HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-05-12 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday May 12, 2015 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance – Gord Lee, Chair Gord Blaker, Vice-Chair Sue White, Shea-Lea Latchford, Carol Little, Councillor, Wendy Partner, Jay Summers, Regional Councillor, Willie Woo, Gary Oliver, Arena Manager Bryan Wiltshire. 1. Call to Order – 7:05 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes - Motion #15-012 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of April 14, 2015 are accepted, as presented. MovedSeconded by: Shea –Lea Latchford by: Jay Summers CARRIED 3.Arena Manager’s Report – Bryan brought our attention to a number of bird’s nests he had removed from around the perimeter of the building. One had even made entrance into the ceiling of the snack bar and attempted to nest. The others had managed to secure nesting spots in the fan baffles and vent pipes around the building. All are cleared away now. The quotation for new white rink boards, kick plates and topping had been secured from Sound Barriers for a total expenditure of $6,970.00. All 57 white boards will be cut to size and the kick boards and toppings total of 66 pieces are also included in the pricing. Bryan and his part-time help will remove the old and replace the new boards, over the next few weeks. The board had budgeted for this expenditure and the following motion : was proposed Motion # 15-113 – THAT: Bryan proceeds with this summer project arrange delivery of the material and get the boards installed. Moved Seconded by: Jay Summers by: Gary Oliver (2) MOTION CARRIED Further to this motion, it was suggested by Jay Summers that we investigate the sale of the old white boards being removed. Possibilities of selling them to house league and rep players for basement practice shooting pads. Made of plastic, these 5 x7 sheets may have a sale possibility for driveway and basement shot practicing exercises. Jay has offered to get the word out through our minor hockey user groups, that they are available. 4.Financial Reports – Accounts Receivables were presented and discussed. Bryan had been in touch with any of our user groups that still had outstanding invoices from the finish of the ice season. $47,098.36 was outstanding, with 82% being over 30 days. th, Payments are forthcoming. April 30financials also indicated revenue of $137,974.76 which is 45.5% of 2015 forecast. The Edward Jones short-term GIC has an April 30, 2015 balance of $40,271.97. 5.Member’s Report – Shea-Lea Latchford reported on her telephone conversation with Veridian, on behalf of the board. Eighteen to twenty odd entries on their invoices make them a little difficult to interpret. Nothing of any significance came out of her conversations. Electricity charges to the arena account are a major concern. Particularly, since we have taken a number of steps to be more energy efficient with the installation of light timers on the washrooms and change rooms, along the lighting upgrades we completed in 2011-12. 6.New Business –  Discussions took place on our ice and floor contracts. It was suggested that the time had come to have our user group contracts reviewed by the municipality. The chair offered to follow-up on this with Community Services and the municipality’s legal department, if necessary. With concerns over helmets and safety concerns, all the arena’s rules and procedural policies need to be reviewed and posted for public visibility. Councillor Partner and Councillor Woo offered to initiate discussions with the respective municipal departments and provide follow-up to our members.  Advertising revenue with ads on the back of our lobby benches was also discussed. The possibility for a small revenue stream was possible and will be followed–up on, during the summer. (3)  The possibility of renting the floor area over the summer week-ends for birthday parties was also discussed. Ball hockey on the arena floor for small groups of children may have an attraction for parents. Bryan and Jay, who both have contact with our minor hockey groups, will initiate conversations with coaches. Advertising locally through the Village Voice or, our local papers may also be considered. th 7.Next Meeting – Tuesday June 9, 2015 – 7:00 P.M. 8.AdjournmentMotion # 15-114 – was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned. Moved Seconded by: Jay Summers by: Gord Blaker CARRIED