HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-178-88 DN: 178-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 REPORT File # Res. #_' �r . r a -S By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: TUESDAY, September 6, 1988 REPORT #: PD-178-88 FILE #: Pln 12.5 SURJECT: COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT FOR COURTICE WEST HIGHWAY #2 CORRIDOR STUDY FILE: Pln 12.5 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-178-88 be received; and 2. THAT Staff be authorized to make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for a Community Planning Grant for the purposes of funding the Courtice West Highway #2 Corridor Study. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 At its meeting of March 28, 1988, Council passed the following resolution: "THAT Staff invite proposals for the Streetscape Design of Highway No. 2, east from Townline Road to Centrefield to include architecture, sidewalks, plantings, lighting, window signage and colours, and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee." 1.2 In Report PD-149-88, dated July 4, 1988, the Director of Planning and Development suggested that addressing streetscape design would not be sufficient to address the current problems being experienced as a result of the tremendous development pressure and the haphazard mixture of development . . .2 REPORT 00. : PD-178-88 PAGE 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ / along the 8igbvan/ #2 corridor. As a result, o more comprehensive study is proposed to address the major iaooea affecting the area. In }7actinoIac, it is timely to examine if a broader range of ooeo may be appropriate than those permitted under the Special Purpose Commercial designation. 1.3 Staff have taken the initial steps to prepare o work program for this study to gather background information. In addition, as noted in Report PD-I49-88, Staff have investigated the possibility of Provincial funding to defray pact of the coat for this Study. 3. PROVINCIAL FUNDING: %.I The Ministry of Municipal Affairs has a program of Community Planning Grants which provide support for municipal initiatives to resolve local community planning issues. The Province may contribute 50 percent of the approved costs op to $35,000.00 per year. The provincial contribution is staged with final payment upon satisfactory completion of the project and fulfillment of the terms of reference. 2.2 Initial contacts have been made with the appropriate Ministry officials. No new planning gzuuto are possible until April, 1989. � Given the urgency of proceeding with this work, it is not feasible to wait this long. Moreover, the Ministry has indicated that urban design studies do out have a high priority at the present time. 2.3 Regardless of our obaooea of success in acquiring Provincial Funding, Staff feel that it is prudent to make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs in the event partial funding is available for the latter part of the Study. 2.4 The proposed terms of reference are attached. A detailed work program and cost breakdown would need to be prepared for incorporation into / REPORT 0O. : PD-178-88 P&C8 3 UL ;~ _______________________________________________________________________________ the submission. In addition, the Ministry requires a Council resolution to support such an application. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee r -- ------------ ----------------- --------------- jarnklin �u I�wce taetf Director of Planning & Development Chief tcative Officer DC*IW*bb - *Attach. August 12, 1988 fV0 TERMS OF REFERENCE COURTICE WEST HIGHWAY #2 CORRIDOR STUDY 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 At its meeting of March 28, 1988, Council passed the following resolution: "THAT Staff invite proposals for the Streetscape Design of Highway No. 2, east from Townline Road to Centrefield to include architecture, sidewalks, plantings, lighting, window signage and colours, and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee." 1.2 In Report PD-149-88, the Director of Planning and Development suggested that addressing streetscape design would not be sufficient to address the current problems being experienced as a result of the tremendous development pressure and the haphazard mixture of development along the Highway #2 corridor. As a result a more comprehensive study was proposed to address the major issues affecting the area. Such issues would include an examination of potential uses other than the commercial uses presently permitted under the Special Purpose Commercial designation. 2. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this Study is as follows: i) To determine the appropriate mix of commercial activity and other land uses as may be appropriate for this area. ii) To prepare an urban design concept for the development of this area as a distinctive gateway to the Town of Newcastle and the Courtice Urban Area. iii) To formulate a set of design criteria covering such matters as signage, landscaping, parking and architectural controls for use in the review of commercial development applications. iv) To provide urban design solutions to prevent traffic congestion as the result of commercial development in the Study Area and the urbanization of Courtice. I I 3. THE STUDY AREA The Study Area extends north and south of Highway No. 2 from Townline Road to the Farewell Creek. 4. PROCESS The Work Program is divided into five phases. A report will be prepared and submitted to Council after Phases 2, 3, 4, and 5. At critical points in the Study there will be a forum for discussions with landowners in the Study Area and public consultation. The five (5) phases are as follows: PHASE I - IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUES This phase includes the compilation of background information on such matters as land ownership, existing land uses, development proposals, characteristics of existing commercial and residential uses, access points, and vehicular movement. The purpose is to establish the problems and the potential for the development of this area. PHASE II - LAND USE OPTIONS AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES Phase II will review the land use options for this area. Consideration will be given to general retail, office uses and mixed residential/commercial development in addition to the currently designated Special Purpose Commercial uses. The second component of this phase is the identification of the objectives or design principles to be utilized in the preparation of the concept plan. i i PHASE III - DRAFT CONCEPT PLAN On the basis of public discussion and Council's review of the work in Phase II, a draft Concept Plan will be prepared to outline an urban design scheme for the development of this area. The Draft Concept Plan will then be subject to input by Council, landowners and the public. �I . . .3 - 3 - PHASE IV - FINAL CONCEPT PLAN The Concept Plan will be refined as the result of the public consultation process and forwarded to Council for adoption. PHASE V - IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES AND DESIGN GUIDELINES The critical stage of this process is the selection of the appropriate combination of implementation mechanisms for the Concept Plan. These measures will include some or all of the following: - Amendment to the Newcastle Official Plan - Amendment to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Plan - Amendment to the Zoning By-law - Establishment of a Community Improvement Area - Design Guidelines for Review of Commercial Site Plans - Public acquisition of strategic sites or planting strips - Appropriate public works such as sidewalks & landscaping - Establishment of B.I.A. - Amendment to Sign By-law - Amendment to Property Standards By-law - Adoption of Architectural Control By-law It is foreseen that the formulation of the Design Guidelines would be the major component of the work in this Phase. 5. TIMING The timing of this Project is as follows: i I 1988 1989 4th Qtr. lst Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. I Phase 1 Phase 2 - xe x• Phase 3 xE Phase 4 x• Phase 5 i I X Report Prepared • Public Consultation (ie. Workshop, Meeting with Landowners) • Public Meeting i WEST TOWNLINE ROAD X. Uj i r O w 0 m (� C � � EMPIRE CRESCENTi C n t r rn FOXHUNT TRAIL r O II S m w to -p .. A T :; X. r .10 FAH w N X. D m cn n O CHERRY BLOSSOM CRESCENT r �7 D O o CHERRy BLOSSOM CRES. �7 '/ E"• •ERFIELDr DRIVE V) D HALSTEAD ROAD -� 47 m \A3�138 o r rn Z .z D AS DRIVE Tv N DRIVE 0 ROAD o N PRESTONVALE ROAD VALLEY PLACE 7--T-7 CONCESSION 2