HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-5-84 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 1984 REPORT NO. : PO-5-84 SUBJECT: Application for rezoning - S. Henry Part Lot 31 Concession 6, Clarke FILE: DEV 83-33 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following : 1 . That Report PD-5-84 be received; and 2. That application for rezoning DEV 83-33 be approved; and 3. That the By-law attached to this report to amend By-law 1592, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke, be approved. . . .2 Ch) REPORT NO. : PD-5-84 Page 2 BACKGROUND: On November 14, 1983, the Planning Department received an application submitted by Shirley Henry to rezone a 0.43 hectare (1 .05 acre) parcel of land in Part Lot 31 , Concession 6, former Township of Clarke. The purpose of the rezoning application is to permit the creation of one residential building lot. The subject property is currently zoned "A-Agricultural " by By-law 1592 of the former Township of Clarke and is designated "General Agricultural " by the Durham Region Official Plan. The subject property was the subject of an application for consent (Application #LD 356/83) considered by the Region of Durham Land Division Committee on November 14, 1983. Town staff comments on the application were as follows : CONFORMITY WITH OFFICIAL PLAN: The subject site is designated "General Agricultural Area" by the Durham Regional Official Plan. The Official Plan states that the development of new non-farm residential uses shall be discouraged, but that limited non-farm residential dwellings may be allowed in the form of infilling, if deemed desirable by the Council of the respective area municipality and is recognized in the zoning by-law. CONFORMITY WITH ZONING BY-LAWS: The subject site is zoned "A-Agricultural " by By-law 1592, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke. The minimum lot area for new residential lots in the Agricultural zone is 16.2 hectares , while the minimum lot frontage for new lots is 100.6 metres. The retained land would have sufficient frontage to meet the By-law requirements; however, it would have an area of only 1 .14 hectares. The severed parcel would meet neither the frontage nor the area requirements. Therefore, neither the retained nor the severed lot appears to conform with the provisions of By-law 1592. REPORT NO. : PO-5-84 Page 3 I RECOMMENDATIONS: due to non-conformity with the Regional Official Denial , h � Plan and the Clarke Zoning By-law. However, if the severance is approved, such approval should be conditional upon rezoning and satisfying the Town 's requirements , financial and otherwise. The Land Division Committee tabled the application for a period of one year to enable the applicant to contact the Town with regard to a rezoning application. In accordance with Departmental Procedure, the application for rezoning was submitted to various departments and agencies for comment. The following is a summary of the comments received; Town of Newcastle Public Works Department - No objection to this rezoning as submitted. Town of Newcastle Building Department - No comment . .Town of Newcastle Fire Department - No objection. Region of Durham Planning Department - We note that the subject site is designated General Agricultural in the Durham Regional Official Plan. New non-farm residential uses are generally discouraged. However, Section 10.2.1 .2 of the Durham Plan stipulates that limited dwellings may be allowed in the form of infilling within the General Agricultural area if it is deemed desirable by the Council of the respective area Municipality and is recognized in the zoning By-law. Infilling is defined in Section 10.2.1 .4 of the Durham Plan as " . . .situations where one or more non-farm residential dwellings are to be located between two buildings located on the same side of a public road and within a distinct node or cluster of non-farm residential dwellings in such a manner as not to contribute to strip or ribbon development and subject to such a node or cluster being identified in the respective zoning by-laws." REPORT NO. : PD-5-84 Page 4 J The proposed zoning amendment would conform if it meets the above provisions of Section and of the Durham Plan. Region of Durham Health Unit - In so far as health matters are concerned, there are no objections to the approval of the zoning application. Ministry of Agriculture and Food - The subject land is of class 1 quality. The location appears to amount to an infilling situation and would have no adverse effect on the closest livestock operations. For this reason, the Ministry would have no objections to the proposed zoning change. COMMENTS: As noted by the Region of Durham Planning Department in their comments , limited non-farm related residential development may be permitted in the General Agricultural area in the form of infilling within a distinct node or cluster, and subject to being recognized in the zoning by-law. Staff note that the proposed lot is located between two existing non-farm related residential dwellings on the west side of Leskard Road, and is only connected to the main part of the lot by a sliver of land approximately 3 metres wide. As well , a strip of at least 50 non-farm related residential dwellings is located on the east side of Leskard Road between Taunton Road and the 6th Concession Road. The proposed lot would therefore appear to meet the requirements of residential infilling as defined by the Durham Region Official Plan. i Staff further note that agricultural operations are located I in the immediate area ; however, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has indicated that the infilling would have no adverse effects on the closest livestock operations. REPORT NO. : PD-5-84 Page 5 Based on the comments received through the circulation of the rezoning application, staff have no objection to the approving of a rezoning to permit the creation of one additional lot. As such, staff have prepared a by-law (attached) to rezone the subject parcel from "A-Agricultural " to "Special Provision A-17". Mrs. Henry's property currently has an area of 1 .56 hectares (3.86 acres) . The severence will create two lots, one with an area of 0.41 hectares (1 .0 acres) and one with an area of 1 .15 hectares (retained lot) . However, the minimum area for a new residential lot in the agricultural zone is 16.2 hectares (40 acres) . Therefore, both the retained and severed lots are covered by the rezoning by-law prepared by staff. Staff recommend that rezoning application DEV 83-33 be approved and the by-law attached to this report be forwarded to Council for approval . Respectf 1- 'tted, T. T. Edwards, M.C. I.P. Ef Director of Planning JAS*TTE*bb December 20, 1983 Applicant : Mrs. S. Henry Mr. G. Pollitt R. R. #2 Pollitt, Walters & Orono, Ontario Halikowski LOB IMO Main Street Orono, Ontario LOB IMO i I i i