HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-106-88 DN: PD-106 TOWN OF NEWCAST E �) REPORT File Res. # By-Law # c --- MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, May 16, 1988 REPORT #: pD-lob-88 FILE #: 18T-87040, OP 2.2.2(2) & DEV 87-41 SURJECT: APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL, OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION - KIDDICORP INVESTMENTS LTD. PART LOTS 34/35, CONC. 2, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON FILES: 18T-87040, OP 2.2.2(2) and DEV 87-41 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-106-88 be received; and 2. THAT the application for Official Plan Amendment - File: OP 2.2.2(2) submitted by Kiddicorp Investments Ltd. to permit single family residential dwellings in Part lot 35, Concession 2, Courtice, be approved; and 3. THAT the application for Rezoning - File: DEV 87-41 be approved in principle and the necessary by-law amendment forwarded to Council, and that the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol be deferred pending execution of a Subdivision Agreement; and 4. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends approval of the draft plan of Subdivision - File: 18T-87040 dated as revised October 14, 1987 as revised in red, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No. 1, to this Report; and 5. THAT a copy of Report PD-106-88 be forwarded to the Region of Durham; and 6. THAT the attached by-law authorizing execution of a Subdivision Agreement between Kiddicorp Investments Ltd. and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved; and . . .2 W\ BQP08T N8. : PD-100-88 PAGE 3 ------------------------------------------------------- 7. THAT the Mayor and Clark be authorized to execute the Subdivision Agreement between Kiddicozp Investments Limited and the Corporation of the 9oxvo of Newcastle. BACKGROUND: On May 19, 1987' the Town of Newcastle Planning Department was advised by the Region Of Durham of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision submitted by Diddioocp Investments Limited. The subject application originally proposed Seventy (70) single family dwelling lots, a multiple housing block / containing one 8oudcad and Twenty-six (126) units and a part of a School Block. This development was proposed for the subject 13.71 ha (]l.Al acre) parcel of laud between gceatonvale Road, TomoIiue Road and north of GIaoabbey Road. The proposal has since been revised and the application before Committee and Council has deleted the multi-housing in favour of thirty-four (34) single fomiIl, lots. The Town's Planning Department also received an application for an amendment to the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive %moiug By-law 84-63, as amended. The proposed rezoning would allow the above-noted development by removing the "Holding (B)« symbol on the "Holding - Urban Residential Type one ( (8)RI)" moue / and rezoning pact of the "Environmental Protection (EP)11 zone to allow the | proposed residential development. The subject subdivision application is one of two proposed by the applicant within this specific area of Courtioe. The other application is directly to the east of this proposal identified as File: I8T-87O34. A subsequent application was submitted by the applicant May 12, 1987 proposing to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Couctioe Major Urban Area Plan) and the Courtioe South Neighbourhood Development Plan. The proposed official Plan Amendment would amend both the Urban Area Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan to permit residential development in the "Hazard Land" and "Minor Open Space" designation adjoining the Farewell Creek. ' /�� �� . . ~ REPORT 00. : PD-106-88 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ A Public meeting regarding the above-mentioned rezoning and official Plan Amendment was held on Monday, June 29' 1987. The report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting recommended referral back to Staff for further processing and a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments. The area residents main couoecua as expressed at that time to the proposed Subdivision, was the multiple housing block proposed. Residents did not feel this was appropriate and in keeping with the character of the area and believed it would generate too much traffic. The application has since been revised, as noted previously, deleting the multiple bnoeiog block in order to integrate a crescent-shaped road, travelling north from Pebblebemcb I8)ud, through the previously proposed multiple housing bIonbv linking to a road in the proposed subdivision to the east (18T-87034) . The application now proposes a total of Seventy-two (73) single family Iuta and Twenty-three (23) semi-detached or link lots. COMMENTS: Since the June 29, 1987 meeting and upon receipt of the revised pIaoov Staff have further reviewed the three (3) applications. In enowcdauca with ( departmental procedures, the applications were oicooIat*d by both the Town and the Region to obtain oonmmoto from other departments and agencies. The following is a summary of comments received through the two (2) circulations. The following agencies/departments, in providing comments, offered no objections to the applications: - Town of Newcastle Building Department - Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education - Ontario Hydro - Ministry of Agriculture and Food; and - Ministry of the Environment The following agencies provided some comments, or requested conditions be imposed on the development of the proposed subdivision as conditions of approval. REPORT 00. : PD-106-88 P&QO 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ Newcastle Public Works tneaot Public Works Staff have no objections to the proposed development provided that the following issues or owooeroa are addressed, either through design revisions or Subdivision Agreement: - that the developer Day their share of the costs of the Gatehouse detention pond; - that a 6.Om strip of laud, through Block llR be provided to the Gatehouse pond' to facilitate onoeoa to the pond for maintenance purposes; and - that the standard conditions with regard to services apply. ' Newcastle i Services Department Community Services Staff have no objection to the proposed application. They advise that Block 117r 118, 119 and 120 are to be dedicated to the Town gratuitously, as per Town Policy regarding acquisition of valley lands. Staff further noted that cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication be waived, in lieu of � the Dark ovecsiziug related to application 18T-87034, immediately to the east. Newcastle Fire Department Fire Department Staff noted a oVuooco with said application, as the proposed ' development will result in a population increase of approximately 360 persons. The Fire Department noted a list of recommendations in relation to the cegoicemauto of the Building and Fire Code that abooId be enforced at the time of development, should the Plan proceed. Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Bo d Separate School Board Staff noted they have no objection to the proposal, however, the Board has indicated an interest in the 8nbmol site. ' y�J REPORT NO. : PD-106-88 PAGE 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Authority Staff have no objection to the proposal, and note the site appears to be generally suitable for development. They note that the development abuts the Farewell [caeb Valley, and that Block 119 contains vaIIeylaod. Authority Staff recommend the Town acquire this Block. As conditions of approval, the Conservation Authority have requested the following: Block 119 be zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)x; the developer obtain Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's approval of a phased grading and erosion control plan; and the developer obtain Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's approval of ntocmwater run-off control plan. / Ministry f Natural Resources This Ministry had no objection to the proposed subdivision. They note, however, they do have couoocou due to the proximity of the Farewell Creek and its associated vaIIeyIaodo. Approval of the proposed subdivision is subject to the preparation of a Site Drainage and Soil Erosion Control Plan, which shall be acceptable to this Ministry. Region f Durham Public Works tmeot Regional Works Staff have noted that this proposed development is located / outside the service area established by the Lot Levy Financing Study, ` therefore, the developer will be responsible for providing the required sanitary oewaca and waterworks, including any plant facilities and ovezaiziugv abutting and external services as required by the Region. Staff note that water is available from an existing 200mm watecmaio on Pebblebemob Drive, as well as a 400mm diameter wmtermalu on QIenabbey. Sanitary Sewer service is available from an existing 375 - 450mm trunk sewer located on Bcootafield Street. REPORT 00. : PD-I06-88 PAGE 6 _______________________________________________________________________________ Regional Works Department, therefore, have no objection to the application. However, several conditions need to be fulfilled prior to receiving consent from Public Works Staff. STAFF COMMENTS: In reviewing the above-noted comments, Staff note, although commenting agencies provided no objection to the proposal, several of the comments identified issues and conditions to be addressed prior to receiving clearance from said department or agency. Staff also note that no letters of objection were received from area residents with regard to this proposal. / Staff have no difficulty with requests made by the Town's Public Works Department and note the proposed plan has provided for a I0.0m access to Block 118 which facilitates access to the Gatehouse pond. Staff are in cV000zzeuce with Community Services' recommendation of waiving the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication, due to the park overaiziog in the adjacent application (18T-87034) , as well as the recommendation to not accept Block I17 as parkland dedication. Block I17 would not be acceptable for Bark purposes as it is too constrictive in size and it would be difficult to monitor for surveillance and safety. ' With consideration to the Newcastle Official Plan Amendment (Courtice Urban Major Plan) and the South Neighbourhood Plan Amendment, Staff note the lands are presently designated "Hazard Iaudan and "Minor Open Sgooe" respectively. The Durham Regional official Plan designates the land «EoviznumeutmI Sensitive". Section 1.2.2 of the Durham Regional official Plan notes that "the extent and exact location of environmentally sensitive areas shall be determined at the time of development application(s) . �_14 V_ REPORT NO. : PD-106-88 PAGE 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Courtice Urban Area Plan under Section 6.4.3 states: "Proposals for development of lands identified as Hazard Lands or Environmentally Sensitive shall be considered by Council in consultation with the Region of Durham, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources after taking into account: existing environmental/physical characteristics; potential impact of the proposed development; recommended methods of mitigating impacts; and potential costs to the municipality." Section 2.4.2 of the South Courtice Neighbourhood Plan states that lands which were identified as "Environmentally Sensitive" in the Newcastle Official Plan have not been specifically identified by this Neighbourhood Development Plan, but are included within the areas designated as "Major Open Space". The distinction between Major and Minor Open Space areas is that the former generally comprises those lands within the fill and construction limits of the Farewell and Black Creeks, as well as Environmentally Sensitive Areas or Hazard Lands. In accordance with Section 6.4.3 of the Courtice Urban Area Plan, both the Conservation Authority Staff and Ministry of Natural Resources Staff have reviewed the application and expressed no objection. Both have noted the proximity of the development to the Farewell Creek and associated valleylands. However, Staff from both agencies are willing to provide approval to the application subject to the successful preparation of a Site Drainage and Soil Erosion Plan, and a phased grading and stormwater run-off control plan. The valleylands surrounding the proposed development will remain zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)11 and designated "Minor Open Space". This will prohibit future development of these lands. As previously noted through Regional Public Works comments, servicing to the site is available for both water and sanitary sewer. However, the applicant is required to detail all the specifics regarding the type of works that are required, including the cost of extending and installing these works. The Region agrees it is feasible to service these lands, however, details and agreements with regards to servicing will be executed with the Region. REPORT NU. : PD-106-88 PAGE 8 _______________________________________________________________________________ Given the above information, Staff would be in favour of granting approval to the official Plan Amendment Application (0P 2.2.3(3) ) . The reduction of the Minor Open Space Area does not appear to adversely affect the valIeyIaudn, an the development appears to border the fill and excavation limit as outlined by Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Consequently, approval of the rezoning of the lands associated with the "Minor Open Space" from "Environmental Protection (E9)11 to "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ( (8)Rl)1' is also considered favourable. Staff are recommending draft approval of the proposed Subdivision and deferral of the zoning By-low Amendment to lift the "Holding (B)" symbol, pending / execution of a Subdivision Agreement. Staff note that without the necessary amendment to the Zoning By-lawv implementation of the Plan is prevented. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to b Committee '.~/ -��-----7-7---3T---------- --�-- --------------- L.D. TayI�� Lawrence toeff Deputy Director of Planning Chief Ad iu otcative officer CP*LDT* 'ip *Attach. April 25' 1988 ' CC: Kiddioocg Investments Ltd. 1748 Baseline Road Group lO, Box 7, R.R. #3 80W0&0VILL8, Ont. LIC 3K3 CC: D.Q. Biddle & Associates 96 King Street East O88&WA, Ontario Ll8 1136 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT PD-106-88 AMENDMENT NO. 27 TO THE NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN (COURTICE MAJOR URBAN PLAN) PURPOSE: The Purpose of this Amendment is to reduce the "Hazard Land" designation south of Farewell Creek in Part of Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. BASIS: The application is based upon an application to develop a "Residential Use" in Part of Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Newcastle Official Plan (Courtice Major Urban Area) is hereby amended as follows: 1. By reducing the "Hazard Land Area" on Schedule 6-1. Schedule "X" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Newcastle Official Plan (Courtice Urban Area) with respect to implementation, shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Newcastle Official Plan (Courtice Urban Area) , as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. i I I f-C LOT 35 H " LOT 3 4 .S. ::iYii r4 C? .•f 0 .'f r ::ru r•. ti r-• •.ti v v rc r :t 'h' Y 1 ,T r •n r, a�. t r i�: ^1 ,r�• •�n rt t• `J. •r• �r .7 r'• ,t •tih•r. J, ,�}., :;;�: ;,,. iii■ •'f Y' .rJ t-'. gg :r 1' !S 4 ..'+7.;�J:{fib:•?•✓: '•'f•:'' -�:'�,�=:iE�ti.c•,.J4•ry.k�.'`'v:;;Y,4 :"rr>.'F41�': .fJ.a'7 :J.• •,•. "r r 1 1"^p '�'J'+ ••�•)•• .r� r. s 1. .v 4�,j •.t .J J• •f n .C, �.4•t., '•i.i•,•.v..{;,,,;,,,,,,,,,r,rar;;3•;;..Via•. •:, �r;•,'c':'1.,. 3,.. . 'L:`+:..;;:•�. :?.�: :a . 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La:4! J. 1 r .w. .r Z •:n.;S;;;L�;{,:�f'..,. •:;.•:,ii;ry;h•?v.{yr•{.;r:':r•{'•:' .;k•.�'J', •'j•: z w O t. .r• :y +T •L. ti• U h .K. 4 J. .; I H AN GE FROM H ZAR omii LAND TO RESIDENTIAL DE NTI AL •1 .... ..................... .............. ........... ........... ..... ( AMENDMENT N0. 27 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER PLANNING AREA OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON NOW REFERRED TO AS THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT PD-106-88 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE COURTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURPOSE: The Purpose of this Amendment is to reduce the "Minor Open Space" designation south of Farewell Creek in Part of Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. BASIS: The application is based upon an application to develop a "Residential Use" in Part of Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. By reducing the "Minor Open Space" Area on Schedule 1. Schedule "X" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan with respect to implementation, shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. i i i I I I i EL j, CHANGE FROM MINOR •OPEN SPACE TO RESIDENTIAL J�:D%•'y :::f'r:�> �c��:'!,.�'.. . .J,.)"i)>�J .JCi(• P�.)n t '��'T.��1 >�• a•' .?•'�^.�•.t j.� `:l. "' iii.)� r YW�,'-?t�,is ♦•'�:�;'�•' �� t����:''.'�--r.?•=-�. .j1���''j,�'� �a. •' c.. > cam. C% � y J• J 'C J C °p <J �` r)r sir, `� .�� ` *�C `)�;)J O • 2-5 ha J x.i • .• Z I O 2•ono _ V) W V :♦ Z I O ♦ I 2 .r EhA. �--C LOT 35 F-C LOT 34 Schedule "X" to Amendment #3 to the COURTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN ATTACHMENT NO. 3 TO REPORT PD-106-88 CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-87040 1. That this approval shall apply to a draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-87040 prepared by Donevan and Fleischman Company Limited, identified as their File Number: Job #1-7144, dated revised October 14, 1987, which is revised in red as per the attached plan showing Seventy-two (72) lots for single family dwellings and Twenty-three (23) lots for semi-detached or link lots. 2. That the Owner enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town of Newcastle in respect of the subject plan which shall include, in addition to the Town's Standard requirements, specific provisions with respect to the following Conditions 3 to 21, all inclusive. 3. That all works are completed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle's Design Criteria and Standard drawings. 4. That any easements required by the Town be granted free and clear of all encumbrances. 5. That 0.3 Metre Reserves be dedicated to the Town as shown in red on the revised draft plan. 6. That Building Permits not be issued for Lots 4, 29 and 30, until such time as the development of the road has taken place on the adjacent Plan (18T-87034) . 7. That the utility distribution on the internal streets (Hydro, Bell, Cable TV, etc.) be installed underground and that all secondary services for the proposed lots be underground. 8. All of the other standard requirements re: Lot Grading, Schedules of Work, Performance Guarantees, Cost Estimates, etc., should be included in the Subdivision Agreement. 9. That, in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement with Gatehouse Holdings, the Town will endeavour to reimburse Gatehouse Holdings for the oversizing of the Gatehouse Detention Pond which accepts all upstream post development run-off. The drainage from Plan 18T-87040 lies upstream from this facility and, accordingly, their share of the costs of the Detention Pond should be reimbursed to Gatehouse Holdings. 10. That a 6.0 Metre strip of land, through Block 118 to the Gatehouse Pond, be cleared to facilitate access to the pond for the maintenance purposes for vehicular equipment. 11. The walkway, from the crescent to Block 117, should be dimensioned 3.0 Metres. 12. That Blocks 117, 118, 119 and 120 be dedicated to the Town gratuitously. . . .2 Page 2 of ATTACHMENT NO. 3 TO REPORT PD-106-88 CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-87040 13. That the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication be waived, in lieu of the park oversizing related to Application 18T-87034 (immediately to the east) . 14. That prior to any grading or construction on the site, the applicant shall prepare a Site Drainage and Soil Erosion Control Plan acceptable to the Ministry of Natural Resources. 15. That Block 119 be zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)" within the Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. 16. That prior to the commencement of any site preparation, the Owner shall obtain Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's approval of a phased Grading and Erosion Control Plan. 17. That prior to final approval of the plan, the Owner shall obtain Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's approval of a Storm Water Run-off Control Plan for the Plan, in conformity with the Courtice Storm Water Management Study. I 18. That prior to final approval, the Owner shall obtain Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's approval for plans specifying existing and proposed grades, drainage, sedimentation control, vegetation and the location of all buildings and structures relating to the crescent road abutting the valleylands. 19. That the developer meet the requirements of the Region of Durham, financial and otherwise. 20. That no building permits be issued until access routes meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and until watermains and hydrants are fully serviced. 21. That during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 1 i i OR, 18 T 8704 0 V FUNI =K FEET ev 4 F'T f=L.AN ANO PA 2T OF L-C=-2.4,C—/.a ANO a LO"� '/S LOT e3_ �� gE7WEEN L.O'T —f{95,C-p -.2 // NOW /N THE OF NEWCASTLE roc ' e /—^ /� / ✓�/` �\ I ����L- O m xn,.x� 3�0 3m FEET R J Q Q Q / — LOT 96 LOT -4 LOT ao EF1 CpA/. 2 J I IT Al o _ t • eLO�K 1 To A 1q J p �]2 � ao•B 12.0' • v. � —���_ r —�AG�O/T/CV./AG_ /NFQ2M/->Th"�/./ - Q UUII � .� .s ` 4 � �iOR � fib•'/ ✓ � b e,..��.�.-,/LV a,.�LL..,�s. Iy' Q -�F17CG/NK)F.cti,.sES A /y 1 �-41 0 74 C�1 {� t,d 0 44En L�Oi1FT PL.G.V:/2.7�/i,o 1 y y` cors{�xKS f 46a 01 f� -• r .. \®\>/y �i-.c�c � cor o.eo 3,1 a 9 P // m�' I ,,,((! Y >a-�ec.:'�ia •. ��. ` 1 .��� \ \ GENERAL..NOTES A/JO�LaNO-L/SEnaoti, I/z �T L-ors -st�T.eL.-'72 uw]s y I i \ / ✓ M�..s'ern-.o�.n: ,...�r�.� o...cx�sex� N L-OY8 09-79 I SEM+-!'MTi�4IE0lL/hYf)M:YF._.ES lari� u G,2 Fa so-.o2,fa,er[a]s e�LtYlB q6 u...r].S it(� p :J-_ B[.00ky//4�f NS 30-.+W.L.•C„�.rgY IN6T.TV!".Cn/GL- W Y I BLCC•K //7: F�QL/T E C 3/00.nom 7 OwNEQS CF�i-jF/CATE � �°'-re F �•i°�� s'-"O�^^� wE .a Ews]> ¢.eECy-.naFO.u��iti�� ..ov/zE L ARE�AG_TVaE a"E(,e/)zcx�. OIJ"T- '>�P4 0-E M.p S<.9,--rT T>��P�'T GY./L1:JT�S�RE.G.Fa'�/.//.1�.•7/-fir SLJ/2VEYC]v�S CERT/F/CUTE / HE/2EBY CER-/F�/ K/00/CO2P/NVtrTMENTS G M/TEO AKAC_LZ]1/3/'R(�C='/-pA/L7rj =n�e,SrpaP rhEET ./�1>O.MS✓eL/ eo-/9S ))�\ E L MNVV6L 3.0,� .C:;�'.•'/ TEL.(4,67 �.7-///2 OONEYAN ANO FLE/SCHM/-1NN L/M/TEL7 1( - d�/T�LG.hlJ Sc1Q EyOQ`' I - -+�•c.,-.. C�5 ei.nw,s, c��.vr 729-A'7g9,68_ -3�, 8�J-BG9 DN: EP/HR1 J THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 88- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 114" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Environmental Protection (EP)" to "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)" Zone as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. Schedule "X" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. �I I BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1988 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1988 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1988. MAYOR I CLERK I I i i This is Schedule X to By-law 88 --1 passed this day of , 19 8.8 A.D. LOT 35 )-- f---C LOT 34 EXISTING ` EP' s' ZONING — *'i �'• ' a �`q �� Z EXISTING`(H)RI` of �d •` e O ZONING— � lk a ZONING CHANGE FROM IEP` TO' (H) RI � Mayor Clerk 6 LOT 35 LOT 34 LOT 33 R1 WRI I H)RI (H)RI EP SUBJECT SITE N N s o ) z o 0: Z 00 (H)R1 x (n z C2•I LQ N W z RI J (11 0 z U ° z N 03 A a O U I II � II (H)R1 i ao�o REGIONAL ROAD 22 0 60100 200 300m COURTICE 60m '` DN: B/L THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 88- being a By-law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with Kiddicorp Investments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. t' The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as t` follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of ' the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation's seal, an Agreement between Kiddicorp Investments Limited and the said Corporation dated the day of , 1988, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "X". 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to accept, on behalf of the Town, the said conveyances of lands required pursuant to the aforesaid Agreement. 3. THAT Schedule "X" attached hereto forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1988 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1988 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1988. MAYOR CLERK i