HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-252-88 DN: 252-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � Y ti �s� i REPORT File 3 _/ Res. # -_ By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: November 21, 1988 REPOT #: PD-252-88 FILE #: 21.1 SUBJECT: PROPOSED PRODUCTION INCREASE KEYSTONE SAND AND GRAVEL PIT LICENCE PART LOT 2, CONCESSION 5, DARLINGTON i RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-252-88 be received; and 2. THAT the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised that the Town of Newcastle has serious concerns with respect to the proposed increase in the maximum annual production limit from 15,410101 tonnes to 500,0001 tonnes, as requested by Keystone Sand and Gravel Pit licenced in Part Lot 2, Concesison 8, former Township of Darlington; and I 3. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Nattral Resources. . . .2 I REPORT 00. : PD-252-88 PAGE 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ l. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: 1.1 on November 10, 1988, the Town of Newcastle was advised by the Ministry of Natural Resources of a request by Keystone Sand and Gravel to increase the maximum annual production limit of its pit licence for Pact Lot 2 , Concession 8, Darlington (see Key Map) from 15,000 tones to 500'000 tones. 1.2 The subject pit has direct aooeoo onto Regional Road 20. Residents in the area of Regional Road 20 have indicated serious ooucecuo to Town Staff with gravel truck traffic along the rood. These concerns relate to such matters ( as hours or operation, noise, safety and speed of the trucks. As well, on June 13, 1988, Council directed Staff to prepare a report on current aggregate extraction activity in the area and to provide information on a number of issues including traffic counts. 1.3 The production iuccomae requested by Keystone Sand and Gravel would result in a 33 fold increase in the maximum aggregate production potential of the subject pit. Assuming a capacity of 35 tones per truck and 300 working days per year, the pit as currently licensed would generate on average maximum of 3 truck trips per day. The requested increase, at the maximum permitted production levels, could generate approximately 95 to 100 truck trips per ( day. Recent traffic count data provided by the Region of Durham Works Department indicates that currently, there are approximately 1I00 tconh trips per working day along Regional Road 30. 1.4 It is recommended that the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised that the Town objects to the request by Keystone Sand and Gravel, and further that the Town has a serious oouoeru regarding the volume of mineral aggregate produced in the vicinity of Regional Bond 20 and the volume of truck traffic consequently generated on area roads. /� (!y' REPORT 0O. : PD-252-88 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee � 0—60u �� _ _____-______ Franklin Wu, M.C.Z.P. �av��euce E. �� Director of Planning 6 Development Chief Admini r tive officer JAS*FW*cc *Attach. November 14, 1988 CC: Mc. Bill Atkinson, Ministry of Natural Resources, ( Lindsay District 333 Kent Street West LINDSAY, Ontario K9V 4T7 - > - - - - -- Z' , CD - - ---- - - -- - - - - -, -- -- ono, m EGIONAL RO i o co ­ c —I Ln C) D LONGSAULT ROAD 1-�- -- — --- C7.. D $ D o W MURPHY ROAD-..-- DARLINGTON-CL 10 W INE DARLINGTON+MANVERS TOWNLIN • CONCESSION 8 CONCESSION 9 CONC.10 V7_\