HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-35-84 s� 60 . � . r . 4 CORPORATIO N OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M. .I(416)263-2231, 1 HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1984 REPORT NO. : PD-35-84 SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT PROGRAM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1984 WORK RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-35-84 be received; and 2. That the Planning and Development Department' s 1984 Work Program (Attachment 1 ) b app . . .2 page 2 REPORT NO: Pp-35-84 BACKGROUND: As in past years , staff are again submitting a proposed Work Program outlining the operations of the department to year g areas and priorities for end, and identifying major activity the coming year. The Work Program is intended to provide guidance to staff wit h respect to Council priorities and to allow fort th best utilization of the department resources in dealing issues of greatest concern to the Town• The Work grog am priorizes activity areas and identifies as well as items carried over from the previous year's program. COMMENTS: in 1983, an ambitious Work Program was identified for the planning and Development Department. That program the identified a number of areas of high priority to as well as a proposed time table for achieving Municipality, on Staff proposals those objectives . Prior to commenting appropriate and for the 1984 program, I feel that it is app ro p important to review the Town' s progress in 1983 with p areas within the particular emphasis on the various activity department. I. CURRENT OPERATIONS past years , placed emphasis on The 1983 Work Program, as in p lications with priority the processing of development applications and assigned to Industrial andithmnethea p Couprtice Urban Area. Residential subdivisions w . . .3 Page 3 REPORT NO: PD-35-84 Staff were responsible for In addition to these priorities , providing comments to the Land Division Committee ous and pr various Committee of Adjustment , and reviewing a high submissions and requests for comments. In addition , completion of the Town's priority was established for comp involvement in Comprehensive Zoning By-law and of necessity the two B.I.A. Main Street Revitalization projects. rocessed forty-two (42) wring 1983 the Town received and p 10 were in new development applications. Of these t ebalance involved respect of site plan approvals, while th compares with forty (40) rezoning applications. This comp in 1980, and a high twenty-nine (29) applications in 1981 , Of the applications received in of forty-nine (49) in 1979. 1983, seventeen (17) have been dealt with nand heringes closed, while the balance remain active and re remain a ongoing staff involvement. In addition, back to 1977 total of twenty-two (22) applications dating which remain active for one reason or another. In addition to the development applications that staff were for processing, there are a total of forty-two responsible dealt with (42) Subdivision files currently open and being staff. In 1983, seven (7) on an ongoing basis by artment Subdivision agreements were completed by Planning yep staff and another six (6) are in various stages of review and negotiation. involved in Current Operations were also responsible Staff lications to the for commenting on ninety-six (q5) app app lications to seventy-three (73) Committee of Adjustment , and preparation of the Regional Land division Committee, ei ht hundred (800) zoning clearance letters. In the case 9 . ..4 page 4 REPORT NO: pD-35-84 of zoning clearance letters , this represented approximately a 50% increase over 198?_. of this extremely heavy work load related to As a result e multitude of inquiries development applications and th other projects related to development within the Town necessarily suffered, notwithstanding their importance to Of particular note , was work on the the Municipality. law, and the By-law, the Town's Sign By- Comprehensive Zoning y- or ram, as well as various proposed Long Range Planning P g activities related to Administration. 2. LONG RANGE PLANNING due to the extremely high level of activities As indicated, staff , very early in the related to Current Operations, to re-allocate responsibilities and year, found it necessary Range Planner , accordingly, transferred to the Long lications within the responsibility for Current Operation app former Township of Clarke, in addition to that individual s reponsibilities for matters related to Official Pans . This adjustment has enabled the Department to effectively rit laced upon its keep up with the demands being p app roximately delayed completion of our Courtice Review by opportunity six (h) months and provided us with little any of ofop he Hamlet to undertake work on our Other odd amendment received in the plans save and except for very course of a development application. In addition , little was accomplished with respect to data collection uk which should have been a fundamental part of o Program. . . .5 Page 5 REPORT NO: PD-35-84 3. BUILDING During 1983, the Building Department handled a total of applications for building three hundred and thirty-one (�331 ) permits, representing a 12% increase over the number handled in 1982. In addition, a total of twenty-eight 8 new Property Standard complaints were received the Building Department by by the the activity, department. Consequently, law, was with respect to enforcement of the Town Sign By- greatly reduced to the point where infractions were being handled on a complaint basis only. 4. ADMINISTRATION Again, due to the high level of activity related to Current operations , a number of the Work Program objectives related time to Administration suffered due to erationtmattersy in was being redirected to Curren addition to my day-to-day responsibilities relative to the functioning of the department. In particular, the proposed review of Town o tions r Standards and requested by Council in the 1983 servicing p and consequently, will Program, did not receive any time, have to be carried over. A review of the department activities through b9 2-1 9of'the indicated that while we are managing to keep a activities relating to Current Operations , we are slowly behind in the areas of long range plans and other falling law and Zoning comprehensive projects such as the Sign By- By-law. . . .6 REPORT NO: PD-35-84 Page 6 During 1983, a number of revisions to our procedures were undertaken, coupled with improvements to the available data sources , such as the installation of a computer terminal for assessment information, have allowed us to continue to be effective while at the same time, retaining the same staff compliment. For 1984, I do not foresee the need to hire any additional permanent planning staff, however, I believe it is essential that we review the allocation of responsibilities to our present staff in an effort to maintain a satisfactory level of productivity, and at the same time, make progress. In addition, we should make utilization of any available Provincial funding, including OHAP monies held in reserve, and hire temporary part-time staff to assist in completing projects such as the District Plan, and review and revision of development standards and procedures. We must also continue to upgrade the Town's technilogical capability and its access to computerized information systems similar to the assessment information now being utilized by the department . The coming year will present a number of challenges to the Municipality and unless Town staff are able to come to grips with the broader policy issues , many of the Town's development aspirations may continue to be frustrated by outdated and outmoded policies , regulations and procedures. In 1984, the Work Program remains ambitious, however, with re-allocation of resources , improved technology and the possibility of Provincial assistance, I believe that we will be able to make inroads in those areas which are suffering due to time and manpower constraints. I believe that staff . . .7 Page 7 REPORT NO: PD-35-84 are capable of meeting this challenge , but we will require the support of Council and if necessary, a shifting of priority in some areas. Respectf su fitted, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P• Director of Planning TTE*Jip 1984 January 165 1984 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 16 6 20 5 19 2 16 7 22 4 18 3 16 6 20 4 17 1 15 5 19 3 17 COMMITTEE MEETINGS PRIORITY ACTIVITY 1 DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION 2 ATTENDANCE AT COMMITTEE, COUNCIL, O.M.B., ETC. 3 INVOLVEMENT IN TECHNICAL COMMITTEES 4 REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES, POLICIES AND ACTIVITIES 5 REVIEW OF TOWN STANDARDS — — — — — —AND SERVICING OPTIONS LEGEND Primary Activity Secondary Activity �— \L\ 1984 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM BUILDING JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 16 6 20 5 19 2 16 7 22 4 18 3 16 6 20 4 17 1 15 5 19 3 17 COMMITTEE MEETINGS PRIORITY ACTIVITY 1 BUILDING & PLUMBING PERMITS INSPECTION/PROCESSING 2 PROPERTY STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT — — — — — — — — — — -- 3 SIGN BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 4 TECHNICAL ADVICE AND COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT — — APPLICATIONS LEGEND Primary Activity �-- Secondary Activity \�1 1984 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM CURRENT OPERATIONS JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 16 6 20 5 19 2 16 7 22 4 18 3 16 6 20 4 17 1 15 5 19 3 17 COMMITTEE MEETINGS PRIORITY ACTIVITY 1 COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 2 INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS 3 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENTS DRAFT APPROVED PLANS 4 SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS COURTICE 5 SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS BOWMANVILLE — --- 6 SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS ALL OTHER AREAS 7 COMMENTS TO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT & LAND DIVISION 8 ZONING CLEARANCES — — — — -� 9 SIGN BY-LAW REVISIONS — -- — — — -- LEGEND Primary Activity Secondary Activity — — - ��l 1984 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM LONG RANGE JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 16 6 2O 5 19 2 16 7 22 4 18 3 16 6 20 4 17 1 15 5 19 3 17 COMMITTEE MEETINGS PRIORITY ACTIVITY 1 ASSISTANCE TO CURRENT OPERATIONS 2 DISTRICT PLAN 3 COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW ..� 4 OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICATIONS (REVIEW AND PROCESS) 5 DEVELOPMENT PLANS (HAMLETS, NEIGHBOURHOODS, CENTRAL AREAS) 6 DATA COLLECTION •-� .� .._ ..� 7 ELDORADO MONITORING �. COMMITTEE 8 CONSERVATION MASTER PLANS (REVIEW) LEGEND Primary Activity Secondary Activity - \LI �1