HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/16/1964 . . . .e. Page 6 COUNCIL MINUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m. iVlonday, March 16, 1964 with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Councillor Stephen. I LORD'S PRHER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday March 2nd, 1964, be received and adopted. C.\RRIED III DELG"TIONS: Mr. George Vice, chairman of the Bowmanville Public Library Board appeared before Council to outline the Library's re- quirements in the purpose of a new Library building. Mr. Vice outlined the limited space presently occupied by the Library to exemplify the need for additional space. Council was advised of the negotiations and discussions of the Joint Committee consisting of Library Board, Museum Board and Special Committee of Council in respect to the location of a new Library on part of the Museum property. Following discussion it was moved by; Councillor Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH..T we accept. the report presented this evening and that leave be granted for the Joint Committee to engage the services of an architect for the preparation of tentative plans, costs, etc., in respect to a new Public Library for future presentation to Council. C"RRlill IV COllfivrUNICJlT IONS: 1. Ontario Traffic Conference:- Advice from the Ontario Traffic Conference of its 10th Annual Traffic Training Courses being held May 25th - June 12th, 1964 at the Ontari 0 Polic e College, ,qlmer, Ontario. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THriT the letter and material submitted by the Ontario Traffic Conference pertaining to Traffic Training Courses be received and filed. C.,RIUED 2. Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association of Ontario: - March 1964. ,\dvising of the forthcoming Annual Conference of the Muni- cipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association of Ontario being held at Honey Harbour, June 22-24th, 1964. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THhT the Clerk be authorized to attend t,he forthcoming Annual Conference of the Municipal Clerks and Finance - ''';''''';ioij - 2 - Page 7 e Officers Association being held at Honey Harbour June 22- 24th next at the Corporations expense. CiiRRIED 3. Department of Highways: - March 2, 196Lf. "Re - 1963 Annual Returns. To complete your Annual Return", kindly have your Council pass a resolution, requesting the following transfers:- Normal By-law #1873. " $9,861. 40 $572.92 from Road Mtce. to Roads Const. Transfer " B. & C. " " " " Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. . TH"T we petition the Ontario Department of Highways asking for t he following transfer under Town of Bowrnanville By- law No. 1873. 1. Transfer $9,861.40 from Road lfuintenace to Road Con- struct ion. 2. Transfer $572.92 from Bridges and Culverts Maintenance to Roads Construction. C"RRIED 4. Russell C. Honey, M.P.:- March 3, 1964. "Further to our recent correspondence relative to the possibility of establishing letter carrier service in Bowmanville. .. The most recent survey indicates that there are 2,149 points of call which would qualify for letter carrier service. As you know, a required minimum of 2,500 points of call has been established by the Treasury Board before it will authorize provision of letter carrier delivery service in any municipality. I am keeping my file active on this matter and when we are able to approach 2,500 points of call, Council may rest assured that I will pursue the matter vigorously. I shall keep you advised." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter received from R. Honey, Durham M.P. res- pecting letter carrier service in Bowmanville be received and filed. CARRIED 5. Dan. L. S. Dudley:- March 12, 1964. 1-..- I ~ . " I wish to register a complaint to the Bowmanville Town Council regarding a parking violation that happens every Magistrate's Court day. Every Tuesday between the hours of Ten and Five it is impossible to park at our local Post Office to pick up or dispatch mail. Although parking meters have been allotted to Magistrate and his Officers, both local and Provincial, the fifteen minute Zone for the Post Office and Town lIall seems to be completely filled all day by these same people. Page 8 . - 3 - I believe this matter could be remedied by the Magistrate if it was brought to his attention if he realized the traffic congestion and hazard caused when all day parking is available right behind the Post Office. Public relations also suffer when our local citizens have to walk two blocks." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter received from Mr. D. Dudley respecting parking violations be received and referred to Magistrate Baxter. Ci\RRIED 6. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority;- r~rch 2, 1964. . "The 1964 programme of the Public Relations and Education Advisory Board of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority includes the education of school children in tho advantages of good conservation. The Authority would like to hold Arbor Days for various schools, but, is unable to do so because of land ownership. If your municipality own land that could be planted under our Tree Planting Assistance Programme we would appreciate being allowed the privilege of both planting this land and holding a school Arbor Day." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.. THAT the letter received from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated bBrch 2, 1964 respecting ",\.rbor Days" be received and filed. C"RRIED 7. Evelyn Alder, Secretary. - r~rch 12, 1964. . "At a special meeting of Bowmanville Recreation Committee held Wednesday ~Brch 11, 1964, the accompanying letter of resignation from the Recreation Director (Mr. Rigg) was presented, and the following resolutions were passed. 1. That the resignation be accepted with regret. 2. The Committee requests permission from Council to advertise for Recreation Director. Doug. Rigg:- March 7, 1964. "It is with a feeling of deep regret that I hereby offer my resignation as Director of Recreation, for the Town of Bowmanvil1e, and wish to inform the Bowmanville Recrea- tion Committee that I will relinquish my position on or about April 1st, 1964. On behalf of my wife and family, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for all the kindness, co-operation, courtesies and friendship, shown us by the Recreation Committee personnel and other citizens of Bowmanville. . May the Recreation Committee continue to develop their programme of I' ecreat ion, and in this endeavour I wish you exceeding success. I remain." - 4 - P,lge 9 . Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the resignation of ~rr. D. Rigg as Recreation Director for the Town of Bowmanvil1e be received and accepted with regret. CJ1.RRIED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH,~ we authorize the Recreation Committee to advertise and receive applications for the position of Recreation Director. C,;RiUED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hughes. TH,iT the matter of salary for Recreation Director be referred to the Finance Committee for their consideration. . CARr!.IED 8. Hospital hrea Residents:- March 1964. "We, the undersigned, citizens of Bowmanvil1e, who reside adjacent to the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital wish to bring to your attention the problem that confronts us - the dis- charge of soot from the chimney of the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Since early in November, 1963 periodically there has been a discharge that has damaged, soiled or stained cars, clothing and houses. We have made personal complaints to the administrator and chairman of the Hospital Board with- out any apparent action being taken on their part. Unless action is taken immediately we shall be compelled to take further action for damages to our property. We will appreciate any interest and help you can give us in this matter." . Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT a copy of the letter received from Hospital Area Residents be forwarded to the Memorial Hospital Board and ask that a report of the status of their actions in this respect. C:,RdED 9. Hendry Investmertts Ltd.: - March 16, 1964. "Re - FURTHER OPENING OF FR"NK STREET . We hereby request permission to open Frank St. further South to our property line, as per our Sub-Division agree- ment with the Town of Bowmanville - dated Nov. 22nd, 1963." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter from Hendry Investments Ltd. be referred to the Town Clerk for the negotiation of an agreement be- tween Hendry Investments Ltd. and Town of Bowmanville in respect to their request. 6ARRIED 10.. Councillor's Resignation:- The Clerk reported that he had receive a letter of resigna- tion from Councillor George Stephen from Council owing to Page 10 - 5 - .i personal reasons. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. TH"T we accept with regret the resignation of George Stephen from the Council of the Town of Bowmanville. C,~R;UED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. TH,lT Councillor Paul Chant be appointed acting Chairman of the Public Property Committee and Special Committee re Centennial project. C;,RHIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. . TH;,T the Striking Committee be authorized to revise Com- mittees of Council following appointment of a Councillor to fill the present vacancy in the Council. C:,RRIEJ v BY-LXvvS: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT leave be granted to bring in the following By-law. 1. A By-law to provide for the 1964 Expenditures on Roads and Streets in the Town of Bowmanville. C:,RRED I~ved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THiiT the By-law be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, Mayor in the Chair. CHR,UED Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. . TH"T we rise and report successful second reading of the By-law in Commit tee of the vfhole. C"RRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. TH:,T the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a third time, engrossed, signed by the I~yor and Clerk sealed and numbered. A By-law to provide for the 1964 expenditures on Roads J and Street in the Town of Bowmanvil1e ----------B/1 No. 1903. C"R:HEB VI NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Durham Street:- Awaiting agreement from Board of Trans- port Commissioners. . 2. Beach:- This matter to be discussed at the next regular Board of Works meeting. 3. Sturrock Road:- Nothing further reported in this res- pect. Page 11 - 6 - . 4. Park Land:- The clerk reported that negotiations for the acquisition of a parcel of the Cawker property on High Street for Park purposes had been completed the result that Cawkers do not wish at the present time to sell any of their land. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the Park Land be referred to the Board of Works Com- mittee. C"RHIED . 5. Liberty Street Sidewalk:- Nothing further reported in this regard. 6. Carruthers Sub-division:- At the last regular Board of v{orks meeting it v,as decided that this matter be discussed at the ~~rch Board of Works, however, the Clerk advised that I~. Carruthers wished that this matter be considered at this Council session. .lS a result of the report under Park Land Council feel thae this matter should properly be dealt with at the Board of liorks meeting. 7. Works Department Shed:- Progress was reported. 8. Bernard Street:- This matter presently in the hands of the Town Solicitor. 9. Centennial Project Committee:- ,. report is awaited from this Committee. 10. Town l~nager:- rothing further reported in this respect. 11. Matters referred to the Roads and Streets Committee:- Clerk reported that the erection of the signs at the last Council meeting was being proceeded with. . 12. Police Department:- Councillor Hooper, chairman of the Police Committee reported that applications had been called for Police Constables and advised that in accordance with Council's direction two constables had been hired. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. TH"T we concur in the action taken bv the Police Committee in the engagement of Mr. John McGuey: 1st Class Constable and Ian Smith, probationary Constable. C,dUUED Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hughes. THllT we do now Adjourn 8:20 p.m. C,.mUED .