HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-190-88 DN: 190-88 �1) 'TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By Law # hEFfING: General .Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, September 19, 1988 REPORT #: PD-190-88 FILE #: PLN 11.1 SECT: HOUSING POLICY STATEMENT OUR FILE: PLN 11.1 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-190-88 be received for .information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: 1,1 The Minister of Housing and;the Minister of Municipal Affairs recently issued a proposed Policy Statement on Housing for.public review and .comment. Under Section 3 of the Planning Act; the Government can issue such policy_ statements 'that are of Provincial interest for which municipalities and other bodies shall have regard. A copy of the proposed Policy Statement is attached. 1.2 The policies of the proposed Policy Statement have been developed on the following stated objectives: (a) to provide for access to housing for all types of households in all parts of Ontario;. (b) to provide for housing that is affordable to the households of Ontario; � I (c) to increase the supply/availability of housing throughout Ontario; and I (d) to ensure that the housing available is adequate and appropriate to the needs of the households in'Ontario. . ..2 i REPORT NO. : PD-190-88 PAGE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 In general terms, the proposed Policy Statement will require that municipalities provide for at least 25% of total housing units resulting from new residential development and residential intensification through conversion of non-residential structures, infill and redevelopment to be affordable housing. 1.4 The proposed Policy Statement is being circulated for public review and comment by February 28, 1989. Staff is currently reviewing the implications of the proposed Policy Statement and will subsequently prepare detailed comments for the consideration of Council. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee ------------------------ Franklin Wu Lawrence E. Rotseff Director of Planning & Development Chief Administrative Officer I DC*FW*7ip *Attach. September 8, 1988 I i ' i THE 1; PLANNING ACT ®. J POLICY STATEMENT Ontario u A proposed policy -statement of the Government of Ontario issued for public review ;EP q 1988 i I .OWN OF NEWCASUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Chaviva Hosek John Eakins Minister of Housing Minister of Municipal Affairs g-o) IMPORTANT This proposed statement has not yet been finally approved by the Provincial Cabinet. It is being circulated for public review and comment,as required by the Planning Act. All comments received will be considered by Cabinet enabling revisions to be made to the policy before it is finally approved. Copies of comments on the proposed policy should be sent to: Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministry of Housing Office of Local Planning Policy Housing Supply Policy Branch 13th Floor,777 Bay Street 2nd Floor,777 Bay Street Toronto,Ontario Toronto,Ontario M5G 2E5 M5G 2E5 by February 28,1989 THE PLANNING ACT 1983 - SECTION 3 3.—41)The Minister,or the Minister together with any other minister of the Crown, may from time to time issue policy statements that have been approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council on matters relating to municipal planning that in the opinion of the Minister are of provincial interest. (2) Before issuing a.policy statement, the Minister shall confer with such municipal, provincial, federal or other officials and bodies or persons as the Minister considers have an interest in the proposed statement. (3)Where a policy statement is issued under subsection(1),the Minister shall cause it to be published in The Ontario Gazette and he shall give or cause to be given such further notice thereof, in such manner as he considers appropriate,,to all members of the Assembly,to all municipalities and to such other agencies, organizations or persons as he considers�have an interest in the statement. (4) Each municipality that receives notice of a policy statement under subsection (3) shall in turn give notice of the statement to each local board of the municipality that it considers has an interest in the statement. (5) In exercising any authority that affects any planning matter, the council of every municipality,every local board, very minister of the Crown and every ministry, board, commission or agency of the government, including the Municipal Board and Ontario Hydro,shall have regard to policy statements issued under subsection(1). 1983,c. 1, s.3. PURPOSE This document is prepared under the authority of the Planning Act and is the Province of Ontario's policy statement on planning for housing in the land use process. . I I INTERPRETATION This Provincial Policy Statement: • is issued jointly by the Minister of Housing and the Minister of Municipal Affairs; • does not supercede or take priority over other policy statements, issued under section 3 of the Planning Act or any other policy approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. BACKGROUND Adequate housing is essential to Ontario's economy and social well-being. In support of this objective it is essential that we provide for a sufficient supply of housing which is also affordable,accessible and appropriate for the households of Ontario. Demand for housing is influenced by a number of key factors. The population of Ontario is expected to continue to grow significantly, largely as a result of internal and international in-migration. In addition, household growth and composition is changing. As the post-war baby-boom population is aging and family patterns are changing, the number of smaller households is expected to increase substantially. Housing supply has not kept pace with these demands. Demand for scarce resources is increasing the cost of housing at a greater rate than average household incomes. As a result,housing is becoming less affordable to the households of Ontario. The land use approvals process needs to keep pace with these changing demands. This policy establishes housing objectives in relation to the land use planning process. It includes specific policies to ensure that regard is given to the provincial interest in housing in directly related planning actions,such as: • Official plan and zoning provisions to provide for and support a variety and range of forms of housing in keeping with the needs of the community; • Development standards to allow this variety of housing to be built; • Development approval procedures to reduce time spent in reviewing housing applications and reduce costs; • Public involvement proc6sses to reduce time spent in resolving objections, consider and incorporate the views of all interests in the process and provide a framework for the resolution of objections. 1 This policy recognizes it many factors contribute to the pr( ion of an adequate 56 J supply of reasonably priced housing in our communities which are outside of the control of the land use planning framework. The most obvious other factor is the operation of the housing market itself. The purpose of this policy is to identify how the land use approvals process can be best used to achieve housing objectives. Municipalities and Ether planning authorities are expected to provide the opportunity through the land use planning process for the variety of housing which will assist in fulfilling the objectives of this policy. To accomplish this, these authorities would need to take into consideration other factors which will contribute to fulfilling the policy objectives, including the operation of the housing market and the role that assisted housing would play in ensuring that housing is available to low income households, while accepting that many of the factors which impact on the ultimate affordability of housing are not within the control of the land use planning process. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this policy statement: • Accessory Apartments means: Self-contained apartments created through converting part of existing homes (single detached,semi-detached,row houses,etc). • Affordability means: Annual housing costs (gross rent, or mortgage principle and interest (amortized over 25 years and assuming a 25% down payment) and taxes) do not exceed 30% of gross annual household income. • Affordable Housing means: In this policy affordable housing is considered to be housing which is affordable to households of low and moderate income. This is defined as housing, one half of which is affordable to households with incomes up to the 30th percentile of incomes and one half of which is affordable to households with incomes between the 30th and 60th percentiles for the Census Metropolitan Area or equivalent. • Municipally Defined Planning Area means: An area or district identified within the Official Plan for the purposes of providing for future density of development, land uses and services or facilities. • Residential Infill means: Development on vacant lots or underdeveloped lots in a developed area to create additional residential units. I • Residential Intensification means: The creation of new residential units or accommodation in existing buildings or on previously developed, serviced land generally including: — various forms of sharing in existing homes; — creation of accessory apartments in homes; — conversion of non-residential structures to residential use; 2 — resident' nfill; — redevelopment of non-residential or residential uses to increase the residential use of the site. • New Residential Development means: Creation of new residential units on vacant land, where development has not previously taken place. • Redevelopment means: The creation of new residential units on land previously-used for residential or non-residential purposes in existing communities, where demolition of the previous stru9tures is to take place,qr has taken place. • Zoning Standards means: The provisions currently found in zoning by-laws such as (but not limited to): lot size;setbacks;lot coverage;parking requirements;density;etc. • Single Housekeeping Unit means: "Single housekeeping unit" means a single dwelling unit used by one or more individuals who reside therein as a family provided that there is no program, person or agency requiring supervision of such individuals. BASIS OF THE POLICY: The provincial policies contained in this document have been developed based on the following objectives and principles: Objectives: (a) To provide for access to housing-for all types of households in all parts of Ontario. (b) To provide for housing that is affordable to the households of Ontario. (c) To increase the supply/availability of housing throughout Ontario. (d) To ensure that the housing available is adequate and appropriate to the needs of the households in Ontario. Principles: (a) All planning jurisdictions, including municipalities and planning boards, share in the responsibility of fulfilling the objectives of this policy. (b) Reductions in the cost of housing can be effected by taking specific initiatives in the land use approvals process 3 (c) With a full range ^f. housing types and sizes provided, m(--,-. households can be adequately and a�, )priately housed. (d) Land can be made available at a more reasonable cost if a sufficient supply is available for housing purposes. (e) Our existing resources in building stock and social and physical services should be maximized through realizing the potential for residential growth in our established communities. (f) Affordable housing should be provided in new residential development and residential intensification. POLICIES (1) GENERAL: It is the policy of the Province of Ontario that: 1.1 All planning jurisdictions, including municipalities and planning boards consider the implications of their actions on the availability of housing to meet future local,regional and provincial needs. 1.2 Municipalities and planning boards ensure that sufficient land is available to meet expected growth through new residential development and larger scale residential intensification (including conversion of non-residential structures,infill and redevelopment)for a ten year planning time-frame. 1.2.1 Expected growth projections would be based on: (a) projected population of municipality or municipal share of regional growth taking into consideration expected regional housing market growth; (b) densities and standards of development to provide for an adequate range of housing types;and, (c) feasibility of servicing lands for projected future growth. 1.2.2 To ensure that sufficient land would be available, municipalities and planning boards are expected to: (a) designate land in official plans for residential growth for a minimum of ten years; (b) plan for the provision of services for a minimum of ten years; (c) in new residential development establish targets for at least a two year supply of a combination of draft approved and registered lots; 4 (& adopt policies and procedures to - oport a streamlined development agreement and zoning Z..,cess where lands are designated for residential development. 1.3 All land use planning authorities undertake to reduce typical time-frames for review to achieve the shortest practical approval times for all housing applications in accordance with the provisions of this policy. 1.4 Municipalities and planning boards provide for a variety and mix of housing in their communities through the land use planning process. 1.5 All municipalities and planning boards provide in their planning documents for at least 25% of total housing units resulting from new residential development and residential intensification through conversion of non- residential structures,infill and redevelopment to be affordable housing. 1.6 All municipalities and planning boards identify the types of housing that can be produced to meet the affordable housing objectives based on the consideration of the following locally applied factors: — CMA or regional income distribution; — affordability ranges for the lower 60% of the regional/CMA population; — expected housing production costs and market values; — municipally controlled costs; — development standards which will be applied;and, — role of housing program assistance in fulfilling affordability objectives. 1.7 All municipalities and planning boards identify opportunities and adopt a strategy for increasing the supply of housing through better use of existing resources,buildings or serviced sites,to meet changing demographic trends and housing demands. (2) OFFICIAL PLAN It is the policy of the Province of Ontario that official plans include policies to: 2.1 Provide for a variety and mix of housing in the community in keeping with regional demands and the impact of local market factors. 2.2 Provide for the supply of land for a minimum of 10 years of residential development in keeping with this policy,including: (a) designation of lands for residential use; (b) servicing policies to assist in implementing the plan to provide services for projected, residential development for a minimum of ten years; and, i I 5 I c detaile nplementation policies which establi criteria residential ` 1` ( ) developments will fulfill to achieve rezoning, subuivision and site plan agreements, and expected timeframes for application review at each stage. 2.3 Provide for 25% affordable housing in keeping with this policy. 2.4 Support an increase in the supply of housing through making better use of existing resources, buildings or serviced sites in keeping with this policy, , including: (a) provision for sharing of a dwelling for all households operating as a single housekeeping unit; (b) designation of areas where accessory apartments will be permitted in keeping with the physical potential of the existing stock to accommodate additional units and demand for units in the identified locations; (c) designation for residential use, sites or areas with identified potential for infill or redevelopment to increase the residential use of the site; (d) designation of areas to permit rooming, boarding and lodging houses in locations where demand and feasibility of accommodating them can be demonstrated;and, (e) policies and development standards for new residential developments so alterations to create additional units in new building stock can take place in the future, as needs change within those communities. 2.5 Designate lands throughout the community for the variety and mix of housing types within each municipally defined planning area, in keeping with housing demands and the impacts of market factors in the Census Metropolitan Area or equivalent, which are capable of satisfying this policy. In so doing, official plans are to include residential designations in each of these areas to accommodate expected new residential development, redevelopment and larger scale intensification through conversion of non-residential structures, infill and redevelopment for a minimum of ten years, and 25% affordable housing as required by this policy. 2.6 Include policies to identify how municipalities and planning boards will monitor how the objectives of this policy are being achieved. (3) ZONING It is the policy of the province of Ontario that: 3.1 Lands be zoned to accommodate expected residential growth in keeping , I with the criteria and in accordance with the targets for processing applications contained�in.the official plan in accordance with this policy. 3.2 Zoning standards and requirements in zoning documents support the housing objectives set out in this policy. In so doing,zoning by-laws are to: 6 a inclur' -irovisions and standards which permit variety and range of ( ) housing types in keeping with this policy; (b) provide for the variety and range of housing types, on the basis of provincially accepted standards of health and safety. In particular, minimum unit sizes are not to exceed the minimums required in the Ontario Building Code; (c) include provisions and, as necessary, minimum and maximum standards to implement and provide for the housing types which will fulfill the affordable housing objectives of this policy; (d) include provisions ;which permit sharing of all residential units operating as a single housekeeping unit; and, (e) contain provisions to permit rooming, boarding and lodging houses and accessory apartments as-of-right where they are permitted by the . official plan. 3.3 Where residential uses are permitted by zoning, zoning standards and requirements do not reduce the feasibility that the permitted uses can be achieved on the site. IMPLEMENTATION: I The Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Housing will: • Prepare guidelines to assist in implementing the policy as.appropriate; The Ministry of Housing will: • Provide advice and assistance to municipalities and planning boards on demographic,income and affordability data and projections; • Comment on local planning documents to ensure that policy objectives are met; • Make representations or provide technical expertise at Ontario Municipal Board hearings;and, • Provide program support where necessary and available to assist in fulfilling policy objectives. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs will: • Streamline the provincial review process to meet the objectives of this policy; • Review planning documents submitted for approval to ensure that the policy has been adequately addressed•, 7 • Provide advice or Methods of meeting policy objectives *'-rough the land use planning process; a., • Support the implementation of this policy through Planning Act powers as necessary. Municipalities and Planning Boards: • Within the Regions of Metropolitan Toronto, Durham, York, Peel, Halton, } Hamilton-Wentworth, Ottawa-Carleton and Waterloo, City of London, and City of Windsor and other areas defined from time to time by the.Ministers of Housing and Municipal Affairs, both Regional and Area Municipalities will review and reflect this policy in local planning documents within one year of its release. In all other areas of the province, this policy must be considered during the decision to review the official plan required by section 26 of the Planning Act; • Will streamline the review and approval of all housing applications as required by this policy;and, • Will inform and advise applicants and the public on the content of this policy. r I 8 -/tl(i For further information contact: MINISTRY OF HOUSING: Housing Supply Policy Branch 777 Bay Street 2nd Floor Toronto,Ontario M5G 2E5 (416)585-6502 MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS: Office of Local Planning Policy 777 Bay Street 13th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 (416)585-6233 r { ' I ` I Cette publication est egalement disponible en frangais. Additional copies of this publication may be obtained from the local offices of the Ministry of Housing (Regional Housing Program Office) or the Ministry of Municipal Affairs(Community Planning Branch).