HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-16-85 I I CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB UO TEL.(416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1985 REPORT NO. : PD-16-85 SUBJECT: LONG SAULT CONSERVATION AREA MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-16-85 be received; and 2. That the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be forwarded a copy of Staff Report PD-16-85 and advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the Long Sault Conservation Area Master Plan, subject to the following concerns being incorporated within the final plan. a) The elimination of hunting as a permitted use in the Conservation Area; and b) The inclusion of horseback riding as a permitted use within designated areas of the Conservation Area; and { t; 41 c f 3. That a copy of Council 's decision be t forwarded to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, and each of the residents that made a submission at the December 17, 1984 meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee in respect of this matter. > . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-16-85 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On December 17, 1984, representatives from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority presented the Long Sault Conservation Area Master Plan to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. A number of residents were present as delegations and expressed concerns regarding hunting being permitted in the Conservation Area and horseback riding not being permitted. The Committee resolved (Resolution #GPA-1081-84) to refer the Master Plan and the delegations' comments to Staff for review and a report with recommendations. The Committee further resolved (Resolution #GPA-1082-84) that special consideration be given to the request that hunting be discontinued within the Conservation Area and the possibility of permitting horseback riding in specific areas of the conservation area. Staff have reviewed the Master Plan and note that it provides for the development of additional passive recreational uses of the Conservation Area for both winter and summer activities, and proposes a forest management plan which includes provisions for the maintenance and increase of wildlife habitat. Staff accept that there is a need for additional passive recreational areas for the residents of the Town and the Region and have no objections to the proposed plans for the development of facilities within the Conservation Area. Long Sault is the only Conservation Area in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority watershed which permits hunting. Hunting is permitted in the fall season, excluding Sundays, and is restricted to small game. By limiting . . .3 (J(e) REPORT NO. : PD-16-85 Page 3 hunting to the fall , Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is attempting to separate the two user groups of hunters and cross-country skiers. A number of area residents have expressed concern with hunting being permitted in the Conservation Area, stating that it restricts the use of the area and poses a danger to residents and animals living on adjacent properties. Although hunting is permitted throughout the Conservation Area, hunting activity is probably concentrated in those areas most supportive of wildlife. The Master Plan identifies four prime wildlife habitat areas and Staff note that all of these areas lie adjacent to or in close proximity to the edge of the Conservation Area. It would appear that hunting in these wildlife habitat areas would pose an increased risk to residents and animals on adjacent properties. Staff would further note that hunting could also pose a threat to other users of the Conservation Area, or alternatively severely restrict the use of the Area by other groups during those times when hunting is permitted. Staff also note that these wildlife habitat areas lie within areas classified by the Master Plan as having a "Restricted Land Use Capability" - that is, they are extremely sensitive to disturbance caused by people or equipment. With respect to the need for hunting in the Conservation Area, Staff note that the Master Plan makes no indication that hunting is necessary for the regulation of wildlife populations. On the contrary, the Plan speaks of certain game bird populations being able to withstand low to medium hunting pressure, and further indicates that ring-necked pheasant are released within the Conservation Area. . . .4 REPORT NO. : PD-16-85 Page 4 Given the above arguments concerning the risks to adjacent property owners and other users, the absence of a demonstrated need and the environmental sensitivity of the primary wildlife habitat areas, it is Staff's opinion that hunting should not be permitted in the Long Sault Conservation Area. It is therefore recommended that Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be requested to give serious reconsideration to the use of the Conservation Area for hunting purposes. Residents have expressed an interest in horseback riding being permitted within the Conservation Area. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has indicated that horses have been found to be detrimental in an environmentally sensitive area and create conflicts with other users. Staff agree that horses do present a greater negative impact on the environment inasmuch as they destroy vegetative cover to a greater extent than hikers, thereby accelerating erossion. As well , horses can create conflicts with hikers on jointly- used trails. i Staff have no difficulty with horse-back riding being permitted in the Conservation Area; however, it is agreed that such a uses should be restricted to areas capable of sustaining the increased user pressure and away from those areas frequented by hikers. Staff note for example that the scotch pine plantation in Lot 9 is listed as having a moderate landuse capability and would provide for minimum conflict with summer hiking trails proposed to cross Lot 9. Staff further suggest that a permit system could be introduced to regulate the number of horses permitted in the Conservation Area. It is therefore recommended that Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be requested to . . .5 REPORT NO. : PD-16-85 Page 5 investigate the possibility of permitting horse-back riding in certain areas of the Long Sault Conservation Area. As a final point, Staff note that the population growth projections given for the Town of Newcastle on Page 57 are based on 1978 Region of Durham information. The most recent population projections for the Town produced by the Region project a considerably slower growth rate. The more current projections should, therefore, be utilized within the Master Plan. Respectfu bmitted, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning JAS*TTE*jip January 9, 1985 cc: All persons on attached list LIST OF PERSONS SENT REPORT PD-16-85 Page 6 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting Avenue OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 3T3N Mrs. Judy Metcalfe Mr. Sidney Greenslade R.R. #5 R.R. #5 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K60 L1C 3K60 Mr. Peter Craig Mrs. Elizabeth Craig R.R. #5 R.R. #5 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K60 L1C 3K60 Mr. Michael Haskins R.R. #5 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K60 Mrs. Kay Buttery R.R. #1 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K2N Mr. Douglas Farr 17 'Ki rkdal e Crescent DON MILLS, Ontario M3B 2J7N Mrs. Betty Roth R.R. #1 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K2N Mrs. Helen Shankland R.R. #5 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K6N Mrs. Helen Terry 215 Strathallan Wood TORONTO, Ontario M5N 11750 Mr. Emerson Salter 761 Jasmine Street OSHAWA, Ontario L1G 3C5N