HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-36-84 i 3 Co i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL.(416)263-2231 I 1 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1984 REPORT NO. : PO-36-84 SUBJECT: MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING COMMUNITY PLANNING STUDY GRANT PROGRAM OUR FILE: Pln. 11 .5 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following : 1 . That Report PD-36-84 be received for information . REPORT NO: PD-36-84 Page ?_ BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At it' s meeting of November 7, 1983, the General Purpose and Administration Committee adopted staff's recommendation that an application be prepared to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing under the Community Grant' s Program and that a report be ubmittedo with a recommended project program outlining the purpose of the project , proposed means of implementing and estimated costs for such a project. Following therefrom, staff have had a number of discussions with Ministry staff with respect to eligible projects, and have been advised that upon submission of Terms of Reference, they will evaluate our eligibility. However, under the terms of the program, Provincial funding is limited to 50% of the approved costs up to a maximum of $35,000.00. When staff initially reported on this program, it was contemplated that funds may be available for completion of the Town' s District Plan. However , following my discussion with Ministry staff, it would appear that this particular application may not be entirely eligible , however, they have agreed to review proposed Terms of Reference and provide comments thereon. * In that regard, staff have forwarded the attached recommended project program outlining the project purpose, means of implementing, and estimated costs to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their review and comment. . . .3 REPORT NO: PD-36-84 Page 3 Staff are recommending that we pursue an application for funding to assist in the completion of our District Plan however, failing eligibility for that project, that an application be submitted for funding to undertake a study in respect of the local development approval process and the Town 's development standards. Upon receipt of comments from the Ministry, staff will report back to Council to apprise them of the situation. Respectfully b 1-tted, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning TTE*j i p *Attach. TERMS OF REFERENCE ATTACHMENT 1 TO STAFF REPORT PD-36-84 PROPOSED PROJECT Review of Official Plan Policies and finalization of Town 's New District Plan . PURPOSE OF PROJECT Pursuant to the requirements of the Durham Regional Official Plan the Town of Newcastle is required to bring all existing Official Plans into conformity with the Regional Plan forthwith. Similarly, the Planning Act would require that this be done by August 1 , 1984. In 1980 and 1981 the Town of Newcastle staff began work on a Comprehensive District Plan to be adopted as the Official Plan for the Town of Newcastle. Due to staffing limitations and shifting priorities, work on this project was discontinued. However, as a result of the changes to the Planning Act, it is of paramount importance that an Official Plan be completion for the Town. Given the hiatus between project initiation and the present , there is an obvious need to review the Planning Policies within the existing Official Plans and the proposed new Official Plan , not only to ensure their relevance, but also to reflect changes in local objectives with respect to development, legislative require- ments, in respect of community improvement, and ways and means of encouraging local development through utilization of the tools provided by the new Planning Act. i PROJECT PROGRAM Commencing at the earliest possible date, a Contract Planner would be hired to work inhouse under the supervision of the Director of Planning to undertake the following tasks : 1 . Review all official plan amendments undertaken by the Regional Municipality of Durham since preparation of the first draft of the District Plan, and to identify their relevance to local planning objectives and the need for incorporation of appropriate policies within our District Plan. 2. Undertake a review of all comments received in respect of the draft Official Plan, and if necessary, prepare responses to those comments and formulate appropriate polcies to address those concerns. . . .2 ALTERNATE TERM OF REFERENCE ATTACHMENT 2 TO STAFF REPORT PD-36-84 PROPOSED PROJECT Review of Town 's Development Standards and Development Approval Processes. PURPOSE OF PROJECT The 1983 Work Program called for a review of the Town 's Development Standards to ensure their continued relevance and to provide Council with an assessment of the impact of these standards upon proposed development with the Town. Coupled with this would be a review of the Town ' s existing approval process with the objective being a reduction in turnaround time for development applications , and elimination of unnecessary or redundant application requirements. During 1983, a number of revisions were made by staff to development procedures, however, the impact of these changes has never been assessed, nor were staff able to undertake a review of development standards. PROJECT PROGRAM It is proposed that a Consultant be retained by the Municipality to undertake the following tasks : 1 . Review existing development standards , identify areas of possible revision, and assess the impacts , both positive and negative, of such revisions upon the Town 's ability to attract development . 2. Undertake a review of the Town 's former development approval procedures, the recently implemented changes to procedure, and provide an assessment of the Town 's positive and negative impacts to these procedures upon the Town 's ability to deal with development applications , bearing in mind, legislative requirements and staffing levels, and to recommend any further revisions deemed necessary or appropriate to facilitate the processing of development applications and their subsequent resolution. . . .2 i Alternate Terms of Reference Page 2 of Attachment 2 PROJECT BUDGET It is anticipated that this project could be completed within a three to six month time frame at an estimated cost of between $15,000.00 and $20,000.00, 50% of which may be eligible for Provincial subsidy with the balance being funded by the Town .