HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1964 . . e . Page 5 COUNCIL IVIINUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 8:00 p.m. on Monday June 1, 1964 with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present: I LORD'S PRAYER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the minutes of the meeting held Monday May 4, 1964 be received and adopted. Carried III COMMUNICAT IONS: 1. L. C. Mason, Q.C. - May 26, 1964. "Reference is made to an existing Agreement dated 15th November 1960 made between The Corporation of Town of Bowmanville of the one part and Rhoda Elizabeth Wilcox of the other part. Please be advised that Oshawa Wood Products Limited has purchased from Mrs. Wilcox the lands as in a proposed Plan which has been before your Municipality for consideration and which Plan has finally been approved by Department of Municipal Affairs with the reservation that the six lots on the Plan which face on Prospect Street have not been approved for registration at the present time because they do not face on a Street of full width. Please be further advised that Oshawa Wood Products Limited has taken a complete assignment of the aforesaid Agreement with your Corporation and of all the rights, benefits and obligations thereunder. Also this is formal notification to your Corporation under the terms of the said Agreement as in paragraph 2 that it is request- ed that Prospect Street shall be widened as contemplated in the said Agreement. Oshawa Hood Products Limited is prepared to execute any conveyance of land as contemplated by the Agreement and to make payment of the required amount of money as therein set out on receipt of your advice as to t he amount required. Please proceed with this at once as my clients are deprived of the use of these 6 lots until Prospect Street is widened." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter received from L. C. lf~son respecting an agree- ment between the Town of Bowmanville and Rhoda Elizabeth Wilcox be received and referred to Board of Works for further dis- cussion. Carried 2. Strike and Strike:- May 20, 1964. A letter was received from Strike and Strike outlining his views in respect to the suggested Zoning By-law amendments. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.. THAT the letter received from Strike and Strike regarding var- ious Zoning Amendments dated l~y 20, 1964 be received and re- ferred to the Special Committee appointed to study by-law 1073 for review and recommendations. Carried Pa.~ e 6 - 2 - . 3. Durham County High School Board:- ~fuy 20, 1964. "The Town people use our parking lot almost as much as the school does. We have a problem with dust from now on and most of it is caused by the hot-rodders swerving around in the evenings and raising dust. Would the town be good enough to give the north half of the lot a treatment of calcium chloride?" Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter received from Durham County District High School Board dated May 20, 1964 be received and concurred vfith, and that the vvorks Department be authorized to effect same. Carried 4. The Department of Municipal Affairs:- May 11, 1964. . A letter was received from the Department of Municipal Affairs regarding the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. - THAT the letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs res- pecting the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act dated May 11, 1964 be received and referred to the Board of Works Committee for discussion. Carried 5. Ontario Police College:- May 5, 1964. e A letter was received from the Ontario Police College outlining the available courses in Police administration to be held at the Police College during 1964. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice; THAT the letter from the Ontario Police College dated ~~y 5, 1964 be received and filed. Carried 6; Board of Transport Commissioners:- May 7, 1964. "Re Proposed protection at the crossing of Simpson Ave. (Wharf Road) Bowmanville Onto Oshawa Subdivision. the C .N.R. and at mileage 290.44 According to the Board's records, rail and highway traffic over the above crossing is heavy. Sight lines are good in all quadrants. In view of the heavy traffic at the crossing, the Canadian National Railways and the Town of Bowmanville are requested to let the Board have their submissions with respect to installing automatic protection at the crossing." . Canadian National Railways:- May 28, 1964. "Re Simpson Avenue, ('{harf Road) crossing, Bowmanville, Ont., mile 290.44 Oshawa Subdivision, C.N.R. Your joint letter of the 7th instant relates to the installation of automati c prot ection \t the. above crossing.. I enclose copy of our Highway Crossing l.ecord, from which you will note that Page 7 - 3 - . rail traffic is heavy and fast and highway traffic is classed as medium. Having regard to that volume of traffic, we will have no objection to the issuance of an order requiring the installation of automatic protection at the crossing provided the costs are apportioned in accordance with the Board's formula." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letters received from the Board of Transport Commis- sioners dated May 7, 1964 and from the Canadian National Rail- ways dated May 28, 1964 be received and that we reply stating that the Town is agreeable to the installation of Crossing Protection at this location." Carrie d e 7. Bowmanville Planning Board:- "Mr. Reg. Hearle was present to follow up a letter of May 4th which he had written to our municipal Council. This letter in the main part was asking Council to rezone his lot and reside- nce on 90 Ontario Street, (residential district) into Com- mercial. Council, in turn referred Mr. Hearle's request to our Board in their letter of May 5th. JV"tr. Simpson, the owner of the lot on 87 Ontario Street, where a small food store had been located and operated as such. for many years, was the spokesman for the three man deputation, namely Hearle, Simpson and Agnew. Mr. Simpson stated that he had o.'ned this little store for some time, but had rented it to ~~. Hearle, who had operated it for several years. Mr. Simpson stated that he had notified i~. Hearle some time ago, that he wished to sell the store and that he was placing the sale of same in the hands of a real estate agent in Town. ~~. Simpson stated that ~~. Hearle did not offer to purchase the old store and let the time expire without appro- aching him in a business like way to purchase it. Mr. Simpson stated that Mr. Agnew a G.M.C. employee had con- tacted him, and expressed his desire to purchase the store with his intention of carrying on the business; ~~. Simpson then sold the store to ~~. & r~s. Agnew. Mr. Simpson stated that he figured he had given ~~. Hearle every chance to purchase it. e . Mr. Hearle stated that he did not wish to pay the price ~~. Simpson was asking for the lot and business, so accordingly figured that he would start up a store of his own at his own residence across the street. He stated that his neighbours had signed a petition agreeing to have him start a new store in chis same area. The original Hearle s~ore was a nonconforming use as this area was a residential one. However Mr. Hearle had been allowed to operate it as a store for 2 reasons. . 1st. It was operated as a store when our zoning by-laws were passed. 2nd. Our official plan states that "We (The Corporation" envisage the establishment, were necessity demands of local shopping facilities in residential districts, but it is defin- itely intended that all such corunercial development should be concentrated in well designed properly located shopping centres and not shattered or mingled indiscriminately with residential use." Page 8 - 4 - . All Planning Board members agreed that we could not reco~~end, in any circumstance, two small nonconforming stores in almost the same place. Also the new A & P store and Dominion store are relatively close to this area. The Board expressed their sympathy to Mr. Hearle but felt that they could do little about the matter as ~~. Agnew had ex- pressed his intent of operating the store in its existing loca- tion. To spot zone for another store across the street was certainly out of the question as all agreed. Accordingly it was moved by 1. Smith, seconded by L. Mason, Q.C. that we turn down ~~. Hearle f s reque st. MOTION UN:\.NIi'10USLY CJ\.RRIED. " e Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. TH"T the reply received from the Bowmanville Planning Board in respect to the request submitted by Mr. Reg.. Hearle be received and that we vote non-concurrence in their recommenda- tion and authorize the Clerk to prepare the necessary amend- ment to accede to Mr. Hearle's request. .... Reeve Con. Con. Con. Con. Con. Con. YEA Little Chant Leslie Hooper Hughes Fice Rundle N,n Deputy ~layor Reeve Stevens Hob bs CARHIED 8. Walter G. Hately:- May 28, 1964. "Kindly accept my resignation from the Fire Department as of June 30, 1964. . I would also like at this time to thank the various members of Council over the past twenty years for the co-operation received while maintaining the Fire Trucks, Equipment and Fire Alarm System. I beg to remain;" Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter of resignation from the Bowmanville Fire De- partment from Walter G. Hately, Captain be received and Mr. Hately be asked by this Council to reconsider this resignation. Carried 9. Bill Slaght:- May 30, 1964. "Due to my injury I will no longer be able to serve on the Fire Department. Will you please accept my resignation." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con.~undle. THAT we accept with regret the resignation of Mr. Bill Slaght. from the Volunteer Fire Department. Carried . ... . . . 10. Pa,78 9 - 5 - Oshawa Diving Club:- "As you probably know, from. June 7th until June the 13th is Red Cross Water Safety Week, and as in the past many Diving Clubs throughout Ontario will be participating by cleaning swimming areas up to ten feet of water. This will be our first year that we have been able to think about participating in this event and we have picked the Bowmanville Beach Areas as our goal. We are having this event on Sunday June the 7th at one-thirty in the afternoon and we wish to ask you if it would be possible if a truck could be supplied for the removal of debris at this time ." Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter received from the Oshawa Diving Club be received and accept the offer and provide truck and driver to assist in this regard. Carried 11. Sicard Equipment Ltd.:- April 7, 1964. "We wish to thank you for the opportunity of inspecting your SM4 Sanivan Body. The following work entailed - 1. Remove body and fit to new chassis 2. Change electrical system from 6 to 12 volts 3. Install new body sills 4. Install new.P.T.O. and controls 5. Rework hydraulic pump and hoses Total amount for the above parts and labour .........$650.00 In making this estimate, you will realize it is impossible for us to make an accurate firm quotation due to the fact that our estimates are made from a visual physical inspection of the machine, and it is possible that upon disassembly further material or work may be indicated. We have, however, detailed as much as possible the items we feel are required. n Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we authorize the necessary work to the. S.H.4 Sanivan outlined in the letter submitted by Sicard Equipment dated April 7, 1964 and that in addition this equipment be painted at the same time. Carried IV REPORTS: Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the :-eport of t he Welfare Dept. for the Month of May 1964 be received and adopted. Carried. Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH"T the report of the Building Inspector for the month of May 1964 be received and adopted. Carried . . e . v VI PaGe 10 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the report of the Roads and Streets for the month of April 1964 be received and adopted. Carried Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the report of the Dog Control for the month of April 1904 be received and adopted. Carried Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit. for the month of April 1964 be received and adopted. Carried REPORTS OF COl~IITTEES: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the minutes of the Board of Works Committee dated I~y 26, 1964 be received and adopt ed. Carrie d Special Committee re By-law 1073. The Chairman of the Special Committee having reviewed the pro- visions of By-law 1073 recommend that section 4 thereof be deleted in its entirety and that a By-law be presented at this meeting to effect this change. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. TH.\T the recommendation of the Special Com"Tlittee appointed to consider By-law 1073 be received and adopted. Carrie d ACCOUNTS: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the accounts of the PAID PRIOR in the total amount of $25.033.34 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the accounts of the DOG CONTROL in the total amount of $26.73 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carrie d Moved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THA.T the account s of tho FIN"NCE DEPT. in the total amount of ~520.98 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried Moved by Con, Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. TH"T the accounts of the FIll;;: DEPT. in the total amount of $28.86 be and are hereby passed for payment.. Carried Page 11 - 7 - . Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the account s of the INDUSTRL,L COMHISSION in the total amount of ,$228.80 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens, THAT the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total amount of $335.94 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THilT the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of ~268.96 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carrie d -. Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. TH;,T the accounts of the \IELF"HZ DEPT. in the total amount of $1,047.12 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the accounts of the ROADS & STREETS in the total amount of $3.815.~7 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried VII BY-L;iWS: Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THnT leave be granted to bring in the following By-laws: . 1. A By-law to authorize the purchase of 7.2 acres of land in township lot 10, broken front concession. 2. it by-law to provide for Supplementary Expenditures for Roads and Streets.. 3. 'c by-law to amend by-law No. 1073. Carried Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Hughes., THAT the by-laws be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole, read a second time, ~ayor in the Chair. Carried Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle. TH"T we rise and report successful second reading of the by- laws in Committee of the Whole. Carried '. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the report of Council in Committee of the vfuole on the by-laws be received and adopt ed, same be now read a third time, engrossed, signed, by the Mayor and Clerk sealed and numbered as follows: c . . . . PaGe 12 1. - $ -- ~.((.o /:n'l'''' S..{u{ ... ../.f}-No /9/2.. A By-law to authorize the purchase of 7.2 acres of land _ in Township Lot 10, Broken Front Concession. By-law 1911--- it By-law to provide for Supplementary Expenditures for].;;A Roads and Streets. By-law WV 2. 3. A By-law to amend By-law #1073. By-law 1913 VIII NEvi &; UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Centennial Project:- Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT we authorize the preparations and presentation of the necessary By-law for the construction of a Public Library Building in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Library Board, at an estimated cost of ;~131,600.00. Said project to be financed under the terms of the Municipal Loan Fund Act if sufficient allotment of funds can be made available or as a Centennial Project, whichever method is most economical for the Corporation. Carrie d 2. Durham Street:- As this matter is being completed by the Roads and Streets Department it is to be now removed from future agenda. 3. Sturrock Road:- Necessary deed has been prepared and is now being executed by the Grantor. It appears that execution by Council will be effected at the next regular meeting. 4. Park Land:- Negotiations in this regard are proceeding and it is antici pated that a by-law will be presented at the next regular session. 5. Works Dept. Shed:- Application for site approval has been forwarded to the Department of Highways and have carried out their investigations and we await their report. 6. Bernard Street:- Nothing further reported in this respect. 7. Town Manager:- Nothing further reported in this respect. 8. Lord Elgin School:- Approval from Ontario Municipal Board and Department of Municipal Affairs. 9. Industrial Area:- As this matter has been dealt with under By-laws it will be deleted from future Agenda. 18. Beach:- Certain aspects of this matter has been referred to the Special. Committee appoint.?d to consider By-law 1073, for their con- sideration and report. 11. Ernest O. Knapp Jr.:- "At this time I would like to propose a tender for the Bow- manville Dump, as I have the equipment to cover the job efficiently, as well as you would expect to be done by machinery. The rate for my equipment is ~8.00 per hour. At this rate per week which would mean that at whatever your convenience . . . . . Page 13 - 9 - I would be available for this job which I think at the present is three times a week. I underste~.d at this time you have your own fill to cover the dump from Rundle's pit. At any time you need a loader the cost is the same as above or a dump truck at the going price we would be happy to help you out ." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THhT the letter presented to Council by Ernest O. Knapp Jr. be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee for their con- sideration. Carried 12. Weed Control:- Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT Mr. Ross ,\lldread be engaged with his equipment at $3.00 per hour to effect the necessary weed cutting throughout the Town and at the end of the season the Roads and Streets superintendent be requested to report of relative cost for comparison purposes. Carried Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hughes. THrlT we do now adjourn 9:35 P.M. Carried