HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-277-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # . j Res. # °� Y -- - By-Law#t ` MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: December 12,1988 REPORT #: PD-277-88 FILE #: -10.13.212 SUBJECT: GROUP HOMES RECOMMENDATIONS: (1) That :ds report., 'BPD-277-8:8, be received for information; and, (2) That the Town Solicitor be authorized to explore the feasibility of halting these matters through Civil Injunction. BACKGROUND AND CONVUM: There presently exists two situations involving "Group Homes" which are of some concern to those persons residing in the immediate area of same. Situation number one was brought to the attention of staff via petition from area residents and involves a property located at Lot 19, Concession 5, in the former Township of Clarke. The owners of said property, L & H Rest Homes Inc. , operate a Group Home/ Substance Abuse Clinic comprising 10 permanent residents who, it is understood, were referred to the owners by Tbronto area Detox Centres. These persons receive daily councelling and are then left to their own devices, which includes wandering the area, much to the concern of area residents. Regional Police have been called on more than one occasion for petty trespass occurrences. The owners were sent a registered letter on November 1, 1988, explaining that said property use contravened area zoning regulations. It was also requested that the use be terminated not later than Monday, December 5, 1988. Compliance was not met and as a result an information has been filed with the Court charging the owners with unlawfully operating in violation of area Zoning Regulations. They are to appear in Court, initially, on January 17, 1989. A rezoning application has been filed by this party. N 2/ G.P.A. (cont'd) .. - 2 - December 12, 1988 The second situation was brought to our attention by Mr. Irwin Hamilton and involves a property located at 106 Church Street, Bowmanville. "Careview Manor Special Care Rest Home Inc." is owned by one Vera Forrest and, it is understood, was operated as a licensed nursing home approximately 10 years previous, a permitted use under our current Zoning By-law as well as its predecessor. Ms. Forrest continues, without a license, to house some 30 residents in what can only be described as a Group Home setting. These persons are turned out after breakfast to wander the streets until dinner, again to the concern of area residents and merchants. Ms. Forrest was sent a registered letter on November 28, 1988, explaining that she was operating illegally and requesting the property be brought into compliance not later than Monday, January 2, 1989. In conclusion, staff have some serious concerns regarding these operations, most notably the lack of supervision. Further to this, it is suspected that most, if not all, residents at both locations are currently on some form of medication and have been for some time. Given the number of legitimate concerns and the time consuming process of having these matters satisfied at the Provincial Court level, it is the reconanendation of staff that the feasibility of a Civil Injunction be discussed with the Town Solicitor. Respectf s tted, Reco�nded for Presentation to the Znce e - - -------------------------- -- --(------------------------- Brian P Irwin By-law &hforcement Officer otseff, C.A.O. 6& Fr lin Wu, Director of Planning & Development BPI/df