HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/1963 COUNCIL MINUTES Pag3 7 . The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 P.M. November 18, 1963 with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Deputy-Reeve Stevens and Councillors Nichols and ShackeltoQ., I ROLL CALL II LORD'S PRAYER III ADOPTION OF MINUTES - Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the minutes of the meeting held November 4, 1963 be received and adopted. CARRIED IV COMII'lUNICAT IONS: e 1. Ontario Provincial Police:- "I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 5th, 1963. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to Sergeant G. M. Keast, in charge of our Bowmanville Detachment, for his attention and necessary action. We will certainly assist your Chief Constable in any way possible and I'm sure he and Sgt. Keast will work out the details. The necessary officers, as requested, will be supplied." e Moved by Cr. Hooper; seconded by Cr. Fice. THAT the letter from Ontario Provincial Police dated November 8th, 1963 respecting additional Police service for the Santa Claus Parade be received and filed and that a copy.of this letter be referred to the Police Chief for his information. CARRIED 2. Memorial Hospital:- "I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville to petition an amendment to Zoning By-law No. 1587. Under this By-law, there is a re- striction on the size of signs that my be erected and the hospital would like to put up a sign which is in excess of the two square feet presently allowsd. As I am sure you are aware, the sign posting of the hospital is inadequate and Ittrangers tot he Town often, bringing an emergency case fro8 Highway 401 or Highway 2, have had problems locating the hospital. At this time, the Hospital Board would like to erect a sign at the corner of Prince and Liberty Streets and this sign would be illuminated and would be approximately 24 square feet. The sign would be approximately equal to the one which the Oshawa General Hospital put up re- cently at the corner of Alma and Simcoe Streets in Oshawa. As an electrical service would have to be put out to this sign, the Board is anxious to act as quickly as possible. Perhaps, we could be advised of the earliest date at which the By-law might be changed to permit the - 2 - Page 8 . hospital to carry out this improvement. It Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the Hospital filed. letter received from the Bowmanville Memorial respecting Zoning By-law 1587 be received and CARRIED 3. Paul Laprade:- ItI would like to apply for leave of absence for six months without payor without loss accumulated seniority, starting November 6, 1963." Moved by Or. Hooper" seconded by Cr. Fice. THAT the letter received from I~. Paul November 5, 1963 be received and filed to be taken. Laprade dated and no action CARHIED . 4. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit:- Itlt was found on November 4th, 1963 that a bakeshop had been established in the basement of a house at 45 Scugog Street. It is understood from r~. W. W. Ford's inter- view with you on November 6th, 1963 that this contravenes the municipal zoning by-law restricting this particular in which the business is located to a residential area. . In view of this and the fact that the premises are not considered suitable for such a business, it would be appreciated if the Council would take immediate steps to have the bakeshop discontinued. It is requested that premises to which the bakeshop may be removed be approved by me prior to a business licence being issued by the municipality. It Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Oke. THAT the letter received from the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit be received and that the people involved be notified that in accordance with said letter that they cease operation immediately! CAfulIED 5. C. S. Bird - Secretary-Treasurer, District #5, AAOO 1t0n behalf of District #5 of the Associ ation of Assessing Officers of Ontario, I would like to thank you and, through you, to the Council of the Township of Bowmanville for the way in which you made our Fall Meeting on September 26th, 1963, in Bowmanville such a successful meeting. We were made very welcome to your Town and also we en- joyed very much the tour through the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Plant, which you so graciously arranged. I would like to add a personal observation about your Assessor. Clarence Oke is very well thought of in our Association and the Town of Bowmanville is most fortunate in having such a compentent man. Thanking you again." Moved by Or. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. THAT the letter received from Mr. C. S. Bird dated November 1, 1963 be received and filed. CARRIED - 3 - Plge 9 e 6. Burley Bus Lines:- "For a good many years the people of Bowmanville enjoyed direct Bus service to the Canadian National Exhibition by Garton Coach Lines and Burley Bus Lines Ltd. where the coach was left on the grounds for the convenience and comfort of the passengers. In the fall of 1961 Colonial Coach Lines Ltd. objected to the Ontario Transport Board for issuing Burley a license to operate to the Exhibition. In 1962 and 1963 we were not grantej a license to operate. In 1962 application was made to the Transport Board but was never pursued as time was at a premium and the Exhibition was over. In 1963 applica- tion was made and a temporary license granted for the operation of Buses to the Exhibition but did not include Bowmanville. The reason that Colonial offers for object- ion is that they operate daily to Toronto, which they do, but during Exhibition operate no dif=erently. Burley when transporting passengers to the Exhibition leave the coach on the grounds for the passengers to use. If a person was to use Colonial they would have to change at the terminal in Toronto and use an Exhibition ~us. This bus would not be left for the use of the passenger. On November 26th we are having a hearing before the Ontario Transport Board for the purpose of trying to secure a license which would allow us to operate out of Bowmanville to the Exhibition, the opposition still being Colonial Coach Lines. It would be appreciated if your Council would pass a resolution requesting the Ontario Transport Board issue a license to Burley Bus Lines for the Trans- portation of passengers to the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. . . If I can be of any assistance to you or your Council in regards to the above please do not hesitate to call me." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT we concur with the request of Burley Bus Lines Ltd. dated November 4, 1963 and that a letter be forward to Ontario Department of Transport outlining Council's decision in this respect. CARRIED 7. Department of Highways:- "The Department is in the process of preparing its budget for work on Highway Connecting Links for the next fiscal year beginni'lg April 1964. We would appreciate it if you would advise us whether your municipality is con- templating any re-construction on the Connecting Links or whether you would like to have any work done. We would require a general description of the work and an approximate estimate of the cost to be in this Office by November 20th, 1963. . In the case that you are not in a position to give an estimate of the work proposed, if you could give us a detailed description of the nature of the work, we will have it placed on the proposed program.. I would point out that the engineering on any proposed work should be started this Winter so that the approval of plans and specifications and calling of tenders can be done in the Spring to avoid carrying out this work in the late Fall under adverse weather conditions. - 4 - Page 10 . We will require the above details of preliminary in- formation prior to the 20th of this month. After that date we would be pleased to meet with Council to discuss any proposals, at their convenience." Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Oke. TH,i.T the letter received from the Department of Highways be received and that we request the Department to ex- tend the time limit contained therein to permit the Board of \Iorks Committee which will meet November 24, 1963 to further consider the matter. CARRIED 8. Ri W. Stocker:- e "Re - The By-law of Dog Control, this is the usual time of year when dog owners are allowed to let our dogs run free for a few months. I made enquiries at Police Stat ion and TownClerk' s Offi,;e and to-date no amendment for relaxing the by-law has been made. Could Council kindly consider relaxing Dog Control By- law for the r est of this winter season." Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little., THJ.l.T the letter received Dog Control By-law 1711 Board of Works Committee be held Tuesday November from R. ~i. Stocker respecting be received and referred to the at their next regular meeting 24, 1963. CARRIED 9. Canadian Union of Public Employees:~ "In accordance with Article 29,. Termination and Amendment, please accept this letter as notification that we wish to amend the Present Collective Agreement. Proposed changes are at present being prepared, and will be forwarded to you in the near future." . Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice. THAT the Notice to Bargain submitted by Canadian Union of Public Employees be referred to the Wage Negotiating Committee for their consideration. C;\RRIED 10.. Emergency Measures Organization:- "The Emergency Measures Co-ordinator has been instructed by the Committee of Council, to write inquiring of all municipal clerks as to the date and time it would be convenient for the Councils to advise the undersigned when he may attend a Council meeting. The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the de- tails of a public meeting in your municipality, to further extend the intention and purpose of the Emergency Measures Organization as well as to explain the education- al facilities of EMO. . Some months ago, a letter from the Counties Clerk was sent to each municipality asking that the co-ordinator be invited to explain the aim and purpose of EMO and in many instances this was done, however it is felt now, that the public should be encouraged to learn as much of the organization as possible, and the local municipal - 5 - Page II e Council would be the most likely body to advise as to how this might take place." Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Oke. THRT the letter received from l-tr. Gordon B. Wright, K.M.O. Co-ordinator be received and referred to the 1964 Council. CriRRIED 11. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company:- "The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company request the Town of Bowmanville to consider the possibility of the Town assuming a title to the road the Town has offered to build to the new Reclaim Plant. This road would connect Durham Street to the Plant site; The road would extend 365 feet on the Goodyear property, and would connect onto Durham Street by crossing 100 feet of C.N.R. property. . It may also be necessary for the Town to sign a crossing agreement with the C.N.R." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. TH,~ the letter from Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company dated November 15th, 1963 be received and referred to the Town Solicitor to take necessary action to have the road allowance and other matters looked after. C,~RdIED 12. Miss HdnDusen:- "r would like to have the boulevard in front of 21 Ontario Street (The Hobby Centre) surfaced between the sidewalk and the street, to make it more con- venient for me to get out, using my wheelchair. I am Willing to pay the town for doing it, if it can be arranged and as soon as possible." . Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Oke. THriT the Road Superintendent be authorized to take necessary action to accede to this request. CilRdIED 13. C. Pethick:- "We, the undersigned, apply for a permit and auctio'1eer's licence to hold a sale on the premises of the late Nina E. Neads to sell by public auction the household effects of the Estate of Nina E. Neads at 90 v/ellington Street, Bowmanville on Satllrday November 23,1963 at 1:15 o'clock in the afternoon." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice. TH~T the letter from Mr. C. Pethick be referred to New Business. C"RRIED . - 6 - Page 12 V NEvI AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: . 1. Liberty Street - Storm SeVler:- Nothing further re- ported in this respect. 2. Liberty Street - Sidewalk:- Nothing further re- ported in this respect. 3. Beach:- "On October 11th Councillor Oke was kind enough to take some time to shol'l me the details of the beach area with respect to which we have been concerned for some time. On the same day I had an opportunity to discuss the matter with Mr. Reid. . After having reviewed all aspects of this matter since it was referred to me last February I am now of the opinion that the best approach for Council to take (assuming Council makes the decision to rehabilitate this area) would be to request assistance under the urban renewal and public housing provisions of the National Housing Act. e I have reviewed all aspects of the problem with Senior officials of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation in Ottawa. There would be substantial grants available to the municipality from both the federal and provincia: governments for the acquisition of the land in the event the Town wished to purchase it. "lso, in the event it is necessary to provide alternative accomodation for some of the present residents very substantial grants are available for the constru~tion of public housing, I have arranged fo~ senior officials of the Dominion and Provincial depa:'trrdnts concerned to attend at Bowmanville to meet the Council if this should be felt advisR~" Council. If Council decides to hold such a meeting ~ would be very pleased to be present. I would suggest that Council might also like to invite Mr. Alex Carruth'):'8, M.P.P., Dr. P. E. Ireland (representing the Port Darlin~- ton Harbour Company) and Dr. Charlotte Horner, Medical Officer of Health. Unfortunately, the requirements of my parliamentary duties require my attendance in Ottawa from Monday to Friday inclusive. I know that Saturday night would not be a convenient night for a meet ing. It might be possible for me to be excused on a friday afternoon so that I could drive to Bowmanville in time for a meeting that evening. In any event, I shall await the decision of Council as to whether or not it wishes to hold such a meeting and IW can then try to arrange a time that is mutually con- venient to all parties. If I can give you any further information prior to the holding of a meeting, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. 11 Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the letter received from Russell Honey be acknow10~^ and referred to the 1964 Council for their ~c r :..::-...q......w.J . 4~ Purchase of Park Land:- This matter still in the hands of the Mayor and Clerk for negotiating. Pae:e 13 ~. 7 ~ e 5. Sturrock Roadl- This matter still in the hands of the Town Solicitor and is effecting the required pro- cedure. 6. P.U.C. Charges:- The Clerk renorted that the P.U.C. Manager, Town Solicitor and Clerk had met to con- sider this matter and the Town Solicitor was presently preparing necessary by-law and th'1t it should be presented at the next regular session. 7. Bernard Street:- This matter still in the hands of the Town Solicitor. 8. Fire Hall Drain:- Chairman of Public Property looking after this situation. . 9. Public School Board:- Nothing further re- ported in this respect. 10. Zoning By-law amendments:- Approval awaiting from Ontario Municipal Board. 11. Matters referred to Roads and Streets:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. John H. Hockley matter J. H. j~lldread matter Sidewalk repair Trees Policy re paving of boulevards and driveway approaches. Drainage matter - Queen & Ontario Streets Effie Sowden matter Erection of signs in accordance with Chief Constable recent report. A report is awaiting from Roads and Streets Commit' in respect to these items. e 12.. Auctioneers Licence:- ~-~ Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. THhT an H.uctioneer's licence be granted to i\'Ir. C. Pethick subject to the Chief Constable's approval to hold an auction at 90 vlellingt.on Street on Saturday November 23, 1963 and that the fee for Auctioneers licence to out of town residents be established at $10.00. C,.itcHED 13. Fuel Oil Tenders:- The following tenders were received for fuel and stove oil. . FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Sturrock Fuels 14.9~ per gal. 14.9~ per gal. Stevens Fuels 15.1~ " " 15.1~ " " Keith Yeo 15.6~ " " 19~ " " - $ - Pf1ge 11;. . Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. HU8~. .,;. TH"T we accept the, lowest tender submitted by StucTO' Fuels at a price of 14.9 cents per gallon. C,\l:UIED 14. Next Council Heat ing:- Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. TH"T the next regular Council Session be held on rec',: 3, 1963 as the ne)t reGular meeting would be held on Election Day, December 2, 1963. C.1RRIE" . Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Oke. TH'lT we do now adjour'n: . C"LUED . .