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The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
$:00 P.M. on Tuesday September 3, 1963 with His vV"orship Mayor
Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except
Councillor Hughes.
III ADOPT ION OF rUNUT6S: - Moved by Cr. Hooper, se conded by Cr.
THAT the minutes of the meeting dated
August 6, 1963 be amended by deleting
"Carried" after the first resolution
under communication number 2, and
substituting therefore "Motion Lost"
and that the minutes so amended be
received and adopted.
Duke Street Local Improvement:-
A local improvement petition for the construction of a
sewer and watermain on Duke Street south from H~ghway 1,01
was received from the property owners involved, and de-
clared sufficiently signed by the Clerk Treasurer.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice;
THAT we receive the petitions submitted by Duke Street
Ratepayers and that we notify the residents that the
sewer construction to this area will have to be specially
considered prior to any decision being made due t 0 the
fact that their is no trunk line in the area for connection.
1. Mr. John E. Hockley:-
"During and after a rain the water runs down our driveway
washing the topsoil from our garden and turning the driveway
into a veritable quagmire.
The King Contracting Co. removed the curb and quite a bit
of topsoil from the front of our lot, during the winter of
1961-2, and this problem has existed and worsened since.
I have mentioned this condition many times during the last
two years and I have been told that Liberty St. was to be
widened and this problem would be corrected then, or that
topsoil would be delivered by the Town and placed where it
would correct the condition.
As I have previously mentioned more damage is done each time
it rains and I feel that it is high time something was done
to correct it."
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Moved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT' the letter received from Mr. John E. Hockley
respecting the drainage problem at 115 Liberty St.
be referred to the Roads & Streets Committee for their
investigation and report. "CARRI.ED"
2. Brewer's Warehousing Company Ltd:
"We intend to re-surface the above parking lot, and
we also contemplate providing access to and from our
lot to the ajoining Dominion Store parking area.
I am enclosing t wo copies of a rough sketch showing
this proposed opening, and we would appreciate your
presenting this matter to the Board of viorks Depart-
ment, which I understand meets on August 27th, 1963.
We would appreciate your informing us of the Board's
decision as soon as Possible, so that we can proceed
with the work if acceptable to you."
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Nichols.
THAT we do not accede to the request submitted by the
Brewers' Warehousing Company in respect to an opening
on to Frank Street and advise them that this Council
feels that it should be left as closed to avoid any
traffic problem at this location. "CARHIED"
3. Russell C. Honey, M.P.:
"On February 13, 1963, Council referred to me the
matter of the status of the land occupied by the Port
Darlington Harbour Commission with a view to the possi-
ble acquisition of that land by the Corporation..
Since receiving the request from Council I have in-
stituted certain inquiries into this whole matter and
have obtained a great deal of information.
I have had a discussion with Dr. P. E. Ireland, President
of the Port Darlington Harbour Company. Dr. Ireland has
aSSured me of the co-operation of his company with the
'I'mi'll Authorities and other bodies I'lhich may be necessary
in order to achieve an amicable and fair settlement of
all the outstanding matters relating to this problem.
I have reviewed the matter with officials of the Depart-
ment of Transport and the Department of Public Works and
have received information from both Department which would
be helpful..
At the present time I am awaiting certain information from
the Department of Lands and Forests in the Provincial
Government, Toronto, and when I have this information I
am going to suggest to the Mayor and Members of Council
that a meeting might be held with the various authorities
and at that time we can review this whole matter and try
to reach Some decision which will be helpful to all con-
cerned. At the present time I have been assured by Dr.
Ireland, by Dr. Charlotte Horner, Medical Officer of Health
for Northumberland and Durham and by the Federal Authori-
ties that they will be pleased to attend a meeting which
might be instituted for the purpose of reconciling the
interests of all concerned. I am sure that the Ontario
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officials will also co-operate in this matter and, as
previously mentioned, I am awaiting word from them and
certain information.
Within a short period of time I hope to be in a position
to recommend to Council that such a meeting be arranged
and I am hopeful that we may then be able to proceed from
that meeting to adjust the many problems which overflow
from this situation." .
Moved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hooper..
THAT the letter received from Mr. Russell C. Honey, M.P..
in respect to the Beach be received and filed for future
reference, and that I~'. Honey be thanked for his continued
efforts on our behalf and advise him that we are awaiting
further correspondence, and subsequent meeting.
4. Oshawa Times:
A letter was received from the Advertising Department of
the Oshawa Times inviting Council to identify itself in
a special advertising issue in regard to the forthcoming
opening of the Canadian Automotive Museum in Oshawa.
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT this matter be referred to the Industrial Committee
with necessary power to act. "CARRIED" .
1. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Nichols.
THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month
of August 1963 be received and adopted. "CARRIED"
2. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens.
THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month
of August 1963 be received and adopted. "CARRIED"
3. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Oke,
THAT the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the
month of July 1963 be received and adopted.
4. Moved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the report of the Dog Control for the month of
July 1963 be r ecei ved and adopted. "CARRIED"
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the account PAID PRIOR in the total amount of
j49.753.80 be and are hereby passed for payment..
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the account FINANCE DEPT. in the total amount of
$5.592.DO be and are hereby passed for payment.
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Moved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the account of the DOG Ci)NLWL in the total amount of
~63. 50 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARdE~D"
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the account of the FlrlE DEPT. in the total amount of
~64.13 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARdIED"
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the account of the INDUSTtUAL in the total amount of
:~233.00 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CAH,UED"
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the account of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of
~r428. 06 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CAR3.IED"
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens.
THAT the account of the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total amount of
$40.92 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARrlI2D"
Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Nichols.
THAT the account of the \mLFARE DEFT. in the total amount of
;;'1.315.90 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CAftUED"
Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens.
THAT the account of the ROADS & STREETS in the total am01mtof
$6.278.15 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CAfLlUED"
1. Board of Works Committee:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens.
THAT the minutes of the Board of dorks Committee meeting
held on Tuesday August 27, 1963 be r ecei ved and adopted.
2. Finance Committee:
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the report of the Finance Committee dated September
3, 1963 be received and adopted. - "CAHRILD"
The Finance Comittee was authorized to review the Bookkeeper
applications when received by the clerk and to engage a .
suitable person.
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Nichols.
THAT leave be granted to bring in the following by-laws.
1. A By-law to regulate the use of the Bowmanville Municipal
2.. A By-law to repeal By-law No. 1673.
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Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the by-laws be read a first time referred to Council
in Committee of the \'/hole and read a second time, Mayor in
the Chair. "CARRIED"
Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Nichols.
THAT we rise and report successful reading of the By-laws
in Committee of the Whole. "CARRIED"
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the
By-laws be received and adopted the same be now read a
third time, engrossed signed by the Mayor and Clerk sealed
and numbered as follows.-
1. A By-law to regulate the use of the Bowmanville Muni-
cipal Dump - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -B/L No. 1883
2. A By-law to repeal By-law No. 1673 - - - --B/L No. IM4
1. Liberty Street Storm Sewer:
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT we proceed with the application to the Ontario Muni-
cipal Board respecting the cancelling of Local Improvement
Rates for the Storm Sewer on Liberty Street.
2. Libert,v St,T'PPt, SirlPT.,,,,lk' This matter is still pendi.ng
~n engineer's report from
Itr. vi. Dempsey.
fhe Clerk reported that as yet
10 reports have been rGceived
from the Fire Marshall's Office
)r the Ontario Electrical
Inspector in respect to the
~ast Beach Boat House situation.
1 eeve Little reported that he,
lad discussed this matter with
;he Chairman of the Counties
loads and Bridges Committee who
lad advised him that the dix-
3eal operation planned for
3cugog Street this year would
lot be effected until possibly
t~~ IYO
]ouncillor H. Nichols, chairman
)f the Roads and Streets Comrr-
lttee reported that he was
n"aiting a meeting with members
)f the Memorial Park Associat:Lon
;0 determine the type of fence
by Cr. Oke.
) arrange a meeting between
Park Association and Roads
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and Streets Committee to discuss their request for
fencing at Memorial Park. "CARRIEj)"
6. Street Lights:
Vlaverley Road
Reeve Little reported that he had discussed the Waverley
Road lighting with the manager of the P. U.C. who had
suggested that a new type of lighting was planned for
the Waverley Road Area.
Reeve Little requested I Councillor Fice on behalf of
the petitioners discuss t'ds matter '"rith the P.D.C..
chairman in an effort to solve this matter.
7. Park Land:
The Clerk reported that no
report is available yet on the
Town's negotiation for certain
park lands in the North Area.
8. Stop Signs:
A report is awaited from the
Roads &, Streets Superintendent
and Police Chief in respect to
the installation of the various
stop signs through-out the
community, in conformance with
the provisions of the Traffic
9. Zoning By-law:.
The Clerk reported that application
had been made to the Ontario
Municipal Board for approval of
the Zoning By-law amendment in
respect to the construction of
garages in relation to boundary
lines, however, no reply had been
10. Bernard Street:
Nothing further reported in this
Nothing further reported in this
11. Fire Hall Drain:
12. Sturrock Road:
This matter is presently in the
hands of the Town Solicitor who
is effecting transfer of ownership.
13. P ..U . C. Charges:
A report in respect to revision
of the Town's By-law regarding P. u.n.
charges for installation of sewer
and water will be presented at the
next regular meeting of Council.
14. Dump:
Under heading of By-laws legislation
was enacted at this Deet illg in re-
spect to regulating the use of the
DlIT~P.IN This respect it was:
MOved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke,
THAT an advertisement be placed in the local press and the
Oshawa Time advising people in the area the contents of the
Town's new By-law and that a sign be placed in a strategic
location in the dump to indicate the intent of the By-law
passed. "CAR"tIED"
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15. Firemen:
Cr. Fice reported on applications for the position of
Volunteer Fireman.
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT r~. R. Komapack be engaged as volunteer fireman
effective September 1, 1963. "CARRIED"
16. Civic Committee:
Councillor Oke advised that Local Pee Wee Team had been
successful in obtaining a championship for 1962-63.
Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the chairman of the Civic Committee
to purchase trophies for presentation to
Star Team in the amount of $79.03.
be authorized
the Pee Wee All
17. Sidewalks:
Cr. Nichols, chairman of the Roads & Streets Committee
presented a list of sidewalks to be repaired as follows:
Church Street from Liberty - St. George
Duke St. from Baseline north
Durham fron Ontario to Brown St.
Raise sidewalk on Horsey
North end of Elgin
Wellington from Silver west
Centre St. in front of Knox's
Sidewalk west of Cream of Barley -- gravel
Ontario St. from Liberty - Nelson -- mulch
Centre to Division on Lowe St.
Sidewalk between Main Line and Industrial Spur on
East side of Scugog St.
Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT we authorize the Roads & Streets Dept. to pr9ceed
with a sidewalk repair program to the extent of ~3,OOO.DO
in accordance with the report presented at this meeting.
18. Storm Sewer Project:
Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH,~T the Road Superintendent be granted
proceed with the storm sewer project a\j
Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law.~
permission to
outl ined on the
In amendment it was:
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the Roads and Streets superintendent be granted
permission to proceed with the storm sewer projec)' as
outlined on the Supplementary Expenditure By-law pro-
vided quotations on both steel and cement tile for this
project are received and o~ened and subjected to approval by
W. T. Dempsey, Engineer. "MOTION CARiUED"
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19. Moved by Gr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the delegation which has arrived at this meeting
since Council dealt with Petitions and Deputations be
allowed to speak to Council at this time and that we
revert back to delegations on the Agenda.
The following individuals spoke on behalf of the dele-
gation which consisted of residents of the West and East
Beach who wished to discuss the matter of School Bus
Transportation: Mr. William Mitchell, Mrs. Fredericks,
Mr. Cowans, Mrs. Peterson.
The delegation advised Council that they had anticipated
attending a Public School Board meeting this evening,
however, went to the Scholl Board offices and were not
allowed to sit ih on the closed meeting. They advised
also that the press had been barred from the meeting.
They were quite aware that the subject of provision of
a School Bus was the responsibility of the Public School
Board, however, attended Council meeting to express their
dissatisfaction in not being admitted to the School Board
meeting. Council heard the petitioners who wished to
speak on the matter.
Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT we do now adjOUrn.