HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1964 . . . . <"]""1 COUNCIL MINUTES March 2, 1964. The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at &:00 p.m. at the Council Chamber, Town Hall on MOnday March 2, 1964 with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Reeve Little: I ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday February 17, 1964 be re- ceived and adopted. CARRIED II COMMUNICAT IONS: 1. Bowmanville Boy Scouts:- Feb. 24/64. nOn behalf of the Bowmanvil1e District Council of the Boy Scouts of Canada, I am requesting permission for the local Scouts to hold their annual Boy Scout Apple Day and to sell apples and tags on May 2nd (Saturday) 1964. Would you please present this letter to the next meeting of the Bowmanville Town Council and advise us as soon as poss- ible if they have given their approval to our request, so we may complete our Apple Day plans." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter from the Bowffianville District Council of the Boy Scouts of Canada dated February 24, 1964 be received and that we grant permission for them to hold their annual Boy Scout Apple Day on Saturday May 2nd, 1964. CARRIED 2. Keith Connell:- Feb. 1964. "We would certainly appreciate it if you would give this organization your financial support. You will notice in their literature some of the activities and promotions they have conducted. In our opinion they are one of the better organizations that have certalnly helped to get tourists off Hwy. 401. We personally directly and indirectly spent 83.00 with them last year and feel we could not have spent it better it will be over $100.00 this year. Tourist dollars help everyone in the community not just a few of us so if you can see your way at all please d9 not pass this organization up completely they could use $100. but would be happy with any amount and believe me the re- turns to the community will be tremendous." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter from Mr. Keith Connell in respect to the Great Pine Ridge be received and filed. CARRIED - 2 - . 3. The Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario:- Feb. 1964. "CONVENTION 1964 - CITY OF LONDON, Date: May 11th, 12th and 13th. CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS: HOTEL LONDON e Enclosed with this Review is a Request for Reservation Form. Fill in this Form as soon as possible, and mail to:- Mr. R. E. Ashton, M.l.M.A., Assessment Commissioner, City Hall, London, Ontario. The Convention Headquarters, The Hotel London, has promised us a block of 200 rooms. These of course will not accommo- date all our delegates but there is good accommodation available at several new motels. Ray Ashton has contacted these motels and has arranged to have rooms reserved. All requests for reservations will be processed as they are received, so I would suggest that if you plan to attend, then fill in the enclosed reservation form and mail it today," Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter from the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario respecting the forthcoming Annual Conference be received and that Mr. C. S. Oke be authorized to attend at the Corporation's expense this conference. 4. Town of Strathroy:- Feb. 24/64. CARRIED "The Council of the Town of Strathroy have received from Councillor Harry Roder, their delegate to the recent Ontario Municipal Association Conference held in Bowmanville, a complete report on the Conference and were pleased to hear that it was such a success. . The Council understand that this was the most successful Conference ever held by the Town and Village Section of the Association and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for hosting this Conference and also commend your staff, headed by Clerk Jack Reid, for the work they did when they were confronted by twice the number of registrations antici- pated." Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter from the Town of Strathroy dated February 24, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED . 5. Bowmanville Recreation Department:- Feb. 21/64. "At a Special Budget Meeting of the Bowmanville Recreation Committee, held on Thursday, February 20, 1964, the follow- ing motion was passed. "That the 1964 Budget be adopted as submitted by the Recrea- tion Committee, with the exception of the Director's salary which is to be referred to the Finance Committee for their consideration. " - 3 - . Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the budget received from the Bowmanville Recreation Committee be received and referred to the Finance Com- mittee of Council for their consideration and report in the 1964 budget. CARRIED 6~ Ontario Municipal Association - Town and Village Section. Feb. 29/64. e "Please find enclosed minutes and the addresses in full from our Regional Conference held in your municipality on Saturday, February 15, 1964. I wish to take this opportunity to tank you most sincerely for your co-operation and assistance at the Conference. This was our most successful meeting to date and your help was highly appreciated. Would you kindly convey this Section's further thanks and appreciation to your Council and staff members for their co-operation. The remarks by Mr. Stevens assisted in getting the Con- ference off to a good start and the general hospitality shown by your municipality will long be remembered by delegates. I would thank you again and trust that you and some of your Council will be free to attend the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Section in Simcoe on May 8th and 9th, 1964.11 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con: Chant. THAT the letter from the Ontario Municipal Association, Town and Village Section be received and filed." CARRIED . 7. The Ontario Traffic Conference: - Feb. 1964. "The Board of Directors of the Ontario Traffic Conference welcome your continued support as a member of the Ontario Traffic Conference. The Board is keenly aware of the continued progress that must be made to represent Ontario Municipalities for the improvement of traffic conditions and traffic safety in 6ntario. New legislation, new techniques in traffic engin- eering and progressive enforcement is a product that our association will always strive for. Our Traffic Training School is advancing to reach a status of finest seminar in Canada of its kind. . The Board of Directors will continue to publish newsletters, technical articles and also finalize the preparation of their "Policy Manual" which is reaching a final draft stage for approval and distribution this spring. The annual convention will be held in Hotel London on April 27, 28 and 29. An extensive technical programme is pre- pared this year and an expanded Board of Directors to nineteen members will be elected at this convention. e> e e . - 4 - Enclosed please find application forms that should be filled out and official representatitives names in order that they may receive all published material. Your continued support of the Ontario Traffic Conference is sincerely appreciated by the Board of Directors and members of the Conference." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Dep. - Reeve Stevens. THAT the letter from the Ontario Traffic Conference be received and that the membership for 1964 in the amount of $25.00 PI'! paid. CARRIED 8. Department of Lands and Forests:- Feb. 28/64. "As has been our custom over the past number of years, we wish again to call to your attention the flood potential which exists on the rivers throughout the Province and which is a constant threat, both during and for some time after the period of the spring breakup. In many sections of northern and central Ontario the snow cover is above normal, so that with rapid melting or heavy spring rains thiq could create considerable flooding along the rivers in these regions. In southern Ontario, where snow amounts are more nearly normal, the runoff problem will be aggravated by the high moisture content of the soil caused by the mid-winter rains. With infiltration to the soil thus restricted, a greater percentage of the snowmelt will reach the streames at the spring breakup. If rain occurs during this period there could be flooding in many areas. Consequently, if concerted action for the protection of life and property is to be of value, organizations must be established and plans formulated beforehand, so that assist- ance will be available if a flood emergency should arise. In bringing this to your attention, we do not wish to alarm people unduly. However, it is important that you should be aware of the potential danger and it is hoped that the following proposals will assit you in dealing with it if there should be a threat of flooding in your municipality." Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter and information received from the Department of Lands and Forests in respect to flood potential be re- ferred to the Roads and Streets Committee for information and action if necessary. CARRIED III REPORTS: Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of February 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED Moved by Con. Chant) seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the Building I~spector's report for the month of February 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED - 5 - . Moved by Con. Stephen, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens. THAT the report of the Roads and Streets for the month of January 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit be received and adopted. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the report of the Police Department for the month of January 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED C.L.O.C.A.: . The following report was presented by Councillor Hughes, Bowmanville's representative on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be received and referred to the Finance Committee for their consideration in Budget session. "Central Lake Ontario Conservation Report. In October of last year the CLOCA authorized the purchase of 123 acres in Whitby Twp for $50,000. Bowmanville set out valid reasons against this purchase and voted against it but was overruled. Earlier this year the Authority was advised by the Ontario Govt. Department that an appraisal of the land showed a a value of only $31,000 anq that a grant toward this pur- chase would be allowed on $31,000 only. Therefore the land has not been bought by the authority, and a second appraisal is being sought and negotiations with the owners is in pro- gress. . At a meeting of the Authority last Thursday, Feb. 26, the budget for 1964 was approved. This included the amount required for the purchase of the Whitby Twp. property at $50,000 over three years. It was stated clearly however that the Municipalities would not be called upon for the capital assessment unless land was actually bought. At the meeting I spoke against the amount of the capital budget but it was passed. I was quoted in the Oshawa Times. Bowmanville's share of the CLOCA budget for 1964 is as follows: Operating budget, payable now ..................$242.ge Capital budget, payable if & when land bought... 6~4.;2 Tar ,~L BUDGET ]lie 7. 0 . I would compliment the Authority on a lower operating cost than previously. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the report respecting the CLOC.. be received and re- ferred to the Finance Committee for their consideration in Budget Session. CARRIED . . . . IV v - 6 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: BOARD of WORKS COt~~ITTEE: Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the minutes of the Board of Works Committee meeting held on Tuesday February 25, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED ROADS AND STREETS COr~ITTEE: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the Roads and Streets Committee Meeting held on Wednesday February 26, 1964 be received and adopted. CA.RRIED ACCOUNTS: Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the accounts of PnID PRIOR in the total amount of $44.012.11 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED MOved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the accounts of the FI~~NCE DEPT. in the total amount of .$460.85 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH"T the accounts of the DOG CONTROL in the total amount of ~74.19 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of $2.70 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the accounts of the INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION in the total amount of $80.00 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of J220.86 be and are hereby passed for payment. C,'.RRIED Moved by Con. Stephen, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total amount of j215.62 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED . ~"c.~ . . . -- ';'~,.k,,, _ '~-.. - 7 - Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THiiT the accounts of the WELF,d1.E DEPT. in the total amount of $l,,05Z..47be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Stephen, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens. THAT the accounts of the ROADS & STREETS DEPT. in the total amount of j2.S81~ be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED VI BY -LAViS: VII Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THJ,T leave be granted to introduce the following By-laws: 1. it By-law to appoint a Weed Inspector. 2. A By-law to allow encroachments of the Bowmanville Hotel on King and Division Streets. 3. A By-law to close part of Division Street. 4. A By-law to establish an extension of Durham Street. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the By-laws be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time Mayor in the Chair. CARRIED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Stephen. TH"T we rise and l?eport successful second reading of the By-laws in Committee of the Whole. CiiRRIED Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-laws be r ecei ved and adopt ed, same be now read a third time engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk sealed and numbered as follows: 1. A By-law to appoint a Weed Inspector. . . ElL 1900. 2. A By-law to allow encroachments of the Bowmanville Hotel on King and Division Streets. . . . . . . BIL 1901. 3. A By-law to close part of Division St. . BIL 1901-A. 4. A By-law to establish an extension of Durham Street. ....... . . . . " BIL 1902. CAR,UED Moved by Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all necessary documents respecting the Durham Street extension. CARRIED NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Liberty Street Storm Sewer:- It was reported that Council had received approval from the Ontario Municipal Board respecting their / . - 8 - application to levy the balance of the cost to the con- struction of the Storm Sewers on Liberty and Baseline Streets on all rateable property in the Town and to refund the sum of $3,298.39 to those owners who communicated their Local Improvement payments covering the years 1964 to 1975. This was reported for Councils information. This item will be deleted from future agenda. 2. Durham Street: - This matter has been' de'alt with under By-laws. 3. Industrial Area:- . Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper, THAT the land east of Soper Creek bounded on the north by Wharf Road on the west by the rear of the Wharf Road properties and on the south by the C.N.R. right-of-way to be valued at $200.00 per acre for sale purposes. CARRIED 4. Beach:- This matter to be further considered at the next regular Board of iiorks session. 5. 6. Sturrock Road:- Nothing further reported. 7. His Worship the Mayor reported that negotiation and discussion had been effected in this regard, however no report is available until the next meeting of Council. Liberty Sidewalk:- Nothing further reported in this regard. Park Land:- . 8. Carruthers Sub-division:- This matter to be considered at the next regular Board of iiorks meeting. 9. P.U.C. By-law Amendments:- This matter was dealt with under the Board of Viorks Committee re- port and will be deleted from future agenda. 10. Local Improvement Petitions:- This matter was dealt with under the Board of Works Committee report and will be deleted from future agenda. 11. Works Department Shed:- This matter is being considered by the Public Property Committee who will report to Council in the near future. 12. Bernard Street:- This matter still in the hands of the Town Solicitor. . 13. Centennial Project Committee:- by this Special future. A reDort will be made Committee in the near . - 9 - 14. Town Manager:- Nothing further reported in this respect. 15. Matters referred to the Police Committee. Councillor Hooper, chairman of the Police Committee reported that action had been taken in respect to applications for Police Officers and that when the interviews are completed recommendation will be made to Council. From the School Board for school sign in the vincinity of the Lord Elgin School has been approved by the Police Com- mittee and his recommendation that the Roads and Streets Department erect this sign as soon as possible. 16. Matters referred to the Roads and Streets:- 1. Drainage - Ol~mpia Cafe. . ... Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT a letter be forwarded to the owner advising that immediate consideration and action in respect to this problem be effected. CARRIED 2. King Street - Ontario to Brown:- It was reported that consideration was to be effected into the widening of King Street from Ontario to Brown, however as yet this matter had not been considered by the committee. 17. Reactor:- Council was advised that the County Council had sponsored a resolution to encourage Federal Government to construct a proposed reactor in the United Counties of Northumberland- Durham. '. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT this Council go on record in support of the CountY'8 resolution encouraging the Federal Government to construct their proposed reactor in the United Counties of Northumber- land and Durham. CARRIED Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. THi.T we do now adjourn: CARRIED .. .