HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/1963 . I 'II III . erv . Gv'U1CIL NINUTi;.3 The roc,ular ~e8tin~ of Bownanv111e Town Council convened at g :00 p. !:I. on Ivlonciay jVla, 6. 1963 I"li th His ..orship I<byor I. M. Hobbs in tho Chair. All Ma~bers present except Con. Hur:hes. LO.,D';:; f'ltAr~R :;. ADOPTION OF IUHUTE3;"" Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the minutes of the aeetin,: held on Monday April 15, 1963 be received and adopted. Carried.. PETITIONS and DEPUTATIONSt- Captain Geor",e Clarke and LioutenantClarke appeared bcfore . Council to explain the desire of certain Bownanvillc residents to establish a St. John's luabulance Brlf.:;ade in our cOnr.lunity.. Captain Clarke explaincd the procedures involved in organizinG a group of this type and outlined the functions of an estab" Iished lroup. His purposc in attending Council was to dete r- nine ~mether or not local legislature would back the establish- ment of a brigade. Moved by Con. Oke and Shackelton: That this Council g6~ ~l record in support of the St. John's Anbulance,0rganizliion in respect to the establishment of a bri~ade in the Town of Bowmanville. Carried. Rev. John Verbrugge and Ret~ Swann:- representatives of the Ministerial AssociatioI:l appeared before Council outlining the fact that the IvIinisterial. Asso ciation wish to ~artic!ipate'1n the Annual Decoration Servid~s held at the Bowmanville Cemetery. This delegation was. adVised that Council wou14 appreciate their contribution in this respect. and that the Civic ConmitteeJ and Couneil would notify thc~ ot proposed meetings when Decoration Day arran~ements are to be discussed. C0i1HUNICATIONS :- 1. Northumberland and DurhaIl1 United Counties:- "'ThE: followin' parar:raph' is taken from the report of the Special Rebate Coru~itteE: ~iven at the April Session of these Counties' Council and adopted without amendrJent. "After careful consider- ation and lenhthly discussion on the matter, we recomMend that an increase of eic'ht per cent in Rebate be granted to the urban municipalities for 1903, increasinc; to ten percent in 1964jand that the Town of Cobourg foreGO the 1963 increase due to the ex- tra work alreadly carried out during the past year, and that all applications pertainin:, to assurnin.r: urban roads be cancelled forthwith." " Moved by Con. Hooper and Shackelton: That the letter received from The United Counties of North- umberland-Durha~ dated April 29/63 advising of an increase of 8% in Road Rebate for the year 1963 be received and filed. Carrie.d, '2.. .ielfare Officers' Association:- "By courtesy of .His 'iorship r4ayor LymanG. Gifford, and his Council in extending an invitation the 13th Annual meeting of the,ielfarc Officers' Association will be held in the progressive City of Oshawa this year. ,'..::. -2- . DurinG this postwar years, Oshawa has increased in size, and industry to such an extent that at present time it is the eiChth lar2est City in the Frovince. It is a thriving Metropolis at, the eastern end of the fa"lous Golden Horseshoe. The nany fin(.o homes and nodcrn nanufacturinr; plants aloni", \'lith the new seaway harbour make Oshawa an ideal plece in which to live and \rork. Oshawa's new City Hall is the finest in modern architecture and is outstanding in convenience, efficiency, and appearance. It is a fittinG tribute to such a thriving City. Changes in reso- lutions are occur~ing continually with the changing times, and the annual meeting of this Association provides the best oppor- tunity for down to earth discussions between Municipal officials, both elected and appointed, alon~ with the Directors and Senior Personnel of the Ontario Department of Fublicelfare. Flan now to attend along with the Chairman of your Welfare Committee, and other elected representatives. 'The program is always varied ani interesting to all concerned.' A step forward is being cOntem- plated this year in that two sissions are beinG planned at the same time, both with interestin~ and lively subjects, as well as the general sessions of the Association. Resolutions and/or Rec- ommendations: If you have any resolutions or recommendations that, in your opinion, should be placed before the delegates f~ discussion and consideration, kindly forward then to the Secretary not later than May 15th, so that sufficient copies Hill be on hand for distribution to the dele~ates at the time of registration. Late resolutions [lust be mirlGographed (200 copies), and brou,,",ht to the Convention prior to opening day." Moved by Reeve Little and Coni Hooper: That the ';elfare adr.t!.nistrator having been authorized to attend this conference would authorize any m~bcr of Council to attend this conference in the City of Oshawa. ; Carried, ' 3&, ,i'de wish to confirm last. Saturday morningl s meeting ~lith Council when the matter of timin~ of construction of the Base Line Bridge over the Soper Creek was discussed.. The extension of time given to McLean-Foste~ r~om April 30th to ~~y 15th was given in view of the formal request made by the Contractor, and upon f':iving the matter serious consideration we felt that the extension was justified. vie wish to assure you, however, that this action will not in any way effect the construction progress but rather will delay the date on which the..50.00' per day penalty will be imposed. The contra,ct stipulates that the work is to be completed by April 30th with the following exeeptions: Paintinc Linseed Oil, and Asphalt. These are to be completed by May 15th ~nth the same liquidated damages clause coming into effect if these are not completed, by that Ctte~ The new completion date of May 15th will apply to all of the work and no exceptions \dll be made, which was the case originally. The Contractor has assured us that every effort will be made to complete the brigge deck, Sidewalks, railing, and all other items associated with the work by April 30th, as originally contemplated, \'lith the except- ' ion that the farmwork will not be stripped until about two weeks later. HiGh early strength concrete \dll be used, which will permit traffic to use the bridge if it becomes necessary to do so. A final decision in this regard should be left until all of the circumstances are considered at the time that the brid'~e is op- e~ed to traffic. For instance, consideration will have to be given to concrete compression tests. 10u may be assured that evcry effort will be made to have the bridge substantially com- pleted by the time originally contemplated in the contract, and we trust that the action taken concerning the delay of t\'\IO weeks for impsoins the penalty clause in the contract is agreeable with you. e . . Moved by Con. Hooper and Shackelton: That the letter fror.J Proctor & Redfern dated April 24, 19'63 respecting the use of the BaseLine Bridge be received and filed. Carried. -'- -3- e 4. Strike & Strike:~ "Please find enclosed two copies of Notice to be published in The Canadian Statesman pursuant to Section 462 (1' (a) of The Municipal Act. This is to be inserted in the issues dated Hay 1" 8,15, and 22nd. We thouf,ht it best to deal \nth both the closin~ and establishin0 by-laws at the sane time so that it will be ob- vious to the public what in effect is beinG done. If you approve of the doubled Notice \"le will prepare the by-laws. ,ie also, en- close copy of Memorandum of Asreement of Mr. Lycett approvinG to the grad':1ng down and rer10val of fill fro(1 the ne\'1 Sir.lpson Ave." Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the letter from Strike and Strike in respect to the Simpson Avenue Closing and the ac;reement \'1ith Mr. ';/illia!:l Lycett be received and filed, and that the Mayor & Clerk be authorized to sign memo of agreement between the Townand ~~. Lycett. Carried. 5. Durb~ District High School Board:- . "The undersigned made an error in calculating the Residential and Farm Assistance Grant and the Vocational Grant. So that we have asked for a larger requisition than needed. Last evening the Board approved. a new requisition lowering, our request from,~650, 000 to ~600,OOO. Please find enclosed the amended budget and the new amonts payable by each municipality. I sinc€rely hope that you will not be unduly inconvenienced by the change." Moved by Con. Shackelton and Fice: That the letter from Durham County District Hirp School Board in respect to the revised High School requisition be re- ceived and filed. Carried. 6. Mr. Frank \'ihitenan:- . It\1ould you kindly present this letter to the Council on ny behali. I would appreciate very much if they would install me a street lisht on hydro pole in front of 4S Jackman ROad. There is about 300 feet of stretch without a light." Moved by Con. Hooper and Shatkelton: That the lettar from Mr. Frank ~Jhiteman dated May 2, 1963 requesting the installation of a street light be referred to Public Property and P.U.C. for IDnsideration and report. Carried. . 7. Bowmanville Memorial Park Association:- "The Memorial Park Association would like you to ask council fo( permission to have guide rails with cable put up around the park playing area. They are willing to buy the post if the town's work crew would supply the labour and cable. This is requested for safety of the children playing in the park. Due to cars running through the entire park especially when a soccer game ~r PDactice is on, also to slow the children down from running directly out of the park unto the road as they would have to stop for the cable. We have tried to keep the grounds and ball diamond in Good shape by spending hours of work and money. , and the cars will undo everything that has been done in a few min~tes. The p~.tfew years the situation has grO\~ terrible and we cannot wait until some child is hurt or even killed. 'lith the increase of childI'\n in this area and this being thp. on~y park they have to play in . We would like to have your help an co-operation on this serious batter as soon as possible. As we do not receive a Grant from the Re~reation dept. any help you can ~ive us \nll be greatly appreciated. This is the only way this situation can be remedied." -4- '. Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the letter from Bowmanville Memorial Park Association dated May 3, 1963 requesting installation of Guide Rail fence be received and referred to Roads & Streets for consideration and report. Carried. .V Rf.PORTS:- Moved by Con. Oke and Hooper:. That the report of the Welfare Department for the Month of April 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Nichols: That the r' '.ort of the Building Inspector's for the 1\10nth of April 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. . Moved by Con. Nichols and Oke: That the report of the Roads and Streets for the month of 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. . April Moved by Con. Shackelton and Fice: That the report of the Dog Control for the month of April 1963 be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Northumberland-Durham He 1962 and the month of April be received an future reference. for for Carried. . Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That the report of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for the month of April 1963 be received and filed for' future reference. Carried. VI RLPORTG OF C~1ITTEG3:- Moved by Reeve Little and Den-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Board of \\'orks Dated April 30, 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. . VII ACCOUNTS:- . Moved by Hep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the accounts of the Paid Frior in the total amount of ~60,167.75 be and are hereby passed for .payment. Carried. . Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the total amount of $1,036.85 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. e . VIII . . -5- Moved by Con. Shackelton and Fice: That the accounts of the Dog Control in the total amount of:;;>81.5S be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the accounts of the Industrial Commission in tho total amount of?71?12 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved ,.y Con. Hooper and Fice: That the accounts amount of;21 7 . 30 be and of the Police deaartcent in the are hereby passe for payment. Carried. total l'1oved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the accounts of the ~lblic Propertv in the total amount of $22S.72 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Hooper: That the accounts of the Welfare Dept. in the total amount of $1,353.93 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Nichols and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the accounts of the.Roads & Str~!ilts in the total amount of ,,6,487.93 me and are hereby passe for payment. Carried. NE'/J AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS:- 1. Liberty Street Storm Se\"er:- Nothing further to report in this respect. 2. Liberty Street Sidewalk:- Nothing further to report On this matter. 3. Frank Street !toad Allowance:- A reply is awaited from Dominion Stores Limited in respect to Council's request, that the Entrance and Exit signs be relocated as to not interfer with traffic. Nothin~ further to report in respect to the Heridry Agreement.. . 4. Shed & P.U.C. Building:- Nothing further to report in this reapect. 5. Beach Hatters:- A letter from Northumberland-Durham Health Unit was received statinr, that a repcrt will be submitted when the information is oCMUed. . ~ . ;:.\ ,~ 6. Se.gog Road:- A reply is pending from the County Roads Commission in this regard. 7. Recreation:~,,:,. -6- . Recreation Committee (cont'd) Council was advised that they had over looked a recommendation by the Recreation Department for a request of a sixty-five dollar grant to the Kil-lanisClub, to be used to rent the Munday property which is adjacent to Kiwanis Park.. Moved by Con. Nichols and Fice: That 1rle authorize payment of .;;65 crant to the BO\'llIlanville Kiwanis Club to be used to rent the Munday property adjacent to their park. Carried. . 8. P.U.C. Charges - Sewer and Water Connections:- The recommended amendine by-law is awaited. Moved by Con. Hooper and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the matter of P.U.C. Charges be held in abeyance pending discussion of the entire matter at the next board of works meeting to which the chairman and manager of the P.U!C. are to be invited. Carried. 9. Roads & Streets Committee:- A) McGregor Matter - VeDerans Avenue:- Moved by Con. Nichols and Reeve Little: . That Nr. Dempsey. h Eng., be engaged to investigate and report his findings in respect to the drainage problem on Veter- ans Avenue. Carried. The follOwing matters ha~e been referred to the Roads B~Streets Cooonittee, however, as yet no report has been received;; 1. Asphalting Blvd. on the 10fest side of Lilierty from Kin:; to i.,!,u een. . 2. Hidening south si de of King from. Ontario to Brown. 3. Drainage Matter presented by Mr. James Martin. 4. Request for Blvd. pending 'dalter Frank. . 5. Lowe & Diviston Drainage. 10. Council Meetings- Summer Months:- Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the second Council meetinr: of the month be left to the call of the Mayor for the months of May to October 1963. Carried. 11. Level Crossing:-- . Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the Clerk direct a letter to the C.~.~.,requesting permission to put a road and level crossin~ over the 2 siding lines at the west end of Durham Street and also when this per- mission is received that the .\Jroks fore~an be authorized to proceed wi. th the required work. 12. Cemetery Driveway:- . . IX . . -7- The road superintendant was instructed to place necessary e;ravel within:the cemetery to put the road in required shape. 13. -Decoration Day:- Moved by Con. Oke and Hooper:- That the Civic Committee be authorized to precede with necessary preparations for the forthcoming annual Decoration Day. Carried. 14.- Sign By-Law:- Moved by Con. Oke and Shackelton: That His VJorship the Mayor be authorized to appoint a special committee to set a proposed sign b~law for the Town of Ba.wmanville. Carried. Committee Appointed: Dep-Reeve Stevens, Chairman, Con. Oke, Con. Shackelto~, ADJOURNMENT : Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Oke: That we do now adjourn. Carried. (~~~/4i} / / L_