HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-27-85 C• 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL.(416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1985 REPORT NO. : PD-27-85 SUBJECT: CITY OF OSHAWA DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-27-85 be received; and 2. That the City of Oshawa be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the City of Oshawa Draft Official Plan subject to the resolution of the Town's concerns in respect of the residential and deferred designations of those lands which are currently included within Special Study Area No. 8; and 3. That a copy of this report and Council 's decision be forwarded to the City of Oshawa and the Region of Durham. . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-27-85 Page 2 BACKGROUND: On January 03, 1985, the Planning Department received a copy of the City of Oshawa Draft Official Plan, along with a request for comments. Town Staff reviewed previously, drafts of the Official Plan in September, 1983 and August, 1984. Concerns expressed by Staff on these occasions related to the Industrial designation of lands immediately to the west of Darlington Provincial Park, and the Residential designations of lands currently included within Special Study Area No. 8 by the Durham Regional Official Plan. With respect to the industrial designation of the lands immediately adjacent to Darlington Provincial Park, Staff originally requested that these lands be included within a Light or Prestige Industrial classification, given that the adjacent lands in Newcastle are designated "Water-Front Related Major Open Space" in the Regional Official Plan. In the draft Plan considered by Staff in August, 1984, these lands were designated for Prestige Industrial . As well , specific policies relating to the minimization of adverse impacts on Darlington Provincial Park were incorporated into the text. In the most recent draft, these lands are only designated "Industrial" on the Land Use Schedule. A more detailed classification of industrial uses is provided in the text as well as general policies related to the location of the different types of industrial uses. The Plan states that industrial areas that are highly visible from Highway 401 shall generally be developed with prestige industrial or industrial - commercial uses, and such areas shall be developed with external landscaping and visually aesthetic buildings. As well , the site specific policies relating to the lands in question have been retained in the Plan and . . .3 I REPORT NO. : PD-27-85 Page 3 specify that only uses which would have minimal adverse impacts on Darlington Park are permitted on these lands. City of Oshawa Planning Staff indicated in discussions with Town Staff that specific industrial designations in the Official Plan were felt to be too restrictive and are more appropriately detailed through the zoning by-law. As indicated earlier, Staff also have a concern relating to the designation of lands currently included within Special Study Area No. 8. The draft Official Plan designates the land south of Taunton Road and east to Townline Road for residential , while the land to the north of Taunton Road is designated Permanent Agricultural Reserve (d) . The (d) indicates lands being considered for future development subject to the appropriate Official Plan amendments. With respect to Special Study Area No. 8, the Durham Regional Official Plan states that, due to such considerations as the environmental sensitivity of the Harmony Creek watershed and possible future growth in the area, the lands within the Special Study Area require further study in order to determine a suitable pattern of land uses. The City of Oshawa initiated a study on Special Study Area No. 8 in late 1979. Although the study area extended into Newcastle, the Town did not participate in the Study due to other Staff committments. Town Staff did, however, provide comments to the effect that the preparation of a Secondary Plan for Special Study Area No. 8 was premature, particularly in light of servicing committments made by the Region and the Town in other areas. The Study was never completed and has not been actively worked on for a number of years. On July 23, 1984, Town Council considered a request by the City of Oshawa to the Region to delete Special Study Area No. 8, to . . .4 i (�J REPORT NO. : PD-27-85 Page 4 relocate the Major Urban Area boundary to Taunton Road East and to designate the lands north of Taunton Road to Permanent Agricultural Reserve (d) . Town Council resolved that the Region be advised that the Town has no objection to the deletion of the Special Study Area, but that the lands west of Townline Road be redesignated so as not to be included within the limits of the Major Urban Area of Oshawa. The City of Oshawa Draft Official Plan also calls for preparation of a Part II Plan for the lands south of Taunton Road currently included within Special Study Area No. 8 prior to new residential development proceeding. This area is identified as the Pinecrest Planning Area in the Official Plan. COMMENT: Staff have reviewed the policies in the draft Official Plan relating to the "Industrial" designation of the lands to the west of Darlington Provincial Park, and are satisfied that they are sufficient to minimize adverse impacts on the Park and to ensure the development of compatible land uses. As indicated earlier, City of Oshawa Planning Staff have indicated that the details of the development of these industrial lands will be determined through amendments to their zoning by-law. Provincial regulations require the City of Oshawa to advise the Town of the passing of any by-laws affecting areas within 1 kilometer of the Town. The Town would have the opportunity to review any rezonings prior to their being finalized. Based on all of these factors, Staff have no objection to the "Industrial " designation of the lands to the l west of Darlington Provincial Park. With respect to the residential designation of those lands currently included within Special Study Area No. 8, Staff note that the Regional Official Plan states that a reserve capacity . . .5 REPORT NO. : PD-27-85 Page 5 for an additional 30,000 population equivalent, over and above the population already allocated, shall be incorporated into the design of the Harmony Creek sewage system and the respective water system for possible future growth in Special Study Area No. 8. Town Staff are concerned that all of the 30,000 population growth provided for by the Regional Official Plan is being allocated to the Oshawa Urban Area. Although the Newcastle portion of Special Study Area No. 8 is not an area that is currently being considered for urban development, Staff do not wish to preclude the consideration of that option in the future. Discussions with Regional Works Staff indicate that most of the Special Study Area is located within Pressure Zone 3 for the provision of water, but that there are no current plans to establish a Zone 3 system. Based on the factors discussed above, Staff maintain their previously stated position that the designation of additional lands for residential development is premature in light of servicing committments made within other areas of the Region, including the Town of Newcastle. In particular, Staff are concerned that the designation of further residential lands in Oshawa could delay the development of lands within Newcastle which are already serviced or to which services are committed. However, it has been suggested to Town Staff that there is insufficient land within Oshawa to which services are committed to meet the City's residential development needs; hence, the need to designate Special Study Area No. 8. Staff will , therefore, be continuing discussions with Regional and City of Oshawa Staff regarding the need for, and extent of, additional residential designations within Oshawa. Staff, also have a concern with the designation of the lands north of Taunton Road as Permanent Agricultural Reserve (d). As noted earlier, the (d) designation indicates lands being considered for future development subject to the appropriate Official Plan . . .6 I u> REPORT NO. : PD-27-85 Page 6 amendments. Staff feel that it is premature to designate land for future urban development prior to the development of land already located within the urban area boundary. Staff, therefore, recommend that the City of Oshawa be advised that, while the Town has a continuing concern with the residential designation of those lands south of Taunton Road which are currently included within Special Study Area No. 8, the Town generally has no other objections to the proposed Official Plan. In order to resolve some of the unanswered questions regarding Special Study Area No. 8, it is Staff's intention to meet with Oshawa Planning Staff to discuss same and will report back to Council thereafter. Respectfull bmitted, a f' T.T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning JAS*TTE*jip January 28, 1985 I i