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Tyrone Community Centre Annual Meeting
February 18, 2015
Present: Corinna Trail..Municipal Rep; Larry Quinney, Joy Vaneyk, Dave Taylor,
Claude Godin, Laurie LaFrance--all presently members of the Tyrone Community
Centre Board. Also Walter Loveridge who attends each meeting representing Seniors
of Tyrone. Claude has been asked to become the Treasurer representative as Joanne
Skinner is not well.
Absent board members: Corinne Van de Grootevheen, Joanne Skinner-ill, Ed Wilson
Interested parties present Cecile Bowers and Paul Rowan.
The meeting was opened by Corinna Traill. She asked for Nominations to the
2015/2016 Board:
Members present agreed to stay on the Board. Corinne had agreed in absentia to stay
on Board and take care of Rental bookings for the Community Centre. and Ed Wilson
had agreed to stand. M/S by Joy Vaneyk and Dave Taylor to nominate Cecile Bowers
to the Board. CARRIED. Cecile accepted and then also accepted the position of
M/S by Cecile Bowers and Joy Vaneyk to nominate Paul Rowan. CARRIED. Paul
agreed to stand but noted that being a Firefighter he could not always be present for
M/S by Corinna and Laurie to close nominations as the Board positions are now
filled. CARRIED.
General Membership Meeting:
M/S by Cecile Bowers and Larry Quinney to accept minutes as typed. CARRIED.
Regarding Finance: Claude has quickly checked over the books, questioned
Government Grant and totals as was going to be in touch with Joanne on several
matters, until he understood final totals completely. He found Grant for 2013-2014
was an extra $500.00. He did note that total expenses were away up...oil doubled this
winter as it has been coldest ever. Bar expenses were up at that time...need more
bookings...bartenders are paid through hall rentals. He mentioned that the
Community Centre had operated at a loss approx. $593.47, at a quick glance. He will
clarify at the next meeting. Total Hall expenses $44,733.00 Up from
$35,026.00. Claude would like to see total income include dances, fundraising, etc.
Maintenance Report:
Larry showed a sample of Carpet for the stage #66-Shadow Ridge-everyone agreed on
the choice of texture and colour. He will purchase it. Question of the electrical
problems, Dave noted that the electrical has been fully checked and all is up to
code. We do have problems with persons plugging too many devices into outlets in
main hall and blowing fuses, there is no problem in the kitchen. M/S by Cecile and
Joy to ask town if they would give permission for Board to add two power outlets,
either side of the stage. CARRIED. We need to run a separate circuit, each side of
the stage or run two circuits, meaning four lines to bring up the power in these
outlets. This needs to be done so weddings, anniversary parties, etc. can plug in
coffee makers, etc. in these outlets. M/S by Joy and Cecile that we approach the
Town to see if they would cover this expenses. CARRIED. Dave noted it would
only take a half day. The Board noted that our Contract to renters should clearly
stipulate that they are to use only these outlets for heavy appliances like coffee
makers, etc.
We are to ask Town first if they can cover the expense, work and paint, we Really
need to get this done. If no approval, ask for name of Town Electrician, then possibly
ask Community for help or Fundraise. Cecile attached the emails that Joy Vaneyk
had received from Rob Groen-Supervisor of Bldgs. and Property regarding the request
to Town for help in getting out Electrical outlets up to par. Dated Feb. 4/15.
Bookings: One coming up is Church Dinner, February 28, 2015. On Monday, Feb.
23 Betty Pascoe has asked for the Hall for Funeral Tea for Glenn Smith. Agreed.
Dance Report: Dave reported that they did get a few more than expected at the last
two dances. He noted it was a lot of work and they did not make much at the
dances. There were 60 at January and 80 at February dance. A New Year's Eve
dance is planned and booked. Discussed how these dances are for persons over the
age of 30 not just Single Dances.
Upcoming Events: Proposal regarding having a fundraiser to help Carson
McConaghy family, their daughter was seriously injured in car accident, still in coma
in Toronto Hospital, her Mother going to her beside daily. It was decided we would
invite the parents and especially the Horse community to attend the Dance. Have a
bake sale or silent auction to help with their expenses. Laurie to call and find out the
family's wishes about attending or not. Will discuss at March meeting.
Communications Report: Joy will send a card of thanks to Sue Sutcliffe for her
services in keeping Tyrone Community Centre Board webpage updated. It will close
as of February 28 as Sue is moving away.
Old Business: Regarding the counter...to see Tony Ferriera--get quotes--discuss at
March meeting. Bar counter and ladies' washroom counter.
New Business:
1. Parking lot lights--insufficient lighting in parking lot for safety reasons. Present
light bulbs are rated at 100 watts max. Need to notify Town more lights are required
for safety reasons in an unpaved parking lot.
2. Ladies' washroom doors--need desperately to be repaired properly.
3. Bookshelves--Joy mentioned she would like go through the filing cabinet and the
wooden cupboard in backroom...Joy and Cecile to review books and whatever is in
cupboards and clean them out.
4. Joy and Cecile volunteered to go int the basement under kitchen and review what is
there and to purge as necessary.
5. Cecile asked where the picture of R.S. McLaughlin has been placed? It had
always hung on the west side of the entrance into main hallway since date hall opened
forty years ago. It was due to R.S. McLaughlin's generous donation that we were able
to purchase photographs of persons of Tyrone, Enniskillen, Haydon taken by Neil
Newton. Joy and Walter had talked to a Curator at Parkwood and they were going to
get a new picture to replace the missing one.
6. It was noted that there is quite a bit of deterioration of the bricks of the
cenotaph. Cecile to contact Wayne Avery to advise us of a cost and what should be
7. Laurie noted that there is some damage to the West wall outside the kitchen
door. Larry to talk to Rob Groen tomorrow about the problems that need addressing
regarding damage done to the building, eaves, etc since winter. There has been water
in the basement and this should be addressed because of health reasons. Mould for
8. Cecile noted that although there has been some planning for a new sign at Park
Entrance, there is a more prominent safety issue in the walkway to the Hall. The
bricks are uneven but even worse is the wooden lip at the very south end of the
walkway. Seniors or handicapped person have a very difficult time getting into the
Community Centre as this lip aggrivates the use of a walker before even getting on the
bricks and that some bricks have sunken closer to the building. These issues should
be dealt with immediately by the Town.
Motion by Cecile Bowers to adjourn. CARRIED.
Chairman Signature.....Joy Vaneyk
Secretary Signature.....Cecile Bowers