HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/1963 , . . . e. COUNCIL MINUTES - ' I The reg, ~",ar meeting of Bowmanville Town Council con~ened at 7:30,'flp.lll. on l'!Jonday March lS,. 1963 at the Counc:Ll ChambetsTal'in, Hall, Mayor I. M. tlobbs in the Chair. All members' present except Reeve Li:ttle, Con. Fice, and Con. Nichots, and Shackelton. ADOPTION OF ~~NUTESI Moved by C6n. 9ke and Hooper: }. That the minutes of the meetings held on Monday March', ~th~ and Saturday March 9th, 1963 be received and adopted~ Carried.. . ,......'1 II COMMUNICATIONS a I 1. Advice was received of the forthcoming anrlUal conte'ren~e ' of the Canll,dian Bul;l..ding Offic:l,als being held in Winds.pr on April 3rd, .4th,a:na5tn. ' ., !-'loved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the letter received from the Canadian Buildings Officials Association dated lI'Jarch 15tp.y,be received and filed. Carried. 2. viaI' Pensioners of Canada:- "The War Pensioners of Canada ~re publishing this program for the Benefit of the Veterans. As an association of Veterans, we are organized under a Dominion Charter to assist those who are in need of treatment, or pension entitlement, for a disability incurred in service} and to help widows and other dependants of those who died in tne service of our country, or those who have died since, serving their country. We ask your kind support in our effort by purchasing a space for your advertiser;cmt in this annual programme. ,The prices are.. Full page $100.00, Half Page ~50.001. 3 page $35,00, 1/8 Page $25.00, ,outside back cover.. ~200.0U. Please iss~e only cheques or money orders (no e,en) to the Jar Pens ioners of Canada. Pleas e 'do not make cheques paya- ale to canvasser but mail direct to our attention at P. O. Box 15~ at Niagara Falls, Ontario." Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the letter from the War Pensioners of Canada be ' received and filed. Carried. '3. DeDartment of Municipal Affairs:- "The Governments of Canada and Ontario. after careful consider- ation, have authorized the extension of the 1962-63 Winter Works Incentive Program from April 30th to tlay 31st, 1963. The exten- sion of the program will apply to all projects which have been' approved by the Department of ~funicipal Affairs and, of course to all projects approved by the Department before }~y 31st,. 19~3. The terms and conditions which appear in the Department's ~~m- orandum of the first line of item VII in which the termination date should be changed from April 30th, 1963 to May 31st, 1963." Moved by Con. Hughes and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the letter from the'.)J.Elpartment of Municipal Affairs in respect to extension of til}e'W1nter Works deadline be recei.'Wad add filed. ' Garried. ~ . . . . -2- 4.. ~. & rJIr,g: Adams l:: "We live at 8 Mearns Avenue, just opposite Cream of Barley & just south of Training School, & just off No. 2'Highway. We have no lights on Mearns Avenue. My children 7JS,12, ages that takes them out to Church groups at night. They have to walk.in from Highway and it is very dark. ~'ly husband works night shJ.ft and I occasionally go out coming home myself up dark road. We had an experience just a few weeks ago, when training sch~ol boy escaped, in fact he was at our house. Many dangers lure im this dark road with no lights. This road is travelled much with considerable traffic. iJe request on behalf of the family & others travelling this road that a light be installed on'trans- former pole outside of house, at very little cost to you, making it more safe for everyone." Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes: That the letter from ~~. & I~s. W. Adams respecting the installation of a street light on Mearns Avenue be and referred to Public Property Committee. Carried. 5. The Association of Kinsmen Clubs 1- "I have been instructed by the Executive Membership of the Kins- men Club of Bowmanville torequest your' permission for our Club to hold its annual carnival on July 20, 1963 at i"emorial Park, alsol a Funorama evening on September 7, 1963." Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That we concur in the request of the Bowmanville Kinsmen's Club as submitted in their communication dated l~rch 14th, 1963. Carried. 6~. Town of Renfrew l Renfrew j Ontario 1- "To Association of Ontario t~yors and Reeves: vlliereaw the Ontario Government has established a Police College at Aylmer; Ontariol A it is in the interest of the smaller municipalities n a Police Department to take advantage of these And Whe~eas the cost of procuring replacement officers for persons absent rom duty attending courses adds materially to the police costs. Now the~efore the associates of the Ontario Mayors and Reeves res- pectfully petitions the Province of Ontario to pay grants to mun- icipalities equal to the salaries of Police officers in course. Copi~~ to all Towns over 4,000 population in Ontario Ass~iat.cn of Ontarifl Mayors and Reeves." "Enclosed please find copy of a resolution from the Council of the Town of Renfrew to be presented to the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves. 'lIe respectfully request your support of this resolution and would appreciate being advised of your Council's action." Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That the resolution sponsored by the Town of Renfrew be endorsed. Carried. . . . . -3- 7. THE BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION: "On beha.lf of the Bowmanville District Council of the Boy Scouts of Canada, I am asking permission for the local Scouts to be allowed to hold their annual Boy Scout Apple Day and sell apples and taes on ~hy 4th (SaturdaY)1 1963. I would be much obliged if you would present this letter to the next meeting of the Bowmanville Town Council and advise us as soon as possible if they have given their approval to our request so we may complete our Apple Day plans. Thanking you I remain." Moved by Con. Hooper and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That we concur in the request as outlined by the Boy Scouts Association in their letter dated ~~rch 16, 1963. Carried. III BY -LA1JS..L Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Oke: That leave be g ranted to bring in the following by-laws: 1) A by-law to provide for certain exemptions for lands assessed in parcels of not less than five acres as provided in Section 37 of the Assessment Act. 2) A by-law to authorize a conveyance of the closed part of :~Jlville St. to Karl lIiaversveld. 3) A by-law to open up and establish part of Mearns Avenue. Carried. Moved by Con. Oke and p,~p-~eeve Stevens: Thatth~ by-laws be read a first time referred to Council in Com- mittee of the Whole and read a Second Time Mayor in the Chair. Carried. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That we rise and report successful second reading of the By-laws in Committee of the Whole._ C~:lI'ri ed.. MoVed by Con. Hooper and Eughes: That the repor~ of Council. in Committee of the Whole on the by-laws be recf>i'red and adopted, the same be noW read a Third time, engrossed signed by the Mayor and Clerk" sealed and numbered as follows.: 1) A by-law to provide for certain exemptions for lands assessed in parcels of not less than five acres as provided in Sgjion 37 of the Assessment Act.... .,...... ........ .,....B/L 1870 2) A by-law to authorize a conveyance of the closed p'art of Belleville St. to Karl Waversveld...............B1L 1871 3) A by-law to open up and establish part of ~~arns AveB/L 1872. IV NE\i & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: . ""'----- 1. Liberty Street Storm Sewer:- A By-law to repeal the original local improvement By-law is being prepared by the Town Solicitor for presentation at the next regular Council Session. ~ . . . . -4- 2. Liberty Street Sidewalk:- This matter is still pending an engineer's report from Mr. Dem- psey. 3. Frank Street Road Allowance:- There is nothing further to report in this respect. 4. Scugog Road:- This matter is presently referred to Counties Council Road Commi6et~n for their consideration. 5. p. U. C. Charges:- This matter has been referred to the Town Solicitor for preparation of the necessary By-law on the adtice of the Town Clerk and P. U. C. Manager. A meeting is to be held this week to disl;11SS this matter and will be reported at the next regular Council session. 6. Board of Works Building and P. U. C. Pump House:- This matter is being considered at the Board of Irforks Meetingo 7. Industr~alu\~eal'" ~ Moved by con~ Hughes BDd .Hooper: I ., . That Jllarch 13 I the report of the Board of Works 1963 be received and adopted. Carried. Committee dated The following letter was received from Proctor & Redfern: "This will confirm last Irlednesday's meeting with the Irlorks Com.. mittee of Council, at which time we discussed the temporary pump- ing station to be constructed on the Base Line. We were request- ed at a meeting on March 6th to give further consideration to a temporary pumping station and report back to Council. It is under-' stood that the Town would like to consider this installation as be- ing more than a temporary arrangement to be operated until approv- al is granted on the permanent pumping .station. The proposed facility is to be designed to operate for an extended period of time so that sewage flows from the area can be more accurately established before the main pumping station is constructed. Con- sequently, the installation recommended in OU~jletterto you of March 4th will not be satisfactory. At t~at t~me we corle1dered that a'temporary unit could be installed in a timber chamber un- heated) to be operated for a few months until the arrangements could oe made to construct the permanent unit. 'de recommended that the temporary pumping station be located on the Base Line near the Soper Creek. By doing this adequate wet well storage capacity can be provided in the two downstream ma~oles as well as in the 10" sewer line on the Base Line and r-ar\! way up Simpson Avenue. It is understood that the Town would ilke to have a pump having a capacity of 150 gal per minute installed, and it is sug- gested that a Flygt pump be used. These units can be placed under water but can be removed quite easily for maintenance and repairs without dewatering the station. The electrical equipment associa- ted wi th the pumping station would be placed on a hydro pole in close proximity to tne station. Two float switches installed in the manhole would control the operation of the pump. The deli,ery on a Flygt pump is very good, so we are informed, as these units are kept in stock. The estimated cost of this temporary pumping station, includins the pump, electrical equipment, modifications to the manhole in which it will be installed, the discharge pipe and valves, is ~3,200. It would be possible to p,urchase a less expen- sive pump at an estimated saving in cost of l600, but such a pump would not include the features of a Flygt pump that would allow it to be removed without dewatering the station. Since this unit might be in operation for several months or more than a year, it " .. -5- is not recommended that the less costly pump be used. Consider- ation was also given to employing a dry well type pump which couH be used in the main pumping station when it is constructed. To. house such a unit it would be necessary to construct a reinforced concrete pit with heating facilities, necessary controlsl pipe and associated works. Delivery on this pumping unit would ge in the order of six to eight weeks, and the estimated cost is ~3,300. It is understood that agreement was reached to proceed with the Flygt pump installation. At this time we wish to point out the operating limitations of either type of temporary pumping station. Screening facilities will not be provided and consequently the pump might become blocked from time to time requiring its removal and maintenance.. The srnitary sewers will operate a good deal of the time in a submerged condition which does not allow for proper scouring;. consequently the sewers might have to be cleaned more frequently than usual. This project has been discussed in a general way with a representative of the Ontario Water Resour- ces Commission, and they agree that the project can proceed on this basis provided that we re-submit our application to them f~ the sewers and the temporary pumping station. At some future time it will be necessary to re-apply on the main pumping station. We enclose herewith prints of our drawings of the proposed sewers. When the sewage pumping station is complete we will also forward this to you. We wish to point out that the sewer on Simpson Ave near Highway 401 will be approximately.ll feet deep. We feel t~ the Sweet industry should be informed of the proposed depth of this sewer as no information is known about their proposed build- ing grades. lie did examine thedrawings submitted to the Building Inspector and the floor levels are not tied in with any known datum. Care will have to be taken when building the plant to keep the floor high enough to permit graviv drainage to the proposed sewer on Simpson Avenue~ As.discussed we should know the location of the permanent pumping station (i.e. whether it w will be on the north side or 'the south side of the Base Line) before constructing the temporary station, as this will influ- ence its location." Following discussion of this matter it was, Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the Clerk be instructed to negotiate the purchase of the site for pumping station~on Base Line Rd. 50' by 50'. Carried. Mo~ed by Con. Hooper and Oke: That Proctor & Rertfern, consulting engineers be requested to submit a report on the construction cost), ... !.. of sewer and water service on existing service on Base Line, east.. erly to the Cemetery Road, and that this report be presented at the next Council Session. Carried. s. Notice of Motion;- Moved by Con. Fice oDcMarch 4th (that we resciend.the resolution passed by this Council respecting the appointment of a Town Offic- ial to the Counties Emergency Measures Organization Planning Com- mittee~ . As Con. Fice was unable to attend this Council Session it was decided that this report be referred to the next Council Session, 9. BOWffianville Beach Matters: "Council recently referred this matter to me for investigation and report, insofar as itrel6.1Sed,.to the jurisdiction of the Fed- eral authority. I have heard from Dr. P. E. Ireland, President of Port Darlington Harbour Company and Dr. Ireland indicated his wish to discuss this matter with all concerned authorities. I am '. ~. . . -6- awaiting a report from the Department of Transport, Ottawa,?' hope that in due course the representative of that Departmeut will meet with myself and representatives of Council, the Ha::-' bour Company and the Northumberland-Durham Medical Officer o~ Health who is also concerned about conditions in this area o~ the Town. I shall keep council advised." Messrs. Les Rider and McLeish, owners of property at the Bear ", were present to hear the discussion in res}:e ct to this probl'" They were ad,,1sed that when further information is received ::,: Russell C. Honey they will be notified to attend the Council meeting. 10. Water Around Town:- Con. Hooper suggested that Council Tour community to acquaint themselves with the various drainage problems. 11. Change Board of Works meeting to Monday March 25, 1963~ Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Hughes: That the board of works meeting be held on Monday I'l~.- 25, 1963. Carried. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: ..------