HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/1963 . e e . COUNCIL . MINUTES The regular meeting of. BOWmanville Town Council convened at StOO P.M. on Tuesday, July 2, 1963 with his Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Councillor Fice. I LORD'S PRAYER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES - Moved by Cr. Hooperj seconded by / Cr. HUghes. THAT minutes June 3, 1963 adopted. of the meeting held be received and "CARRIEDlt III PETITIONS. AND DEPUTATIONS: 1. The following local improvement petitions were presented: a. Frederick Ave. b. Rehder Ave. c. Duke St. d. Duke.. St . - Sanitary Sewer - Sanitary Sewer - Sanitary Sewer - Water Main \ MOved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the local improvement petitions received on this date respecting Rehder and Frederick Avenues be re- ferred to the Town Clerk for verification of suffici- ency. "CARRIED" MOved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the Duke Street local improvement petitions received on this date be referred to the Town Clerk for verification of sufficiency. "CARRIED" ! 2. Mr. Wilcox appeared before Council outlining a drainage problem on his property as a result of in- adequate storm drainage on Liberty Street. Mr. Wilcox requested that the matter be considered by the proper municipal authority to have this situation rectified as soon as possible. Discussion ensued following which it was, Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the Liberty Street drainage matter brought to the attention of Council by Mr. Wilcox be referred to Roads and Streets Committee for consideration and a report at the next regular Board of Works meeting to be held July 30th, 1963. ltCARRIED" . IV . . . - 2 - COMiIillNICAT IONS: 1. Letter was received from Bowmanville Public School Board I "Confirming Supervising Principal A. M:. Thompson's Con- versation with r~. Jack Reid, Town Clerk, we estimate $100,000.00 will be needed for Capital Expenditures between 1963 - 1967. The above estimate is based on present knowledge of population and on the assumption the Town does not expand in an abnormal way during the period. According to our present projected school population figures we will need to expand soon and will likely need about ~60,000.00 in the next two years and the other $40,000.00 during the remainder of the period. The estimate of ~100,000.00 is for Capital Expendi- tures only for which debentures will be required. It does not include any expenditures paid out of our current funds and which are classed as Capital Expenditures for Provincial grant purposes." Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the letter received from the Bowmanville Public School Board in respect to their Capital requirements for the 5 year forecast be received and filed. "CARRIED" 2. Letter received from Frank Cowan and Company: '\UsuallY' about this time of the year we meet with your Finance Committee and review the insurance carried by the Corporation. Would you let me know if you wish to have the usual meeting and, if so, would you mind setting a date and time so that I can prepare a typewritten review to go over it with the Committee." Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. THAT the letter from Frank Cowan and Company dated June 17, 1963 be received and referred to the Finance Committee. "CARRIED" 3. Letter received from The Workmen's Compensation Board: "A recent amendment to The Workmen's Compensation Act increases the maximum rate per year at which coverage for volunteer firemen can be obtained. The coverage at present for members of a Volunteer Fire Brigade is on the ,basis of a rate of $2,000.00, $3,000.00, $4,000.00 or $5,000.00 per year per man. Assessment, however, is only made on 10% of the amount in question. This basis of coverage for members of a Volunteer Fire Brigade will continue until June 30th. After that date, the maximum figure on which coverage can be obtained will be increased to $6,000.00 per man. . - 3 - If you wish to increase the rate of coverage in effect at the present time, please notify us to this effect before July 1st, indicating the new rate of coverage you desire from that date." Moved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Oke. THAT the letter from Workmen's Compensation Board dated June 14, 1963 respecting Fire Department coverage be referred to the Finance Committee for recommendation. "CARRIED" 4. Letter received from Northumberland-Durham Health Unit: . "This is to inform you that a copy of a petition for municipal sewerage on the above mentioned streets was received on June 12, 1963. For the following reasons, it is recommended that your Council seriously consider the installation of municipal sewerage: 1) In recent years, many residents have experienced difficulties with reasonably well constructed sewerage systems, that under normal conditions, would operate in a satisfactory manner. 2) Adverse conditions appear to have developed as more and more buildings were established in this area. 3) The land is generally heavy and was originally tile drained. '. 4) Development of the area has resulted in the old land tiles being blocked, and in irregular alterations of the original grounds contours resulting apparently in some blockage of surface and sub-surface drainage. 5) This and the ever increasing waste load from modern conveniertces has resulted in poor operation of some private sewage disposal systems. This has necessitated frequent servicing and replacement of systems that would under normal conditions operate with a minimum of atten- tion. 6) Sewage effluent in excess of that which the soil can absorb results in conditions that may become dangerous to the occupants and the community." Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. THAT letter from the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit dated June 14, 1963 respecting sewage for Rehder and Frederick Avenues be received and filed. "CARRIED" . 5. Letter received from E.M.O. "On Wednesday June 19th, 1963 I had the pleasure of attending a Disaster Institute at the Kingston General Hospital. Northumberland and Durham was very poorly represented, which when one considers the calibre of lecturers and effort put forth to make a day such as this possible, it is very unfortunate. However, the reason why a wider circulation of invitation was not extended will be looked into. . - 4 - A copy of the Disaste~ Exercise is enclosed ~or.your information and also ~t may prove some benef~t ~f and when your Hospital trys a similar exercise. I might point out that at any time your H?spital.wishe~ to tryout your disaster plan in an exerc~se, th~s off~ce will do all in its power to co-operate." Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the letter received from Gordon V. Wright, E.M.O. Co-ordinator be received and referred to the E.M.O. Committee. "CARRIED" 6; Letter received from W. T. Dempsey: . "The original plans and specifications for the above noted subdivisons were based upon a specification entitled: "Schedule "All - Town of Bowmanville _ Requirements for Servicing Subdivisions" and dated December 1959. The first paragraph stated: "The purpose of this brief is to provide for the standard- ization of construction of all subdivision services to comply with the requirements of the Town of Bowman- ville," . Prints of the construction drawings for both subdivi- sions had been issued before I learned that the speci- fications used did n9t conform with the standard practice of the Public Utilities Commission. I was forced, therefore, to revise the drawings and prints of the revised plans were sent out to the Contractors who were bidding on the installation of services. I regret that you were not informed, at the time, of the revisions and provided with prints of the revised plansi The major change was t he substitution of $" asbestos- cement pipe for 10" clay pipe. With the small flows ca.rried by lateral sewers the natural flushing action will be more effective in the smaller pipe. At the 841me time, an $" pipe will have at least double the capacity required for the predicted flow. In addition the improved joint used with asbestos-cement pipe will completely exclude ground water, which would otherwise add to the load and operating cost of the sewage treatment plant. . While the change under discussion was due to a misunder- standing on my part, it should be realized that conditions or obstacles which would require immediate alteration of the plans. I assume that, as supervising engineer, I am expected to make such alterations without reference to higher authorities and I shall) in future, keep you com- pletely informed on these matters." Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the letter received from W. T. Dempsey respecting Sanitary Sewer under the terms of the subdivision agree- ment between the Town of Bowmanville and Walter Schleiss and the Town and Bowmanville Investments be received and adopted and that the necessary amendments to the sub- division agreement be prepared for presentation at the next regular Council Session. "CARRIED" . . . -..5 - v REPORTS: 1. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of June 1963 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" 2. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Oke. THAT the report of the Building Inspector's for the month of June 1963 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" 3. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Oke. THAT the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the month of May be received and adopted. "CARRIED" 4. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. TH,S the report of the Police Department respecting their investigation into "Yield Right-of-Way" sign at the corner of Third and High Streets be received and adopted and that the necessary amendment be pre- pared to the Traffic By-law. "CARRIED" 5. Moved by Cr. Shackelton, .seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the report of the Dog Control for the month of May 1963 be received and adopted. . "CARRIED" 6. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep.-Reeve Stevens. THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the Month of May 1963 be received and adopted. "CARiUED" VI REPORTS OF COMI1ITTEii:S: . 1. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. THrlT the Board of Works Committee report be amended by striking out all after the word Domestic Refuse , contained in item #5 of the minuted dated June 25/63. "c;..R!nED~1 Moved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little~ THAT the minutes of the Board of Works dated June 25, 1963 as amended be received and adopted. "C,l-RRIED" 2. . Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Oke. THAT the minutes of the Public Property 'Committee dated June 20, 1963 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" - 6 - . 3. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Oke. TH,.T the minutes of the Roads and Streets Committee dated June 5, 1963 be received and adopted. "C,iRRIED" VII "CCOUNTS: 1.. Moved by De~.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Nichols. TH,lT the account P"ID PRIOR in the total amount of ~76.004..95 be and are hereby passed for payment. .tCARRIED" , 2. Mmved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Nichols. . THAT the account of the FINllNCE DEFT I in the total amount of $419.88 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED,I 3. Moved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Hooper. TH,~T the account of the DOG CONTROL DEFT. in the total amount of ~15.98 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" 4. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the account of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of $316.81 be and are hereby passed. for payme nt . "C,iRIUED" 5. Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. HObper. . THAT the account of the INDUSTRIAL COI"II1ISSION in the total amount of $614.25 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED'! 6. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Shackelton; THAT the account of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of $416.40 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED't 7. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens. THj~T the account of the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total amount of ~13.48 be and are hereby passed for payment. "C;lRtUED" 8. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hooper. . THAT the account of the vvELF"RE DEFT. in the total amount of $1,357.47 be and are hereby passed for payment. ItCARRIED" 9. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Dep-Reeve Stevens. TH,~T the account of amount of $5,553.81 payment. the ROADS & STREETS in the total be and are hereby passed for "CARRIED" .--,'" - 7 - . VIII BY-LAilS: 1. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Nichols. THAT leave be granted to bring in the following By-law: 1. A By-law to provide for the 1963 Expenditures on Roads & Streets (Supplementary) 2. Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. TH;,T the By-law be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, the ~~yor in the Chair. 3. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. . THAT we rise and report successful second reading of the By-law in Committee of the Whole. 4. MOved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Hooper. TH~T the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-laws be received and adopted the same be now read a third time engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk sealed and numbered as follows: 1. A By-law to provide for the 1963 Expenditures ~ on Roads & Streets (Supplementary) B/L No. 1881 IX NEW & UNFINIS HED BUSINESS I. 1. Liberty Street Sidewalk - nothing further reported in this matter. 2. Liberty Street Storm Sewer - nothing further reported in this matter. . 3. Frank Street Road Allowance - nothing reported. 4. Boat Houses, East Beach - reports are awaited from the Electrical Inspector and Fire Marshall's office in this respect. 5. Scugog St. Paving - this matter was reported on by the Board of Works Committee at this meeting. nothing further reported. 6. Memorial Park Fence - 7. Requests for Street Lights - Whiteman - Jackman Road Adams - Mearns Ave. Fice Waverley Road Bowmanville Arena Industrial Area. . 8. Reeve reported that this request had been referred to the P.U.C. tbat the necessary action would be taken in the near future. 9. Park Land - It was reported that negotiations for Park Land on High Street had not commenced. - 8 - 10. Water Fill Pipe - . Scugog Road - Mr. VanBridger reported that arrangements had been made to move the water fill pipe from the Leslie property to a point on Scugog Street north opposite the home of Wilfred Carruthers the cost of which is being borne by Mr. Buttery and Mr. Carruthers. 11. Request for Stop Signs - First and Elgin Streets, Second and Elgin Streets. Chief Constable reported that he concurred in the request for stop signs at these interesections. The By-law provides for stops signs at these intersections, however stops are not enforceable until the appropriate signs are erected. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. . THAT the necessary stop signs be erected at the corners of First and Elgin and Second and Elgin Streets in accordance with the letter of Mrs. Eva (John) King and the report of the Chief Constable dated June 6, 1963. "CARRIED" . Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Hooper, THAT the Police Chief and Road Superint~ndent be re- quested to review the traffic signs as provided in the Traffic By-law in the effort to erect signs v/hich are required to enforce the provisions of-the By-law taking into consideration funds available in the budget ,for sign erection. "CARRIED" 13. Traffic Control, King & Liberty Streets _ Council is awaiting a cost esti- mate for the installation of mannual control traffic light system at this intersection. 141 Zoning By-law - Pethick Matter - This matter was referred to Council by the Board of Works Committee for further discussion and decision. Considerable discussion ensued on this matter following which it was. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. THAT we concur with the Town Solicitor advice and the recommendation of the Planning Board and that no action be taken to amend provisions of the Zoning By-law re- specting the 8% land coverage by accessory buildings. "CARRIEDlt . Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT His Worship the Mayor appoint a committee of three to negotiate with Mr. Pethick a settlement in this matter. "CARRIED" COM1\1ITTE.f!: APPOINTED: Dep-Reeve Stevens, Chairman Councillors:Hughes & Hooper. Advisory Town Solicitor. ~/ . . - 9 - . 15. Sub-division Agreement, Carruthers - It was reported that the Clerk and Mr. Carruthers were negotiating the terms of a Sub- division Agreement for 5 lots on High Street for presentation to Council. 16. Bernard Street nothing further reported in this respect. . 17. Garbage Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT a detailed account of t he Dump item in the Roads and Streets report, including the date and each expenditure, the labour rate paid who it was paid to, an explanation of machine time and any other expenditure in the account for the months of January, February, l~rch, April and May be supplied by the Roads and Streets Department. "CARRIED" 18. Santa Claus Parade - A report is awaited from the Finance Committee on this sub ject. 19. East Beach Dance Hall - ~~ved by Cr~ Hooper, seconded by Cr. Okei THAT the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the owner of t he East Beach Dance Hall advising him that if this building is not put in the required shape that a By-law will be passed for the raising of this build- ing at the next Council Session. "CARd.IED" . Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. - His Worship the Mayor officially notified Council of Goodyear's intention to con- struct a Reclaim Plant in Bowmanville and publicly thanked the local manager for his efforts in this respect. 21, Mayors and Reeves Conference - His Worship the Mayor re- ported on his attendence at this Association's Conference held in Pembroke outlined a sum of the agenda. 20. 22. Decoration Day Cr. Oke thanked all those interested parties who combire d their efforts in making the Decoration Day observance a success. Moved by Cr. uke, seconded by Cr. Hughes. TH;,T Beaver Lumber Co. be written a letter of thanks for their assistance in the Decoration Day Programme. . "CARRIED'! 23. Roads & Streets - l~ved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Nichols that authority be granted to the Roads and Streets Committee to l~lch the road leading to Hollingshead and Foundry if finances allow. "CARRIED" 24. Moved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT we do now adjourn~ "CARRIED"