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The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
8::00 p.m._ on Tuesday December 3, 1963 in the Council Chamber
Town Hall with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
All members present except Councillors Nichols and Shackelton,
and Deputy~Reeve Stevens.
II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr.
THAT the minutes of the Council Meet-
ing dated November 18th, 1963 be
received and adopted.
A Local Improvement Petition was received from residents
on Frederick Avenue for a Sanitary Sewer under the pro-
visions of the Local Improvement Act.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT the Local Improvement Petition received from_
Frederick Avenue Ratepayers be referred to the 1964
2. Mr. Roscoe of King Street appeared before Council asking
what action had been taken in respect to his letter com-
plaining of bicycles on King Street and water running
across the sidewalk in the vicinity of the Clynpia Resta-
urant .
The Clerk reported the status of these items.
1. Mr. William L. Lycett:-
"Further to my meeting with your Industrial Commission on
A"e",kl' I ~Soptv",Lv. 13th last, I write this letter in confirrnat ion
of the commitments made to your corporation on my part in
respect of the above noted lands.
Part of the said lands, owned by myself were sold to N. E.
Sweet Limited and an option was given to the same company
upon another part of the said lands; late in the year, 1962,
all at the price of ;,1,500.00 per acre, which sale and
option were approved by your Planning Board, it being con-
ditional that in the event that no industrial development
of the lands was made within the period of 2 years, the
vendor, myself, would have the right to re-purchase the
lands at an equal price, less expenses, and cancel the
option given.
Subsequent to this, at no doubt considerable expense, your
Corporation serviced these lands with water and sewage
instalations to meet the requirements of the N. E. Sweet
Limited development expected. As of recent date, this
company indicated its intention not to complete its pro-
posed industrial deve '.opment of the lands and upon receiving
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Mr. Wm. L. Lycett:-
this information, I therefore exercised my option of
re-purchase and cancelation of option as aforesaid.,
In view of all the circumstances involved and in part,
referred to herein, I wish to make the following com-
mitment in favour of the Corporation of the Town of
The Town of Bowmanville shall have the right or option
to purchase from me, not less than all those lands com-
posed of part of Lot 10, Broken Front Concession,
Darlington, now in the Town of Bowmanville, now owned
by me and lying east of the centre line of Soper's
Creek, which runs through the said ~ot, at the same
price as hereinbefore referred to, ~1,500.00 per acre,
the acreage to be ascertained by survey to be prepared
by an Ontario Land Surveyor, at the expense of the said
Town. Your Corporation shall have until the 1st day
of May, 1964 to accept or exercise this option, the
transaction of purchase and sale resulting to be com-
pleted on or before the 30th day of June, 1964, with
time to be of the essence and the purchase monies to
be paid in cash on closing or as may be otherwise agreed.
This option or right so given shall not be assignable
by your corporation and is given for the sole purpose
of your town being in a position to acquire at a fair
and reasonable price, these industrial lands which have
recently appreciated in value with the expenditure of
public monies.
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
TH"T the letter received from I'JIr. Wm. L. Lycett res-
pecting part of lot 10, Broken Front Concession be re-
ferred to the 1964 Council.
2. Ontario Good Roads Associationl-
A letter was received from the Ontario Good Roads
Association notifying of the 70th Anniversary Convention
being held in Toronto on February 24, 25, and 26th.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH,lT the letter from the Ontario Good Roads Association
be received and filed.
3. Community Planning Association of Canada:
A letter was received from the Community Planning Assoc-
iation of Canada advising of the 1964 National Planning
Conference being held in London, Ontario from September
27th - 30th.
Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
TH,~ the letter from the Community Planning Association
of Canada dated November IS, 1963 be received and filed.
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4. The Bowmanville Public School Board:-
"At the last regular meeting of the Bowmanville Public
School Board instructions were issued to write to you
requesting the Town Works Department to erect School
Signs on the Streets approaching the Lord Elgin School.
We trust you will consider this matter and look favour-
ably upon our request."
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
TH;S the letter received from the Bowmanville Public
School Board dated November 21, 1963 be received and
referred to the 1964 Council.
5. The Ontario Municipal Board:-
~pproval of Restricted Area By-law No. 1888 was received
from the Board.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THiS the approval of Restricted ,.rea By-law No. 1888
be received and filed.
6. Creighton, Drynan & Murdoch:-
"Tile are Solicitors for Mr; Arnold Damant who is the
owner of and occupant of property known as 18 Duke
Street in the Town of Bowmanville.
Our client advises us that the Corporation has under-
taken improvements to the street abutting his property
to the south, in the form of raising the level of the
said street in order to provide vehicular access to the
lands lying to the west of the Railway right-of-way
which abutts our client's lands on the west. These
improvements include raising the level of the street to
a minimum 6 or 8 feet above the present level of the
surrounding lands with the result that the rear two-
thirds of our client's lands are completely inaccessible.
Mr. Damant feels that in view of the loss to him of the
proper use of these lands he is entitled to a substantial
compensation from the municipality in the way of damages.
Please be advised therefore that we are instructed to
claim from the municipality an amount for damages which
will be determined by our client as soon as he has had
the opportunity to assess the value of the loss sustained."
Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Oke.
That the letter received from Creighton, Drynan & Murdoch
acting for Mr. Arnold Damant be received and referred to
the Town Solicitor.
7. The Children's Aid Society:-
A request was received from the Children's Aid Society
asking for a charitable donation to assist them in their
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7. The Children's Aid Society:-
Moved by Cr. uughes, seconded by Cr. Fice.
TH,,'J.' this matter be held in abeyance pending a report
as to whether or not a contribution had been made to
this organization in the past.
8. T. K. Stewart:-
"After four years as superintendent of roads and streets,
I always tried to do my best for the Council and the tax-
payers of Bowmanville, Ontario.
llfter being criticize by certain members of this Council,
I feel it is my duty for all concerned to place before
you my resignation as of December 30th, 1963, or as of
December the 3rd, 1963, if you so wish."
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT Mr. T. K. Stewart be asked to reconsider the in-
tent of his letter dated December 3, 1963.
Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
TH.,T the report of the Welfare Department for the month
of November 1963 be received and adopted.
Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH"T the report of the Building Inspector for the month
of November 1963 be received and adopted.
Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
TH"T the report of the Roads and Streets Department
for the period ending October 31st, 1963 be received
and adopted.
Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
T1LS the report of Central Lake Ontario Conservation
"uthority dated November 7, 1963 be received and filed
for future reference.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Oke.
TH"T the report of Northumberland-Durham Health Unit
for the month of October 1963 be received and filed for
future reference.
Board of Works:-
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Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Oke.
TH,~T the Board of Works Committee minutes for the
November 26th meeting be received and adopted.
Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
TH"T the accounts of the P"ID PRIOR in the total amount
of $28.340.45 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Oke.
TH;,T the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total
amount of j236.03 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
TH.,T the accounts of the DOG COI\'TROL in the total amount
of $21.17 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
TH"T the accounts of the FIll.E DEPT. in the total amount
of $88.38 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
TH,.T the accounts of the FIN.,NCE DEPT. in the total
amount of ~1.21l.55 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
TH"T the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount
of $261.72 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
TH~,T the accounts of the viELF,.RE DEPT. in the total amount
of $1,015.59 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
TH.,T the accounts of the ROriDS & STREETS DEPT. in the
total amount of $2,718.98 be and are hereby passed for
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billved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THflT the accounts of the INDUSTRI"L COMIUSSION in the
total amount of J45.00 be and are hereby passed for
L. Liberty Street - Storm Sewer - Nothing further reported.
2. Liberty Street - Sidewalk - Nothing further reported.
3 . Beach This matter has been referred to
1964 Council.
4. Sturrock Road Nothing further reported.
. 5. P.U.C. Charges - Nothing further reported.
6. Bernard Street - Nothing further reported.
7. Fire Hall Drain- Nothing further reported.
8. Public School Board:-
"In reply to your letter of September 25, 1963, re-
questing the reason for covering a hardwood floor with
tile in the hall in Central Street School, we would
like you to be acquainted with a few facts.
During the past term of office, this Board has made a
fairly intensive investigation of our schools with re-
spect to population trends and present facilities. We
have concluded that Central Street School can be utilized
as a school for at least the next 25 years. Basically
this building is structurally sound but upkeep costs have
been fairly high. It is our opinion that by improving
and modernizing, some of the high upkeep costs can be
removed and at the same time we will be able to bring
this school up to the level of our other schools.
Hence, it is our plan, over the next few years, to
modernize the school a little bit each year, so that
this goal can be achieved without any exorbitant cost in
anyone year. In this way, we feel we can get the most
out of this school with the smallest long term overall
cost and still provide a school comparable to the others
in cleanliness and appearance, for educating our children.
The tile floor in the downstair hall is the first of
these renovations and was considered for six successive
years before going ahead with it. The hardwood floor in
the downstair hall, besides being worn quite thin in
several spots, was simply unsuitable to withstand the
tracking in of mud, dirt and snow, and we found it
impossible to make tho floor look respectable at any
time. Several different floor coatings have been tried
and none has been satisfactory. The only alternative
to tile would be an expensive process to remove the ex-
isting floor seal by solvents and scraping, sand the
entire floor and refinish with Penetrim or a like pro-
duct. Even with this method, our experience has been
such that this type of floor finish would not last more
than two or three years. With the Vinyl Asbestos Tile,
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8. Public School Board:-
we feel we now have a floor that will last indef-
initely and will be much easier to keep clean and
We are very pleased with the appearance of the new
floor and we would like to suggest that if the Counc-
illors are interested in seeing the changes in the
Central School, we would bs happy to show them the
vast improvement this renovation has (lade. TI
THkT the letter from the Public School Board be
received and filed away.
Zoning By-law
amendment:- Council was advised that
By-law amendment respecting loca-
tion of underground storage tanks
in Residential Areas is still being
10. Matters referred to Roads and Streets:-
1. John H. Hockley matter
2. J. H. Alldread matter
3. Sidewalk repair
4. Trees
5. Policy re paving of boulevards and
driveway approaches.
6. Drainage matter Queen and Ontario Streets.
Cr. Hooper advised that this matter had
been completed.
7; Effie Sowden matter.
8. Erection of signs in accordance with
Chief Constable.
11. Durham Street - Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by
Reeve Little.
THAT the Roads and Streets Department
be empowered to effect construction
of new Durham Street as soon as this
matter is cleared with the Town
Solicitor. "CARRIED"
12. Dog By-Law
Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by
Cr. Oke.
THAT the prov2s2ons of the Dog By-law
respecting Running At Large be re-
laxed for the months of December,
January, February, and March provided
that if rabies are reported dangerous
to the Town Area that this matter will
be further considered.
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13. Fire Dept.:
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by
Cr. Oke.
TI-iAT I'1Ir. Howard Davy be engaged
as a volunteer fireman effective
December 15, 1963.
14. Staff:
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by
Cr. Hooper.
THAT no action be taken in respect
to Christmas Turkeys.
Moved by Gr. Hooper, seconded by Cr: Oke.
THAT we do now adjourn 9:00 p.m.
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