HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-270-88 � DN: 270-83 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � REPORT Fi le MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday December 12, 1988 SLRJECT: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION AND REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: WEST' BOWMANVILLE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. PART LOT 15/16, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-270-88 be received; and 2. THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by William Daniel on behalf of West Bowmanville Developments Ltd., be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the applicant and the interested parties indicated hereto. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In September, 1988, the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department received an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The application was submitted by William Daniel on behalf of West Bowmanville Developments Ltd. The rezoning would permit the development of 10.6 ha (26.19 acres) parcel through Site Plan Approval south of Highway No. 2, east of Green Road, north of Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way and west of Martin Road. REPORT NO. : PD-270-88 PAGE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 In October 1988, the Regional Planning Department advised Town Planning Staff that an application had been submitted to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan to permit the development of a sub central area with 240,000 sq. ft. (22296 sq.m) of commercial floor area. Approval of the said applications would allow the applicant to develop the site for various retail department store type merchandise and personal service uses. 1.3 Staff would note for the Committee's information that, pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands and, surrounding property owners were advised of the proposal. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 2.1 Within the Durham Regional official Plan the subject lands are designated "Residential". Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property is within Neighbourhood 113C11 and is designated Low Density Residential. 2.2 Staff note that a rezoning application (DEV 88-11) also submitted by William Daniels on behalf of West Bowmanville Developments, was approved earlier this year, to allow for the development of a Local Central Area with up to 60,000 sq. ft. (5600 sq. m) in total floor area. The present rezoning and Official Plan applications if approved would build on this base to achieve a 300,000 sq. ft. (27900 sq. m) commercial floor space within a sub-central area. 3. CIRCULATED AGENCIES 3.1 To date, comments remain outstanding from nine (9) of the circulated agencies: Newcastle Community Services Department; Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; Regional Public Works Department; Ministry of Transportation; Ministry of Environment; Ontario Hydro; and C. P. Rail. 3 REPORT NO.: PD-270-88 PAGE 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 The Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Board is the only agency which has objected to the applications to date. A copy of their letter is attached to this report. 3.3 Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Staff have noted some concerns with the proposal. These include storm drainage; road and intersection designs; projected traffic volumes; and potential pedestrian traffic generated. These are a few of the areas in which the applicant is required to provide greater detail to the satisfaction of both the Public Works and Planning Staff. 3.4 Regional Planning Staff has noted no objection to the rezoning at this time, but will provide further comments on the proposal through the Official Plan Amendment application. Ministry of Natural Resources Staff have noted a concern with regards to an unnamed warm water stream which traverses the property. They advise that no damming, dredging, channelizing or other alteration may be carried out without their authorization. 4. STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 Staff has not received any studies or documentation to date which support the applications or attempt to show the need or desirability of developing such a project. These studies include, but not limited to, traffic and retail analysis. As noted earlier there are numerous agency comments outstanding, and Staff will not be prepared to make recommendation until these are received. Staff further note, the concept of whether this application is feasible and its impact on Bowmanville and Newcastle as a whole must be addressed through the Official Plan Amendment, prior to considering the Rezoning and Site Plan Application. 4 REPORT NO. : PD-270-88 PAGE 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. RECOMMENDATION 5.1 As the purpose of this report is for the Public Meeting as required under the Planning Act and in consideration of the number of comments and documentation which remains outstanding, Staff are not presently in a position to make final recommendation on said appliation. Therefore, it is recommended that this appliation be referred back to Staff until such time as all the outstanding comments are received. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee ----------------- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. awrejnceEE Kotseff Director of Planning & Development Chief A m'n strative officer CP*FW*cc *Attach. December 1, 1988 CC: Mr. Wm. J. Daniell 70 Beacham Crescent SCARBOROUGH, Ontario MlT lN1 Design Plan Services 385 The West Mall Suite 303 ETOBICOKE, Ontario M9C 1E7 R. W. Goudy Property Valuators and Consultants 29 Scugog Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LlC 3H7 BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE I a 0 EDC1a BOWMANVILLE P.O. BOX 365 BUSINESS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. L1 C UI Fr-A 'J ovember 15th, 1988 NOV x 5 198$ Mr. Carlo Pellarin, Planner TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Development Review Branch PLANNING DEPARTMENT Town of Newcastle 40 Temperence Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario r L1C 3A6 Dear Sir: Re: Rezoning and Official Plan Amendment Applications - Applicant: Wm. J. Daniell Part lots 15/16 Con. 1 former 3bwn of Bowmanville Your file: ",DEV' 88"990& OPA'88-87/D/N Further to our letter of November 3rd, I would advise that the Bowmanville B.1.A. at its meeting held on November 8th lasted passed a motion opposing the above applications. The following are our concerns and objections: 1. There are now either "accepted" or "being considered" applications for nearly double approximately 200,000 square feet of retail and personal service existing in the Bowmanvile Main Central District as follows: (a) Darlington Properties north side No. 2 Highway west of new arena 80,500 sq. ft. (b) Phase 1-Wm, J. Daniel - south side No. 2 Highway - across from arena 60,000 It " (c) Phase 2-Present application of, Wm. J. Daniel south of No. 2 Highway 240,000 It It Total 380,000 . 'I It 2. There is adequate space for commercial development in the Bowmanville Main Central District. The figures of development iri the main central district are quoted in the 1985 Ontario Municipal Board Decision in the Pythbo matter at page 14 as comprising some 500,000 sq.-•feet"bf retail and personal service floor space potential with there being at the present ' time some 200,000 sq. feet only existing,retail and personal service floor space. Following the Pythbo application being turned down by , the Ontario Municipal Board, the A & P grocery store did make a sub- stantial addition to their store premises at the corner of Liberty & King Streets in Bowmanville, and it is intended in planning documents that other commercial establishments will either expand their facilities or purchase new properties within the main central area and add tp the commercial floor space for the shopping public of the Bowmanville area.-. . 2 November 15th, 1988 3. New Approved Subdivisions are in the East & North Part of Bowmanville. There have been over 400 registered subdivision lots approved in the Mearns Avenue area north of No. 2 Highway and the Liberty Street Concession area which naturally would flow for commercial use to the Bowmanville Central District. Substantial building of homes has already taken place in this area and there are several further applications for subdivision approval before Newcastle Council. 4. Empty Commercial Spaces in the Main Central District. There is sub- stantial commercial floor space available in the central area particularly in the Veltri Complex where office space was recently vacated by the m Town of Newcastle. 5. There has been an increase in the Bowmanville population since the Pythbo hearings and Decision but this population has been substantially in the north and east sectors of the former Town of Bowmanville and would be served by the main central district. 6. The Bowmanville B.I.A. supports the Durham Region Official Plan which permits and encourages the development and revitalization of the Bowmanville Main Central Area to 500,000 square feet of retail and personal service floor. space from its present approximate 200,000 square feet. Approval of the present application-of 240,000 square-feet (which is more than the Pythbo 180,000 square feet turned down by the O.M.B. in 1985) would jeopardise that Official Plan objective to make the Main Central Area the focal point of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area and therefore should not be given, We refer to pages 14 and 15 of the 0.M.B. Decision of the Ontario Municipal Board dated February 15th, 1985 by W.H.J.: Thompson, its Vice-Chairman. 7. Impact of the Proposed Commercial Developmemt on the Main Central District .If Mr. W.H. J. Thompson in his O.M.B. Decision was concerned about the impact of the 180,000 square feet of commercial floor space in the Pythbo application on the Main Central District, there is certainly a major concern of the impact-of the 240,000 square"'feet of this application and total of 380,000 square feet being proposed on the viability of businesses in the Main Central Area. 8. Many Central Business Areas in Cities and Towns in southern Ontario and elsewhere which were focal points for their communities have been adversely affected by the development of large malls. We don't want to be added to the list ! We enclose a copy of an article concerning Peterborough Mall development and action being taken which appeared in The Toronto Star on September 14th, 1988. _ Thank you for -this opportunity of submitting concerns and objections of the Bowmanville B.I.A. We would appreciate being advised of the progress of this matter. Yours ve truly Encl. George Webster, Chairman' t. « eterborough may block malls to save downtown By John Driscoll Special to The Star PETERBOROUGH — City council is . studying proposals that could save dawn- director Jim Itulesays. = tolvn-Peterborough from falling victim to "I have told developers that if they can shopping centres in the outskirts. justify their development with detailed re- The plans suggest the downtown`core search and market studies, they should - remain the primary retail centre and that make their best case and council will de- , nd new shopping centres or additions to tide each application on its merit," he existing centres be permitted until mar said. ket surveys show they will not threaten it. He.pointed out that Peterborough is tt:was also suggested that the next' now in the midst of a building boom and JLr Shopping centre be built on the east-_ J-as things change, commercial- policies �`-pp-g- - may be altered. ern outskirts of the city, but only after a The consultants' report said the down- market survey. town area is "in relatively good.health The proposals were presented to council but"fragile." last week and will be the subject of two Evidence of that fragility surfaced dur-' in the summer when five downtown . public meetings Sept.27 and Oct.5. g Mayor Sylvia Sutherland says such poll stores in one block closed within two cies are not unusual. months. "There are debates over shopping mails The consultants also recommended ex- , in a number of Canadian cities,"she said paneling the downtown area to include an. "I have had a look at other cities where existing ark,the lake and some-room for further evelo ment.The cit would-work the downtown is dying; and myy sense is�' ; with the-downtown business am rovement that.the people of Peterborough want to association to develop a program for res _retain.a healthy downtown core. " ' toration of public facilities,active promo "It's important to our heritage, our*cul lion of the area as a regional shopping* . lure and our economy." centre and improvements to the water The proposals were developed by a front area. . Toronto consulting firm, working with representatives of council,planning board and city staff. Several requests to build shopping centres and additions to existing malls have recently been sent to city hall. if the . f 71tF TORONTO STAR.A1'EM SIMV.SEPTEPIBER 14.Ives JA7 proposals are adopted,amendments to the city's official plan would be needed before the developments could go ahead. But this does not mean Peterborough development is a closed shop, planning } FROXCT INFORMATION. PHASE 1 60.000 SF � •�•"`-�. w.HwAr 2 PHASE 2 240,C00 SF TENANT A 30,000 Sr 1 1 TENANT 0 50.000 SF TENANT C 70.000 SF � Ox!'S 90,000SF TT T I'( 251,37 CZ MMERCf LQ E MEAT € RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT b. i 1 l I . AO . o-'° a-�c---� S �;SfTE . �.. CRU c"u A /au C u � xigOsF. i • PHASE 2 _ I 70.00... • SITE DATA LOT AREA 1 •3.35 HECTARE CCCCCC ' PHASE 1•10.40 HECTARE PARKING REQUIRED 1 / a w PHASE i '179 CARS PHASE 1•i 116 CARS , �5 PARKING PROVIDED: PHASE i• 300 CARS 40�' PHASE 1-1300"As ow SITES PLAN KEY PLAN SCALE .JOE C>-iAN. PROPOSED COMMERICAL .DEVELOPMENT wph" 9.1m" HIGHWAY 2 8 MARTIN RD, BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 22.88. ! 9 a0 o R t� ,� N 90a w Cate4r a�rreo7 SUBJECT ' SITE LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14 I A-16 _/\ T E ROAD 1 I EP RE z A—l3 I ��,00m..H,GHWAY��'�N Ay No-(H)C1 � t A i z t H�R1 10 a � °� Py , ' U) z �G o i W w (H)R2 V w , z c�Pp\P� a (H)R4 . V 0 GA ' zoo w � o R1 W ' a ox 1 A 1 MR 0 50 100 WO -1,00"%� KEY - MAP _ Dev. 88_99