Highway 401
between Oshawa and Bowmanville, where a truck was demolished
by fire and due to foolish rules and regulations that involve
fire fighting equipment, the owner of the truck was unable to
get fire protection, due to the location where the fire took
The Oshawa and District Labor Council urge that a review be
made of by-laws respecting the confinement of fire fighting
equipment and that these by-laws be reviewed and amended so
that any similar situations arising, protection may be given
to their property.
vledask this for. th!;l reason!. that. although this particular fire
d~ not resu t ~n loss or ~1'e, ~t very-welI COUld have and
before something of this hature takes place, we feel corrective
measures should be taken."
llioved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
Tl-L,T the letter recc.ived from the Oshawa and District Labor
Council dated September 21, 1964 regarding Fire Fighting Agree-
ment be received and that the Oshawa and District Labour
Council be sent a copy of the letter forwarded to the Fire
Department in respect to fire for their information.
6. The Board of Transport Commissioners:
,i letter was received from the Board of Transport Commiss-
ioners indicating that consideration will be given to adjust-
ments in telephone rates and charges in tarrifs of the Bell
Telephone Company and asked for any submission that Council
might wish to make.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH"T the Notice from the Board of Transport Commissioners
respecting Telephone Rates dated September 22, 1964 be re-
ceived and filed.
7. Office of the Fire ilIarshal:
"How many fires can your community afford this year?
~hen you look at it that way, it is easy to see the terrible
waste of lives and property created by Pll,;';VENT;,BLE fires in
Ontario. Because nine out of ten fires could have been PRE-
VENTED - and there were 25,652 fires in the province last
year taking a total of 209 lives and .152,421,532 worth of
Every year the Govenor General of Canada and the President of
the United States find it of such serious import that they issue
proclamations jointly declaring this seven days of concentrated
effort Fire Prevention Week. This came about in 1922 when both
Canada and the United States were shocked by the mounting toll
of lives and property in the two countries.
Active participation in this vital program by municipal council
rYlmbers will have lasting benefits. They should discuss with
the Fire Chief how every householder, every merchant and every
property owner can be made interested in the problem of fire
prevention and take steps to remedy defective heating equipment
and wiring, and remove rubbish to reduce the hazard of fire;
give consideration to reque~;ts for funds, submitted by the Fire
Department to carryon this work; personally speak to public
meetings, on the radio and television in support of Fire Pre-
vention, and release messages for the newspaper. Most local
advertisers are willing to sponsor advertisements supporting
the campaign during ~ire Prevention Week and material has
been supplied to the newspapers for a special section on this
Your Fire Chief has information which tells him where he may
obtain Fire Prevention literature, posters and related material
necessary to publicize the campaign.
Hore of this may bl' obta ined free of charge due to a contrib-
ution made by the Fire ihrshal's Office in co-operation with
the .iCl?H-C,FC ,Toint Fi::'e Prevention Publicity Committee. Local
fire departments submit Fire Prevention Reports to this Office
which are forwarded to the National Fire Prevention ;issociation
in Boston for judging in classes based on the population of
the municipality. It is a matter of record that the department
with the highest standing in Dast yea rs in this inter-national
contest were those who received the most co-operation from
Municipal Councils and the various organizations in their com-
If your municipalit7 has no Fire Department may we suggest tra t.
you urge all residents to carry out a program of care, clean
up and common-sense caution - not only for this week but at
all times.
iilay we count on your Wholehearted support to make your Fire
Department an international winner and your community one of
the most fire-safe places in Canada?
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.
TWlT the letter from the Office of the Fire Harshal regarding
the 1964 Fire Prevention Contest be received and send for pam-
phlets and make available to the public.
" C;,rUlED"
e. Bowmanvi11e B. & F. Club:
",,'auld you please obtain permission from Council at the next
Council r~eeting for the Bowmanville Business and Professional
domen's Club to conduct the annual drive for funds for
U.N.I.C.E.F. by tagging Friday night, October 16th, and Satur-
day, October 17th, 1964."
lioved by Con. HooDer, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TH,lT the letter from the Bowmanville's BUSiness and Professional
Club dated October 1, 1964 be received and that we grant per-
mission for the club to conduct its Annual Drive for funds f~
D.N.r.C.S.F. by Tagging Friday Night October 16th and Satur-
day October 17, 1964.
9. Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville:
"Kiwanis International is celebrating its 50th anniversary
during 1965. Kiwanis clubs allover the world are celebrating
this Golden ,mni versary during the coming year.
The Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville would like to plant fifty
trees in the Town of Bowmanville this Fall.
It has been suggested by our club that these trees be flower-
ing crab-apple, which has been declared Canada's Centennial
,re would like to knmJ if there is anv particular location in
the town that the Council feels would be suitable for these
doved by Deputy ,1GGve Stevens, sGconded by Con. Hooper.
Tj-LlT the letter from the Bowmanville Kiwanis Club dated Oct-
ober 2, 1964 bG received and that the Roads and Streets Com-
mittee be delegatc-)d to work this matter out ",ith the Kiwanis
Club with power to act.
10. lljemorial Hospital:
"Several comments have bc,en m:J/ie recently about the dangerous
~raffic situation created by par~ing at the intersection of
Prince and Liberty Streets. Ilhen cars park too close to the
intersection, it is necessary to nose out well into Liberty
Street in order to gain a clear view.
I wonder if Council would consider approval of signs, both
to the north and south of the intersection, indicating that
there should be no parking tight to the corner.
AS there are already two signs on either side of the fire
hydrant, stating that there should be no parking between signs,
the situation might possibly be solved by allowing the mor8
southerly of the two signs to be moved almost to the corner
so restricting parking entirely across the front portion of
the hospital. Such a change would serve the pur90se, I think,
and save the cost of a special sign."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Chant.
THaT the letter from the ifumorial Hospital Board dated October
1, 1964 be rE;ceived and referred to Folice COG1-rnittee for report
consideration and to discuss Hith HosYJital "dministration.
11. Board of Transport Commissioners:
Ml official order of the Board of Tr'lnsport Commissioners
Has received respecting the installation of automCltj.c protec-
tion at the crossing of the Canadian National dailwaysund
Simpson ,.,venue.
Moved by Deputy ,teeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH,tT the Order of the Boarci of Transport Commissioners for
Canada respecting protection of the crossing of the C.N.B.. and
Simpson ,lVenue be received and filed.
V ","POreT S
1..Jelfare Department:
f10ved by Con. Leslie, secondod by Con. Hughes.
TH"T the report of the ',Jelfare Dept. for the lllonth of September
1964 be received and adopted.
2. Building Inspector:
00ved by Con Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie.
TH.iT the report of the Builr.ling Inspector for the month of
September 1}64 be received a~d adoDted.
3. Roads ,,' Streets Depcctment:
;10ved by Reeve Little, secondExl by Con. Hooper.
TH,S the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the
month of ,mgust 1964 be received and adopted.
4. Police Department:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. &~hes.
TH.,T the reports of the Police Department for the months of
,mgust and September 1964 be recei.ved and adopted.
5. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit:
I,loved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy rtoeve Stevens.
TH,lT the lCeports of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for
the months of June, July and "ugust 1964 be received and
"C"R lI~D"
1. Finance Committee:
lloved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THaT the minutes of the Finance Committee dated September 21,
1904 be received and adopted.
2. Board of VI arks Committee:
(joved by Deput y Re8ve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH"T the minutes of the Board of .larks meeting date'.-l Tuesday
September 29, l064 be received and adopted.
3. Police Co:nmittee:
;10ved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie.
TH,lT the minutes of the Police Committee dated October 1, 1964
be received and adopted.
~~~~.:: ~.:..\
,-.-. ) tit. ~
4. loads and Streets Committee:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TH.,T the minutes of the Roads and Streets Committee dated
October 2, 1964 be received and adopted.
liloved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, Seconded by Reeve Little.
TfLT the accounts of the P"ID P"'IOR in the total amount of
i70,126.04 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THaT the accounts of the FINaNCE D;::PT. in the total amount of
'1363.36 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Hughes.
TH"T the accounts of the DOG CONTROL in the tot'll amount of
~p23 .19 be and are here by passed for paymcmt.
Mov~d by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH..T the accounts of the FIR;:; D:EPT. in the total amount of
~212.11 be and are hereby passed for payment.
doved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Leslie.
TH;,T the accounts of the INDUSTRLL COl1J'HSSION in the total
amount of ,44e.OO be and are hereby passed for payment.
doved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
TH"T the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of
i156.34 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH"T the accounts of the PUBLIC PHOPERTY in the total amount
of ~6.el be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hughes.
TILT the accounts of the .J2:LF.lRE DEPT. in the total amount of
Rl,246.e2 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THaT the accounts of the ,tQ"DS llND STRE:<;TS DEPT. in the total
amount ofr3, 862.92 b,) and are passed for payme!lt.
rloved by Deputy Heeve Stevens, s"conded by Reeve Little.
TH'iT leave be granted to bring in the following By-la,..r.
1. " By-laVl of the Corporat ion of the Town of Bowmanv:ille
to authorize the construction of certain works as Local
Improvements under the Local Improvement .,ct.
2. ., By-law to authorize the sale of part of Township Lot 10 in
t,he Broken Front Concession in the Town of BoVltnanville and
option thereof to Harry Locke and Jack Con Locke.
j'iloved by Con. Cha,nt, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
nLT the By-law be read a first time referred to Council in
Committee of the Whole, read a second time, Mayor in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH"T IN" rise and report successful second reading of the
by-laVis in Commit tee, of the '}hole.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie.
TfLiT the reDort of Council in Committees of the Hhole on the
By-la~{ be received and adopted, same be now read a third time,
engrossed, signed, by the Mayor and Clerk sealed and numbered
as follows:
1. " By-law of the Corporation of the Town of 130wmanville to
authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improve-
ments under th2 Local Ii1provement ;,ct. B/L ;~(). 1921.
2. ., By-law to authorize the sale of part of Township Lot 10
in the Broken Front Concession in the Town of BOl,'manville
and option thereof to Harry Locke and Jack Con Locke.
B/L No. 1922.
1. DeJong - Bernard Street
Nothing further reported on this matter.
2. Sturrock Road:
Iiloved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TH..T l'~. E. Rehder be invited to attend the next regular Board
of Works meeting to discuss this subject.
3. Park Land:
'rhe Clerk advised that eval uat :'-ons have been made by two
ioca 1 realators on the land owned by the Town on Third ST.
These have been forwarded to the Department of Hunicipal
Affairs for approval.
4. Ontario Street Sj.dewalk:
The following Local Improvement !teport was submitted by IV"Jr.
W. T. Dempsy:
REPORT OF THE ENGIlEER OF THE CQitPOR,.TION, oursuant to "cction
40 of the Local Improvement Act, respecting the construction
of an asphaltic concrete sidewalk on the street named in
Schedule ",," hereto annexed.
I "i. 'l' . Dempsey, Engineer .for the Corporation of the Town of
Bowmanville, having considered the matters herein after mentioned
respecting the construction of an asphaltic concrete sidewalk
as above set out as a local improvement under the provisions of
The Local Improvement .lct R.s.b. 1960 Chapter 223,'and aG1endmmts
DO HE;REBY iEPOHT To thce Council of the Tovln of Bowmanvill,e,
pursuant to sect ion 40 of the" said "ct, as follows:
1. The estimated lifetime of the work is twenty (20) years.
2. The estimated cost of the work is ~2,255.00.
J. The Corporat ion's share' of the aforesaid cost of the work
should be.i60. 4$ .
4. The lands abutting directly upon the said sidewall: and on
the same side of Ontario Stre'2t as the said sidei'l',"lk should be
specially assessed with an c:mnual rate of U::.2<f per foot
frontage for a period of ten (10) years.
5. The special assessment to be i;'lposed on Lot 6, Block 23
should be reduced by an OlrJount equivalent to the reduction
of its frontage Olbutting on the work by 37.0 feet but the
whole lot should remain liable to the special assessment as
so reduced.
b. dS set out above, the special assessments are to be payable in
ten (10) annual instOllments.
D,"TED at Oshavm this Jrd day of October, 1964,.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TlhT the report of:-. T. Dempsey respecting the Local Improve-
ment Sidewalk on Ontario Street from Nelson to Liberty Streets
be received and Clerk notify petitioners of costs prior to any
further action taken by Council.
5. Works Dept. Shed:
" report in this respect is awaited.
6. Oshawa ,food Products:
Nothing further reported in this regard.
,0 "'""'1
? Hatters reeferr"d to :toads and 3tre"ts:
These matters reported on b;1 thee committ,,'e.
8. M:lUsoleum:
In reply to the Clerk's request for a report from the Dept.
of Health on the condition of the ilil\J:::;uJ.eum, the following
was submitte:!:
"2urpose of Visit
The mausoleum structure was examined to determine its condition
and advise on necess3.-,-'j' repairs to meet the Depart[]ent' s re-
Fersons Seen
I\Ir. J. L. !t8id, Clerk-Treasur8r, Town of Bowmanville
I'Ir. ,1. Ha"ee, Cemetery Superint endent
Information Obtain,,:!
The structure is the property of GiJorge Shaw Construction
Limited, which has offered to sell it to the Town of Bowmanville.
Before Council will considiJr this matter further, they are
anxious to know the scope and cost of repairs to the structure
to meet the Departrrlimt' s requiremcmts.
Conditions Observed
(l) "rt ificial Stonework
The horizonta 1 "aullion under the top crypt nearest each retain-
ing wall is cracked at both ends. This appears to be the only
defect in the ce.st stone facing that has occurred since Mr. E.
Sanderson's inspection on December 13, 1960. The top of the
right hand colucnn on its northerly f3.ce, is cracked and there
is a loose chip of cast stone. This has been noted on a photo-
graph taken by I'Ir. Sanderson in 1960, as had a fine vertical
crack near each end of the facia panel above the column capital
in ea ch case.
Four crypts were exami.ned from the inside. They were the top
and bottom crypt,s adjacent to each end column. Both bottom
crypts were found to be dry and free from cracks. The top
crypts were found to be dry, but in each case at the top corner
nearest the retaining wall, where the roof joins the side wall,
there are two substant ial cracks and spalling of concret e.
The crack in the angle between roof and wall, in the case of
th" left top crypt, extends fro'l1 the front to the rear. In the
c::,se of the right top crypt, the crack extends in about 3 feet
and there is spalling of concr3te.
The roof is covered with a few inches of loam and is sodded.
The roof slab is 0~{posed at the 3", NT; and ILl corners. ,i.t
these points the tar felt covering the roof was found to be
brittle and not adhering to the concrete. The cracks observed
in the top cornor crypts could be seen at the SE and HE corners
on the outside walls of the structure.
Concret,e "pron
The putty filler in the joint between the concrete apron and
the structure has become hard and is partly dislodged.
The apron has fine cracks in three places and there is an area
of surface spalling of the- trO\{e;lled mortar finish.
General Discussion
The defects noted do not, in the writer's view constitute a
safety hazard for the public or for peraons concerned with the
operation and maintenance of the cemetery.
!'!ost of the defects observed are considered by the writer to
be due to ineffective water and moisture proofing, coupled
with freezing and thawing. Continual maintenance; and repairs
will be required, unless the basic causes are remedied.
If this structure is to be maintained in an ae;sthetically sat-
isfactory condition appropriate to its location and intended
use, the follm'ling measures should be undECrtaken:
(1) The roof and top 12 inches of the side and back walls
should be covered with a high quality durable waterproof
membrane hiwing good ddhesion to the structure. Particular
attention should he paid to points where cracks or joints
indicate that '10veJnent h'is or may continue to take place.
l'roper flashings should bo provided at these points. This
work should be carried out by Q reputable specialist firm,
which should also be given a maintenance ca~tract covering
the entire structure.
(2) The fractured mullions should be cut out and replaced.
(3) Permanently flexible sealing compound should be used to fill
(4) If the cracks and spalling in the concrete apron are con-
sidered objectionable, a surface dressing of tarred chips
might be provided.
(5) Estimates should be obtained from specialist contractors
of good repute to cover
(a) cost of remedial work to bring the structure to a sat-
isfactory state as outlined above, and
(b) cost of regular inspection and maintenance under con-
tract to keep the structure in a satisfactory state.
Moved by Deputy Reeve SteYECnS, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the owner of the Mausoleum be forwarded a copy of the re-
port from the Department of Health asking that he consider
repairing the building in accordance with the report at which
time this Council will consider negotiation of its equation.
9. 3t. John's Church: ,-ieport of Building Inspector
"In reply to your request to look into the merits of a Church
Due to the traffic lights at King and Temperance Streets and
the various other necessary parking meters, oarking signs, and
other business signs at this ,'lain intersection, the Church Sign
could be more conspicuous at the alternate suggested location
at the south-east corr12r of King and Scugog Street.
I have checked vlith ;;ir. Don HcGregor of McGregor's Hardware
and they have no objection to its erection adjacent to their
building. "
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TH"T we concur in thi! recommendation of the Building Inspector
and that we notify the Church of our approval, all of vlhich
is subject to the Ontario Department of Highways due to the
fact that this sign is to be locat2d on the public highway.
I10ved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THaT th2 meeting adjourn 10:15 p.m.