HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-20 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Clarington Oder Adult Centre Board of Directors Thursday February 20th 2014 Voting Members Present: Cathie Ward, John Hutchings, Malcolm McCombe, Josie Roberts, Muriel Moynes, Norma Evans, Don Welsh, Councillor Ron Hooper Non-Voting Members Present: Angie Darlison Regrets: Steve Coles, Elaine Spicer, Linda Duffie, Mayor Adrian Foster, Erica Mittag 1 . Call to Order Vice President Cathie Ward called the meeting to order 2. Approval of the Agenda Motion that the Agenda be approved Moved by Muriel Moynes Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 3. Approval of the previous meeting minutes from Friday January 17th 2014 And, Thursday January 30th 2014 Motion to approve the previous meeting minutes as presented Moved by Malcolm McCombe Seconded by John Hutchings Carried 4. Business arising from previous meeting 4.1 Older Adult Strategy -Terms of Reference The Terms of Reference approved by the Board at the January 30th 2014 meeting will be presented to the Council tomorrow (Friday January 31 St 2014) 4.2 Nomination Committee Update: Don Welsh Motion to go into Camera Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried Motion to come out of camera Moved by Norma Evans Seconded by John Hutchings Carried Motion to extend the nominations for 7 days until February 26th 21014 at 4pm A conflict of interest was declared by Cathie Ward, John Hutchings and Elaine Spicer. Moved by Josie Roberts Seconded by Malcolm McCombe Carried 4.3 Council Budget Presentation - Angie Darlison Angie showed us the presentation that she will be presenting on Friday February 21 st 21014 to the council. It was an excellent presentation, and many of the Board members were planning to attend. 5. Correspondence 5.1 Thank You from Central School We received a thank you from Central School for the Juice Boxes that we donated to them for their Breakfast Club. These boxes were left over from our Children's Christmas Party 5.2 Municipality of Clarington RE: Senior of the Year Award The Municipality of Clarington would like us to nominate a Senior 65+ for this Provincial Award. 6. Reports 6.1 Municipality Update: Councillor Hooper Councillor Hooper reported that the Queen Street Development has been approved. Also that he has talked to Ron Albright about putting in a sidewalk at the front of our building 6.2 Fundraising update: Muriel Moynes Muriel reported that we just had three very successful fundraising events: The Euchre Extravaganza, the Youth and Community Leaders Dinner & Auction and Ladies Night Upcoming events are: Barn Dance - February 21 st 2014 with live band- Good Times Trivia & Pub Night- Wednesday February 26th 2014 Smile Theatre- Friday February 28th 2014 Euchre Extravaganza - Saturday March 15th 2014 6.3 Treasurer Report- Alan Bayliss sent via email This was deferred until the next meeting that Alan can attend 6.4 President Update: Steve Coles Copy attached Motion to accept reports as presented Moved by Malcom McCombe Seconded by John Hutchings Carried 7. New Business 7.1 Working committee on Senior's and Aging in Durham - Cathie Angie has been invited to work on this committee. Motion that Angie will represent the COAA on this Committee and will pay her expenses Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 7.2 Centre Scent Policy There has been an increased issue with scents, cologne, etc at the centre and also in the vans. We will increase awareness, by mentioning the policy at our events, eg at the lunches, euchre, and other events. 8. Adjournment John adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be called by the chair based on the nomination committee results.