HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-274-88 DN: 274-88 '! TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # ----- : -�. By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, December 12, 1988 REPORT #: pp-274-88 FILE #: LD 697/88 and LD 698/88 SUBJECT: APPEAL OF LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE DECISION APPLICANT: K. & M. KNOX 1 PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 9, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: LD 697/88 AND LD 698/88 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-274-88 be received; and 2. THAT the appeal lodged by the Director of Planning and Development with respect to Applications LD 697/88 and LD 698/88, be ratified. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On October 13, 1988, copies of Land Division Applications LD 697/88 and LD 698/88 were received by Staff for review and comment for Land Division Committee's consideration at its meeting on November 7, 1988. 1.2 The applications involve the severance of two lots (3,282 sq.m. and 3,117 sq.m.) , located on the east side of Enfield Road, approximately 100m (325 ft.) north of the road allowance between Concessions 8 and 9. (see attached sketch) . . .2 i REPORT NO. : PD-274-88 PAGE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CONFORMITY WITH OFFICIAL PLAN 2.1 The subject lands are located within the "Hamlet" designation in the Durham Regional official Plan and the Town of� Newcastle official Plan. The predominant land use in Hamlets within each document is for residential development. 3. CONFORMITY WITH ZONING BY-LAW 3.1 The subject property is zoned "Residential Hamlet (RH)11 in the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The subject lands would appear to comply to the applicable provisions for this zone. 4. STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 Town Planning Staff, in commenting to the Land Division Committee, indicated that as a result of the Town's internal circulation and the comments received from the Public Works Department, they could not support the applications. 4.2 The Works Department noted that insufficient stopping-sight distance on Enfield Road would not allow safe access to the proposed lots. 4.3 The Land Division Committee decision approved the applications subject to the applicant satisfying the requirements of the Town of Newcastle, financially and otherwise. 4.4 In consideration of the Land Division Committee's decision, the Public Works Department has requested that an appeal be filed. 3 REPORT 00. : gD-274-88 Ig\QQ 3 ___ __________________________________________________ 5, RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 In view of the above 000mnmota' the appeal was filed prior to December 7, 1988v being the last date for which an appeal could be submitted. 5.2 Tbe'ceconxnendatioo as contained in said report requests Committee and Council's endorsement of said appeal. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee -------------------------- -�- --------------- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Lawreo�e/ �ae�� / � / Director of Planning 6 Development Chief �]mi��ot�ative officer IJDT*FW* 'ip *Attach. December lv 1988 CC: Mr, Ronald WOrb0y Barrister & Solicitor 153 Sj0C08 Street North P.O. Box 21 03HAWA, Ontario LlA 7K8 - C ? TOWNSHIP of- DARLINGTON LOT 30 , CONCESSION 9 LANDS TO BE RETAINED LANDS TO BE SEVERED Iry O Q LD697/88 / O LD 698/88 IN 1-1 OD OD 00 OD 00 CD OD to m It 00 QD m cm M M t�0 � t�0 N CONCESSION ROAD 9