HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/1963 e. . . . Council Minutes A Regular meeting of S:OO P.M. on Monday, Ivan M. Hobbs in the Bowmanville Town Council convened at October 7, 1963 with His Worship Mayor Chair. All members present. I LORD'S PRAYER: II ROLL CALL: III ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice. THAT the minutes of the Council meetings held on September 3rd, 10th, and 24th, 1963 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" IV PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS: 1. Petition was received from ratepayers on Ontario Street asking Council to provide a sidewalk on the West side of Ontario from Nelson to Liberty Street. The Clerk reported that there was some question as to whether or not this petition was to be considered submitted under the Local Improvement Act or just an indication by the ratepayers that they wished this construction under General Funds. Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. THAT~re Clerk be instructed to have the petition from the Ontario Street Ratepayers clarified "and report back at the next regular Council Session. "CARRIED" 2. Representatives of Domestic Oil Transmission Co. Ltd. appeared before Council asking for a permit to con- struct an underground storage tank and distribution pipe lines in the vicinity of the Schleiss Sub-division. Reference was made to the fact gas and oil distribu~ tion systems under the provisions of the Town's Zoning legislation are permitted only in Industrial Areas and if Council wish to accede to the Company's request amend- ment to the Zoning By-laws would be necessary. As the type of system which the Company wish to locate could be considered somewhat different than the interpretation given to gas and oil distribution systems in the By- law. It was suggested that before any decision is made by Council that they should have the benefit of Planning Board's advice, consequently it was, Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Nichols. THAT the matter brought to Councils attention by Domestic Oil Transmission Company be referred to the Planning Board for their consideration and report at the next regular Council Session. "CARRIED" 3. H. Knapp - Liberty Street. Mr. Knapp appeared before Council thanking them for the application of asphalt in the boulevard in front of his commercial establishment , in addition, however, he re- quested that consideration be given to the erection of asphalt approaches over the curb to permit better access to his property. Following considerable discussion it was, . . . . .2- Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the matter of asphalting of driveways, boulevards, etc. be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee for clarification of policy and report back to Council. "CARRIED" v COMMUNICATIONS: 1. The Royal Canadian Legion: "I have been instructed by the Executive Council of Branch 17$, Royal Canadian Legion, to write to you requesting the permission to hold our annual Poppy Fund Campaign on Friday evening, November 8th, 1963 and Saturday, November 9th, 1963. We would be most obliged if you could bring this re- quest to the attention of Council at their next meeting, and advise us by an early date of their decision." Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr, Hooper. THAT the letter from the Canadian Legion dated September 24, 1963 be received and that we concur in their request and grant permission for them to hold their Annual Poppy Campaign on Friday evening November 8th and Saturday November 9, 1963. "CARRIED" 2. Mrs. Effie Sowden: "In the past couple of months I have inquired on at least three occasions the removal of trees situated in front of my home at 17 Durham Street and to date I have received no cooperation in this respect. On Wednesday, September 11th, 1963, we had a heavy rain storm with high winds and as a result a portion of the tree situated at the north west corner of my house was blown down pulling hydro wires away from my house. My tenants were without lights, heat etc. from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. In view of the foregoing I am making this a formal com_ plaint which I would like brought to the attention of the Bowmanville Town Council at their next regular meet- ing as these trees are in a rotten decayed condition. Further these trees are an extremely dangerous hazard to both life and property and therefore I request your immediate action. I might add that these trees are on town property. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the letter from Effie Sowden be received and referred to Road Superintendent with power to act. "CARRIED" 3. Memorial Hospital: "Further to my letter of 22 August 1963, I should be glad to hear if any further action has been taken on the possi- bility of a stop sign at the junction of Lambert and Queen Streets. We feel that this is. important and should be glad to have some action taken on the matter." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. THAT the letter. received from Mr. B, Holden respecting a . -,.. request for a stop sign at the junction of Lambert and Queen Sts. be received and referred to By-laws. Mr. Holden to be informed of this decision. "CARRIED" . 4. Bowmanville Planning Board: "At our last Board meeting of September lSth, it was unanimously passed that we recommend to council that we add into the section of definitions in our By-law 1587 as amended, a definition of our melaning of the word "Frontage". The definition to appear as fol- lows:- "Frontage" shall be the length of that segment of a straight line contained within a lot, such straight line being parallel to a line joining the points of intersection of the side lot lines with the front lot line, and being a perpendicular distance from such front lot line equal to the minimum front yard depth required for the lot by the provisions of this By-law 1587. Motion Carried, This addition should make clear to all concerned the interpreta- tion of the word "Frontage" vlhich appears several places in our said By-law and should clear up any problem of where the minimum frontage line should be taken in Cul-de-sac's and curved front street lot lines such as in the Ossam and Carruthers subdivision plans. " Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the letter from Bowmanville Planning Board dated Sept- ember 23, 1963 respecting the recommendation for an addition to the definitions section of by-law 15S7 be received and adopted and that the necessary amending by-law be prepared and presented for councils consideration. "CARRIED" . 5. The Ontario Municipal Board: "Receipt is acknowledged of your capital works forecast which has been studied by the Board. In accordanCe therewith, if other wise found to be in order, approval will be given during the pre- sent year for works and undertakings not to exceed a total cost of $28,500.00. Applications for approval of specific projects must be accompanied only by the material required by the enclosed new procedure. This will apply to applications made this year for a total sum not exceeding the above amount. If strict com- pliance with this procedure is observed approval of specific pro- jects can be given promptly. The order of approval will contain the following proviso: "Provided that the corporation in exer- cising any of its powers approved by this order shall comply ~th all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto." Under the new procedure municipal officials will assume a greater responsibility for due compliance with all requirements of the law. If approval of a debenture by-law is required later the Board will then check the procedure which has been followed before proceeding to approve the debenture by-law and certify the deben- tures. There is reason to expect, however, that a considerab~ saVing of time will result and that many delays previously encoun- tered will be eliminated." . Moved by Con. Hughes and Shackelton: That the letter from the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to Capital Expenditure Quota be received and filed. "CARRIED." 6. Ontario Association of Urban Rural Municipalities: Advice was received of ' the forthcoming conference of the. Ontario' ABsociation of Rural and Urban Municipalities being ,held' Niagara Falls Ontario, October 17,18, 1963. Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the letter from the Ontario Association of Urban, Rural Municipalities be received and filed. "Cl\RRIED" . . . . -4- 7. Bowmanville Public School Board: "It would appear that the time is now apportune to advise you of recent developments with respect to the provision of trans- portation for Public School Children within the boundaries of the Municipality. We received a Petition signed by the members of the families residing in the East and West Beach Areas, re- questing that arrangements be made to provide Bus Service for this group ; with the School Board paying one-half and the other half of the cost being applied to their taxes. Before proper consideration could be given to this Petition were informed by a delegation from the Beach Areas that they had changed their minds and wanted free Bus Service for all of the children(High School, Separate School and Public Schools) or the children would be kept out of school. This situation has been given ser- ious and extended consideration by the Bowmanville Public School Board and our decisions have been reached only after consultation with the various authorities concerned and with due reference to the regulations pertaining thereto. We have learned that pay- ment of grants by the Province would be paid only for those school children living more than two miles from the school. Rep- resented in this group are approximately one-tbird of the 71 Pub- lic School pupils with whom we are concerned. Recognition has been given to the safety problem for younger children walking on the roads, the problem of crossing a very busy double railway track and the problems presented either by crossing a very bu~ highw~y 401 or using the Underpass. Similar conditions are also to be considered as being worthy of consideration in other areas within the Municipality. The Bowmanville Public School Board has decided to continue their practice of not providing transpor- tation for the Public School children under existing conditions in view of the increased financial burden which would be placed on all Bowmanville taxpayers. We suggest that the safety pro- blem of the railway crossings and the underpass at 401 Highway could be corrected by having crossing guards stationed there during the school hours. This we recommend to Council for their action. If it is the wish of Council that transportation be provided as requested, then we would suggest that funds be set aside by Council by special levy for this purpose and also in sufficient amount to provide the same services to all Public School children under similar circumstances within the town boundaries. The families in the Beach areas may ask the Council that their request be placed before the citizens of Bowmanvil~ for consideration by ballot at the next election in December. The Council should seriously consider that if there is a contin- ued increase in the school age population in the beaches area that the Board may be forced to request the provision of funds to construct a school in the area. Information has been obtained and a suggestion made by the Board to the residents of the Beach Areas that if a levy of an average of $1.50 per family perweek were paid by them, the Bus Company would provide a bus which could at least move all the Public School pupils. The Bowmanville Public School Board is very much concerned about the fact that the children have been kept home from school illegally and have repeate(ily urged the parents to send them to school while these negotiations were continuing. They, however, have remained adam- ant despite the fact that the children are being serioullY handi- capped by their continued absence. The Board, therefore, be- cause of the duties imposed on it by the regulations of the Provincial Education Act, have had to inform the School Inspector officially, of what has transpired and the routine will be follwwed to ensure the $eturn of the children to school. This information is being supplied to you factually, in brief, so that you will be in a position to discuss the situation should representations be made to you from various groups concerned. We, in turn, would appreciate it if you would indicate at an early date to the Board the attitude of the Council with respect to the situa- tion." . . . . -5- Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the letter received from the Public School Board res- pecting School Bus Transportation be received and filed. "CARRIED" 8. Bowmanville Museum: "For some time the members of the Museum Board have felt that it would be helpful to us in conducting the affairs of the Mus- eum if a Visit of inspection of the Museum by the members of Council were planned; to be followed by a joint meeting of Board and Council. In this way the Council could acquire a first hwd knowledge of what has been accomplished to date and the Board would profit by Council's opinion as to what might be planned for the future. With this in mind we were wondering if such a meeting could be held on either Tuesday, evening, October 29th or Wednesday evening, October 30th. Please let us know at your earliest convenience if this could be arranged." Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the letter received from the Museum Board dated October 2 1963 be received and reply stating that we will meet with them October 29, 1963 \7:30 p. m. "CARRIED" 9. Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill: "Will you please present the following to the Mayor and members of the Town Council at their next meeting. In 1961, when the Church Street storm sewer was extended, we gave perlpission to the town to drain the water down our property to the pond. We did not ask for remuneration from the t~ but our understanding was that the ditch would be faced or the tile continued to the edge of the pond. This has not been done. With every rain a considerable amount of dirt is being washed into the pond and this we can do without. After two years of this and looking at the pile of dirt and rubble at Scugog Street, we would apprec- iate it if the job could be finished as soon as possible by con- tinuing the tile to the edge of the pond and covering it." Moved by Con. Nichols and Hooper: That the letterIBceived from Vanstone Flour and Feed Mill dated October 5, 1963 be received and that the matter be referred to the Roads Superintendent with power to act. "CARRIED" 10. Memorial Hospital: "As you are no doubt a\'fare, there was a car accident of some (Jun- siderable consequence on the evening of 1st October at the inter- section of Lambert and Queen Streets, which is the intersection just by the rear of the hospital. In this regard, I wrote to the Town Clerk on the 22nd of August asking that steps be taken to have this dangerous location surveyed and some practical remedy carried out. I should be glad if this matter could be raised for action at this time as this corner becomes increas- ingly busy with more visitors and patients around the hospital. At the same time, I should be glad if my personal request that a stop sign be erected at the intersection of Southway Drive and Flett Street could be dealth with. It is now over a year since I made my initial request for action in this area and, to date, nothing has been done. The Southway Drive-Flett area has many small children and it seems reasonalbe to assume that it is only a question of time before we have some very distressing tragedy through a car accident in this area." . -6- Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That we instruct the Police Department and Roads and Streets Department to erect thesrOP Signs necessary under the provisions of the Traffic By-law such erection to be completed as soon as possible~ "CARRIED." V REPORTS:- . Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes: That the report of the Welfare Department for the month of September 1963 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That themport of the Building Inspector for the month of September 1963 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Nichols and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Roads & Streets for the month of August 1963 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Shackelton and Fice: That the report of the Dog Control Officer for the month of August 1963 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the months of June, July and August 1963 be received and filed. "CARRIED" VI REPORTS OF CO~~IITTEES: . Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the minutes of the Board of Works Committee dated Sept- ember 24, 1963 and October 3, 1963 be received and adopted."CARRIED" Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Nichols: That the report of the Finance Committee dated September 26, be received and adopted. CARRIED" VII ACCOUNTS: . Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: THAT the accounts Paid Prior in the total amount of $51,759.64 be and are hereby passed for payment."CARRIED" Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Nichols: THAT the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the total amount of $6,886.86 be and are hereby passed for payment."CARRIED". Moved by Con. Shackelton and Fice: That the account of the Dog Control Dept. in the total amount of $25.99 be and are here;jy passed for payment."CARRIED" .-,,;~ VII ACCOUNTS (Cont'd.) -7- . . VIII . - r~ved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper, THAT the Accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in tle total amount of $19.32 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CAtlRIED" Moved by THAT the j\268.58 Cr. Hooper, seconded bv Cr,. Fice Accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Reeve S. Little, seconded by Dep. Reeve R. Stevens THAT the Accountsof the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total amount of ,;13.35.96, be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Cr. A. Oke, seconded by Cr. K. THAT the Accounts of the WELFARE DEPT. $1,331.73, be and are hereby passed for Hooper, in the total payment. amount of "CARRIED". Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Dep. Reeve R. Stevens, THAT the Accounts of ROADS AND STREETS Dept. in the thtal amount of $11,848.27, be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED". BY-LAviS: Moved by Con. Nichols and Dep-Reeve Stevens: 1. 2. 3. That leave A By-law to A By-law to A By-law to By-laws; be granted to bring in the following amend by-law 1784 (Traffic) amend by-law 1587 (Zoning) repeal by-law 1879. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes: That the By-laws be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time Mayor in the Chair. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That we rise and report successful second reading of the By-laws in Committee of the Whole. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Shackelton and Hooper: That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-laws be received and adopted the same be now read a third time engrossed signed by the Mayor and Cler~, sealed and numbered as follows: 1. A By-law to amend By-law No. 1784....................B!L1886 2. A By-law to repeal By-law No. 1879...................B!L1887 3. A By-law to amend By-law No. 1587....................B!L1888 IX NEVI & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: . 1. Liberty Street Storm Sewers:- This matter pending information by Town Solicitor. 2. Liberty Street Sidewalk:- Nothing further reported in this respect. 3. Beach:- Council is presently awaiting advice from Mr. R. Honey M.P. in I I ;-. . . -8- respect to a meeting proposed by his letter of August 27, 1963. Fire Marshall and electrical inspectors report awaited. 4. Memorial Park Fencing:- It was reported that Memorial Park Association had indicated their wish to withdraw their request for fence. 5. Street Lights on Waverly Road:- Con. Fice reported that this matter had been cleared up to his satisfaction. 6. Park Land:- Investigation and negotiation in the hand of His vlorship the the Mayor and Town Clerk. 7. Zoning By-law l\mendment:- (See By-laws) 8. Bernard Street:- The co~~itment by Mr. Dejong in respect to serv~c~ug this new street has been referred to the Town solicitor for necessary action. 9. Fire Hall Dr a1n- This matter is pending. 10. Sturrock Road:- This matter is in the hands of the Solicitor to take necessary action to have this road allowance deeded to the Town. 11. P. U. C. Charges:- The meeting of the To,m Clerk, P. U. C. Manager, and Town Sol- icitor has been arranged for Thursday October 10 for the pur- pose of the Councils amending By-laws. 12. Matters referred to Roads & Streets:- 1. J. H. ~lldread- this matter still pending a report. 2. Street Sweeper- sweeper has been purchased and is in operation. 3. John Hoclley~ this matter 3ill pending a report. 4. Sidewalk Repair Report- The sidewalk programme has been com- pleted except on Division Street and a small portion of Scugog Street 13. Matters referred to Police:- Memorial Hospital stop sign request (see by-laws) 14. Weeds:- Moved by Con. Nichols and Oke: That the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the owner of rroperty on Simpson Avenue asking for his co-operation in clearing out the underbrush in the orchard so that removal of weetls may be effected. "CARRIED" 15. Armistice Day:- Con. Oke advised that she had authorized the purchase of a wreath on behalf of the town for laying at the cenotaph on Armistice Day. -9- ~. 16. Matter referred to Roads & Streets:- 1. The road superintendent was instructed to investigate the fOllowing matters and authorized to take necessary action; 1. Dust problem on Base Line from Hunt Street West. 2. Tree on Bond property, 135 Scugog Street. X ADJOUR~lliNT: The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p. m. on motion of Con. Hughes and Oke. . . .