HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/21/1963 couaCIL MINUTES .... The re~ular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p. m. on Monday January 21st, 1963 with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Con. Nichols and Shackelton. I LORD'S PRAYER:- II ROLL CALL:- III ADOPTION OF MINUTES:- I10ved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Hughes: That the minutes of the meeting held on Monday January 2nd 1963 be amended by deleting the motion dealing with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Smo.ke matter and that the minutes so amended be received and adopted. Carried. IV CDrll\1UNICATIONS:- 1. Association of Ontario Mayors & Reeves:- "As President of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, Mayor Percy Burton of Iroquois Falls extends to. your Council, a hearty invitation to join the Association for the year 1963. For a number o.f years the Asso.ciation has played a vital part in ob- taining major results to the advantage of the municipalities of this Pro.vince. Witho.ut the benefit of these measures the munici- palities would have been in dire circumstances in keeping their financial po.sitio.n in an even keel. We need your support and help in order to present a unified fro.nt, because in seeking re- lief from tho.se costs which we claim are not the responsibility of the municipality each and every municipality should bea part of our Association. \/e urge you to take an active part. The conference is open to all municipal councillors. Membership; A statment of account of membership in the Asso.ciation for the' current year is attached hereto and also schedule of fees. l22l Annual Co.nference of Ontario ~iayors and Reeves: The Annual co.n- ference will be held in the Town of Pembroke on June 23, 24, 25, and 26. The conference is being held at the Pembro.ke Armo.ries. You may make your reservatio.ns immediately fo.r Hotel Accor~odat- io.ns. Reservation Forms are enclosed. His \yorship, Mayor Angus Campbell, and his Council are developing a programme of entertain- ment and interest. A special programme fo.r the ladies is being arranged. This year the conference begins on Sunday June 23, at 2 P.M. in order to. visit the Atomic Res8arch Centre at Chalk River. Resolutions: Resolutions of municipalities for consideration by the Conference are requested to be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the Association by April 30, in o.rder that we may have them printed for the Co.nference.. Enclosed is a copy of too Brief presented to J. P. Robarts, ~.C., Prime Minister of Ontario and his cabinet on November 23, 1962.' If any more copies are requested please let me kno.w." ~ Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That we authorize membership in the Association o.f Ontario Mayors & Reeves for the year 1963 and that His \/orship the Hayor and the Reeve be authorized to attend the annual conference at the Co.rpo.rations expense, being held in Pembroke June 23, 24, 25, and 26. Carried. ... 2. A. L.JHoo.ey:- "Please be advised that I now hold a license to sell all kinds of General insurance, and shall appreciate if you will add my name to the list of those agents authorized to solicit insurance in this Municipality, in o.rder that I oar participate in the distri- bution of the commissio.n in connection with the insurance carried by the Town. Kindly ackno.wled~e rcceipt of this at yo.ur conven- . . ~. . a" -2- Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the letter from A. L. Hooey be received and filed and that the list of Insurance Agents showing the Commission on the Town's insurance be brought to date with copies supplied to all Members of Council. Carried~ 4. Letter from the John Howard Society of Ontario and the Sal- V2tion Army request for financial support for their organizations for 1963; Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice: That the letters received from the John Howard Society of Ontario and the Salvation Army be received and referred to the Finance Committee for their consideration during Budget Session. Carried. 5. Bowmanville Planning Board:- "As per section 7 (1) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 296 we hereby submit to the Bowmanville Municipal Council our estimate of our Financial requirements for the year 1963. Estimated re- quirements.$1600.00. This amount is the same as last year. We ended the year with a balance on our books of ~'201.35 our expenses for the year 1962 were..$1690.?? Some of the major projects that were accomplished last ~ear were as follow:- Drawing up, and approval of Submission ff2 to our Towns Official Plan. Approval of our ~oning By-laws which were revised. Complete new copies in smaller sized forM of our revised zoning by-laws consolidating By-laws No. 1612,1700, 1825, and 1835. Approval of the Planet Enterprises Subdivision." Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the 1963 estimate for be received and referred to the tion. i Carried. the Bowmanville Planning Board Finance Committee for considera- . 6. The Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville:- "The Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville would like to obtain permission to hold a rummage sale to commence on Feb. 15th, (friday) and to run following Friday nights. This sale would be held in the vacant I. G. A. store on King Street West in Bowmanville. The goods which we shall be selling will be those that shall be do- nated to the Club by the merchants and citizens of this areq." Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the request of the Kiwanis Club of Bo\~anville contained in their letter dated January 21st, 1963 be granted. Carried. V REPORTS OF COMl"lITTEES:- Industrial Committee:- Con. Hughes, Chairman, of the Industrial Committee advised that the committees 1963 estimates had been set. The amount be advised was approximately one-third less than in 1962. It was the com- ~ittee wish that Council approve of their advertising budget of $2500.00 to permit the committee to institute its advertising programme. Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That we authorize the Industrial Committee to institute its 1963 advertising prograMe to the extent of ~2500.00. Carried. ~ . . e .. -3- Con. Fice presented a report concerning the Fire Department Operation. Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That the report of the Fire Cor1mittee for the year 1962 be received and adopted. Carried. VI NE\1 & UNFINISHED BUSIlffiSS:- 1. Charges for Planning Board:- This matter to be considered at the Board of \/orks Committee on January 29th. 2. Industrial Area Lighting:- The matter of the installation of Street Lights to serve the new Industrial Area has been left with the Public Utilities Commission. 3. Liberty Street Storm Sewer:- This matter to be considered at the Board of Works Committee meeting. 4. Liberty Street Sidewalk:- Nothing further reported on this subject. 5.Frank Street Road Allowance:- Nothing further reported on this subject. 6. Sub-Division Agreement - Planet Enterprises:- The .Clerk reported that Plans & specifications had been received from Planet Enterprises in respect to the services to be con- structed within their subdivision. With some minor changes the watermain specification have been approved by the P. U. C. The Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer and Road specifications have received the approval of the Road Superintendent. It is expected that signed copies of the agreement will be advisable for the next regular Council meeting. 7. Refer~ed to Roads & Streets Committee:- a. W. T. Dempsey Storm Sewer Report: b. Lowe & Division Drainage: These matters are to be considered during the Roads an~ Streets Budget Session. c. Tree Removal: A report of the Tree Program was made available by the Hoads and Streets Superintendent. S. SCUgOg Road:- The Reeve reported that Bowmanville's resolution pertaining to repair of the Scu,~og Road north of the Town Limit had be presented to the County Road ComIlittee for their consideration and report to the next regular County Session.. 9. Petition for Highwav Subsidy:- Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That we authorize the Hayor and Clerk to sign the petition for the statutory grant on expenditures made on the Hoads and Streets in 1962. Carried. . . -4- 10. Storm Sewers:- Reeve Little reported that he had been advised by the District Engineer of the Department of Highways that approved Storm Sewer construction will benefit by a 50% D. H. O. subsidy; cemmencing in 1963. t 11. Goodyear Tire- Snoke Problem:- It was reported by the Mayor that the manager of the local plant had been advised of the Company's plan to install certain equip- ment to eliminate the smoke nuisance as soon as weather permits. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the resolution passed by this Council at the January 2nd session pertaining to the Goodyear Tire Smoke problem be rescinded. Carried. 12. Foam Bank:- Dep-Reeve Stevens reported that information given to him indicated that the County Mutual Aid Association had divided to effect a Foam Bank for their organization. Following discussion it was: Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That the Foam Bank matter be held in abeyance pending a report from the Fire Committee. Carried. VII ADJOURNMENT:- . .. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Oke: That we do now adjourn 8:10 p. m. Carried. / .' (' ...../' - ....-...--