HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1964
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The Inaugural meeting of Bowmanville Town Council oonvened at
8too.p.m. on Monday January 6, 1964 with 111$ Worshtp Mayor
Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
"Pursuant to the provisions of Section 236 (1) of the Munici-
pal Act. R.S.O. 1960 I beg to report that with the exemption
of the Deputy-Reeve who is absent frol'll thi! Municipality, all
members elected to Council at the December 2nd Municipal
Election have taken the required Declaration of Office and it
is now in order for the Council to conduct its affairs for the
term 1964 and 1965."
All members present except Deputy-Reeve Stevens.
Was presented by Rev.. K. J. Frampton
Minister of the St. John's Anglican Church.
An expression of appreciation for Rev.
Frampton's participation in this meeting
was expressed by his Worship Mayor Hobbs.
His Worship Mayor Hobbs addressed the 6~-
65 Council outlining the increased assess-
ment for the year 1964 and expressed
publicly his congratulations to all members
elected at the December 2, 1963 Municipal
Moved by Con.. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT Mayor Hobbs, Reeve Little and Deputy-Reeve Stevens be
appointed the striking committee to appoint the formation of
Council's Committees and appointments to the various bodies
required to be made in 1964, and that this Committee be re-
quested to report to the January 20th session of Council.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper~
THAT the meetings of Town Council for the 1964-65 term be
scheduled as follows:
1. Regular Council meeting first Monday of each month
at g P.M.
2. Special Council meeting third Monday of each month
at 7:30 P.M.
3. Board of Works meeting last Tuesday of each month
at 7:30 P.M.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the minutes of the Council meeting dated. December
3rd, 196) be amended by correcting thedat. in the letter
from Mr. W. Lycett from "September 13th" to"November 13th"
and that the minutes so amendlld be reed ved and adopt ed.
~ 2 ...
Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities:~
A letter was received from the Ontario Association of
Rural Municipalities advising that their 32nd Annual
Convention would be held in the King Edward Hotel,
Toronto on February 10th and 11th next.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from Ontario Association of Rural
Municipalities be received and filed.
Emergency Measures Co-ordinator - Gordon V. Wrightl~
A letter was received from Mr. Gordon V. Wright the
Counties Co-ordinator requesting a date and time when
it would be convenient for him to attend a Council
meeting to discuss a proposed public meeting at which
time he would inform interested citizens of the details,
intention and purposes of E.M.O.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter from the Emergency Measures Co-ordinator,
Gordon V. Wright be received and referred to next regul-
ar Council Session and that Mr. Wright be requested to
3. Durham County District High School Board:-
"According to my
the Board are as
Alex McGregor
Alan Strike
L. A. Parker
file your Trustee Appointments to
Mr. Parker has been Chairman of the Board for 196) and
has done an excellent job. I am sure the Board would
welcome his appointment for 1964-65-66."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THJl.T the letter from the Durham County District High
School Board be received and referred to the Striking
Committee for their attention.
4. The Bowmanville Public School Board:-
!lAt the last regular meeting of the Bowmanville Public
School Board instructions were issued to write to you
requesting the Town Works Department to erect School
Signs on the Streets approaching the Lord Elgin SChool.
We trust you will consider this matter and look favour-
ably upon our request."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter from Bowmanville Public School Board
respecting the erection of school signs be referred to
~ 3 -
the Police Committee tor repo~t.
5. T. K. Stewart:-
"In answer to your letter of the 5th, regarding my
resignation, I have carefully considered the situ-
ation and alter the Council voted to ask me to re-
consider my letter of December 3, 1963.
I will accept the wish of the Council and stay.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. aughes.
THAT the letter from Mr. T. K. Stewart dated December
6, 1963 be received and filed.
Canadian Mental Health Association:~
A letter was received from the Canadian Mental Health
Association outlining their activities in the field of
mental health and requesting financial assistance from
the Corporation.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Stephen.
TH,i,T the letter from the Canadian Mental Health
Associa.tion dated December 3, 1963 ~ referred to the
Finance Committee for their ~onsideration in budget
The Children's Aid Society:-
A letter was received from the Children'S Aid Society
requesting financial assistance from the Corporation.
Council was advised that no contribution in this res-
pect had been made in 1963 consequently it was,
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
TH,i,T the letter from the Children's Aid Society
respecting financial assistance be received and filed.
t. Mri. George Forsey:-
It I. am writing this note to ask you, if you will cut
down a tree, that is by our house, it is real bad, and
we wouldn't want it to corne over on the house.. Hoping
you will see into it and thanking you."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the letter from Mrs. George Forseyrespecting
the removal of a tree be referred to the Roads and
Streets Department to be added to list of trees for
their attention if request is on town property.
- 4 -
Ontario Fire Col1ege:-
A letter was received from the Ontario Fire College
advising that courses offered by the College had been
set for March 9th - 20th and Octob~r 26th - 30th,
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from the Ontario Fire College res-
pecting forthcoming courses offered by the College
be received and filed.
10. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority:-
A letter was received from Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority requesting Council to appoint
their 1964 representative to the Authority..
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the letter received from the Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority dated December 27, 1963 be
received and referred to the Striking Committee for
their cons ideration.
11. Ontario Municipal Association:- Town and Village Section.
A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal
Association - Town and Village Section advising of
their 2nd Regional Conference of the Section to be
held in the Town of Bowmanvil1e on Saturday February
15, 1964.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the letter from the Ontario Municipal Association-
Town and Village Section respecting the forthcoming
Annual Conference in Bowmanvil1e be received and filed
and that any members wishing to attend to notify Clerk
by February lst. The Town is to pay registration fees
for Councillors who find it convenient to attend.
12. Department of Municipal Affairs:-
"As in past years I again bring to your attention the
hazards of structural defects and accumulation of snow
and ice on the roofs of buildings and structures u;..:-l
as places of assembly. Regular inspection of such
buildings or structures by appropriate municipal of-
ficials and the subsequent correction of defects or
removal of snow and ice from roofs may prevent a
serious accident or disaster.
It is important that your Council be aware of the
responsibilities devolving upon municipal councils
regarding the safety of the inhabitants while assembled
in public buildings and their authorities in respect
thereto.. Ample legal authority for the enactment and
enforcement of effecti~e protective measures by muni-
cipal councils is provided in the Municipal Act, parti-
cularly in Section 379 (1) paras. 38, 40, 54 and 55..
- 5 -
I ask your co-operation in advising your council of
these matters."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
TH,.T the letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs
respecting safety of Public Buildings having been taken
care of by the Building Inspector be received and filed.
13. Trinity United Church:-
"Attached is a copy of a letter delivered in person to
Mr. Jack Reid, Town Clerk, April 1st, 1963, concerning
the Church Street property formerly used as Trinity
United Church drive-in shed. No acknowledgement of
the letter has been received to date.
You will note that the suggested settlement contained in
the attached letter was to be concluded by June 30th of
the year 1963:
We trust that you will favour us with a reply to our
letter at your earliest convenience. fI
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from Mr. Wm. K. Houslander dated
December 31, 1963 be received and referred to Board
of Works Committee meeting for consideration.
14. Bowmanville Public Library:-
"When making the appointments to the various boards in
the Town, will you please arrange for an appointment
to the Library Board of one person for a period of
three years.
The term of George F. Vice expired on December 31st.
Thank you."
Moved b,r Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from the Bowmanville PubliC Library
Board dated January 3, 1964 be referred to the Striking
Con~ittee for their consideration.
15. The Bowmanvil1e Public School Board:-
'~he Bowmanville Public School Board at its regular
meeting on Thursday, December 12, 1963, passed a motion
to build an addition to Lord Elgin School.
The extra accommodation will be four regular classrooms
plus one general purpose room.
We have engaged Pentland & Baker, Toronto as Architects.
Tentative .approYal for grant purposes to the extent of
$100,000.00 has been received from the Province of
Ontario Department of Education.
- 6 -
We would ask Council to give tentative approval of
the project. 1s soon as we have a firm tendered cost
of the addition we will advise you.
We hope to have the building completed by September 1,
1964, at which time it will be required for classes.
Please take whatever steps are required by your body
in order that we may not be held up in our negotia-
tions I"
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie.
TH~T the letter from the Bowmanville Public School
Board aated January 3, 1964 respecting an addition
to Lord Elgin School be received and that the School
Board be requested to llleet with Council at eur next
regular session to discuss this matter.
16. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorityl-
fa) "In accordance with. Section 1,9 (1) of the Conserva-
tion J\uthorities Act, the Central Lake Ontario Con-
servation Authority hereby notifies you that the
capital cost of acquiring land for Scheme No.3; the
Brooklin Conservation Area, will be $50,500. Fifty
percent of this will be paid for by the Provincial
Government and the remaining $25,250. will be paid for
by the municipalities with the Authority.
The Town of Bowmanvil1e's share of this capital ex-
penditure will be $1,150.18 in 1964 and $637.02 in
1965." .
" The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
wishes to insert a note of explanation regarding the
$1,150.18 representing BC1Nmanville's share of the 1964
capital expendit~e for the Brooklin Conservation Area.
The a~ount budgeted for in 1963 is on hand and the
balance actually owing in 1964 will be $654.72. The
1965 share remains at ~37.02.
Would you please notify the Ontario Municipal Board
within thirty days as to whether you will raise your
share from curr'ent revenues or by means of debentures."
Moved by Con. HugAes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
tH,~ the letters from the Central Lake Ontario Oon~
servation Authority dated December 27, 1963 be re-
ceived and referred to the Finance Committee.
Memorial Hospital:-
II As the turn out at the annual meeting of th.e
Memorial Hospital Corporation grows larger each year,
we would like permission for the use of the Auditor-
ium on Wednesday night the 22nd January for this years.
meeting, and would invite all who would care to attend,
to hear the reports and assist in the election of four
directors to hold office for the next two years. tI
- 7 -
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THnT we authorize the l~morial Hospital Board
use the Town Hall Auditorium for their annual
scheduled for January 22, 1964.
1$. Murray Cain:-
"As I have resigned from the Kinsmen Club of Bow-
manville I will no longer be able to represent them
On the lwena Board.
Ther~fore please accept my resignation from the Board
as of December 11, 1903. It was a pleasure to serve.1t
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THi,T the letter of resi?uation from Murray Cain from
the Arena Board be accepted with regret and that the
letter be referred to the Striking Committee for their
1. Welfare:
Moved by Con. Chant, secon:ied by Con. Le~lie.
TH..T the report of the Welfare Department for the mcnth
of Decem~ ~ 1963 be received and adopted.
2. Building Inspector:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Stephen.
TH.,T the report of the Building Inspector for the month
of December 1963 be receiv_,.i and filed.
Roads &. Streets:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Stephen.
TH.,T the report of the Roads and Streets Department
for the period ending November 30, 1963 be received
and filed.
4, Northumberland-Durham Health Unit:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Chant.
THi,T the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health
Unit for the month of November 1963 be received and
filed for future reference.
5. Police:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con~ Fice.
THAT the I' eport of the Police Dept '. for the month of
November 1963 be received and adopted,
- 8 -
Dog Control:
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the report of the Dog Control Department for
the months of November and December 1963 be received
and adopted.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
TH"T the accounts of t he PAID PRIOR in the tot al
amount of;230.477.71 be and are hereby passed for
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
TH"T the accounts of the FIN.lliCE DEPT. in the total
amount of $1.594.00 be and are hereby passed for
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH.,T the accounts of the DOG CONTROL in the total
amount of $69.72 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH"T the account of the FIItE DEPT. in the total amount
of ~5.75 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH,tT the accounts of the INDUSTRI,tL COMMISSION in
total amOunt of $235.06 be and are hereby passed
payment. .
Moved by Con. Hooper, seoonded by Con. Hughes,
TH"T the aCCount,s of the POLICE Jjji;pj). in tl1e tOtal
amount of ~490.61 be and are hereby paS$ed for payment,
Moved by Reeve Vitt1e, seconded by Con. Stephen.
TH;,T the aCCounts of' the PUBLIO PROPERTY in the total
amount of $161.84 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Stephen.
TH;,T the accounts of the vlELF"RE DEn. in the total
amount of $1,178,26 be and are hereby passed for pay-
- 9 -
Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con; Hooper;
THAT the accounts of the ROADS & STREETS DEPT, in the
total amount of ~7, 582; 54 be and are hereby passed for
CARli. lED
Moved by Con; Chant, seconded by Con; Leslie.
TH;,T leave be granted to bring in the following
A By-law to authorize temporary borrowing for
current purposes.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con, Hughes.
TH.~ the By-law be read a first time referred to
Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second
time, mayor in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT we rise and renort successful reading of the
By-law in Committee'of the Whole.
Moved by Con. Stephen, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH.,T the report of Council in Committee of the Vihole
on the By-law be received and adopted, same be now
read a third time engrossed, signed by the Mayor and
Clerk, sealed and numbered as follows:
1. A By-law to authorize temporary borrowing for
current purposes. .......... . BIL #1895.
Liberty Street - Storm Sewer:-
This matter is pending receipt of a
By-law from the Town Solicitor.
Liberty Street - Sidewalk:-
This matter is pending as we are await-
ing for an engineer's report.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by
Con. Hooper.
THAT the Clerk arrange for a meeting
with r~. Honey, and the other officials
suggested by him to discuss the Beach
matter at the next regular Board of
Works Committee to be held Tuesday,
January 28, 1964.
- 10 -
Sturrock Road:- This matter is being held in abeyance
pending transfer of the road allowance
by the Town Solicitor.
P.U.C. Charges:-
Council is awaiting an amending By-
law in this respect from the Solici-
Bernard Street:-
The Solicitor has been instructed to
effect necessary action to have the
terms of Mr. DeJong's commitment
carried out.
7. Fire Hall Drain:-The Public Property Committee chair-
man advised that the drain at the
Fire Hall had now been repaired and
that this matter can be deleted from
future agenda.
Zoning By-law amendments:-
The Clerk was instructed to prepare
a rescinding By-law to eliminate the
Zoning By-law passed by the 1963
Council respecting the installation
of oil storage tanks in residential
9. Frederick Ave.:- Local Improvement Petition
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by
Con. Hooper.
TH,\T Mr. W. Dempsey, P.E., be re-
quested to prepare the necessary
engineer's report for the construction
of a sanitary sewer on Frederick Ave.
as a Local Improvement.
. 10. Durham St:-
ll. Park Land:-
This matter is being held in abeyance
pending a report and necessary by-laws
from the Town Solicitor.
This matter is being held in abeyance
pending a report on negotiations by the
Mayor and Clerk.
Duke St:-
The engineer's report for the Con-
struction of a water main as a Local
Improvement on Duke Street is awaited.
Town Manager:-
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by
Con. Fice.
THAT the report of the 1963 Committee
appointed to consider a Town Manager
be held in abeyance and left on the
Wage Negotiations:-
Moved by Con. HUghes, seconded by
Con. Fice.
TH,\T we concur with the action taken
by the 1963 Wage Negotiation Committee
in respect to engagement of assistance
for the negotiation of contracts with
Town Employees.
Fire Dept:-
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by
Con. Hooper.
THAT Mr. Lloyd Forsey be engaged as
a volunteer fireman effective Jan.
15, 1964, subject to a favourable
medical report and six month trial.
16. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT all cheques of the Corporation drawn on its
General account(s) be signed on its behalf by ~fuyor
Ivan M. Hobbs or Reeve Sidney Little and counter-
signed by Jack L. Reid, Clerk Treasurer or C. S. Oke,
2. TH;,T Jack L. Reid the Secretary-Treasurer of the
Corporation be and is hereby authorized for and on
behalf of the Corporation to negotiate with, deposit
with or transfer to the Bank of Montreal (but for
credit of the said Corporation account only) all or
any Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques and
Orders for the payment of money and other negotiable
paper, and for the said purpose to endorse the same
or any of them on behalf of the said Corporation,
either in writing or by rubber stamp.
TH"T Jack L. Reid and C. S. Oke be and are hereby
authorized for and on behalf of the said Cor~oration
from time to time to arrange, settle, balance and
certify all books and accounts between the said
Corporation and the Bank; and to receive all paid
cheques and vouchers, unpaid and unaccepted bills of
exchange and other nego~iable instruments.
TH.~T Jack L. Reid, Clerk Treasurer and C. S. Oke,
Deputy Clerk be and are hereby authorized for and on
behalf of the said Corporation to obtain delivery from
the said Bank of all or any stocks, bonds and other
securities held by the said Bank in safekeeping or
otherwise for the account of the Corporation and to
give valid and binding receipts therefor.
5. THAT this re$olution be communicated to the said Bank
and remain in force until written notice to the con-
trary shall have been given to the Manager for the time
being at the Branch of the Bank at which the account
of said Corporation is kept ~nd receipt of such notice
duly acknOWledged in writing.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Fice,
THAT we do now adjourn: