HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/1964 . COUNCIL ilIIl'JUT2:S Page 6 The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at e:OO p.m. on Tuesday September e, 1964 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present: I LORD'S PRAYGR:- II ADOPTION OF MINUTES:_ Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the minutes of the meeting held August 10, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED III PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS:_ PETITIONS:_ . 1. Local Improvement:- Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the Local Improvement petition received from residents on Ontario Street having been certified sufficient by the Town Clerk be received and that Mr. Dempsey, P.Eng. be asked for necessary report. CAHRIED 2. Bernard Street:- . A petition was received from residents in the vicinity of Bernard Street requesting that this street be paved. N~. Rowland B. Spencer, spokesman on behalf of the petitioners indicating their displeasure with the dust condition they are forced to put up with because of the failure of Mr. DeJong to have this street paved. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the petition received from residents of the Bernard Street area be forwarded to the Town Solicitor for his information in conjunction with the action being taken by Council to have the paving completed by N~. DeJong. Carried Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the matter of dust eminating from the Bernard Street Road Allowance also be relayed to the Town Solicitor asking that he make an effort to have this looked after during the action re- ferred to in the preceeding resolution. CARRIED IV COHrvIUNICATIONS:_ 1. Town of Port Hope:- Aug. 20, 1964. .. "At the recent County Session in CObourg, it was suggested that e______the eight municipalities comprising of the Durham County District High School Area have their ~~yor/Reeve/Deputy Reeve meet in the Council Chmabers of the Town of Port Hope at 7: 45 p.m., Tuesday, September 15th, 1964. This meeting is to discuss the recent request of the Area Board for the new Vocational addition to the Courtice High School. .. ~- . . ~ . e Page 7 - 2 - Would you please let us know at your earliest convenience, if your representatives would be able to attend." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter received from the Town of Port Hope be received and that the Town be represented at the proposed meeting by one of the representatives outlined in their letter of August 20, 1964. CARRIED 2. Durham County District High School Board:- Aug. 19, 1961.. "On August 6th, the Board sent you a resolution regarding the Vocational addition to Courtice High School. The enclosed resolution is in the form required by the County Solicitor when the issue of debentures may be required. Would you kindly give early consideration to both resolutions? We need one copy only of the earlier resolution. The second resolution should have five copies completed - four copies to be returned. It Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH,iT the letter received from the Durham County District High School Board dated Aug. 19, 1964 be received and held in abeyance pending a report following the meetjng referred to in the pre- ceeding motion. CARRIED 3. Canadian National Railways:- "Please refer to your letter of June 25, 1964. Enclosed are two copies of an estimate in the amount of ~28,200 covering the in- stallation of two short arm gates with flashing lights and one bell at the above location. Annual maintenance cost is estimated at :;i;e50. If automatic protection is ordered, it is recommended that the reflectorized signs be relocated to the crossing at Mile 2.97, M"aynooth Subdivision.'I Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter received from the Canadian National Railways dated August 21, 1964 be received and concurred with. CARRIED w. Township of Darlington:- Aug. 21, 1964. "At the last session of Darlington Township Council, a resolution was passed, amending our Fire Protection Agreement, by increasing the annual stand-by fee by ~700.00, effective for the 1964 payment. I trust that this action will meet with the approval of Town Council." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter from the Township of Darlington dated August 21, 1964 be received and filed. CARRIED Page e . - 3 - 5. Department of Highways: - August 26, 1964. "\Ve are enclosing your copy of the Audit Report on the Road Expenditures of your Municipality, for the year 1963. The Department will be glad to receive any comments by the Officers of the Municipality on the matters contained therein." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the Audit received from the Department of Highways be re- ceived and filed for future reference. C;;'RRIED 6. Luther C. Welsh:- September 4, 1964. . "I would like to have Council consider the dangerous situation on Liberty St. N. I am of course referring to several road accidents near my home. The most recent being in front of my driveway Sept. 2, 1964. From my property to the north there are no sidewalks and a very narrow subway. If Council feels that these difficulties cannot be remedied im- mediately I would surely hope an alternative method of giving our Dolice force radar enforcement to slow traffic down to the 30 MPH which I feel is absolutely necessaryl Surely a second near tragedy is enough warning to the c it izens of responsibility." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter received from Luther C. Welsh dated September 4, 1964 be received and referred to the Police Committee for study and report back. . CARRIED 7. 3t. John's Church:- August 24, 1964. "I have been instructed by the Advisory Board of St. John's Anglican Church, to approach the Town Council with the request for your permission to erect an Anglican Church sign directing strangers to the Church. If the permission is granted we would be prepared to erect same. It has been brought to our attention that Tourists and others passing through town have been unable to find their place of vilor- ship. The Anglican Church have these signs in most Cities, Towns and Villages in Canada, as you are no doubt aware. St. John's would like to provide this same information in our Town. Thanking you and awaiting your reply, I am, On behalf of St. John's Advisory Board." . Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter received from St. John's Church be received and asked to furnish further information in respect to size, location, etc. CARRIED e . . . F'le:e 9 - 4 - e. John James:- September 8, 1964. ""[auld appreciate permission to install new driveway at 85 Church, including removing curb and replacing sidewalk to join in with new asphalt driveway." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes. TH;3 the letter received from J. James be received and left with Roads and Streets with power to take necessary action. CARRIE D ? St. Joseph's Church:- AUgust 28, 1964. "Would you be kind enough to contact the Chairman of the Board of Works regarding an entrance to the Church Parking Lot off Parkway Crescent. vie have hard-top on our lot but the area we refer to is boulevard. Three times we have put pit-run gravel there but a hoJe' always devel:Jps." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Chant. 'l'H."T the letter from the St. Joseph's Church be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with power to act. MOTION LOST Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter from St. Joseph's Church be referred to Roads and Streets Committee for investigation and report back to Council. CARRIED 10. Ontario Building Officials Associatlon:- September 2, 1964. 'lAt your earliest possible convenience, would you please bring the enclosed letter of invitation to the attention of members of Council for their consideration and possible reply." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. TH~T the letter received from the Ontario Building Officials Association dated September 2nd, 1964 be received and filed. CARRIED V REPORTS:- Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THi,T the Welfare report for the month of August 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. 'l'H~T the report of the Building Inspector for the month of August 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIBD Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the report of the Roads and Streets for the month of July 1964- be received and adopted. CARRIED .VI e. ~ .VII . Pi1~e 10 - 5 - REPoaTS OF COI~i[ITTEES:- 1. Board of Works:- Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. TH~T the Board of Works minutes dated September 1, 1964 be received and adopted. In amendment it was: Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH"T the resolution be amended by adding thereto "that item #1 respecting M. J. Moore be referred to the Finance Committee." Ci\RIUED Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. That the Board of Works minutes dated September 1, 1964 be received and adopted and" that item #1 respecting M. J. Moore be referred to the Finance Committee." CARRIED 2. Finance Committee:- Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. TH.~ the Finance Committee report minutes dated September 2, 1964 be received and adopted. C"RRIED 3. Ronda and Streets Committee:- Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle. TH,S the Roads and Streets Committee minutes dated September 3, 1964 be received and adopted. CJ\RRIED J\CCOUNTS: - Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. TH,\T the account s of the P,dD PRIOH in the total amount of $61,272.e9 be and are hereby passed for payment. CJ\RRIED Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the account s of the FIN,d~Cii: DEPT. in the total amount of $eo.69 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice. TH"T the accounts of the DOG CONTROL DEPT. in the total amount of ~40.14 be and are hereby passed for payment. CAtLRIbD Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THJ\T the accounts of the Flitii: DEPT. in the total amount of $104.79 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRrrw . . . . Page 11 .6- Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH"T the accounts of the INDUSTRIAL COMiitISSION in the total amount of ~1.07 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THnT the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of 'p241.10 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIrSD Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH,S the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPGRTY DEFT. in the total amount of ~54.82 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THilT the accounts of the WELFdtE DEPT. in the total amount of $1,269.70 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. TH1,T the accounts of the ROADS & STRE"TS in the total amount of ~6,371.ge be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED VIII BY -L"viS:- 1. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT leave be granted to bring in the following By-laws: 1. A By-law to authorize an agreement with the Corporation of the Township of Darlington. 2. A By-law to appoint a Building Inspector, Trench Inspector, Weed Inspector and Construction Safety Inspector and to rescind By-law le7e. 3. A By-law to authorize the execution of a proposal and estimate of costs and its submission to the Administrator of Highways. CARRIED Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the By-laws be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time. Mayor in the Chair. C,\RRIED Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice. TH1~ we rise and report successful second reading of the By-laws in Committee of the Whole. C,lRiUED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. TH,iT report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a third time en- grossed, signed, sealed and numbered as follows:- . . IX . . Pag" 12 - 7 - 1. A By-law to authorize an agreement with the Corporation of the Township of Darlington. BIL No. 191e. 2. A By-law to appoint a Building Inspector, Trench Inspector, Weed Inspector and Construction Safety Inspe ctor and rescind By-law le7e. BIL No. 1919. 3. 11. By-law to authorize the execution of a pro:oosal and estimate of costs and its submission to the Administrator of Highways. BIL No. 1920. 4. A By-law to license, regulate and govern Hawkers BIL 1902. and Pedlars C,\RRIi5D Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH,~ Mr. W. Dempsey, P. Eng., be engaged to prepare a proposal and estimate of costs as required by By-law No. 1920 in respect to the widening of King Street between Ontario and Liberty Streets, pursuant to a Connecting Link "greement. CARRIED NEW AND UNFINISH~D BUSINESS:- 1. Sturrock Road:- Nothing further reported. 2. Park Land:- Nothing further reported. 3. Works Department Shed:- It was reported that !4r. Dempsey, P. Eng., was presently preparing plans and specifications in this respect. 4. Referred to the Police Department:- 1. Request of Public School Board- 2. Request of Lorne Haynes - Chairman of the Police Committee advised as yet a meeting had not~nheld to consider these matters. 5. Oshawa Wood Products:- Nothing further reported. b. Bernard Street:- This matter was reported on under Petitions and Deputations. 7. Sewer Project:- west of Scugog Street. It was decided that at the regular Board of Works meeting scheduled for September 29th, 1964 the engineers from Proctor and Redfern would be requested to attend to outline the contents of their reports in respect to the various local improvements under con- sideration. The Clerk was authorized to advertise this meeting to indicate a welcome to tax payers involved in order that they may be furnished with all information and be given the opportunity to express their feelings in this regard. 8. Referred to Roads and Streets:- 1. E. J. Foran matter - It was reported that this matter had been looked after, it can be deleted from future Agenda. . eX . . Page 13 - e - 9. Recreation Department:- His Worship the l~yor made reference to the recent report$ fur- nished Council by the Recreation Director indicating tnat Mr. Fanning be complimented for keeping Council so well informed. Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we do now adjourn:- 9:20 p.m. CARRIED "'_h_