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May 4, 1964.
The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
$:00 P.M. on Monday May 4th, 1964 in the Council Chamber Town
Hall with His \,orship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
All members present except Councillor Hooper.
III ADOPTION OF MINUTES:- Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by
Con. Leslie..
THAT the minutes of the meeting
April 20, 1964 be received and
1. Letter from New Toronto:- April 29, 1964.
Resolution was received from the Town of New Toronto rec-
ommending changes in existing legislation to have the Ont-
ario Hospital Services Plan to cover payment to Nursing
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH;'T the letter received f rom the Town of New Toronto be
received and that the resolution pertaining to Hospital
Services and Nursing Homes be received and filed.
2. Letter from New Toronto:- April 29, 1964.
rlesolution from the Town of New Toronto was received asking
the Provincial Government to seriously consider the aboli-
t ion of t he present form of levy.:ilIill Pub 1 ic and Secondary
School Education Tax against real property but instead that
all Education Tax be levied against earned income both
Personal and Corporation.
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Reeve Little.
THrlT the resolution received from the Town of New Toronto
respecting Education Tax be received and concurred with.
3. Letter from the Depart:nent of Health:- April 27, 1961..
A letter was received from the Department of Health outlining
the training and financial assistance available to munici-
palities which have an approved Air Pollution Air Program.
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Fice.
THrlT the letter received from the Department of Health
respecting Air Pollution Control be received and filed.
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4. Letter from Reg. Hearle:- May 4, 1964.
"Until recently I have operated the Neighbourhood Store,
87 Ontario Street which is in a residential zone. This
building has now been sold and I must find other accomoda-
tion in the area for a business.
I live across the street from my former place of business
at 90 Ontario St. where I wish to open a Variety Store.
I would appreciate being advised as to how I can have my
house re-zoned so that I may carryon the Va.riety Store
business there.
My neighbours have signed a petition agreeing to the change.
As I have a wife and two children to support and am 54 years
of age this chance to continue in business is important to
me and I would appreciate an early reply."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the letter received from Mr. Reg. Hearle dated May
4, 1964 respecting Zoning Change application be referred to
the Bowmanville Planning Board for consideration and repert.
5. Letter from Strike and Strike:-
A letter was received from Mr. Strike, Town Solicitor
respecting the provisions of By-law 1073 concerning the
erection and repair of wooden dwellings. This letter was
received at the I' equest of the Building Inspector and
suggested that a Special Committee of Council be appointed
to consider the entire matter and make recommendations to
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT His Worship the Mayor appoint a Committee of three
to consider the matter of By-law 1073 and report their
findings to Council.
Co~nittee appointed -
Rund le
6. Wage Negotiating Committee:-
The Committee indicated that negotiations between the Town
and Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local #74 had been
completed with the following results:-
"1. The Agreement to be for a period from January 1, 1964
until February 28, 1966.
2. The wage rates under the previous Agreement to be in-
creased 7~ per hour January 1, 1964 and a further 71-
per hour January 1, 1965.
3. ;:"rticle 7 to be amended to provide t hat a new employee
shall have deducted from his wages an amount equal to
monthly union dues upon completion of the probationary
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4. The Union's name and the payment for statutory holidays
shall be included in the Agreement as agreed upon.
5. All other matters are dropped.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded Con. Rundle.
TH"T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an
agreement between the Canadian Union of Public Employees,
Local #74 and the Corporation in accordance with the re-
port presented this evening and that the necessary By-law
be prepared for presentation.
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hughes,
THAT the report of the Welfare Dept. for t he month of
April , 1964 be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the report of t,he Building Inspector for the month
of April 1964 be received and adopted.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the
month of March 1964 be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the reports of the Police Department for the months
of March and April 1964 be received and adopted.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit
for the Month of March 1964 be received and adopted.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THnT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Board of
Health Annual report for the year 1963 be received and
adopt ed .
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
TEnT the account s of the PAID PRIOR in the total amount of
$74.457.94 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH,iT the accounts of the FIN,tl~CE DEPT. in the total amount
of $686..85 be and are hereby passed for payment.
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Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the accounts of the DOG CONTROL DEPT. in the total
amount of $90.36 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of
$70.81 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice.
TEnT the accounts of the INDUSTRL,L COAMISSION in tile total
amount of 4258.00 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THrlT the accounts of the POLICE DEFT. in the total amount
of $1,637.15 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie.
THrlT the accounts of the PUBLIC FROPERTY in the total amount
of ~270.90 be and are hereby passed for payn~nt.
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH,IT the accounts of the WEI,FnRE DEFT. in the total amount
of ~1.10$.55 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the accounts of the ROnDS "ND STREETS DEPT. in the
total amount of $2.409.$7 be and are hereby passed for
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THriT the report of t he Board of \lor ks Commi tt ee dated ;,pril
29, 1964 be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie.
THriT leave be granted to introduce the following By-laws:
1. h By-law to appoint a member to the Arena Board.
2. A By-law to provide for the borrowing of :~145 ,000.00
for Public School purposes.
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Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant.
THhT the By-laws be read a first time referred to Council
in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, Mayor
in the Chair.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH;,T we rise and report suc ces sful second reading of the
By-laws in Committee of the Whole.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice.
TH"T the report of Council in Committee of the Ivhole on
the By-law be received and adopted, the same be now read
a third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk
sealed and numbered as follows:
1. "By-law to appoint a member to the Arena Board B/L 1910
THhT the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on
the By-law to provide for the borrowing of $145,000.00 for
Public School purposes be received and adopted and that
the same be now forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board
for necessary approval.
1. Durham Street:- It was reported that official approval
had been received from the Board of
Transport Commissioners and that work
on the Durham Street crossing would
commence very shortly.
2. Sturrock Road:- The by-law for the aCEjuisition of tJuis
Road Allowance is awaited from the Town
3 . Park Land:-
The Mayor and Clerk are presently neg-
otiating acquisition of land in this
4. \lorks Dept. Shed:- Progress was reported in this res-
5. Bernard Street:- Further information ~waited from the
Town Solicitor.
6. Centennial Project: - They reported that furthe r infor-
mation in respect to cost, plans, etc.,
would be forthcoming.
Town Manager:-
Nothing further reported in this regard.
Lord Elgin School:- Council is presently awaiting
Municipal Board approval and commitment
for a loan under the 11unic ipal Loan
Fund Program.
Industrial j,rea:-
Lycett letter.
"I have your letter of April 23rd, 1964, requesting an ex-
tension of 15 days r" - May 1st. deadline on offer of pur-
P3."G 12
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chase of lands in lot 10 Broken Front Conceession, in the
event of further delays.
I hereby inform you that r agree to this extension in the
event that such should happen. t!
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THnT the letter received from r~. William Lycett be received
and forwarded to the Town Solicitor.
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. 4.
Matters referred to the Roads and Streets Committee:-
Sidewalk problem - Duke Street.
Scott Nursery matter.
LG.,l. - adjustment of parking meters.
St. Paul's Church - request re parking.
This matter is being proceeded with.
Budget: - "forecast of Capital EXDcr,C\i-
ture was presented and discussed fully
following which it was:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
5 Year Capital
THAT the 5 year forecast be received and adopted arrl for-
warded to the Ontario Municipal Board for their consideration.
13. Roads and Street Committee:-
Moved by Reputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the Roads and Streets Committee be requested to view
the tree cutting program which has been effected with a
view of assessing the value received and report back their
findi ngs .
14. Council Meetings:-
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THilT the second monthly meeting be abolished for the summer
months and that the matter of special meetings be left at
the c all of t he Chair.
X Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THnT we do now adjourn 9:00 P.M.