HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-245-88 DN: 245-88 (�/ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE '16 � 3 .fib . -3o . c� � REPORT l 1 File # ICJ. Res. # -- �� By-Law # I MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, November 21, 1988 REPORT #: PD-245-88 FILE #: OPA 88-69/N, DEV 88-87, 18T-88061 SUBJECT: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - APPLICANTS: SYVAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. PART LOT 27, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE FILES: OPA 88-69/N, DEV 88-87, 18T-88061 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-245-88 be received; and I 2. THAT the applications submitted by Biddle and Associates, on behalf of Syvan Developments Limited and Chibra Developments Corporation, to permit the development of an One Hundred and Eighty-Six (186) lot Plan of Subdivision, to include Twenty-four (24) Townhouse units and One Hundred and Four (104) Apartments, be referred back to Staff for a subsequent Report pending Staff's receipt of the outstanding comments; and 3. THAT the applicants and applicant's agent be so advised. 1. BACKGROUND: i 1.1 On August 11, 1988 the Town of Newcastle Planning Department received an application for rezoning from D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Chibra Developments Corporation and Syvan Development Limited to amend By-law 84-63. . . .2 �u) 7V (�/ REPORT 00. : PD-245-88 PAGE 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Subsequently, on &ogoot II, 1988 the Town was advised by the Regional Planning Department of an application to amend the Town of Newcastle official Plan and an application for Plan of Subdivision. The subject Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment would seek to implement a Plan of Subdivision, proposing 186 single family dwellings, 24 townhouse units and an apartment building with 104 units on 14.1I hectares of a larger 25.06 hectare parcel of land. 1.3 The official Plan Amendment would recognize the Medium and High Density , Blocks, being the tovmzbooaee and apartments, as well as an increase in the overall density of the development. 1.3 The Zoning By-law amendment would also recognize the medium and high density blocks. In addition, the lots proposed are primarily 13 metre lots requiring an nOcbou Residential Type Two (Il3)11 zoning. 3. LOCATION: 2.1 The lands are located east of Beaver Street, auotb of Highway 0o. 2 and north of Highway 0o. 401, being Bart Lot 27, Concession l' in the � Village of Newcastle. 3. 8UIRDO0DI0Q LAND D8B8: 3.1 The lands to the west are primarily existing residential development, being the older Dart of the Village. The lands to the north are also reodieutial and commercial, noting that these lands front on Highway 0o. 2. The Newcastle Lodge for Seniors is located to the north as well. The lands to the east are presently vacant, with some commercial development to the northeast. Staff would note that the applicants own the lands to the east of the subject site. In addition, the lands to the southeast abut Graham Creek as well as the Highway 0o. 401 and o public ocbomI site is to the south. /Y7/�N oy REPORT 00. : PD-245-88 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. PUBLIC NOTICE: Staff would note for the Committee's information that, pursuant to Council's resolution of July 36' 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Art, the appropriate aiguage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. 5. CIRCULATION: , 5.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. � The following is a summary of the comments received so far: 5.2 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department noted that the site is recognized within the five mile response area of Station 0o. 2. The applicants would require to comply to the appropriate sections of the Ontario Fire Code and the Ontario Building Code. 5.3 The Qauacaoba Conservation Authority noted no objection provided Block 207, currently designated "Hazard Lands" in the Durham Regional / official Plan, be retained as such. 5.4 The Ministry of Transportation noted that Permits are required for all buildings and signs prior to construction. In addition, all buildings would be required to be setback a minimum of 35 metres (85 feet) from highway centre line. 5.5 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education indicated a concern to the proposal, noting that the proposal would generate approximately 100 students. The school to the south, is at its present capacity. However, if the proposal is approved, the Board would require o walkway from the subdivision to the school property as well as a six foot chain link fence to be installed where the subdivision abuts Newcastle Public School property. REPORT NO. : PD-245-88 PAGE 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.6 Staff would note that Newcastle Hydro, Ontario Hydro and Durham Regional Health Department would offer no objection. 5.7 Staff would note for the Committee's information that comments are still outstanding from the following departments/agencies: - Newcastle Public Works Department - Newcastle Community Services Department - Regional Public Works Department - Ministry of the Environment - Separate School Board - Bell Canada - Consumers Gas 6. COMMENTS: 6.1 Staff have reviewed the application within the context of the policies in the Town's Official Plan and noted that developments are restricted to Low and Medium Densities in the Small Urban Area of Newcastle Village; specifically the overall density shall not exceed 14 units per net residential hectare. The proposed amendment to the Official Plan includes 104 unit apartment building on a 1.31 hectare block which yields a density of 79 units per net residential hectare for this block alone. Further examination of the proposal reveals the entire development would have an overall density of 27 units per net residential hectare, twice as much as anticipated in the Town's Official Plan. Our initial assessment is that such high density development may not be in keeping with the existing Small Urban Area environment and in addition, may use up sewer and water service capacitites intended for other vacant residential land in the Village. 6.2 Staff would note that as a result of the Public Notice, a number of inquiries were received with respect to the access into the subdivision from Edward Street. The main concern was the increase in the density as well as the route that the children, attending Newcastle Public School, could be rather dangerous because of the increase in traffic. I . . .5 jy B8g0BT 0O. : PD-345-88 PAGE 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6.3 This report is prepared for the purpose of facilitating a Public Meeting in anoncdauoe with the Planning Act requirements. Once all outstanding comments are received, Staff will be in n position to report bank to Committee with respect to this application. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee --------------- Franklin Wu, YY.C.I.P. OChief eeff Director of Planning 6 Development i t ative Officec ' ~ CRVmIW*j' *Attach. November 9, 1988 CC: Cbibra Developments Corp. CC: D.G. Biddle & Associates Box 479 96 King Street East NEWCASTLE, Ontario 0S8&W&, Ontario LOA 1BO LlB 1B6 CC: Synau Development Ltd. 214 King Street East 80WYA0VILLO^ Ontario LlC lD3 ( iii. m 1:1 rei:il V±VA too _ / 1 t t L t t t • t. - �■�