HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-112-84 (n 6 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB UO TEL.(416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 22, 1984 REPORT NO. : PD-112-84 SUBJECT: 1 . APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING (i ) 1927 INVESTMENTS LIMITED (REPORT PD-80-84) n( W. (ii ) OAKLAND DEVELOPMENTS (REPORT PD-79-84) (iii ) J. ZURBA (REPORT PD-74-84)(,,/1.1- 2. APPLICATION TO AMEND HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN STAGING POLICIES (REPORT PD-73-84) RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following : 1 . That Report PD-112-84 be received; and 2. That the Zoning By-law amendments accompanying Staff Reports PD-74-84 (Zurba) ; PD-79-84 (Oakland Developments); and PD-80-84 (1927 Investments Limited) as tabled at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of April 16, 1984, be lifted from table and forwarded to Council for approval subject to the recommendations contained within each report; and .. .2_ REPORT NO. : PD-112-84 Page 2 3. That Staff Report PO-73-84 tabled at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of April 16, 1984, be lifted from table and forwarded to Council for approval subject to the recommendations contained within said report. BACKGROUND: The General Purpose and Administration Committee, at their meeting of April 16, 1984, upon considering Staff Reports PD-74-84, PD-79-84 and PO-80-84 re; Planning Act Provisions on Public Meeting for rezoning applications and Staff Report PD-73-84 re; Amendment to the Staging Policies within the Enniskillen Hamlet Plan, recommended to Council the above matters be held in abeyance pending a "Information Meeting" being held, within one (1 ) month in Enniskillen relative to the applications. Council subsequently, at their meeting of April 24, 1984 endorsed said recommendations. COMMENTS: To that end, Staff proceeded in arranging for a "Public Informational Meeting" to be held on May 9, 1984 at the Enniskillen Public School between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. Approximately forty (40) residents from the Hamlet were in attendance. A brief presentation was provided by Staff as to the subdivision activities and status of each - draft approved plan; within the Hamlet , as well as outlining I the details of the proposed amendment to the Staging Policies within the Hamlet Plan after which the floor was opened for questions/comments. . . .3 i i I �dl REPORT NO. : PD-112-84 Page 3 Staff would note for the Committee' s information that a major concern of the residents in attendance centred around the protection of existing wells and water systems, septic systems in relation to the proposed developments. Staff discussed the protection measures within the Subdivision Agreements that would be applicable, further noting that Staff would be requiring the applicants to provide a survey of existing wells within the vicinity, indicating their present status prior to any commencement of works. A distance of approximately 500 feet surrounding each development was mentioned as being an appropriate distance. Staff would note this distance would encompass the limits of the entire developed area within the Hamlet. Furthermore, Staff indicated that the amendment proposed to the Hamlet Plan would similarily address the concerns of "safe guarding" existing development and the levels of services within the Hamlet i .e. water table level , existing septic systems and the impact any new developments would have on the supply and location of these services. The applicant would be responsible for demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Town and the Durham Health Unit, the methods whereby sanitary sewage and storm run-off will be dealt with. In addition, the applicant must present an Engineering Report to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town and the Region of Durham, that an adequate supply of potable water exists to service the proposed development. The Engineering Report must also address the likely impact of the proposal on existing water supplies. A request was made by the residents, that a further assurance was necessary to satisfy them that the existing wells would be unaffected in perpetuity. . . .4 i REPORT NO. : PD-112-84 Page 4 Staff indicated that while this guarantee could not be provided, the necessary steps would be taken to ensure that sufficient capacity is available to service the existing development and proposed subdivisions. Staff have requested the Regional Health Unit to indicate whether they would be in a position to provide further assurances and/or controls which could be included in consideration of the residents ' request. Various questions were addressed to Staff, i .e. concerns as to why lands remained vacant; how quickly will they proceed, how determination of number of lots which would proceed each year as noted within the subdivision agreement, weed control , road standards within the subdivisions , monitoring of Public Works maintenance - all which indirectly either affected the proposals or Hamlet as a whole. An additional item raised for discussion involved the deletion of Block I , public highway, within the Zurba Plan of Subdivision 18T-81023 as dealt with by Committee and Council on March 19 and 26, 1984 respectively, (Staff Report PD-70-84). Following the meeting a request was made as to the status and maintenance of the laneway abutting the Oakland Plan of Subdivision, 18T-24002, within the southeast quadrant of the Hamlet. The Works Department advises Staff that there are no immediate plans to widen the laneway, and furthermore, that the maintenance, snow removal program presently followed would continue. Staff would note for the Committee' s information , that should it be deemed advisable not to approve the Staging Policy amendment as presented, the Zoning By-law amendment .. .5 REPORT NO. : PD-112-84 Page 5 for the Zurba Plan of Subdivision would be the only By-law which could be considered for approval in its present form. The Jeffrey's Subdivision zoning by-law amendment and 1927 Investments by-law, would require revisions to each to comply with the present staging policies in the Hamlet Plan. Accordingly, the Jeffrey's plan could be considered for approval , illustrating an area representative of fifteen (15) lots. The remaining lots would be placed in a "Residential Holding/Deferred" category to comply with the fifteen (15) lot per annum policy. The entire 1927 Investment Limited proposal would similarly be placed within a "Residential Holding/Deferred" category only to have the Holding category removed in consideration of the staging policies in the Hamlet Plan. As noted within Staff Report PD-73-84, it is Staff' s opinion that through the submissions of an Engineering Report identifying that an adequate supply of potable water exists to serve the proposed development, as well as consider the impact on the water supply within the Hamlet and surrounding areas, the necessary background information to justify, permit and/or stage a Plan of Subdivision will be available. I As noted, the implementing of such a policy would permit, where applicable, the concurrent developments of plans of subdivision. However, Staff would note that the "market demands" would continue to play a major role in helping to determine when the individual owners proceed with their developments. r I I REPORT NO. : PD-112-84 Page 6 Respectfu s t , T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning LDT*TTE*jip May 11 , 1984 cc: 192.7 Investments Limited 378 King Street West OSHAWA, Ontario Ll H 7B8 Oakland Developments Limited 1050 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA, Ontario Ll G 4W5 ATTN: Mr. W. Jeffrey Mr. Allan Goheen 2 Bridlewood Boulevard AGINCOURT, Ontario Ml T 1P4 I I