HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/1964 . . . . Page 6 COUNCIL MINUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m. with his vlorship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present. I LORD'S PRAYER: II ADOPT ION OF MINUTES - Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday January 6th, 1964 be received and adopted. CARRIED III DELEGATIONS: 1. Public School Board:- The Public School Board appeared before Town Council as requested by Council at the Jan. 6th session to discuss their application for tentative approval to the construction of 4 regular class-rooms, plus 1 general purpose room at the Lord Elgin School. Mr. A. Thompson, Supervising Principal presented a report to substantiate the lleed for this addition from a'lchool population view-point. This report also outlined the facilities available at the various public schools in Bowmanvil1e. Following considerable discussion it was, Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT when applications are made to the Department of Education for school construction approval that a copy of the application be also forwarded to Bowmanville Council at the same time it is forwarded to Toronto. CARRIED Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT we grant tentative approval to the Bowmanville Public School Board to proceed with plans and specifications for an addition to the Lord Elgin School as outlined in their letter of January 3rd, 1964. CARRIED 2. A.R.D.A.:- Mr. Garnet Rickard appeared before Council to outline the function and activities of a proposed committee to be established ",.' ar the Agricultural Re-habilitation and Development Act. Mr. Rickard indicated that his pur- pose in attending this Council meeting was to request Council to appoint a representative to attend a meeting where the establishment of a Committee for Durham will be considered. Moved by Con. Stephen and Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT His Worship the Mayor appoint a member of Council to attend the forthcoming meeting of A.R.D.A. to obtain further information and report back to Council for further direction. CARRIED Councillor Stephen appointed. . e . . PaISe 7 - 2 - 3. E.M.O.:_ IY"Jr.. Gordonvfright. Mr. vlright the Counties co-orindator for E.fil.O. appeared before Council in an effort to determine the best means of informing local residents of Emergency Measures. He advised that for the past 15 months he had spoken to certain groups in Bowmanvil1e but that the number of people he had reached compared to the total population was rather small in this connection. Mr. Wright was advised that the Clerk would furnish him with a list of local organizations which he could approach in this respect. During Mr. Wrights' presence at the meeting he was questioned as to the ability of the warning siren on the Town Hall to operate as no one in the community knew whether this siren would operate or not. Mr. Wright advised that to his knowledge this siren had not audibly operated, that he would be as interested as members of of Council in finding out. Accordingly it was, Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Minister of Defence, Durham's M.P., and the Army Central Command criticising their action in not carrying out an audible test of the warning siren located at the Town Hall in Bowmanville and ask that such a test be scheduled as soan as possible. CARRIED rv CO~~NICATIONS: 1.. Lake Untario Development Association:- A letter from the Lake Ontario Development Association was received asking that Bowmanville renew membership in this organization for the year 1964-65. THAT the letter received from the Lake Ontario Development Association dated January 13th, 1964 respecting 1964 member- ship be received and filed. CARRIED 2. Lake Ontario Development Association:- "Would you please advise me as to the time, place and date of the Council meetings in your municipality, and whether or not an appointment is necessary. The Association plans to send a representative to speak to Council regarding membership for 1964-65.". Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter from L.O.D.A. dated January 17, .1964 be received and that the Clerk be instructed to advise the L.O.D.A. that the next regular session of Town Council will be held on February 3, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED Page 8 - J - e 3. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves:- A letter was received from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves requesting renewal of membership for the year 1964 and advising that the Annual 1964 Con- ference will be held in the City of Sudbury from June 21,22,23 and 24th. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the 1964 membership in the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves be authorized and a cheque forwarded " to the Association in the amount of ~35.00. CARRIED e Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT His Worship the Mayor and t he Reeve .or their appointed representatives be authorized to attend the forthcoming annual conference being held in the City of Sudbury on June 21,22,23 & 24th next, at the Corporation's expense. C;lRRI ED 4. ifilfred Carruthers:- "Please accept my resignation as a member of the Committee of Adjustment." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we accept with regret the resignation of Mr. Wilfred Carruthers from the Bowmanville Committee of Adjustment, and that the Clerk express Councils' appreciation for Mr. Carruthers services on this Committee. CARRIED 5. Canada Department of Agriculture - Health of Animals Division, 1. J. 1;Joolsey. "I wish to advise you at this time that a rabid skunk was shot within the town limits of the Municipality of Bowmanvil1e recently. Fortunately, there was no know human or animal contact but in view of the presence of rabies in the vicinity, consideration must now be given to the desire- ability of confining dogs for an extended period." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT in accordance with the advice received from I. J. Woolsey respecting confinement of Dogs, we rescind Councils former resolution respecting relaxation of the Dog By-law during the winter months, and again advise residents that dogs must not run at large on or after Monday January 24th, 1964. e CARRIED 6. Ontario School Trustees' & Rate~ayers' Association:- "This Association presented the enclosed Brief to the Ontario Committee on Taxation. The Brief was well received, and the Committee invited the Association to make a further contribution. That is why we are writing you. . - 4 - Page 9 e There has been some newspaper publicity regarding school boards and councils - and the oper~ting and capital budgets of the former. ~enerally the publicity appears to point up poor working relations between the two bodies. We know that a great many school boards and councils enjoy excellent working relations - without any infringement upon the responsibilities of either group. The Committee on Taxation is interested in finding out whether present legislation and practice are adequate to maintain good relations, and because we have both school boards and councils in our Association, the Committee con- sidered we were the logical group to undertake a general survey. We enclose a questionnaire which is couched in terms aimed at disclosing something of the true provincial picture; where relations are good, to find out what pattern of pro- cedure the two bodies follow; where they are not, to try and find out what the pattern is there also. . We would like, with your assistance, to answer the question posed by the Committee on Taxation. Would you complete and return the questionnaire to this office at your earlie st convenience? We would appreciate very much your doing so. By participating you are assured that you are making a valid contribution to better public relations between school boards and councils, but between both bodies and the people they represent. Additionally, you are being offered the opportunity of making direct recommendations in an i~lportnnt area to the Committ 8e on Taxation." j~ved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter received from the Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association, dated January 7th, 1964, respecting working relations between the School Board and Council be received and Mayor appoint Committee of three for a report at next regular Council meeting. '. CARRHD Committee Appointed - Councillor Chant - Chairman Councillor Hughes Councillor Leslie 7. Ontario Water Resources Co~wission:- "Re: Bowmanville Creek andSoper Srook - Water Pollution Survey. We are pleased to attach copies of two reports, one dealing with Bowmanville Creek and the other with Soper Brook. Your attention is directed to the rE:commendations I' egarding the need for close cont rol on the qualit y of the effluent s discharged from the Boys' Training School sewage treatment plant and the Bowmanville seV1:age treatment plant. . WE: are drawing to the attention of the township officials the recommendation r elating to the Boys' Training School selvage treatment plant, and a copy of the report on Soper Brook and correspondence is being directed to the attention of Mr. F. V. Ott of the Department of Reform Institutions. . . . . - 5 - Page 10 These treatment facilities must be carefully maintained to continue effective protection of the streams in keep~ ing with the Ontario Water Resources Commission objectives for stream water quality." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THi.T the letter and report received from the Ontario Water Resources Commission dated January 3rd, 1964 respecting their Water Pollution Survey be I' eceived and referred to P.U.C. for their attention and report if necessary. C.i.RRIED V REPORTS OF CO~IITTEES:- 1. Striking Committee Report copy attached ) Moved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. TH,~T the Striking Committee's report presented on this date be received and adopted. Cli.RRIED VI BY-LAviS: . Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hughes. . THAT leave be granted to brir~ in the following by-laws: 1. A By-law to repeal by-law No. 1889. 2. A by-law to provide for the appointment of certain representatives of the Town of Bowmanville to various Boards and Commissions. 3. Ji By-law to amend by-law 1893. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the By-laws be read a First time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and Read a Second time Mayor in the Chair. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT we ris e and report suc cessful I' eading of the by-laws in Committee of the Whole. Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH~T the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a Third time engrossed signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered as follows: 1. A By-law to repeal by-law No. 1889 .........B/L No. 1896 2. ,\. By-law to provide for the appointment of certain representatives of the Town of Bowmanville to various Boards and Commissions. ...................B/L No. 1897 3. A By-law to amend By-law 1893 ............... B/L No. Hl98 . . . . Page II - 6 - VII N&l AND UNFINISH~D BUSINESS:- 1. Matters referred to the Town Solicitor: (a) Liberty Street - Storm Sewer (b) Sturrock Road (c) P.U.C. Matter (d) Bernard Street (e) Durham Street Moved by Deputy-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little, TH~T the solicitor be requested to report on these outstanding items at the regular session of the Board of Works meeting scheduled for January 2S, 1964. CARHIED 2. Beach:- Advice was received from Mr. Honey that the Board of Works date would be suitable for the propOSJ'l(i meeting between Government Officials and Town Council in respect to the Beach. 3. Liberty St. - Sidewalk:- This matter is pending a report from professional engineer Mr. W. T. Dempsey. 4. Park Land:- This matter is pe.nd'ing a report from . . the Mayor and Clerk. 5. Duke Street: - A report is awaited fr0m Mr. Dempsey, P.E. in this respect. 6. Town Manager:- This matter is to be furt he I' con- sidered by Council. 7. Referred to Commi tt ees :- 1. Roads and Streets Department. Storm Water - Olympia Cafe. 2. Police Committee. School Board request. for signs at Lord Elgin School. S. Frederick Ave.:- The engineer Mr. Dempsey is to forward a report in this regard for consideration at the Board of Works Committee. 9. Department of Highways:- Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THilT we petition the Department of Highways for a Statutory Grant under the provisions of the Department of Highways Act on expenditures made during the year 1963. CARRIED . - 7 - Page 12 10. East Beach - Dance Hall:- Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THhT the Clerk be instructed to present at the next regular Council meeting a by-law for the removal of the East Beach Dance Hall which .. to. datG been given two readings. C,tHRIED 11. O.M.A. Town and Village Section:- Conference. Members of Council who wish to attend this conference were asked to advise the Clerk before Feb. 1st, 1964. . 12. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT we do now adjourn 9:50 p.m. CARRIED . '.