HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-040-03 " ~{fJli!]gron REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Gf'PI- 3'b'l - 0 :. Eo5 Date: September 22, 2003 Report #: COD-040-03 File#_ By-law #Q)c)o3 - ilff SUbject: LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING, ST. MARY'S CEMENT COMPANY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report COD-040-03 be received; 2. THAT the letter of understanding with St. Mary's Cement Company be approved; and 3, THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved, Submitted by: ~!.::BS"' C,M,O, Director . orporate Services '" Reviewed bU )...P<...l!.f)_ ~'rl-... Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MMFH\LAB\km 1.210 REPORT NO.: COD-040-03 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT A request from the Community was received by the St. Mary's Cement Company to establish monitoring sites near the houses that surround St. Mary's blasting area, Subsequently, St. Mary's retained the services of Golder Association to select and propose the location of the blasting monitor sites, One of the sites proposed by Golder Associates is located at the Baseline Community Centre. See attached letters from St. Mary's Cement Company and Golder Associates marked Schedule "6". The Baseline Community Centre have advised that they have no concerns regarding this proposal. The proposed letter of understanding has been reviewed by the Director of Finance. It is therefore respectfully recommended that the letter of understanding with St. Mary's Cement Company be approved. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 Illl Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2003- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and St. Mary's Cement Company, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the monitoring of blasting, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerik are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, St. Mary's Cement Company, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2003. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2003. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1212 j~. ST. MARYS . St. Marys Cement Company 400 Waverley Road S Bowmanville, Ontario LIL JK3 P 19U5) 62J-3J4) r (905) 623-4695 SCHEDULE "B" September 2, 2003 Fred Horvath Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville Ontario LlC 3A6 Dear Fred: Based on the request of the community, expressed through the St Marys Community Relations Committee, to establish monitoring sites near tbe houses that surround St Marys' blasting operations. St Marys decided to contract the services of Golder Associates to select and propose the location of theblastillg monitoring sites, O~~:IQ~:ihemonitoring sites proposed by Golder Associates is located at the Baseline Community qetttertl1is,station will be installed by relocating the existing seismograph at the Technical Center. i'lease:filto::attacbed the letter witb the recommendations of Golder Associates. In order to continue with <:!o!dJ!r's recommendations, St Marys requests for your approval to install the existing seismograph at the Baseline Community Center. Please do not hesitate to contact me jf you require additional information about the installation of the monitoring station, Sincerely Environmental Coordinator RECEIVED ::, t t"' 5 - Z003 OPERATIONS DEPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213 09J09/2003 17:20 FAX 905 623 4695 SEP.O;-O~ l~:Ol From:OQLD&R ASSOCIATiS ST IlARYS CEMENT IaJ002 SOi58T9151 80IcIer Aesoolates Ltd. 2390 ArgenI!o Rooo MlulUauga. Ontc2lO,. O::!nodo LIN l!5Z7 r~(9Q5) 567-4444 Fcic('105)S07-6561 SCHEDULE "B" <I'~ September 4. 2003 031-117016 St. Marys Cement Company 410 W."on..y Raac1 SOuth BowlMnviUe. Ontario LIC 3K3 """. AttentiDII: Mr. Ruben PIa1.a EnvirOl1l1lellllll Co.ordilllltor RE: GROUND AND AIR VIElAAnON MONITORING .TAnONS ST. MARYSCI!MEiNT BLASTING OPERATIONS 1S0WMANVllLE, ONTARIO Dear Ruben: The fOllowing Icllcr identifies the proposed receptor locations Which have been selected to monitor both &round and air vibration levels produced by future blasting operations at your ll.owman"ille quany. ReCllptor LocatWns FOllowing oUlrevicw of a. number of p~nlial monltorlng SileS with St. MiU)'s cament personnel, the following new monltorlng stallolls o:rc recoUUllCllded: L Buelinc CommuniI)' Centre, 2444 Baseline Rd., nOTtb of the quaay operations 2, A fllllCed-ln site at the northealt comer of Watson PrIve and Cedar Crest Beach Rd.. east of the quarry operations, These locations have been selected to address community concerns north and cast of the current and fu~ quarry operations, The observation stalions noted are both located closer tl1an the current station to the COmmllnhl... concerned. TIley an> both beyond: tile qulln)' propel1Y boundary limits. and will be more reprcgntative of t~ effects experienced at those cODUn1lTlities. to be ltmlted In ~cordance with Publication NPC 119 of the Model Munk:ipal Noise Control By- Law. InstNmentation fiom the prevlOUli fixed monitoring stalian tot Ibe St Ma.rys Cement Tc:c:Itnica1 Contro. within the bound&')' of the licensed premise.. will be relocated to one of the new stations described. ;j.. B TOIIIIUR!B tlIIADA Q~ \ ~~T) ~llIRI'~()W -:",lr.\XIES OFFiCES ACROSS NORlH AMlftlCA, SOUTH AMEIlICA, EUIlOPE, AFRICA, ASIA AND AU511lAUA 1214 09/09/2003 17:20 FAX 905 623 4695 . SEP-OS-03 1~:Ol From'QOLPI~ ASSOCIATES ST lIARYS CEMENT ~003 ID55678151 SCHEDULE "B" September 4, 2003 031-117016 St. Marys Cement Company Mr. Ruben ~Iaza -2. If you have all)' quasti"". ~l'IaininS to lhis report, or we can be of ....y funher service in this matter, please do nol hesitale to contact our ot'llce. Yours very truly, GOLDER ASSOCIATES LTD. ~~ Audrew Curle, P. I'!ni. Bnjlneer ~':!'P'Sng. Consulting Specialist Explosiv81 and Blastin!: AClALM/w:Jma ~"''GOlZl\II''''''I'17'OI'u~_,A-.~ldI:Ia\OOl.1l'7Qlllf1ll~]IICpIQf'..I'Illll'Y'IU~iUll'' Golder AlisoCiatllS 1215 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ("Clarin9ton") And Sl. Mary's Cement Company WHEREAS Clarington, and Sl. Mary's Cement Company have agreed that a blast monitoring device and related equipment (the "Device") will be installed in the interior space of the building located at the Baseline Community Centre. 2444 Baseline Road, Bowmanville Ontario. WHEREAS it has been further agreed that the Device will be owned and operated by Sl. Mary's Cement Company while located at the Baseline Community Centre, and that, in addition to granting the rights of occupation contained herein Clarington shall take all necessary steps to ensure the Sl. Mary's Cement Company and their respective employees, authorized agents and contractors have access to the Community Centre and the Device on a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week basis: Now by this Letter of Understanding the parties hereto hereby confirm that the above recitals are true in substance and in fact and agree each with the other as follows: 1, Clarington 9rants to Sl. Mary's Cement Company in perpetuity, (unless earlier terminated as provided for herein), the right to use and occupy a portion of the Baseline Community Centre for the purposes set out in this Letter of Understanding in connection with the installation, operation and maintenance of the Device; 2, During the term of this agreement Sl. Mary's Cement Company shall remain responsible for and shall at its cost repair and maintain the Device in good order and repair at all times; and 3, During the term of this agreement all charges and costs relating to hydro services, relating to the Device, shall be paid by Sl. Mary's Cement Company, 4, During the term of this agreement Sl. Mary's Cement Company will not do or permit any act or thing which may make void or voidable an insurance upon any buildings or part thereof, upon the said premises, or which may cause any increase or additional premium to be payable for any insurance. 5, Sl. Mary's Cement Company covenants to keep the Municipality of Clarington and Baseline Community Centre indemnified against all claims and demands whatsoever by any person, whether in respect of damage to person or property, arising out of or occasioned by the maintenance, use or occupancy of the Premises or the subletting or assignment of same or any part thereof, And Sl. Mary's Cement Company further covenants to indemnify the Municipality of Clarington with respect to any encumbrance on or damage to the Premises occasioned by or arisin9 from the act, default, or negligence of the Company, its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, customer, invitees or licensees. 6, Sl. Mary's Cement Company shall carry insurance naming the Municipality and Baseline Community Centre also as an insured person insuring against the risk of damage to the Municipality's property within the Premises caused by fire or all other perils and the policy shall contain waiver of subro9ation and cross-liability endorsements satisfactory to the Municipality of Clarington's Director of Finance and provide a certified copy of such policy of insurance when requested to do so, and 1216 Letter of Understandino - St. Mary's Cement Comoanv Paoe 2 of 2 Comprehensive general liability insurance in the amount of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000,00) inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property including loss of use thereof, An endorsement to provide the Municipality of Clarington with thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation, and shall provide the Municipality with a copy of the policy certified by the insurer. It has been further agreed that Ciarington may terminate this Letter of Understanding upon providing St. Mary's Cement Company with 6 months prior written notice, and upon receipt of such notice shall at its cost remove the Device prior to the date of termination of this agreement. The Letter of Understanding shall ensure to the benefit of and I e binding upon the parties hereto an their respective successors and assigns, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Letter Jf Understandin9 by their duly authorized representatives as of the day of 2003, Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington St. Mary's Cer 3nt Company Mayor John Mutton PL Barrie, Municipal Clerk 21/ H :'.:...EASES\LET "OF-UNDERST ANO:NG-ST -MARYS-2003.doc