HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/01/1963
The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened
at 8:00 p. m. on Monday April 1, 1963 in the Council Chambers
Town Hall. All members present except Mayor Hobbs, Reeve
Little and Con. Nichols. .
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That in the absence of His Worship the Mayor and the Reeve
that Deputy-Reeve Stevens be appointed to the chair for this
regular Council Session.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That the minutes of the meetings hald on Monday March 18th,
and Tuesday March 25th, 1963 be received and adopted.
Carried. .
-Mrs. Vera Bate!.::.
1. "The Memorial Park Association would liKe permission from
the Bowmanvill Town Council to hold theiF annual tag-day on Sat.
June 2, 1963 and if possible to be allowed to tag the preceding
night Friday June 1 from 6 p. m. Hoping this meets with approval."
Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper:
That we authorize the Bowmanville Memorial Park Association
to hold their annual tag-day on Saturday June 8, 1963 and that
they be allowed to tag the prec eding night Friday June 1st, 1963.
2. A letter was received from the Ontario Fire College advising
of a course f,.,r ~~u.,:l.M.pal Fire Chiefs to be held at the University
of Toronto on April 24 to April 26, 1963.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the letter received from the Ontario Fire College reI
training course for Municipal Fire Chiefs be received and filed.
3.Aresblut~;m'as received in respect to air pollution from the
Town of Oakville in addition to this resolution a copy of a
recommendations contained in a brief in this respect by the Ci~
of Hamilton was also presented.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Shackelton:
That the resolution from the Town of Oakville be received
and that copies of the Hamilton Brief be prepared for all members
for presentation at the April Board of Works Session.
4. A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal Association
outlining their forthcoming annual conference being held on
Friday and Saturday May 10 and 11, 1963 in the To\'/Il of Cobourg.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper:
That the letter from the Ontario Municipal Association
Town and Village Section be received and that the Mayor & Reeve
or Dep--Reeve be authorized to attend at the Corporations expense
the forthcoming Annual Conference of the Association being held
May 10th & 11th, 1963 in the Town of Cobourg.
5. Rotary Club of Bowmanville:-
"I am ~~iting this letter on behalf of the Bowmanville Rotary
Club and wish to advise you that Mr. Merrill Brown has been
appointed as our representative to the Bowmanville Arena Com-
mittee. His mailing address is Box 1659~ Town. He lives at
121 Queen Street (right beside the arena) and his phone number
is 623-7251."
Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes:
That we concur in the appointment of Mr. Merril Brown to
the Arena Board of Management as recommended by the Bowmanville
Rotary Club and that the Clerk be authorized to present a by-law
confirming this appointment under the heading by-laws.
6. Ontario Good Roads Association:-
A letter was received from the Ontario Good Roads Association
advising of the fifth annual Road School for Road SuperintendaLs
being held at Hart House Theatre, University of Toronto, Monday
and Tuesday May 13th and 14th, 1963.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the letterzeceived from the Ontario Good Roads Associ-
ation respecting the 1963 School for Road Superintendents be re-
ceived and filed.
7. Walter Frank:-
"Please be advised that I am at this time in great need of a
paved boulevard at the front of my premises, to accommodate a
suitable parking area for my tenants, clients and employees.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would bring this matter .
up for approval at the next Board of Works meeting. I have been
adt~sed that this type of work can be done without cost to my-
self. Would you kindly advise as to the Boardd decision. Thank-
inging you and awaiting your reply, I remain."
Moved by Con. Hughes and Shackelton:
That the letter received from Mr. Walter Frank requesting
that the boulevard at the front of his property be paved for
parking purposes be received and referred to the Roads and Streets
Committee for consideration and report to Counci~.
8. Trinitv United Church:-
"The purpose of this letter is to c~nfirm the information already
verbally transmitted to you concerning the Church Street property
commonly known as the "Town Shed". We understand that there is
a prospective purchaser for this property and it is not our desire
to interfere in any way with the redevelopment of this important
downtown commercial area. Consequently we have recommended to
the Official Board of Trinity United Church that our rights in
this p'roperty be surrendered in return for a payment of $6,000.00
or 60% of the sale price, whichever is the greater, provided a
sale in 80ncluded by June 30th of this year 1963. We have further
recommended that, if the foregoing sale is not concluded, negot-
iations between Town Council and ourselves should be conducted
with a view~o arriving at an early and permanent arrangement con-
cerning thi$pt'operty. On behalf of the Board of Trustees of
Trinity United ChurCh, I am."
Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke:
That the letter received from Rev. Wm. Houselander dated
Apr11 1st, 1963 be received and held in abeyance pending a
report from the Town Solicitor in this respect.
9. Mr. James G. Martia:
"Due to the paving of Third Street and Lambs Lane, my property
which is on the corner of these streets, is now lower than the
road and due to the fact that there is no ditch, the water whim
would normally drain away is now trapped in my driveway which
runs parallel to Lambs Lana. This results in water seeping into
my cellar, my driveway a mudhole. I would appreciate some action
being taken on this situation immediately."
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the letter received from Mr. James G. Martin dated
March 30th, 1963 be received and referred to the Roads and Streets
Committee for consideration and report to Council.
Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes:
that the report of the Weliare Department for the Month of
March, 1963, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of
March 1963 be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes:
That the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the
month of February 1963 be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the
February 1963
report of the Police DjPartment
be received and adopte .
for the month of
Moved by Con. Shackelton and Hooper:
That the report of the Dog Control Department for the month
of February 1963 be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Fice and Shackelton:
That the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for
the month of February 1963 be received and filed for fUture ref-
Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper:
That there~ 4lf the Board of Works Committee dated March
1961 be receivl!iit,:and adopted.
c Mov~d by ~jl!1. Hughes and Oke:
.. ,.',.
. That: the accounts P-id Prior in the total amount of
$66,991.41 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That the accounts of the Finance Department in the total
~unt ot .4,003~OObe and~e hereby passed for payment.
" . ;.',.: ,.,"; . Carried.
Moved by Con. Shackelton and Hooper:
That the accounts
total amount of t12.23
of the Do~ Control Department in the
be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice and Shackelton:
That the accounts of the Fire Department in the total amount
of $16.43 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the accounts of the Police Department in the total
amount of $228.85 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the accounts of the Public Property Departme~ in the
total amount of $205.3S be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes:
That the accounts of the Welfare Department in the total amount
$1,056.93 be and are herebJ passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice and Shackelton:
That the accounts of the Roads & Streets Department in the
total amount of $1,004.68 be and are hEr.eby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes:
That Leave be granted to bring in the following by-laws:
1. A by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and
affix the corporate seal to a certain agreement between the
Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and George & Lois Huber.
2. A by-law to authorize the construction of a sanitary sewer
and watermain extension and a sewage pumping, station of the
Base Line Road.
A by-law to provide for the appointment of a representative
on the Areha Soard of Management in the Town of Bowmanville.
Aby:-law to provi de for the Regulation, Control, Erection and
In~p~u:t:m)Y'or'lti'gns or other advertising devices and licens-
, ingtheno:f";.~'
Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper:
That the By-laws be read a first time, referred to Council
in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, D~p-Reeve in
the Chair.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That we rise and report successful second reading of the
by-laws in Committee of the Whole.
Moved by Con. Fice and Shackelton:
That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-
Law to authorize the construction of a sanitary sewer and water-
main extension and a sewage pumping station on the Base Line Road
be received and adopted, the same be now referred to The Ontario
Municipal Board for approval in accordance with sections 63 and
64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.0.1960.
Moved by Con. Shackelton and Fice:
That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on
the 'By-Law to provide for the regulation, control, erection and
inspection of signs or other advertising devises and licensing
thereof', be received and adopted, the same be now referred to
Board of Works Committee for consideration and report prior to
Third final reading.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the
remaining By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read
a third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed
and numbered as follows:
1. A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and
affix the Corporate Seal to a certain Agreement between the
Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and George and Lois
2. A By-law to provide for the appointment of a representative
on the Arena Board Management in the Town of Bowmanville
... ..B/L1875
1. Liberty Street Storm Sewer:-
Nothing further reported in this respect.
2. Liberty Street Sidewalk:-
A report from Engineer Dempsey is awaited in this respect.
3. Frank Street Road Allowance:
Moved by Con. Hooper and Shackelton:
Tl)atthe.DOlIf.b1ion Stores Limited be requested to relocate
~~:t.. r If'Entl'anc.est&~s~i Town Property on Frank Street to a
Iop~t:!..o'h on then-own pr.rty.
.. Carried.
4. Scugo~Road:-
This matter is presently in the hands of the County Roads Com-
mission for their considera~on.
5. By-law 1624 and 1625:-
The Clerk reported that a meeting between the P. U.'C. Manager
and the Town Solicitor and himself would be held some time this
week, to prepare the proposed by-law for submission at the next
regular Council Session.
6. Town Shed & p. U. C. Pump House:-
This matter is still awaiting. advi06 from our Town Solicitor.
7. Mearns Avenue:-
The matter of a street light on the corner of Mearns Avenue and
Highway No. 2 Street has been referred to the Public Property
Committee and Manager of p. U. C. for investigation and report,
as to date this report has not been received.
S. BowmanviJ,le Beach:-
Nothing further to report in this respect.
9. Industrial Area:-
Temporary pump: Council was advised that the machinery required
for a temporary pump would cost as follows:
New Equipment--
Used Equipment--
It was further reported that the 00 nstruction 00 st in respe ct to
this installation would amount to$2500.00 by the Trip Construct-
ion Company.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes:
That we authorize the construction of a temporary pumping
station on the Base Line Road as follows:
New ~quipment- 1657.52, fripp Construction- 2500.00--4157.52
10. Figo Industries (Canada) Limited:
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That whereas Figo Industries (Canada) Limited have offered
to purchase 2.06acres of land in the Glen-Brook Industrial Area
for the purpose of erecting and operating a manufacturing plant;
and Whereas the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville deems it
expedient and necessary to provide an adequate acess road to the
property involved; Now T~5refore be it resolved that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to prepare and execute an industrial
agreement in this respect.
Civic Committee:
It was moved by Con. Oke and Fice:
That tbe Civic Committee be given the authority to investi-
gate the 46.~~.~tc. in respect to obtaining a chain of office far
His WorSb1p<.'\;he Mayor.
. Carried.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That we do now aeljoourn 9:12 p.