HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1963
The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
8: 00 P.M. on Monday June 3, 1963 with His Worship Mayor
Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
All members present except Councillor Shackelton. v'
II ADOPTION OF MINu~ES - Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the minutes of the meetings held
May 6th and 28th, 1963 be received and
adopted. "CARRIED"
Letter was received from the Consumers' Gas Company:
Advising of the new rate schedule to be charged by
Consumers' Gas to ultimate consumers in the municipality.
These rates will apply after the first of June 1963.
MOved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the
letter from the Consumers' Gas Company re-
the new schedule of rates be received and
2. Letter from Proctor & Redfern:
"We would like to advise you of several repair items
required in connection with the industrial area services.
Damage to certain structures resulted due to the Town's
operations while constructing the road and bridge appro-
The repairs required include the resetting of two valve
chamber chimneys which have been pushed off their base,
the resetting of a manhole casting, and a valve chamber
casting on their bases.
In addition the valve boxes at the south-east corner of
the bridge should be trimmed to the correct height when
the road filling operation has been completed.
Either the Town could do this work directly, or Tripp
Construction could be authorized to complete the items
and be reimbursed according to the terms of their con-
tract. It is understood that the Tripp firm is working
in the area and considering that they are familiar with
the system, they could carry out the repairs in an
efficient manner.
We would appreciate hearing from you on this matter."
I10ved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the letter received from Proctor & Redfern dated
May 28th, 1963 respecting certain repairs to the water-
main on the Base Line Road be received and that the
Roads and Streets Superintendent report on this letter
at which time Engineers to be invited to attend.
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3. Letter from Mrs. (Eva) John King:
"This is an urgent request for a stop sign at the
corners of Second and Elgin on the East side and
for one at the corner of First Street and Elgin
Street on the east sides.
Cqnsidering the amount of increased traffic bringing
and taking children to Lord Elgin School and Central
School and strangers that use these streets.
Also poor visability when travelling to the north at
these intersections. 85% of this neighbourhood did
not realize that no signs were up at those corners.
If a petition is required, as soon as.I have recovered
from our accident on Sunday May 26. 1 will gladly do
Our lives are much too valuable to be ruined over no
signs up.
Hoping for promt action.",
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT the letter received from Mrs. (Eva) John King
dated May 30th, 1963 be received and referred to the
Police Chief for a report and that we reply of the
action being taken.
4. Letter from Rotary Club:
"I have been asked by our Civic Affairs Committee to
invite you to our annual Municipal Meeting. The meeting
will be on Friday, June 7th at 12:15 p.m. at the Flying
Dutchman Motel in conjunction with our regular Rotary
You are invited as our guest and we would appreciate it
if you could let me know if you will be able to attend
by Tuesday, June 4th so we can advise the Dutchman for
catering purposes.
We have as our speaker Miss True Davidson, Reeve of
East York and I am sure you will find this a most en-
joyable meeting."
All Council members received a copy of this letter
personally and had advised the secretary of Rotary
whether they would attend or not.
5. Letter from Carl J. Leslie:
ltPursuant to my enqUJ.rles regarding the water-fill pipe
adjacent to my property, I am forwarding this request to
have same relocated.
The reasons for this request are as follows:-
1. It seems that this water supply is being used at
hours that are unreasonably early and disturbing
to those residents adjacent thereto.
2. Damage has resulted to my property chiefly to the
plants and hedges, from the chemicals inserted with
the water at the time of filling.
. IV
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3. It also appears probable that the wooden cover,
consisting of railway ties, housing the water meter
could prove dangerous to children playing there-
abouts and also to persons who may be walking past
this after dark.
It would seem reasonalbe to presume, for the safety of
children and adults and the f act that it may be possible
to relocate this supply closer to the user's property,
that this request be given your sincere attention and
that you will acquiesce to my request."
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
THAT the letter received from Carl Leslie in respect
to the water-fill pipe adjacent to his property be
received and referred to the Public Utilities Com-
mission for a report.
1. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
THAT the report of the Vvelfare Department for the month
of May 1963 be received and adopted.
2. Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month
of May 1963 be received and adopted.
3. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Little.
THAT the report of the Works Department for the month
of April 1903 be received and adopted.
4. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep.-Reeve Stevens.
THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit
for the month of April 1963 be received and adopted.
1, Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep.-Reeve Stevens.
THAT the minutes of the Board of Works held May 28th,
1963 be received and adopted.
2, Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Dog Control
Committee held May 22, 1963 be received and adopted.
3. Moved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the minutes of the Special Committee on Staff
Vacation held May 27th, 1963 be received and adopted.
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4. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Dep.-Reeve Stevens.
THAT the minutes of the Roads & Streets Committee held
April 1$, 1963 be received and adopted as amended.
11 Moved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Nichols.
THAT the account PAID PRIOR in the total amount of
~75,4$8.20 be and are hereby passed for payment.
2. Moved by Dep.-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Nichols.
THAT the account of the FINANCE DEPT. in the total
amount of ~$20.72 be and are hereby passed for payment.
3. Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the accounts of the DOG CONTROL DEPT. in the amount
of $16.60 be and are hereby passed for payment.
4; Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount
of $62:1$ be and are hereby passed for payment.
5. Moved by Cr. Hughesj seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT the accounts of the INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION in the
total amount of ~147.00 be and are hereby passed for
payment. "CARRIED"
6. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the accounts of the POLICE DEPr. in the total
amount of $135.64 be and are hereby passed for payment.
7. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Dep.-Reeve Stevens..
THAT the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY in the total
amount of $719.88. be and are hereby passed for payment.
$. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
THAT the account of the WELF,cRE DEPT. in the
amount of $1,049.50 be and are hereby passed
Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Ok~.
THAT the acounts of the ROADS & STREETS DEPT. in the
total amount of $2,5$~.36 be and are hereby passed for
payment. ."CARRIED"
- 5 -
1. Moved by Cr. Fico., seconded by Cr. Hooper.
TH"T leave be granted to bring in t he following by-laws.
1. A by-law to appoint a weed Inspector to enforce the
provisions of the Weed Control Act within the bound-
aries of the Town of Bowmanville.
2. A by-law to amend Zoning By-law 1587. .
3. A by-law to amend By-law 1$43.
2. Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THi..T By-laws be read a first time
Committee of the Whole and read a
the Chair.
referred to Council in
second time, Mayor in
The following letter was received from ~rr. Moore in
respect to the appointment of a Weed Inspector.
"I wish to take this opportunity to indicate my desire
not to be re-appointed as Weed Inspector for the Town.
This decision has been reached due. to the fact that my
time is presently taken with the responsibilities im-
posed as building inspector, plumbing inspector, and
inspector under the Trench Excavation Act."
Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THrlT the letter received from Mr. Mel Moore dated June
3rd, 1963 respecting the appointment of a Weed In-
spector be received and filed.
3. Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
THAT we rise and report successful second reading of the
By-laws in Committee of the Whole.
4. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
TH"T the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on
the By-laws be received and adopted, same be now read a
third time, engrossed signed by the Mayor and Clerk,
sealed and numbered as follows:
1. A By-law to appoint a Weed Inspector to enforce
provisions of the Weed Control Act within the
boundaries of the Town of Bowmanville.
BIL No. 1$7$
BIL No. 1$79
BIL No. 1$80
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1.' Liberty Street Sidewalk - nothing further reported on
this subject.
Liberty Street Storm
Sewer - the Clerk reported that he
had communicated wi th the
Department of Highways to
determine the amount of sub-
sidy payable on storm sewer
construction in Urban munici-
palities and was advised that a
directive would soon be issued
to the various districts outlining
details of the subsidies in this
3. Frank Street Road Allowance - the Clerk advised that a meet-
ing would be held on Tuesday June
4, 1963 between the Police Committee,
Chairman, Town Clerk and Manager of
the local Dominion Store to dis-
cuss the re-location of the entrance
and exit signs presently located on
the Frank Street Road Allowance.
4. East Beach Boat Houses - the following letter was received
from the Medical Officer of Health.
"Reference is made to your letter of April 5th requesting a
report on the above mentioned housing.
Mr. T. H. Waters, Sr. Sanitary Inspector has investigated
these as far as possible and submits a summary as follows:
The 26 frame structures are in various states of repair,
from soundly constructed to partly demolished, are mostly
built of old dry weathered wood and are spaced from a few
feet apart to actually touching.
Chimneys on buildings so fitted are of metal stove pipe
type and the one building said to be permanently occupied
has a crudely improvised chimney of assorted sheet metal
Several buildings have hydro service and on one a lead in
anchor insulator has pulled free of the bUilding.
The above conditions appear to constitute a definite fire
Seven buildings appear to be equipped for temporary or
permanent accommodation, being furnished, having hydro
and chimneys and some appearing to have sink drains to
the ground or water below. There are no apparent accumu-
lations of garbage or deposits of night soil, however, since
available ground generally consists of little more and in
some cases less than that occupied by the buildings there
is i~sufficient ground for safe disposal of wastes. No
apparent potable water on the grounds.
These might be considered unfit for habitation because of
the fire hazard, lack of satisfactory waste disposal facili-
ties and lack of potable wate~.
The area is surprisingly not cluttered with organic refuse
or fouled with night soil but this can be readily disposed
<---..... .~-
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of in the stream or in the town owned open field to the
A little rubbish has accumulated in the roadside ditch
adjacent to town property-.
The partly demolished shed and dilapidated half shed
constitute an accummulation of scrap wood and metal and
some scrap wood and metal has accumulated around the
building just south of Mr. Fred DePew's home.
It is reco~~ended that the Council of the Town of
e (c)
Request a fire marshall's survey of this area.
Request a hydro inspection of serviced buildings.
Require Port Darlington Harbour Company to have all
their grounds cleared of partly demolished buildings
and scrap material..
Require Port Darlington Harbour Company to pro-
hibit the use of these structures for dwellings."
Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes.
TH;,T we concur in the recommendations made
Sanitary Inspector and that steps be taken
the interest of his suggestions.
by lflr. Waters,
to carry out
5. Scugog Road - nothing further reported on this subject.
6. Memorial Park Fence - this matter has been referred to the
Roads and Streets Committee for con-
sideration at their next meeting.
~. Street Lights - requests for Street Lights had been received
Mr. Whiteman - Jackman Road
Mrs. Adams - Mearns Ave.
Mr. Fice - Waverley Road
Bowmanville Arena Board
Industrial Area.
The Clerk was instructed to communicate with the Manager
of the Public Utilities Commission asking that these matters
be taken care of as soon as possible.
8. Durham Street Level Crossing - It was reported that the Clerk,
Chairman and one member of the Industrial
Committee and the Road Superintendent
had met with an official of the CNR to
discuss the installation of this level
crossing and that a report would be
received in the very near future.
9. Park Land - nothing further was reported on this subject.
10. New Scugog Street - Council was advised that a reply awaited
in this respect.
- 7.
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The folloWing matters are to be considered by the Roads &
Streets Committee at their meeting scheduled for Wednesday
June 5th; 1963.
Wiseman Water Problem, - Liberty Street.
Mulch Programme -
Lowe - Division drainage -
Lowe Street Sidewalk -
Richards drainage problem - Lambert St.
Widening King Street - Ontario - Brown Sts.
McGregor drainage problem - Scugog St.
Request of Walter Frank -
Martin driveway - High St.
Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law -
Construction Safety Officer - Dep.-Reeve Stevens reported
that the Special Committee appointed
to consider this matter had met on two
occassions but as yet did not wish to
make any recommendations.
12. Public Property - the following report was presented by
the Public Property Committee.
"The Public Property Committee meeting was held on
Monday June 3, 1963 with all members present except
Councillor Shackelton for the purpose of opening tenders
for repair of the Metal Work on the Town Hall."
Moved by Mayor Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Oke.
THAT the tenders for repair to the Town Hall be opened.
Only two tenders were received which indicated the
1. D. McRae - Toronto $2480.00
2. Allin & Hetherington - Bowmanville $3895.00
Moved by Mayor Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Oke.
TH'lT the tender of Mr. D. }~cRae for the metal work
replacement on the Town Hall be accepted at a price
of $2480.00
13. Town Garage - it was reported that a request by the
workmen had been received for consideration
of the installation of lockers in the garage
for their use. This matter was referred to
the Roads and Streets Committee with power
to act.
4t -9-
14. Municipal Dump -
Moved by Dep.~Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
TH~T a detail account of the expenditures charged to
Garbage Collection comparing 1962 with 1963 to
September 30th be prepared for presentation at the
next Council Session.
15. Sign By-law -
Dep.-Reeve Stevens reported that this committee had
met and were anticipating a further meeting prior to
Capital Budget - It was
Moved by Dep.~Reeve Stevens', seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT we communicate with the Public Utilities Commission
and the Public School Board be requested to submit their
forecasted Capital Expenditure by the 15th of June,
otherwise Council will assume that no Capital Expendi-
ture will be necessary for the next 5 years.
17. Civic Committee:
Cr. Oke advised that the local Pee lIvee Hockey Team had
been most successful during the last season in capturing
various championships through out the province and felt
that recognition should be effected for their efforts.
Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper.
THAT the Civic Committee be given
purchase tr0phies for the members
Championship Hockey Team.
the authority to
of the Pee Vvee
Decoration Day - Councillor Oke, chairman of the Civic
Committee reminded Council of the
forthcoming Memorial and Decoration Day
being held at the Bowmanville Cemetery
on June 16th and requested that Council
make a special effort to attend this
19. Traffic Controlled Lights -
Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice.
THAT the Public Utilities Commission Manager be asked to
prepare a cost estimate for installing cable system for
mannual control of the traffic light at the Liberty & King
intersection. "C"RRIED"
The Clerk was requested to follow up Councils decision to
purchase the used traffic lights from the City of Oshawa.
20. Moved by Cr. Nichols, seconded by Cr. Fice.
TH;,T we do Adjourn - 10:05 P.II,"!..