HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1964 e . . '. Page 6 COUNCIL MINUTES The regular meeting Qf Bowmanvil1e Town Council convened at S:OO p.m. on Monday F'.ebruary 3,1964 with His~Vorship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present: I LORD'S PRAYER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday January 20, 1964 be received and adopt ed. CARRIED In DELEGATIONS: 1. Lake Ontario Development Association:- lftr; J. Lawson, Assistant Manager of the L.O.D.A. appeared before Council outlining the purposes and activities of the Association asking Council to re~consider membership in the Association for 1964. He advised that the fee in this res- pect would amount to approximately $500.00. Mr. Meserea of the Department of Economics and Development was also present on behalf of L.O.D.A. and outlined the Provincial Government's position in assisting these Develop~ ment Associations. . After a thorough discussion the delegates were thanked for their presentation by His Worship the Mayor. No Action was taken! 2. Mr. Murray McKnight:- Mr. McKnight appeared before Council on behalf of Mr. Eastwood the proprietor of the Fish and Chip store on Division Street suggesting that a serious study of the local Pedlars License was required to eliminate what he felt were inadequate pro- visions. He outlined the fact that competition to r~. East- wood was permitted to purchase a Pedlars License for an amount of ~25.00 which gave him the benefits which Mr. Eastwood pays a considerably higher Business Tax for. Following discussion it was; Moved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT His Worship the Mayor appoint a Committee of Three to investigate the licensing of pedlars in neighbouring communi- ties and report their finding and recommendations to Council. CARHIED CO~illITTEE APPOINTED - Chairman, Con. Con. Leslie Fice Stevens Deputy-Reeve \ , , .~ . . '. - 2 - Page 7 PETITIOHS: 1. The Clerk certified sufficiency of a Local Improvement petition received from the residents of Meadowview Blvd. for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer under the pro- visions of the Local Improvement Act. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the Local Improveuent Petition for a Sanitary Sewer on lf~adowview Blvd. having been received and certified suffici- ent by the Town Clerk, and that rtr. W. T. Dempsey be author- zed to prepare the necessary report under the provisions the Local Improvement Act. CARRIED v 1. 11 C. Honey, Durham M.P.:- "Further 0 our recent correspondenc e relative to the poss i- bility of establishing letter carrier delivery service in Bowmanville, I can advise that I have now heard from the Postmaster General who advises me that in the fall of 1962 the District Director of Postal Service, Toronto, had a count made of the number of potential calls in the compact, well developed section of Bowmanville. At that time it was determined that there were some 2,025 potential calls which qualified for letter carrier service. The requirement for the establishment of such service, as set by the Treasury Board, is that there.must me 2,500 ' available points of call in such an area, and therefore, the number in Bowmanville fell considerably short of the Treasury Board requirements. However, the Postmaster General advises me that he will again ask the District Director of Postal Service in Toronto to review the matter and submit an up to date report on the number of calls which would now qualify for letter carrier service in the area. He will be in touch with me when he has received the report from the District Director at Toronto and at that time I will again report to you." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter from Mr. Russell C. Honey dated January 29, 1964 be received and filed. CARil.IED 2. Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association:- i\. letter was received from the Ontario School Tru.,teel!' and Ratepayers' Association advising of their Annual Convention being held lfBrch 30, 1964 and request that Council consider membership in this Association for the current year. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter from the County and Muncipal Councils Section of the Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association dated Jan. 27, 1964 respecting the Ontario Educational Assoc- iation Convention be received and filed. CARRIED . . '. '. - 3 - Page $ 3. Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce:- A letter was received from the local Chamber of COIT@erce outlining their action in respect to a Centennial Year proj,;ct. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the letter from the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce respecting a Cen:t.enlrlnL Year project be received and that a letter be forwarded to the Chamber advising of Council's action in setting up a Special Committee to investigate the possibility of acquiring a grant under this new act, for Library Construction and ask for their views in this respect. CARRIED 4. Bowmanville Public School Board: "The Bowmanville Public School Board met last night with the Architect and approved sketch plans for the addition of four classrooms and a general purpose room to the Lord Elgin School. Today, we showed the plans to Public School Inspector, Mr. E. J. D. Webster, and they meet with his approval. We are phoning the Architect today to take the sketch plans to the Province of Ontario Depa~tment of Education for their approval as soon as possible. The Architect gave the Board an estimated total cost of ~145,OOO.OO, which will include construction costs, Architect's fees and furnishings. The Board would ask Council to give approval of the estimated cost, apply to Ontario Municipal Board for their consent to finance this expenditure, by sale of debenture, we presume, and take whatever action is necessary by your body to ex- pedite proceedings so we may advise the Architect to make working drawings and specifications to call for tender. I The addition is required for school opening September 1964 and we would appreciate any effort on your behalf towards this end. We will be pleased to have representatives at your Council meeting if you so desire." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter from the Bowmanville Public School Board dated January 31, 1964 be received and that we approve of the estimated construction and authorize application to the Ontario Municipal Board for their approval of issue of the necessary debentures therefore. CARRIED 5. Memorial Hospital Board:- "The Board of 1964:- Directors of Memorial Hospital, James H. Stutt, Chairman K. W. Jackson, Vice-Chairman Bowmanville for H. A. J. .i~ . H. V. Barron Bell Cryderman . . . '. Page 9 - 4 - Mrs. W. Harold Gibson Glenholme Hughes Harry Jose ~~s. S. G. McMurter Dr. L. S. Miklos l!Iauriice f'vout Mrs. 'IV. M. Rudell Dr. H. B. Rundle fl. M. Thompson vi. Rex Walters R. J. Dilling, Secretary-Treasurer Committee Chairmen - K.\'L Jackson Committee- W. R. Walters - H. V. CryderrDan - G. Hughes - J. H. St ut t Finance Committee Property & Equipment Grounds Committee Public Relations Committee Management Committee The standard ward rate for 1964 is ~$23. 90 per day." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter received from Council's representative on the Memorial Hospital Board be received and filed. CARRIED VI REPORTS: VII Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of January 1964 be received and adopted. C;I.RRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the report of the Police Dept. for the month of December 1963 be received and adopted; Cil.RRIED Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. TH"T the report of the Building Inspector for the month of January 1964 be received and adopted. c,m,UED MOved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the report of the Roads and Streets Deoartment for the month of December 1963 be received and adopted. Cll.RRISD Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the month of December 1963 be received and filed for future reference. CARRIED ANNUAL REPORTS: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the Annual report of the Police Dept. for the year 1963 . . . .. - 5 - Page 10 be received and adopted. CARRIED Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens seconded by Reeve Little, THAT the Annual Assessment report fort he year 1963 be received and adopted. Ci,RRIED Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the Annual report of the Dog Control Dept. for the year 1963 be received and adopted. CJlR:UBD A report on the Fire Dept. activities for the year 1963 was presented by Con. Fice, Chairman of the Department. Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Chant. TH;\T the Annualreport of the Fire Dept. for the year 1963 be received and adopted. CARHIED VIII REPORTS OF CO~~ITTEES: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. THi,T the report of the Special Committee appointed to con- sider the questionnaire received from the Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association be received and adopted. CARRIED Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the report of the Board of Works Committee dated January 28, 1964 be received and adopted. Ci,RRIED IX J\CCOUNT S: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the accounts of P,lID PRIO,,," in the total amount of ~58.552.65 be and are hereby passed for paymentl CARRIED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con.. Stephen, TH,tT the accounts of DOG CONTROL in the total amount of $30.37 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. THfiT the accounts of FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of $18.44 be and are hereby passed for payment. C"RRIED Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THilT the accounts of the FINi,NCE DEPT. in the total amount of $911.83 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED . . . . - 6 - Page 11 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of $311.07 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Stephen, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total amount of ~fl09.12. be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the accounts of the \mLFARE DEPT. in the total amount of $1.280.25 be and are hereby passed for payment. CARRIED Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Stephen. TH,'.T the account of the ROADS &. STREE'['S DEFT. in the total amount of $1,986.10 be and are hereby passed for payment. x CARRIED BY-LAviS: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the proposed amendment to the By-laws 1624 and 1625 be duplicated for Council members and presented at the next regular Couhcil Session. CARRBD Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT leave be granted to bring in the following By-law. A By-law to amend Debenture By-law No. 1764 so as to pro- vide for payment of the total remaining unpaid debentures out of the general rate. CARlUED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the By-law be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, ~~yor in the Chair. CARRIED Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT we rise and report successful second reading of the By-law in Committee of the Whole. CMlilIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THilT the report of Council in Committee of the \{hole on the By-law be received and adopted the same be read a third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered as follows: 1. A By-law to amend Debenture By-law No. 1764 ao as to provide for payment of the total remaining unpaid debentures out of the General Rate ...........B/L No. 1899. CAIUIED ... Page 12 - 7 - . Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-law for authorizing the pulling down of the East Beach Dance Hall be received and adopted, the same be now read a third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered as follows: 1. A By-law for authorizing the pulling down of the East Beach Dance Hall. . ......................... BIL No 1883. CARRIED XI NEVi JiND UJIi"FINISH2D BUSINESS: . 1. Liberty Street Storm Sewer - Under By-laws on this Agenda the necessary By-law was enacted to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval DO transfer Local Improvement charges for the Storm Sewer to the General Rate. Approval or revision suggestions will be forthcoming from the Board. 2. Sturrock Road - A By-law to accept a conveyance of the Sturrock Road Allowance is presently awaited. 3. P.U.C. Amendment - The By-law to amend By-laws 1624 and 1625 has been received from the Town Solicitor. The Clerk was instructed to have copies made available for each member of Council for their study prior to presentation at the next regular Council Session. 4. DeJong - Bernard St. - The Clerk advised that the solici- tor had taken necessary steps to have DeJong proceed with the services out- lined in his commitment in respect to this street. . 5. Durham Street _ The Clerk reported that in accordance with the authorization contained in the Board of Works Committee minutes dated Jan. 28, 1964 that he had engaged Mr. M. Brown, P.E. of Bowmanville to prepare the material necessary for application to the Board of 'Transport Commissioners for a Public Crossing agreement at the Durham Street ex- tension. 6. Beach- This matter was reported in the Board of vforks Committee minutes dated Jan. 28, 1964. 7. Liberty Street Sidewalk - Nothing further reported in this respe ct. 8. Park Land _ . The r~yor and Clerk are to endeavour to report on this matter at the next regular Council meeting. 9. Duke Street - Petition - Nothing further reported in this respect. ~ - 8 - Page 1J e-- 10. Town Manager - This matter is being held in abeyance. 11. Frederick .Ive. - Saoitary Sewer - Mr. W. T. Dempsey, P.E. is to attend the next regular session of the Board of 'forks Com- mittee to discuss this matter. 12. Centennial Grants - Councillor Stephen reported that the Special Committee appointed to consider this matter had scheduled a meeting for February 6th following which a report will be made to Council. 13. Minister of National Defence - Letters acknowledging Councils request for an audible sound- ing of the N.S.A.W.S. Siren were re- ceived from f~. Russell Honey, M.P. and the Military Secretary for the Minister of National Defence. . Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letters received from Mr. Honey and Mr. J. M. Favreau be received and filed. CARRIED 14. Works Dept. Shed - The Finance Committee is to discuss this matter at their first meeting. 15. ~Btters referred to Roads and Streets: 1. Drainage - Olympia Cafe. 2. Trees 3. Request for boulevard paving - St. Paul'c Church. 16. f~tters referred to the Police Committee: 1. School Board request for signs at Lord Elgin School. . 2. Tenders for Police Car. Councillor Hooper reported that the Police Co~~ittee would be hold a meeting on these matters and report would be made to Council. 17. Pine Street Road .lllowance - a report is Solicitor. The Clerk reported that expected from the Town 18. Industrial Area - The letter received from Mr. W. Lycett in November of 1963 having been re- ferred to the 1964 Council was con- sidered. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT Donevan & Fleischmann, Ontario Land Sur;eyors be engaged to effect a survey of the land offered by Mr. W. Lycett con- tained in his letter of November 1963. . . CARRIED , 0] -. - 9 - Page 14 19. Scugog Street - Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH,tT a reque st be forward to the Hoad Commission for the United Counties of Northumberland-Durham asking that work be done to improve the road conditions of Scugog Street from King Street in Bowmanville northerly to County Road #1 apd on Liberty Street. CAWUED 20. Conservation Authorities - The Deputy Reeve Stevens outlined the extent of a resolution which had been presented at the last session of County Council which in effect would control the spending of Conservation Authorities. . Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH.,T we endorse the resolution respecting control on spending by Conservation Authorities. CARRIED Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THnT we do now adjourn - 9:35 p.m. CARRIED . .