HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/1964 .' . 4. COUNCIL MINUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at $:00 p.m. on Monday August 10, 1964, with His \lorship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. I LORD'S PRAYER: All members present: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: III . Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the Council minutes of July 6, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED PETITIONS & DBPUTATIONS: 1. The Clerk advised that a petition had been filed with him under the Local Improvement Act for a sanitary sewer extension on Liberty Street. This petition was not sufficiently signed and is being returned to the first named thereon for further cons iderat ion. 2. Mr. William Gordon who appeared at the last regular session advised that he was present to hear the report to be presented by the Dog Control Committee resulting from their recent in- vestigation of matters submitted to Council by him. IV . COMIVlUNICATIONS:. . . .-~ 1. George Shaw Construction Ltd:- July 7, 1964. "Subject to our telephone conversation of to-day's date and the above captioned building! we, George Shaw Construction Limit ed, offer to the City of Bowmanvil1e, the !~usoleum building and attachments thereoh and will relinquish all ri€~ts to the building and grounds for any cash offer on which the City of Bowmanville may decide. This offer subject to an acceptance offer being received in this office prior to July 22nd, 19D4. Our company has been assessed by the Income Tax Department as the Bowmanville JI'lausoleum being an asset in our books, with an approx- imate value of ,p15,000.OO. The deadline in our assessment dis- pute is July 22nd, 1964. If it is impossible for the City of Bowmanville to make any offer on this property prior to July 22nd, 1964, would you be kind enough to inform us of this so that we can pass your letter to the Income Tax Department for reference." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter received from George Shaw Construction Limited dated July 7th, 1964 be received and investigated further before any action, Finance Committee to check and report. CARRIED . . e .. 5. - 2 - 2. Bowmanville Public School Board:- July 6, 1964. "At the regular meeting of the Bowmanville Public School Board, held on Thursday, July 2, 1964, Principal Thompson reported that Scho91 Crossing signs had been erected on the Streets approaching the ~ord Elgin School. The Board has asked me to express thanks to you for having these signs erected. During a discussion on the School Crossing Signs, it was suggested that it might be a good idea to have two more signs erected on Scugog Street - one south of Second Street for the northbound traffic and one north of Fourth Street for the southbound traffic. Many children cross Scugog Street from Jackman Road and from houses on the west side of Scugog Street and use both Second and Fourth Streets to go to the Lord Elgin School. Your kind consideration of this suggestion will be appreciated..t Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter received from The Bowmanvil1e Public School Board dated July 6, 1964 be received and referred to the Police Com- mittee for report back. CARRIED 3; Dept. of Education - CommunityBranch- July 6,1964. "vre are pleased to inform you, that for grant purposes, the Minister of Educatioh has approved the appointment of Mr. Thomas A. Fanning as Director of Recreation for the Town of Bowmanville." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter received from the Community Programmes Branch dated July 6, 1964 be received and filed." CARRIED 4. Bowmanville 'I[omens Institute:- July 10, 1964. "Would you please inform Town Counc 11 that the Bowmanville Vromens Institute wishes t 0 make a donation of twentY"" five dollars. This is towards the upkeep of the Ladies public washroom. We hope to make a yearly donation for same." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter received from the Bowmanville Women's Institute dated July 10, 1964 be received and acknowledge with thanks from Council. CARRIED S. F. J. Newman:- July 11, 1964. "I wish to register a protest against the operation of a business by Cliff Pethick at 137 Scugog St. in a residential district. Water trucks are operating from 6 am to 11 pm turning in and out of this driveway endangering the lives of little children next door and youngsters going to and from the playground. A permit was issued over a year ago for this building and it is still uncomplete and a sight for sore eyes in a residential area whereare the building inspectors? 6. - 3 - . I demand as a taxpayer that steps be taken to correct this situation. I presume that Cliff Pethick has been assessed a business t ax for 1964." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter received from F. J. Newman dated July 11, 1964 be received and a letter forwarded to Pethick reminding him that this is a Residential area and that Commercial business is not per- mitted. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT solicitor be contacted for his opinion in respect to the Pethick matter. . CARRIED 6. Lorne Haynes:- July 11, 1964. "I would like to have the Town of Bowmanville I" emove two parking meters situated on the East side of Temperance Street and direct- ly south of King Street as this would ease our parking situation~ The reasons for my request are listed as follows: At present time I am required to pay a Taxi Licence of ',~60.00 yearly for six taxis yet I am only allowed parking ~pace for three cars. When we do occupy these two meters, we have to put money in them just like the public, yet our taxi might only be there for a few seconds before it goes out on call again and when we come back a private car is usually parked there on our money and we certainly cannot ask them to move because we put the money in that particular meter. . Also due to lack of space on the weekends we are forced to park cars at the back of the building. Very recently we had a brand new 1964 Pontiac scraped up by children while parked at the back. The car was scratched up so badly that it will require a com- plete spray job to restore it to its original condition. Had it been at the front this would never have happened. One other thing, we feel that at present time that when we pull away from the Taxi Stand we are pulling into direct t'raffic and we have already had one accident this way. If we had use of the space occupied by these two meters this also would be remedied. I trust that you will look into this matter for me immediately and correct this existing situation. Thank you." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter received from Lorne Haynes, dated July 11, 1964 be received and referred to Police Committee for report. CARRIED . 7. Mr. L. Nichols:- July 24, 1964. "This is a reque st to council that the hedge to the south of my property, which is planted on town property, be trimmed back again this year. This hedge is at least 4 feet high and starts 10 feet in from t,he road. . e . . 7. - 4 - It is again blocking the view of the road when backing out of my driveway. I suggest that !vlr. Richards be informed of the by-law concerning hedges and it either be kept trimmed down to the required height or removed from town property. I don't know of any good reason why I should have to bother Council with the same matter e.very year. Thanking you." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, second ed by Con. Fice. THAT the letter received from ;4r. L. Nichols dated July 24,.1964 be received and that the Clerk inform Mr.. Richards of the Tov;o's By-law and ask for compliance. OARRIED 8. City of Joodstockl- July 16, 19641 "At a recent council meeting the financial problems of operating an ambulance service WGre discussed particularly with regard to the difficulties experienced in collection of charges on out-of- town calls. Calls to provincial highway accidents outside municipalities has been the chief cause of collection difficulties with the end re- sult being that ambulance service,s in many smaller communities refuse to make such calls. With these difficulties in mind, our Council has directed that the following resolution be circulated among Ontario i\fiunicipalities for support. RE:30L1Jo;D that letters be written to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Health for Ontario, the Minister of Transport and the Local M.L.A. urging that amulances be subsidized fur calls to traffic acc";ldil.nt.s..outside of their home municiDalities or that hospitals be authorized to pay ambulances for such calls and look to the Provincial Government for re-imbursement and that this resolution be sent to all municipalities for endorsement. We would ask if you could advise whether or not your municipality desires to support this resolution.". Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle. THi1.T the letter received from the City of :loodstock dated July 16, 1964 be received and concurred with. CARRIED 9. Ian Martin Associates Ltd.:- July 29, 1964. A letter was received from this Company advising of the services which they have to offer. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter received from Ian Martin Associates Ltd. dated July 29, 1964 be received and filed for future reference. CARRIED 10. City of Barrie:- July 30, .1964. "The Council of the City of the City of Barrie has passed the attached resolution and have requested the endorsation of your Municipality to have the Provincial Government amend theMunicipal e . . . 8. - 5 - Act accordingly. We would be pleased if you would p}'2sent this to your Council for their consideration and advise us accordingly." "That Vie reauest the Provincial Government ta add a subsection to Section 473 of the Municipal f'.ct authorizing any Munici pal Council, with the approval of the property owner concerned, to plant trees at municipal expense within 8 feet of their property line on their private property. This would give clearance of vision for traffic, shade to sidewalks and reduce trimming costs as they li{Ould not be under utility 1tlires. That we also request the Ontario jvlunicipal Association, The Ontario M<.'lyors and Reeves Association, and the Council of Ontario Towns and Cities to endorse this." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THliT the letter recej.ved from the City of Barrie dated July 30, 1964 be received and concurred with. Ci,Rl1.IED 11. County of Northumberland and Durham:- A. copy of the Councies By-law to equnlize the Assessments of the various municipalities within the Counties for the year 1965 was received. ., ~loved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the Counties equalization Byi.-law be received and referred to the Finance Corr~ittee for their information. Cf'.HiUED ll. Durham County District High School Board:- Aug. 6, 1964. "To accommodate the requirements for more Vocational space, the Board has asked the Department of E:ducatj.on to approve a Voca- tional addition to Court ice High School to accommodate 630 more pupils. As Courtice now has 490 pupil seats, the school would eventually have 1060 spaces. The Department has given tentative approval for this project. Enclosed is a resolution to be considered by your Council giving the Board permission to make the preliminary steps. Kindly re- turn one copy to the Board office and keep one for your files. If your approval is received, it is plannod to start construction in the spring of 1965 and the addition to be ready for September 1966. Your early consideration of this resolution would be appreciated." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. ViHE.i(EAS the Durham County District High School Board has applied to the Department of Education for tentative approval of a Vocational addition to Courtict' High School and ,,,rHj~[~Ej,S tentative approval has been received under date of July 30, 1964, therefore, be it resolved that the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville give tentative approval to the project and that the High School Board may engage an architect, prepare plans and advertise for tenders for the project. CA.RRIED 9. - 6 - . 13. E. J. Foran:- Aug. 6, 1964. "I respectfully desire that you would bring to the attention of His \lorship the IVIayor and l<1embers of Council, a condi ti on that is causin~ us considerable trouble at our house driveway at 113 Ontario Street. When Ontario Street was resurfaced last year, the extra elevation causes our cars to strike the pavemenc when backing out of our driveway, resulting in several damaged tail pipes to cars using our driveway. Hoping you will see fit to correct this condition in the near future." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hughes. THilT the letter received from i<:. J. Foran dated [mg. 6, 1964 be received and referred to Roads and Streets with power to act. ~ Carried. 14. Mrs. Victoria Frank:- "I recently received a letter from Hr. Rei.d, the Town Clerk, advising me that a compla:Lnt had been received against the sign erected on my lawn also the parking of our t ruck in front of our premises. . It is imoortant for us to identify oursc,lv3s and our business and since th~ only pole in front of our. property is a hydro pole, on i'lhich it is unlawful to haw' a sign, I did have this sign placed on our lawn, quite forgetting that this part of the lawn was actually Town property. For this I apologize. Had I realized it, I suppose I would have applied to the Council for permission to erect it. If there had been any objection at that time I would have been turned down and t hw:~ been saved ~,200. 00 which it cost. To run the wiring to this sign it was necessary to dig a trench right across the lawn four feet dep and connect it to the meter in the house. It is auto mati cally timed and burns for about three hours at night. Higgon EIGctric did the wiring and it was appro ved. For two years it has stood there and there has never been any objection raised to it, as it is a considerable distance back from the Highway on the South sid8 of the road, so it co,~ld not possibly block vision up or dOlrHl the street. As I have driven around, there are dozens of signs erected on Town property. Merchandize is displayed up and down the front street on the sidewalk, so have I been the only offender. . Since this complaint was lodged in the past three or four months, I felt there was more behind it than appears. I have talked with the three people who sigmod this petition. Mr. Lyle> Hooper said it no longer concerned him for he did not own property on the street and he was sorry he signed it. Mr. James Bedford said he had signed it before even moving up in our neighborhood and since he had moved, he found the sign did not bother him at all and suggested I ignore the whole matter. Mr. Larmer said the only time it had bothered him was when one of the lights became loose and fell over, shining in his house. He does not have any children and the sign does not effect him in any way he said. I understand that there is a possibllity of a sewer being laid along the front of the properties on Scugog St. I would be most grat"ful if I could be permitted to leave this sign until that time, for undoubtedly it would be necessary to cut through the . e 15. 10. - 7 - cable and remove the sign anyway. Right now it is a very pretty sight with a bed of red petunias in green evergreens. Our truck is no 10nQer parked at r;he front, so there is really nothing to obscure vision. Thank you for taking the time to read thi.s letter and I hope I may hear favorably from you." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH,S the l8tter rec8i ved from I.1rs. Victoria Frank dated August 1964 be received and filed. CARRIED 15. Russell Honey, M.P.:- July 31j 1964. "I am enclosing a copy of my letter of to-day's date to j\lIr. R. A. Emerson, Vice-President of Canadian Pacific Railways, which is self explanatory. AS mentioned in the letter, the Chapel Street residents appear to be quite satisfied with the new arrangements. I do not know whether or not this matter originated in Council but if it did, and you want to report his conclusion to Council, it will be quite satisfactory to me." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THriT the Clerk forward a letter of thanks to iVJr. Honey for the work effected on our behalf in regard to the matter and the suc- cessful completion thereof. CAltRIED V REPORTS: . . 1. Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the report of the 'ilelfare Department for the month of July 1964 bo received and adopted. CARRIED 2. Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the report of tho Building Inspector for the month of July 1904 be received and adopted. C"RRBD 3. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH'lT the report of the Roads &; Streets for the month of June 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED 4. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT Lhe reports of the Police Dept. for the months of May, June and July 1964 be received and adopted. CARRnD 5. Moved by Con. ][;llldle, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the report of the Dog Control for the month of July 1964 be received and adopted. C,<RRIBD .VI . VII . . 11. - 8 - REPOi1.T S OF Cmcll'UTTE;';S: L Roads & Streets Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the minutes of the Roads &; Streets meeting held July 9, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED 2. Board of Works Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THieT the minutes of the Board of darks Committee dated July 20, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. TH"T the Fire Department Policy as previously adopted by Council be rescinded. CARRIED Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the minutes of the Board of 'ilorks Committee dated A.up-ust " 10th, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED 3. Dog Control Committee Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice. THieT the report of th'2 Do!'; Control Committee dat'3d August 10th, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED ACCOUlJ'fS: Moved by Deputy. Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the accounts of the P,iID PRIO.1- in the total amount of ~31,602.33 be and are hereby passed for payment. CaRRIED Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the accounts of the FIN.,NCE DEPT. in the total amount of $539.74 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice. TH.,T the accounts of the DOG CONTiWL in t!18 total amount of $40.75 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle, THAT the accounts of the FIRE D~PT. in the total amount of $115.14 be and are hereby passed for payment. C"RRIED . . 12. - 9 - Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH.iT the accounts of the INDUSTfl.LI1 Cm.'liJIIS3ION in the total amount of ~1.72 be and are hereby passed for payment. CaRRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, secen1ed by Con. Fice. TH;'T the accounts of the PeL ICE jJEPT. in the total amount of 1p344.87 be and are hereby passed fer payment. C,IRRHD Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH;,T the accounts of the PUBLIC Pi1.0P""RTY in the total amount of :;115.27 be and are hereby passed for payment. C,d<U~~D Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant, T!'L,T the accounts of thevlELF,lHE DSPT. in the total amount of ,pl,139.04 be and are hereby passed for payment. C"l.l{H.I.8D Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH,;r the accounts of the RO"DS & STdE:STS in the total amount of ~13.766.50 be and ~re hereby passed for payment. C.,!UIED VIII BY-L,i'NS: .IX . Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded hy Reeve Little. TILT By-law 1909 be amended in accordance with the suggestions of the Department of Municipal ..ffairs - submitted for their consideration and presented at the next regular meeting of Council for final reading. CaRRBD NEVi & UNFTN1SHED BUSIN;~SS: 1. Sturrock Road - nothing further reported in this respect. 2 . Par k Land ,;, The Clerk reported that the Corporation had considerable more land to sellon Third Street than was first anticipated. The proceeds then would allow for a larger purchase of P~rk Land from Carruthers than expected. The Clerk is to proceed with the sale of these lots and report as soon as possible. 3. Works Department Shed:- D.H.O. Letter - July 20, 1964. "Further to my meet ing with yoursel f at the above sit e, attached please find a print of the approved revised Scheme No.6. .;s you will recall this change was necessitated by the incorrect bridge location shOlm on our plans for the service road. If this treatment now meets your Council approval, may we have a letter please." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con.. Leslie. TH.<'!' we proceed to obtain D.H.O. approval as previously agreed upon. CAnRIED . 13. - 10 - . 4. Vlhiteman complaint - Jackman B.oad:- The following reDort was received from the Medical OfficET of Health. "The above mentloned premises WE;re inspected by public health inspector, Irlr. vi. ,I. Ford on July 10 and 16, 1964 following your request for a report. Mr. Ford reports that l'iIr. Lewins is using debris to build up a driveway. This does not appear to constitute a public health nuisance. However, it is unsightly and a source of annoyance to the complainant." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THHT the report received from Dr. Horner be received and filed. CHRRIBD . In accordance with Council's resolution on July 6th; a copy of thiL, report will now go to Mr. :Jhiteman. 5. Oshawa Wood Products:- Nothing further reported in this regard. 6. Franklin Park Lacrosse box:- II report in th is rpgard will be sub- mitted at a future meeting. 7. Local Improvement s:- These matters to be discussed at the n,gular Board of Works meeting vrith the P.U.C.'s engineer. S. Bernard Street - Dejong:- Nothing further reported on this subject. 9. Other Matters:- . 1. Filling in watercourse on Bass Line. The Chairman of the hoads and Streets COIlLrnittee advised that this watercourse had been filled however that he was unable to determine who had done this. No action was taken. 2. Tree at 106 Church Street. The Clerk reported that the Road Superintendent had ordered this tree removed. 3. Letter from E. O. Knapp Jr. Nothing reported in this regard. Hedge on Wellington Street. 4. . Deputy Reeve reported that this matter had been con- cluded. . . . . . 14. - 11 - 5. Staff Policy. " Staff Policy was presented by the Committee appointed to report, and was adopted on motion of Councillors Hughes and Hooper. b. New Library Building. 1'1oved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. TtL.'R we agr.:;e that the tender submi tt ed by Brooks Construction is the more desirable anu instruct the architect to return the bonds to the other contractors. C,\RRIED ri[oved '::y Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hughes. TH"T we do now adjourn (9:45 p.m.) CARRIED