HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-16 Minutes Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes of Meeting June 16, 2015 Members Present: Joe Earle Tracey Ali Todd Taylor Victor Suppan Paul Davidson Myno Van Dyke Peter Vogel Steve Conway Councillor Hooper Katharine Warren Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio) Regrets: Ruth Goff (ex-officio) Staff: Brandon Weiler Councillor Hooper welcomed all to the meeting. Katharine Warren was introduced and welcomed to the committee. Katharine is the new Museum Board representative on the Heritage Committee. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 15.11 Moved by Myno Van Dyke, seconded by Todd Taylor, That the agenda be adopted. “Carried” Adoption of Minutes 15.12 Moved by Joe Earle, seconded by Steve Conway That the minutes of the Meeting of May 19, 2015 be accepted. “Carried” Delegations and Presentations Enfield United Church– A. DeVries addressed the committee with regards to Enfield United Church, 1640 Concession Road 9 which is a designated building currently listed for sale. The designation by-law identifies many elements of the building that specifically relate to a church, including pews, pulpit and choir bench. A. DeVries indicated they would like to purchase the property and convert the building to a single detached dwelling, which the zoning would permit. A. DeVries provided pictures of their current home, the old Leskard Schoolhouse, and the renovations they undertook on that property. As it would be converted to a dwelling they would be looking to amend the designation by-law to allow them to upgrade some materials and renovate or remove 1 | Page some of the items described in the designation by-law, especially the church related items. The committee asked questions relating to a potential future proposal if the Devries were successful in purchasing the property. The process to amend the designation by- law would involve a formal proposal for an amendment to the designating by-law by the future property owners for the committee to comment on and provide a recommendation to Council. The process is similar to that undertaken for the Thorne’s at 210 King Street in Newcastle. Business Arising Strategic Planning and Work Plan Session – The committee continued with the strategic planning session from last meeting by identifying which of the goals and objectives, identified at the last meeting, to pursue as immediate projects. The committee identified a need to provide current up to date information on the Municipalities heritage resources as a key goal. By having that information available it will allow this and future committees opportunities to enhance education and outreach. The group also identified public education and awareness of Clarington’s heritage resources as a key goal for their work throughout their term. The committee passed the following resolution to move forward with work plans on the two goals identified: 15.13 Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Katharine Warren That the committee move forward with creating work plans for updating the Municipal inventory with the intent of adding additional properties to the Municipal Register and to identify a strategy to engage the public and educate the public about the heritage resources in Clarington. “Carried” Creating work plans will commence at the next committee meeting. Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) – B. Weiler reported that the Jury Lands Foundation is continuing to work on their strategic plan and immediate priorities. The Jury Lands Foundation submitted a proposal to be presenters on their work at the Canadian Heritage Trust Conference in Calgary in October this year and were selected. The presentation will focus on the history of the site, the work of the Foundation to date and how the Foundation, Developers and the Municipality are working together to adaptively re-use the buildings. Ontario Heritage Trust Nominations – The Ontario Heritage Trust Award Nominations deadline for submissions is the end of September. The Ontario Heritage Trust Awards recognize exceptional contributions to heritage conservation, environmental sustainability and biodiversity, and cultural and natural heritage. After nominees are 2 | Page identified a report, on the September Planning and Development meeting, will seek Council’s support and endorsement of nominees. The group was asked to consider nominating anyone who would be deserving of the awards for consideration. Nominations are due by the end of August so they can be included in the staff report to Council seeking endorsement of the nominees. Myno Van Dyke will be nominating Brian Jose, the new owner of the Walbridge house. Brian and his wife Audrey have been renovating and restoring the Walbridge House, a designated building, as their new home. Reports from other Committees Bowmanville Community Improvement Program – Next meeting date is July 15, 2015 Orono Community Improvement Program – The June meeting date, which is planned to be a combined meeting with the Orono CIP group and the Orono BIA, has not been confirmed. The next scheduled meeting is October 7, 2015 Newcastle Community Improvement Program – The next meeting is October 15, 2015. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch – T. Ali reported that the group finalized Doors Open information, activities and hosted the event on June 13 in the Leskard and Kirby area. The event was a success and Tracey will report back at the next meeting with numbers of people that attended. The meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month, the next meeting will be June 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre, 62 Temperance St. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society – M. Van Dyke reported that the society has engaged a group of Durham College students to help them finalize their strategic planning. The students will help to outline how to create and maintain a database for property information. Two of the Provincial heritage plaques in Newcastle were recently repainted and the Atkinson plaque, in Joseph Atkinson Parkette which was damaged during a storm last year, has been repaired. The Society will be participating in Heritage Week by leading guided walking tours on August 11 and August 16. The next meeting will be June 23, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the historical room at Newcastle Community Hall. Museum – K. Warren reported that the new exhibit on sports heritage in Clarington, Clarington Competes, opened on June 1. The Museum is hosting a Canada Day event that will include live music and events for kids, free for all to attend. The museum will be hosting tea on the verandah during the months of July and August, contact the Museum for more details. Janice Seto has a book release, Johnny Seto’s Bowmanville: from an enneagram perspective, and signing on June 18 from 7-8pm. Heritage Week Working Group – Councillor Hooper reported that the Heritage Week Committee has printed its promotional material for this year’s event which runs August 3 | Page 10-16. Rack cards, handed out to members, and a new pop up banner were at Doors Open on June 13 and one banner is located in the Bowmanville Library main lobby and the other is located at the Museum. The week will be centered on guided walking tours and also promote the concert in the park events throughout Clarington. The committee is working to produce walking tour brochures in on-line format as the legacy from the event. These tours will be available as self-guided tours beyond heritage week on the tourism website and linked to the heritage website. The group is reaching out to local restaurants and businesses to attempt to get them more involved in the week by offering Heritage Week Specials to help draw extra interest in the week. Next meeting, Heritage Week meeting is June 24 at 10:00 am in the historical room at Newcastle Community Hall with the other partner agencies. Correspondence and Council Referrals - None New Business 105 Queen Street (Old Bowmanville Public School) – The new revised site plan drawings were shared with the group. 250 Mill Street South (St. Georges Church) – The committee was shown the most recent concept from the church for expanding the Parish Hall and creating an indoor link to the church. The committee provided positive comments on a design for a link a number of years ago but the project did not proceed. The committee would be consulted at a future date for comments if the project is to proceed. Ontario Heritage Conference – T. Ali and B. Weiler reported on the conference in Niagara-on-the-lake. The networking opportunities and identifying the initiatives of the other Heritage Committees and Councils is very informative. T. Ali felt that it was worth sending members for educational reasons, especially new members who may not have as much experience with heritage initiatives. V. Suppan asked for a report on the funds in the committee’s budget for education purposes and if other sources of funding could utilized for training opportunities for committee members. B. Weiler responded that he would report back on the next meeting as to the current budget balance and also the other funds of the committee. V. Suppan moved to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting: September 15, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 4 | Page