HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1963
The Inaugural meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
S:OO p. M. on Monday January 2, 1963, with His \/orship the Mayor
Ivan M; Hobbs in the Chair. All members present.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke:
That we rescind the resolution on the December J minutes
respecting the levy of charges b]r the Planning Board in their
Motion Lost.
Moved by Coni Hughes and Oke:
That the minutes of the meeting Monday Deeember J, 1962 be
confirmed and adopted.
Moved by Reeve Little and DepReeve Stevensl
That the report of the Striking Committee in respe't to the
Standing Committees of Council and appointments to various Boards
and Commissions be received and adopted.
1. Canadian Federation of Mayors & Municipalities;-
An Invitation from the PreSident and Officers of the Canad. ~
ian Federation of Mayors & Municipalities to Bowmanville to 1
affiliate-with the Federation.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little!
That the letter received from the Canadian Federation of
~ayors & Municipalities be received and filed:
2. Northumberland-Durham Counties Mutual Aid Association:-
"The Northumberland and Durham Counties Mutual Aid Association
at their last meeting passed a motion that the Fact Finding Com-
mittee give a report on the building of a foam bank. It was
approved by the Chiefs of the Fire Departments in our Association
that the local Councils be requested to approve the necessary ex-
penditures in order that a foam bank may be started in all munici-
palities. It was also approved that the tlouties of Northumberland
and Durham be requested to purchase an amount of foam equal to
that purchased by the municipalities. The idea of a foam bank is
to prOVide an effective means of fighting a fire in a gas truck,
service station, fuel oil tanks, etc. These banks should be cen-
tralized and each municipality would have equal rights to the use
of the bank in case of a major fire requiring the use of the foam~
A fire could occur in a gas truck whilst it was travelling through
a municipality or while travelling on 8 country road; and we feel
therefore that no one municipality, small or large~ should have
to purchase a stock of fGam sufficient to fight a fire in one of
these vehicles~ Should this foam be used at a fire occurring on
a county road it would be replaced by the county, and if used in
a municipality it would be replaced by the municipality concerned.
Each fire department is required to furnish its own foam guns and
eductors. Any other information desired with regard to the estab~
lishment of a foam bank may be received from Fire Chief Ken Baird
of Cobourg, or any Fire Chief of any municipality within the count-
ies of Northumberland and Durham: Would you please be good enough
to inform me as soon as possible wheather your Council is in favour
of building up a foam bank as outlined~ above."
tioved by Con. Hooper and Oke:
That the letter received from the Northumberland-Durham
Counties Mutual Aid Association be received and referred to Fire
Committee for report
3. The Bowmanville Planning Board:-
"At our last Planning Board meeting of December 19th, 1962 the
matter of allowing residential building in areas within our Corp-
oration, where Town sewer and water facilities were not available
was discussed again in detail. pome time ago at a special meet-
ing of Planning Board with Council this matter was referred to the
Planning Board to make their recooocndations to Council, After
a thorough discussion in whic~ various ideas were entertained the
following recommendations was passed by the Planning Board and I
was instructed to write Council giving you our recommended decis-
ion. That the Planning Board pursue the same policy as directed
by the BOWffianville Municipal Council in their letter to the Bow-
manville Planning Board of April 27th, 1960, namely thatl "no new
Subdivisions or partial plans be approved without sanitary sewers
and that the construction of Septic Tanks for residential develop.
ment in single lots be restricted as far as possible." lie trust
that this recommendation meets with your approval as it appears to
be the best solution of this matter in the economic interests of
the mupicipality. liishing Council the Compliments of the Season." ,
MQved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little!
That the letter received from the BOWIDanville Planning Board
be received and filed.
4. Bowmanville Public Uitilities Commission:-
"Further to our telephone conversation concerning an easement cov-
ering our pole line across the West Beach Bowmanville. this will
confir~ that the Public Utilities Commission have an easement from
the Port Darlington Harbor Company covering the erection and main-
tenance of the above mentioned pole line~ At a regular meeting of
the Commission held last evening December 11 a study of flat rate
charges made by the Commission covering the installation of water
and sewer lines from the mains to the street was made; A quest-
ionnaire was sent to neighbouring municipalities requesting infor-
mation and charges made covering the installation of sewer and
water connections in other municipalities. Replies were received
and have been set up showing the charges made in the municipalities
seceral copies of this survey are enclosed. As a result of the
above study and the infor~mation at hand it was moved by W. Carru-
thers seconded by L. C. Mason, that this information be forwarded
to Town Council requesting that By-Laws #1624 and 1625 be amended
as recommended and a request made to Town Council to set a flat-
rate or some other charge to take care of the replacement of road
surfaces and sidewalks."
Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes:
That the letter from the Public Utilities Comnission dated
December 12, 1962, be received and referred to Board of Works
Committee next Meeting Bridger to be invited.
5. Bowmanville Ratepayers Association:-
"Just a gentle reminder from the Bowmanville Ratepayers Association
in regard to the appointment by the striking committee of a member
on the recreation department. H.9ping the committee will give us this
request some consideration. ~;i.th kindest personal regards."
Moved by Con. Fice and Oke:
That the letter from the Bowmanville Ratepayers Association
be received and filed.
6. Canadian Mental Health Association:-
"Mental Illness--No longer Hopelesst On February 7th, 1962, in
Perth, Ontario, Premier John Robarts said "l-'iental Health has be-
come our Number One Health problem..." During 1962 more than sixty
municipalities in Ontario supported the work of The Canadian
Mental Health Association -- your volunteer organization of citi-
zens and scientists who are actively working towerd the prevention
of mental illness and promotion of good mental health. This sup-
port ranged inamounts from ~~lO.OO to;250.00, and went far to
stimulate our program of Research, 'iJhite Cross Mental Illness
Services, and Public Education. The enclosed pahphlet describes
briefly the continuing work of the Ontario Division with its 21
Branches and more than 2,000 active volunteers. We respectfully
ask that you consider the need when preparing your 1963 budget.
Jl<lay we count on your support?"
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Fice:
That the letter received from the Canadian Mental Health
Association be received and filed.
7. Mr. H. R. Cornell!-
III would like the following matter brought before the Bowmanville
Town Council for their information and prompt donsideration:-
Approximately l~ years ago the writer contacted Mr. George Vinish,
Engineer for the Goodyear Tite ahd Rubber Compahy in Bo~aanville~
bringing yo his attention the deplorable conditions caused by
smoke and soot emanating from this Company. Many residents of the
South Ward; including my wifclj \,{Ore forced to do their entire wash-
ing over again. Further, I had just completed painting my hous~,
white, and this was entirely, covered with a greasy soots At that
time the writer was assured that this matter would be looked into
thoroughly. However, on many occasions since that time; and quite
frequently during the past week, .the same conditions have prevailed.
I would respectfully point that this pollution of the air, besides
effecting deterioration to properties in the Town of Bowmanville,
is also detrimental to the health of the population causing harm-
ful injury to the body and lungs, as observed in the recent issues
of the Toronto Papers. It is therefore, the writer's request that
the Council for the Town of Bowmanville contact the proper author-
ities at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company bringing this matter
to their attention once again, without delay, as it would appear
that more stringent steps may have to be taken if it is not looked
after forthwith. A prompt reply would be appreciated."
Moved by Con. Hnghes and Hooper: ~ ~~. .4... _
\t That the letter received from f1r. H. Corn~l Pd:Jd(.o;;:c~ ~~/~_.
complaining of excessive emersion of smoke by the Goodyear Tire &
Rubber Company be received and that a letter be forwarded to Mr,
G. McNeil, Plant Manager, with copies to the President and Vice
President of Goodyear requesting their efforts in ~lio1nating this
smoke nuisance.
Carried. 1\
S. Minister of Highways:-
"In keeping with the policy of this Government to assist the mun-
icipalities, the Department of Highways will conduct two-week
courses for municipal inspectors during February and March of 1963.
General information on both the junior and senior aourses 1s en-
clo!!ed.. The expenses of persons attending these courses will be
eligible for subsidy up to a limit of 10 cents per mile car
allowance, $4.50 per day for accommodation, and ..'3.50 per day
for meals., These are the amounts allowed Department personnel
attending smilar courses. I trust that your Council will avail
it~elf of this opportunity to increase knowledge will benefit
both your municipality and the. Department."
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little:
That the letter from the Minister of Highways be received
and filed.
9. Ontario Municipal Association:-
"A Regional Conference of the Town and Village Section of the
Ontario Municipal Association will be held in the Town of Preston
on Saturday, January 26th, 1963. We would request your co-oper-
ation in bringing this matter to your Council's attention at the
earliest possible date and a sincere invitation is made to both
your elected and appointed officials to attend. The Executive of
the Section have planned an excellent program for this Conference
and have chosen interesting subjects, being the wajority of
problems requested for discussion from a recent questionnaire
sent to every Town and Village in the Province. A copy of the
program is attached for your i~ormation and you will note the reg-
istration fee is $5.DO per delegate which includes the noon hour
banquet. It is urged by the executive that your municipality be
repersented at this Regional Conference. This Section can take
much credit for the part it has played in securing legislation
of great benefit to Towns and Villages. Your municipalities
active participation can assist in the Province. The host
municipality, Preston, is ideally located on Highways 401 and 8
in Waterloo County at the centre of Ontario. A form is attached
requesting the number of delegates attending to assist in the
final arrangements for the Conference and it would be appreciated
that this form be returned to the ,ITiter not later than January
21, 1963., Your co-operation in making this Regional Conference
a complete success is requested."
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Nichols:
That the letter from the O.M.A. Town and Village section be
received and filedl
10. A letter was received from the Ontario Good Roads Association
advising of their forthcoming conference on February 25th, 26th,
and 27th, at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. .
Moved by Con. Nichols and Oke:
That the Road Superintendent Mr., T. K. Stewart be author-
ized to attend at the Corpc"",tlons ~Yr':;-- , the fcrthcoming
annual conference of Ontario Good hoads Association.
i'10ved by Con. Oke and Hooper:
That the report of the Welfare Department for the month of
December 1962 be received and adopted.
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little:
That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of
December 1962 be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Nichols and Dep-Heeve Stevens:
That the report of the Roads & Streets Department for
the period ending November 1962, be received and adopted.
Carried. .
P.~oved by Con. Fice and Hooper:
That the reports of the Dog Control Officer for the 1,lonths
of November and Decenber 1962 be received and adopted.
Carried. '
Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens:
That the report of the Northll!'1berland-Durhar~ Health Unit for
the month of November 1962 be received and filed for future
Mr. Ian Butler, Engineer for Proctor and Redfern appeared before
Council outlining the following tenders opened by the Board
of Works Committee at a mceting held on Monday January 7 at 7 p.'
Yearley & Reed
Clarison Constn
Cobourg Constr.
Armstrong Bros.
40,961. 94t
47,791. 50
Clarison Constr.
E. F. Marston
Crosstown Faving Ltd. ,
Road Builders Ltd. ,
Mr. Bttler recommended that subject to formal approval by the
Department of Highways that the bid of McLean-Foster Ltd~ of
St. Mary's be~warded the contract for the Bridge at the price
of 40,961.94. He also recommended subject to favourable report
that the bid of Trip Construction, Port Perry be accepted at a
price of 50,727.16 in the construction of the Sewer &, viTatermain.
Dep-Reeve Stevens declared his intestdid not dillC10lSS or vote..
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That subject to formal D.H.a. approval we award the Base Line
Bridge contract to McLean-Foster Construction Company at a price of
~p40, 961. 94l'and that subject to favourable report by the Town's Eng.
we award the Base Line Sewer & Watermain contract to Trip Constru-
ction Company at a price of $50,727~16. Carried.
Moved by Con. Oke and Hooper:
That the accounts of the
amount of $1200.25 be and are
Welfare Department in the total
hereby passed for payment,
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little:
That the accounts of the Paid Prior in the total amount of
$261,261.09 be and are hereby passed for payment~
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little:
That the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the total amount
of $lZ81.7S be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper I
That the accounts of the Dog Control Dept. in the total amouht
of $44~79 be and are hereby passed for payment.
. Carried.
Moved by Coni Fice and Hooper:
That the accounts of the Fire Dept. in the total amount of
$2.43 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the accounts of the Police Dept. in the total amount of
$340.9S be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens:
That the accounts of the Public Property Dept. in the total
amount of $196.31 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by
That the accounts of the Roads and Streets in the total amount
OF $1921.56 be and are hereby passed for paym€nt.
Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Nichols:
That leave be granted to bring in the following ByrLaws:
1. ,
A By-law to provide for the Appointment of certain repre.'
sentatives of the Town of Bo~anville on various Boards and
2. A By-law to provide for temporary borrowing to meet current
Carried. .
Moved by Con. Nichols and Okel
That the By-laws be read a first time, referred to Council
in Committee of the Whole and read a Second time, Mayor in the
Carried. .
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That we rise and report successful Second reading of the
B"-laws in Committee of the IJhole.
" Carried. .
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the report of Council in Committee of the lfuole on
the By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a
Third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk Sealed and
Numbered and follows:
1. A By-law to provide for the Appointment of Certain represent-
atives of the Town of Bowaanville on various Boards & Commissions. '
. " . - '. . . " . " .. .. . " " " . " , " " " " " " " " "B/L No .1862
2. . A By-law to provide for temporary borrowing to meet current
expenditures" " " " " " .... " " " " " ..." .. " " " " .... .. " " ". " " . ... " " " " " " " ".B/If No .lS6.3
1. Changes on_ Flanning Board:-
As a result of the letter received from the Planning Board Council
passed a resolution asking the Solicitor to draft a By-law to
provide for levying the recommended changes. As yet the draft
has not been received.
2. Industrial Area By-Law:-
P. U. C. indicated that necessary lighting to service the new
Industry would be affected.
3. , Liberty Street Storm Sewers:-
The matter of local improvement changes in respect to the Liberty
Street Storm Sewer has been referred to the regular session of
the Board of Works Committee.
4. , Liberty Street Sidewalk:-
This matter is pending.
5. ,Frank Street Road Allowance:-
As yet the terms of the commitment signed by Dr. Hendry have
not been comp.eted.
6. ,Sub-Division Agreement - Planet Enterprises:-
The Clerk reported that adivce offered by the principals of
Planet Enterprise indicated that the agreement will be presented
at the January 21st session of Council for enactment.
, .
7. Liberty Street Subway-Drainage:~
Coun~illor Nichols advised that the damage effected during the
Liberty Street Sanitary sewer extension. had been replaced throu-
gh an agreement between the C~P.R. and the Roads and Streets
S. Storm Sewer Report-W., Dempsey:-
The report presented by Mr. Dempsey in respect to Stom Drainage
has been referred to the Roads and Streets Committee for ~on-
sideration during their Budget meetings~
9. Tree Removal:-
Con.. Nichols advised that the tree removal progrrumae was pre~
sently being completed~
10. Lowe-Division Drainage:-
This drain~ge problem has been referred to Roads and Streets
along with the Engineers over all report in respect to storm
11. Scugog Street:-
Moved by Con. Nichols and Fice:
That the Council of the United Counties of Northumberland-
Durham be requested to seriously consider extensive improvement
of the Scugog Road northor the limit of the Tom of Bowmanville.
Carried., .
Moved by Con~ Nichols and Reeve Little:
That we do now adjou~nl 9:45 p
~~_~_.w_______________~__~~____ _
Mayor. /