HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/1963 . . COUNCIL MINUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 8:00 p. m. on Tuesday August 6th, 1963 with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Con. Nichols and Shackelton. I LORD'S PRAYER:- II ROLL CALL:- III PRESENTATION:- Councillor A. Oke, Chairman of the Bowmanville Civic Committee presented His T,vorship Mayor Hobbs with a Chain-of-Office to be worn by the present and succeeding mayors. IV ADOPTION OF MINUTES:- Moved by Con. Hooper and Con. Fice: That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday July 2, 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. V COMJI1UNICATIONS:- . . 1. Bovmlanville Museum:- "At the Museum Board meeting on June 27, a motion was made to request the Town Council to turn over to the Board's Bank account $1000.00 of the Museum Fund, for the use of the Board at this time. We are enclosing a p~oposed budget for 1963 and we estimate our total request from this fund to be $1100.00 plus the govern- ment grant." Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice: " That the request of the Bowmanville Museum Board for transfer of ~1000.00 to the Museum Fund be granted. Carried. 2. Operation Canadian Sweepst~ce:- "At a recent survey conducted by ~Iayors and Reeves in Toronto, the question of legal sweepstakes was discussed. The outcome of this confirmed surveys taken by our Group "Operation Canadian S\'leep- stake"; up to 95% of the j:eople polled locally have been in favour of sweepstakes and lotteries which will provide essential money for hospital services and education. "Operation Canadian Sweepstake" was first started by me in November 1962. In February 1963 I was joined by two other people, Mr. O. Higgins and Mr. H. Czech, both local business men, and three of us form the active core of our organization. . In addition there are dozens of volunteers working for the cauBe, Within a very limited time we have obtained 12,000 signatures from adults over 21 years of age, all Canadian citizens in favour of sweepstakes. We hope to keep much needed prize money at home rather than see it disappear out of Canada into other countries. Surely our own hospitals and charitable organizations require these millions of dollars? The old saying is applicable here-"charity begins at home". For this reason we seek to gain your attention and would earnestly request a reply at an early date for our records. Our group is at present trying to gain support from the Federal representative and would greatly apprec- iate any comments your members might have to offer us. The results of a vote would be most helpful to us, and after the vote has been taken, we would be grateful 1f you would hand the enclosed brief to the local newspaper." I I, .' I . . . . -2- Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Fice: That the letter received froM "Operation Canadian Sweepstake" July 11, 1963 be received and filed. ~aFFi8g. )'1" t.. C N L" s t dated Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the letter submitted by "Operation Canadian Sweepstake" July 11, 1963 be endorsed by this Council. A recorded dated vote. Yeas. Nays. Dep-Reeve Stevens, Con. Fice Reeve Little,. Con. Oke, Con. Hughes,. Con. Hooper, His Worship the Mayor Carried. 3. Department of Highways:- "We are enclosing herewith your copy of the Audit Report on the Road Expenditures of your Municipality for the year 1962. Tho Department will be glad to receive any comments by the Officers of the Municipality on the matters contained therein." Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes: That the letter received from the Department of Highways dated July 17th, 1963 in respect to the annual audit of the Roads and Streete Expenditures for the year 1962 be received and filed. Carried. 4. Department of Highwaye:- A letter was received fro~ the Department of Highways approving Town of Bowmanville Su~plementary~Road Expenditure By-law No. 1881tin the amount of $27.250.00.~ Moved by Dep.Reeve Stevens and Con. Hooper: That the letter from the Department of Highways in respect to Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No. 18S1 dated July 29, 1963 be received and filed. Carried. 5. E, V. Hoar:- "I wish to register the following complaint. The sand which was placed on the slippery st.'eets last winter, still remains outside 158 King Street East. I :,ave spoken to some of the members of the Council but so far have not noticed any results. When the cars are going along King St1"e"t they stir up the sand and dust which blows on the veranda 01' m:. home. I would like to have this attended to as soon as possibler" Moved by Con. Fice and Oke: That the letter rece1~ed from Mr. E.. V. Hoar dated August 1, 1963 be referred to the l!."ads and 0treets Committee for discussion and report back to CounllL.. Carried. 6. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham:- The By-law of the Carporation of the United Counties of Northumber- land and Durham to equalille th', assessment of various municipalities within the county for the year 1964 was received. This By-law r . . . - -3- indicated that egualized assessment for the Town of Bowmanville would amount to ~7,949.852.. . Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Hooper: That the By-law received from the United Counties in respect to the annual equalization of assessment for the year 1964 be received and filed. Carried. 7. Royal Canadian Legion:- (James H. Firth), Secretary:- "I have been instructed by the Officers of Branch #178, Royal Canadian Legion, to apply to you to have Police Protection provided for the Childrens' Parade, which will be held in conjunction with the Legion Carnival to be held on Friday, August 9th, 1963. The Police Department are conversant with the parade route as advertised in the local press, and we feel sure that no difficulty will be experienced, as the children who are participating will be amply supervised by the various playground supervisors under the direction of Recreation Director, Mr. Doug Riggs." REPORTS:- 1. Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes:- That the report of the Welfare Department for the month of July 1963 be received and tcdopted. Carried. 2. Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:~ That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of July 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. 3.Moved by Con. Hooper and Reeve Little:- That the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the period ending June 31s~, 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. 4. Moved by Con. Fic~ and Hooper: That the report 0f the Dog Control Department for the month of June 1963 be rece~ved and adopted. Carried. 5. Moved by Con. Hu;hes and Oke: That the report of the Central Lake Conservation Authority dated July 2nd 1963 be reCeived and filed for future reference. Carried. VII ACCOUNTS:- . Moved by Dep-Reeve Stjvens and Reeve Litfle: That the accr.1nts of the Paid Prior in the total amount of $22,686.16 be and <.re hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Dep-Reev" St')Ven, and Reeve Little: That the account, of' the Finance Department in the total amount of $749.34 be 1nd a~e hereby passed for payment. ~rried. Moved by Con. .Fic~ ani Hoopet: That the acc,unt J of ~he Fire Department in the total amount of $39.S6 be and .ire1ereby passed for payment. Carried. . . -4- Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the accounts of the Industrial Commission in the total amount of $432.00 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the accounts of the Police Department in the total amount of $347.05 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the accounts of the Public Property in the total amount of $249.16 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes: That the accounts of the Welfare Department in the total amount of $1,386.70 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hooper: That the acco~nts of the Roads and Streets in the total amount of $17,394.17 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. VIII REPORTS OF COMMITTEES:. .x . Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the report of the Finance Committee dated July ~, 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con; Hughes: That the report of the Board of Works Committee dated July 30th 1963 be amended by deleting 1t~ No. 1 entitled delegations and that the report so amended be received and adopted. Carried. BY-LAViS :- Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes: That leave be granted to bring in the following by-laws! 1. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the amount of $351,215.54 for the construction of a sewage treatment plant, in the Town of Bowmanville. 2. A by-law for authorizing the pulling down of theffist beach dance hall. Carried. Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That the By-laws be read a first time, referred to Council in Committtee of the IVhole and read a second time- Mayor in the Chair. Carried. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That we rise and repo't successful second reading of the By- laws in Committee of the Wlole. . Carried. . -5- Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole or the By-law for Authorizing the pulling down of the East Beach Dance Hall, be received and adopted and that prior to third and final reading the provisions re official notification be complied with. Carried. Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That the report of Council in Committee of the .Whole on the By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the amount of $351,215.54 for the construction of a sewage treatment plant in the Town of Bowmanville be received and adopted, the same be now referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval prior to third and Final reading. Carried. X NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS:- . . . 1. Liberty Street Sidewalk:- The Clerk reported that Mr. W. T. Dempsey, P. Eng., is presently working on the required erc~ineers report in the respect to this local improvement, however he may be delayed somewhat awaiting the railways report, etc, on t~e right-of-way crossing. 2. Frank Street Road Allowance:- Conj Hooper reported that the matter of the entrance and exits signs located on King Street have been re-arranged with the Dominion Store manager and that the signs on King Street would be removed very shortly. EAST BEACHI- 3. Requests for inspections of the East Beach Boat Houses were forwarded to the Fire Chief and Chief Electrical Inspector for the Ontario Hydro asking that an inspection be made, however as yet no reply was received. 4. Scugog Street Paving:- At the last regular session of Council the Clerk was requested to determine when the dix-seal program was to take place on the Scugog Raod. He advised that in discussing this matterwith the Counties Engineer that Scugog Road was not scheduled for dix- sealing this year. Reeve Little is to further check this matter with the Counties Road Commission and report back to Council. 5. Memorial Park Fencing:- It was reported that a member of the Roads and Streets Committee was awaiting further information in this respect from the officials of of the l'>lemorial Park Association. . 6. Request for Street LigltS:- It was reported that all r3quests for lights had been investigated and necessary installations completed. 7. Park land:- The Clerk advised that a negoatiation for park land in the vicinity of the Lord Elgin School would commence forthwith. $. Stop .S1gJ:l8 :- The resolutions adopted at the last regular Council Session respect- ing various traffic signs nave been forwarded to the Roads and Sts. Superintendent and the Poli~e Chief who will be reporting shortly. . . . . -~ 9. Water Fill Pipe:- The water fill pipe formerly located at the corner of Frederick Avenue and Scugog Street has been re-located acress froM W. Car- ruthers farm north of Scugog Street. TRAFFIC CONTROL 10. It was reported that the stand by traffic control system had been purchased from the City of Oshawa. The elerk was instructed to request that the P.U.C. Manager submit an estimate for effecting a remote control system on our traffic control lights. 11. Zoning By-law:- A report on the Pet hick Matter is included in the Finance Committee report this matter will now be removed from the Agenda. 12. Zoning By-~aw:- The By-law passed by this Council at the last regular session in respect to amending the Town's Zoning By-law pertaining to the construction of garages has been forwarded to the ~IB by the Town solicitor and approval of thereof is expected. 13. Sub-Division Agreement:- (Carruthers) The decision of the Board of Works presented this evening now having been confirmed by Council the necessary negotiation now will be taken with Mr. W. Carruthers for the necessary agreement. 14. Bernard Street:- It was reported that the Roads and Streets Department had graded and applied calcium to the Bernard Street Road Allowance to elimin- ate the dust control problem at this location. The Town Solicitor is currently investigating the legal status pertaining to the committments signed by Mr. DeJong in respect to the installation of sevices on this street. 15. Santa Claus Parade:- This matter was report~d qn by the Finance Committee and their report presented this evening. 16. Petitions for Local Improvements:- The petitions received at the last regular Council Session have been found insufficienly s gned in accordance with the provisions of the local improvement act. Accordingly, the first named on the petitions have been so notified and it is expected that new or revised petitions will be submitted. 17. Sub-division Agreements:- Planet Enterprises - Schleiss:- Mr. Demsey consulting engineer advised that tests have been made on the underground services installed by Planet Enterprises and Walter cc Schleiss in accordance with the Sub-division Agreement. It is now inorder for the Town to release a part of the performance bond vov- ering that portion of the underground services. Moved by Con. Hooper and F1ce: That subject to writt~~ approval by Mr. W. T. Dempsey the Clerk be authroized to release t~t portion of the performance bonds submitted to cover tho ins~llation of the underground services on the two sub-divisions Planet Enterprises and Walter Schleiss. Carried. 18. Debentures:- Under the heading By-laws ~f this meeting two readings were given to a By-law to authroiza t~e is,ue of debentures and the treasurer requested the authority to call tenders for their sale prior to the next Council Session. ~. XI . ,e -7- Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hughes:- That the Clerk be authorized to call tenders for that portion of the current debenture issue to be placed on the public market said tenders to close September 3rd at 4:00 p. m. Carried. I 19. Municipal Dump:- It was reported that most of the problem Roads & Streets were having with the Municipa~ Dump was caused by non residents of the community, accordingly it was, Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law which would prohibit the use of the dump by any other preson other than town residents. Penalty clause for said by-law to amount to $100.00 . minimum. Carried. ADJOURNMENT : Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes: That we do now Adjourn. (