HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-039-03 . , , Cl~mgron REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE I' Resolution #: ~PA-<tOl;)-o3 Date: October 6, 2003 Report #: COD-039-03 File #: By-law #: Subject: Customer Service Survey Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-039-03 be received for information; Submitted by: e Summary arie Marano Director of Corporate Services ,'~. , () n .. ' Reviewed by: (.; ~ ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer MM*ca 12U 1 REPORT NO.: COD-039-03 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.0 2002-2003 Business Plan 1.1 In the Municipality of Clarington's 2002-2003 Business Plan, it was recommended that the Municipality initiate and implement a Customer Service Survey. 2.0 The Survey 2.1 The Municipality has reviewed and strengthened its commitment to excellence in customer service. Part of this commitment involves the review and assessment of how the existing level of service rated according to the Municipality's customers - the residents. To complete this goal, an external organization, Collis-Reed Research, was contracted to develop, and implement the survey tool; to collect and analyze the data collected, The project was managed by the Manager of Communications and Marketing in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services and the Chief Administrative Officer. 2.2 The data collection process took approximately 4 months to complete. Departments were asked to provide a list of individuals who had accessed their services. These people were contacted and asked if they would be willing to participate. The contractor also had staff in the lobby of the Municipal Administrative Centre, at the 3 major recreation facilities and on the buses of Clarington Transit. Members of the public were asked if they would be interested in participating. Those who agreed to take part were asked to provide the contact information so that they could be contacted at a later date, The hard copy survey was also made available at the four library branches and at the front counter of each municipal department. Finally the survey could be completed online by following the link from the Municipality's main website (www.municipalitv.c1arinQton.on.ca) to the survey location on the contractor's website. 2.3 The complete survey took approximately 7 months to complete - from data collection to analysis, to final report. The survey asked nineteen questions related to Departments on significant aspects of customer service. 3.0 Results 3,1 The survey results were very positive at 89% overall Quality of Customer Service as identified in the Executive Summary - Appendix 1. The survey results pointed to prompt response to requests or inquiries, and staff that are knowledgeable, professional and organized. 1;2U2 REPORT NO.: COD-039-03 PAGE 3 3.2 The survey is quite comprehensive in its review of quality of Customer Service in the Municipality of Clarington. In reviewing the results, there is one comment noting that the opportunity to explore altemative ways of addressing concerns, did not receive as high a rating as other questions posed in the survey. It does not appear that the survey segregated these comments into categories representing legislated or restricted functions whereby the Municipality does not have an opportunity to explore alternative avenues, and those where there might be a choice of approach. Therefore awareness of the limitations of the extent of the survey may be advisable in interpretation of this particular result. 4.0 Conclusion 4.1 The information collected in this survey will provide the necessary benchmark for future customer service evaluation and comparisons. 4.2 The Municipal approach to customer service was developed in the business plan and it speaks to continuous improvement in customer service: Customers First- Leadina the wav. The Chief Administrative Officer proposes to continue with efforts to enhance customer service, with future surveys to assess overall customer service satisfaction, and level of service provided. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 1tJ) COD-039-03 Attachment # 1: Executive Summary The Municipality of Clarington: Customer Service Survey Project Report Fall 2002/Winter 2003 177 Vail Meadows Bowmanville, Ontario, L 1C 4T4 Telephone: (905) 697-2521 Fax: (905) 697-2425 Web Page: www.collis-reed.com E-mail: rcollis@collis-reed.com 1 L 'J 4 Executive Summary The Municipality of Clarington commissioned Collis & Reed Research to independently survey the opinions of customers of the Municipality of Clarington, The purpose of the project was to query these customers about the level of customer service that they had received, identify customer services that meet or exceed expectations, and identify services that could be enhanced. Collis & Reed's mandate was to develop surveys designed to meet the project objectives, administer this project, analyze the data collected and prepare a written report of the findings. The objective of this survey project was to query a broad range of individuals who use Municipal services regarding their customer service experience, provide a snap shot of the level of customer service satisfaction with the Municipality, and provide baseline data for future research. Thirteen different surveys were designed and administered to Municipal customers from November 2002 to the end of April 2003. This included 12 departmental specific surveys and one general customer service survey. The departmental surveys were conducted oniine, via telephone interviews and in paper format, while the general survey was administered exclusively as a telephone survey. In total, responses were obtained from 1,234 people. One thousand and one of these respondents indicated they had used Municipal services or interacted with Municipal staff within the past year. The following is a summary of results from the Municipality of Clarington's Customer Service Survey project. The General Telephone Survey Results: General Satisfaction: Eighty-nine percent of respondents were satisfied with the quality of customer service experienced at the Municipality. . Overall, proportionally more respondents deaiing with Emergency Services, Finance and Community Services were satisfied . The strength of support was strongest for Emergency Services · A smaller proportion of respondents dealing with the Clerk's Department were satisfied with the customer service they received. Quality of Customer Service Over ninety percent of respondents stated that municipal staff: . Are friendly and courteous . Understand customer needs Between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that municipal staff: · Respond promptly to requests and inquires · Are organized and professional · Are knowledgeable about services offered · Explain the reasons for delays · Provide services without procedural deiays Overall, respondents were most positive (in terms of proportion of sample supporting and strength of support) about the quality of service provided by Emergency Services and Finance Departments. Departmental Survey Results: Community Services: General Satisfaction: · Ninety-five percent of respondents are satisfied with Community Services Customer Service Quality: Overall, ninety percent or more respondents agree that Community Services staff: . Respond promptly lLu S Mllnicipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-2- . Are friendly and courteous. . Understand requests . Are organized and professional . Are knowledgeable about Community Services . Provide instructions that are easy to follow Overall, between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Community Services staff: . Explain delays in service . Are easy to locate in facilities . Deliver service without procedural delays Information Delivery: Overall, ninety percent or more stated that Community Services staff: . Provide information that customers need . Provide helpful information to customers . Provide complete and accurate information . Provide information that is easy to apply to the customer's situation . Provide information in a timely manner General Concerns: Overall less than seventy-five percent of respondents stated that Community Services staff: . Understand concerns respondents raise . Are cooperative when attending to specific concerns . Provide alternative ways to address concerns . Explain the processes for dealing with particular concerns . Follow-up when required Community Services Facilities: Ninety percent or more felt that: . Facilities are safe . Facilities are well equipped Between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents felt: . Facilities are clean . Facilities nave an inviting atmosphere Program Registration: Overall respondents use Eazy Reg or sign up for programs in person because their chosen method is convenient to them. Respondents do not use Eazy Reg because: . They prefer in person registration so they can ask question (33%) . They do not have a credit card or do not like using credit cards on the phone or internet (14%) . They do not have an Eazy Reg pin number (12%) . They did not know about Eazy Reg (16%) . Eazy Reg is not an option for their program (16%) . They couid not get through to Eazy Reg (8%) . They had concerns about getting into their desired program (10%) Over eighty-nine percent of respondents that used Eazy Reg felt that Eazy Reg was: . Convenient Collis & Reed Research BowmanviJIe, Ontario 12U6 www.coJlis-reed.com email -crr@collis-reed.com Municipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-3- · Clear and easy to follow . Easy to use Banquet Facility Booking: Four individuals made suggestions to improve the use of the Banquet Facility for children's parties. Communication with Community Services: · Ninety-four percent of the time calls are directed appropriately · Eighty-one percent of the time calls are returned within twenty-four hours · Twenty-five percent of the time respondents must use voice mail RespondentsuggesNons · Respondents made suggestions to improve staffing, programs, facilities, procedures and registration. Corporate Services (Purchasing & the Clarington Website): Purchasing Division General SaNsfaction: · Eighty-eight percent of respondents are satisfied with Purchasing · Seventy-eight percent felt that Clarington's Purchasing Division compares favorably with other municipal purchasing departments. The Quality of Customer Service: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents agree that Purchasing staff: · Respond promptly to requests/inquiries . Are friendly and courteous · Understand what is needed. . Are organized and professional Overall between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Purchasing staff: . Are knowledgeable about services offered by Purchasing · Explain reasons for delays · Provide services without procedural delays Tenders and Requests for Proposals: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents stated that: . The bid process is easy to understand Overall between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that: · Tenders contain all the information needed for bid . Subsequent clarification of Tender/RFP is helpful . Time between the release of the Tender/RFP is fair · The project description of the Tender/RFP is easy to understand · The bid evaluation criteria are clearly stated and easy to understand Less than seventy-five percent of respondents stated that: . Tenders/RFPs are appropriately advertised . The bid evaluation process is fair Raising Concerns: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents stated that Purchasing staff: Collis & Reed Research BowmanvilJe, Ontario 12J 7 www.collis-reed.com email -crr@coJlis-reed.com Municipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-4- . Were cooperative Between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Purchasing staff: · Understood the customer's concern · Explained the process for dealing with specific concerns . Follow-up when required Less than seventy-five percent of respondents stated that Purchasing staff: . Provided alternative ways to deal with concerns . Explained the process for dealing with specific concerns. Contacting the Purchasing Division: . Ninety-one percent of the time calls are directed appropriately . Eighty-five percent of the time calls are returned within twenty-four hours . Twenty-nine percent of the time respondents must use voice mail . Ninety-eight percent of respondents state the hours of operation meet their needs Respondent suggestions . Respondents made suggestions to improve communication, advertising and delivery, and purchasing procedures. Clarington Website: General Satisfaction: . Seventy-two percent of respondents agree that they are satisfied with the municipal website. . Sixty-five percent of respondents rate the website favorably compared to other municipalities. . Respondents feel that the information on the website should be constantly updated and links to more information and community information should be available. Website Quality: Overall, between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that: . Information was easy to locate . Information was helpful . Enough detail in the information was provided . Information was easy to understand . Information was easy to apply to specific situations . Contact information was provided . The website provides a positive view of the municipality Seventy-one percent felt that information on the website was complete. Emergency Services: General Satisfaction: . Ninety-six percent of respondents are satisfied with emergency services Quality of Customer Service: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents agree that Emergency Services staff: . Respond promptly to their requests . Are friendly and courteous. . Understand requests . Are organized and professionai Collis & Reed Research Bowmanville, Ontario 1 (J8 www.collis.reed.com email-crr@collis-reed.com MLl[1icipalityof Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-5- . Are knowledgeable about Emergency Services . Deliver services without procedural delays Overall between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Emergency Services staff: . Explain delays in service Information Delivery: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents stated that Emergency Services staff: . Provide information that customers need . Provide helpful information to customers . Provide complete and accurate information . Provide easy to understand information . Provide information in a timely manner . Provide information that is easy to apply to apply to a situation Raising Concerns: Overali, more than ninety percent of respondents stated that Emergency Services staff: . Understand specific concerns . Are cooperative Between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Emergency Services staff: . Provide alternative ways to address concerns . Explain the process to deal with specific concerns . Follow-up specific concerns when required Safety Inspection Issues: Overall, one hundred percent of respondents stated that Emergency Services staff: . Explain the nature of safety violations . Provide required information to correct safety violations . Provide helpful advice on how to correct safety violations Emergency Preparedness: . Forty-two percent of respondents felt they had enough information about procedures for natural disasters. . Fifty-six percent of respondents felt that the municipality was prepared for an emergency situation. . Sixteen percent of respondents have read and are familiar with Darlington Nuclear Station's emergency planning information and twenty-two percent state that they are aware of the planning information but do not have a copy. Contacting Emergency Services: . Ninety-four percent of the time cails are directed appropriately . Eighty-three percent of the time calls are returned within twenty-four hours . Eleven percent of the time respondents must use voice mail Respondent suggestions: . Respondents made suggestions to improve burn permit use, dispatcher services, inspection services, public education, in-house training, and fire response time. Collis & Reed Research BowmanvHJe, Ontario 1 L 'j 9 WWW.coms-reed.com email -crr@collis-reed.com Municipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report . Page - 6 - Engineering Services: General Satisfaction: · Eighty-six percent of respondents are satisfied with Engineering Services The Quality of Customer Service: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents agree that Engineering Services staff: · Understand what is needed. · Are organized and professional Overall between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Engineering Services staff: · Respond promptly to requests/inquiries . Are friendly and courteous · Are knowledgeable about services offered by Engineering Services . Explain reasons for delays · Provide services without procedural delays Information Delivery: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents stated that Engineering Services staff: · Provide information that customers need . Provide helpful information to customers . Provide complete and accurate information . Provide easy to understand information · Provide information in a timely manner . Provide information that is easy to apply to apply to a situation Raising Concerns: Overall more than ninety percent of respondents stated that Engineering Services staff: . Understood their concern . Were cooperative Between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Engineering Services staff: . Explained the process for dealing with specific concerns . Follow-up when required Less than seventy-five percent of respondents stated that Engineering Services staff: . Provided alternative ways to deal with concerns Contacting the Engineering Services Department: · Ninety-five percent of the time calls are directed appropriately · Sixty-five percent of the time calls are returned within twenty-four hours . Thirty-five percent of the time respondents must use voice mail · One hundred percent of the time email is answered within forty-eight hours · One hundred percent of respondents state the hours of operation meet their needs Respondent suggestions . Respondents made suggestions to improve communication, delivery time and engineering procedures. Collis & Reed Research Bowmanville, Ontario 1210 www.collis-reed.com email-crr@collis-reed.com MUl1icipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-7- Clarington Transit: General Satisfaction: . Ninety-six percent of respondents are satisfied with Transit Services Customer Service Quality: Overall, ninety percent or more respondents agree that: . Buses are on time . Drivers are friendly and courteous. . Drivers are helpful when you have a question about Clarington Transit . Buses are clean and pleasant to ride . Printed bus schedule is organized in a user-friendly manner . Respondents feel safe on Clarington Transit Less than seventy-five percent of respondents agree that: . Bus routes meet their needs . The location of bus stops meets their needs . The bus timetable meets their needs Respondentsuggesffons . Respondents made recommendations to extend bus hours, stops, and service. Finance: Genera/ Satisfaction: . Ninety-eight percent of respondents are satisfied with Finance Services Customer Service Quality: Overall, ninety percent or more respondents agree that Finance Services staff: . Respond promptly to their requests . Are friendly and courteous. . Understand requests . Are organized and professional . Are knowledgeable about Finance Services . Explain delays in service . Deliver services without procedural delays Information Delivery: All respondents stated that Financial Services staff: . Provide information that customers need . Provide heipful information to customers . Provided complete and accurate information . Provide easy to understand information . Provide information in a timely manner . Provide information that can be applied to specific situations Tax Communication . The majority of respondents sometimes or always read inserts in their tax bill . Respondents felt that information about the tax system and their bill was helpful . Respondents most often pay their bill in person . Respondents chose this payment method because it was convenient and they can get a stamped receipt Collis & Reed Research Bowmanville, Ontario 1L 11 www.collis-reed.com email-crr@collis.reed.com Municipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-8- Communication with Finance SeNices: · One hundred percent of the time calls are directed appropriately · Eighty percent of the time calls are returned within twenty-four hours . Ninety-five percent of respondents state the hours of operation meet their needs Respondent suggestions · Respondents made suggestions to improve payment procedures. Operations: General Satisfaction: . Ninety-four percent of respondents are satisfied with Operations Services Customer SeNice Quality: Overall, ninety percent or more respondents agree that Operations Services staff: . Respond promptly to their requests . Are friendly and courteous. . Understand requests . Are organized and professional . Are knowledgeable about Operations Services Overall, between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Operations Services staff: . Explain delays in service . Deliver services without procedural delays Information Delivery: Overall, ninety percent or more stated that Operations Services staff: . Provide information that customers need . Provide accurate and complete information . Provide information that is easy to apply to specific situations Overall, between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Operations staff: . Provided helpful information . Provide easy to understand information . Provide information in a timely manner Raising Concerns: Overall greater than ninety percent of respondents stated that Operations Services staff: . Are cooperative when attending to specific concerns Overall, between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Operations staff: . Understood specific concerns . Explained the process for dealing with concerns . Follow-up concern when required Less than seventy-five percent of respondents stated that Operations Services staff: . Provide alternative ways to address concerns Communication with Operations SeNices: . Ninety-two percent of the time calis are directed appropriately Collis & Reed Research Bowmanville, Ontario Ui2 www.collis-reed.com email -crr@collis-reed.com MW}jcipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page - 9 - . Seventy-nine percent of the time calls are returned within twenty-four hours . Thirty-five percent of the time respondents must use voice mail . Ninety-two percent of respondents state the hours of operation meet their needs Respondent suggestions: . Respondents made suggestions to improve staff relations and department procedures. Planning Services: General Satisfaction: . Eighty-three percent of respondents are satisfied with Planning Services Customer Service Quality: Overall, ninety percent or more respondents agree that Planning Services staff: . Are friendly and courteous. . Understand requests . Are organized and professional . Are knowledgeable about Planning Services Overall, between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Planning Services staff: . Respond promptly to their requests . Explain delays in service . Deliver services without procedural delays Information Delivery: Overall, ninety percent or more stated that Planning Services staff: . Provide information that customers need . Provide helpful information to customers Overall, between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Planning staff: . Provided complete and accurate information . Provide easy to understand information . Provide information in a timely manner . Put customers in touch with appropriate agencies if information requested is not available Only sixty-one percent of respondents felt that the information received from the Planning Services Website was useful General Concerns: Overall between seventy-five and eighty-nine percent of respondents stated that Pianning Services staff: . Understand concerns respondents raise . Are cooperative when attending to specific concerns Less than seventy-five percent of respondents stated that Planning Services staff: . Provide alternative ways to address concerns . Explain the processes for dealing with particular concerns . Follow-up when required Communication with Planning Services: . Ninety-six percent of the time calis are directed appropriately . Ninety-two percent of the time calls are returned within twenty-four hours Collis & Reed Research Bowmanville, Ontario lLI3 www.collis-reed.com email-crr@collis-reed.com ~l.Wicipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-10- . Thirty-five percent of the time respondents must use voice mail . Ninety-six percent of respondents state the hours of operation meet their needs Respondentsuggesffons . Respondents made suggestions to improve staff relations and department procedures. Overall Observations & Conclusions Overall Agreement Across Departments for Common Survey Questions Question lPercent that Al!ree The infonnation that you received was helpful. 96% The Infonnation was easy to apply to your 95% situation. You received the infonnatlon that you needed. 95% Staff were friendly and courteous. 94% The infonnatlon was accurate and complete. 93% Staff attending to you clearly understood what 9311/0 you needed. '-- The information was easy to understand. 93% The information was provided In a timely 91% manner. Staff were organized and professional. 89% Staff appeared knowledgeable about the 89% services offered. Overall satisfied with the quality of customer 89% service that you received. Staff responded promptly to your requests or 86% InqUiries. Staff attending to your concerns were 86% cooperative. Staff understood your concern. 81% The service that you received was delivered 80% without procedural delays. Reasons for any delays were adequately 78% explained to you. When follow up action was required staff 75% acted accordingly. The process for dealing with your concerns 70% was adequately explained to you. Staff proVided alternative ways to address 57% your concerns. Overall, survey respondents were very positive about the customer service received from the Municipality of Clarington. The percent of agreement for each of the nineteen common departmental survey questions (questions that were asked on more than five different departmental surveys) are presented in the Table above. There was an agreement level of ninety percent or higher for eight of these questions. All but two of these questions asked about customers' experiences when seeking information from Municipal Departments. In other words, for every ten people who requested information Municipal information, at least nine of them considered the information to be helpful, easy to apply, accurate and complete, easy to understand and received in a timely manner. Collis & Reed Research Bowmanville, Ontario 12 4 www.collis-reed.com email-crr@collis.reed.com tv!lJ.,I;licipality of Clarington - Customer Service Survey Project Report Page-11- S~ven questions had agreement ratings of between eighty and to eighty-nine percent. The majority of these questions queried respondents about the overall quality of customer service that they received. In other words, for every ten Municipal customers, eight of them agreed that staff were organized and professional, knowledgeable, prompt, that services were received with out procedural delay, and were satisfied with the customer service they received. Four questions had agreement ratings of between seventy and seventy-eight percent. The majority of these questions queried respondents about their experiences when raising concems or issues to Municipal staff. For every ten customers who raised issues or concerns at least seven of them indicated that follow up took place when appropriate and the process was explained. When respondents who raised concerns or issues were asked about whether staff provided alternative ways to address their concerns, fifty-seven percent agreed that this occurred. With respect to departmental differences, all departments received positive ratings; however, two Municipal departments, Emergency Service and Finance, consistently receive the highest level of agreement ratings. With respect to Emergency Services, many of their customers receive life and/or property saving assistance. It is clear from both the survey ratings and comments that their customers very much appreciate how Emergency Services operate. Finance on the other hand is a department that is typically dealt with for tax payments. The fact that customers rate Finance's customer service as high or higher compared to Emergency Services is testimony to the high level of customer service that this department provides. Recommendations: The results from this survey project are very positive. However, these results also can be used to highlight areas that might from benefit from further enhancements to customer service. The survey results help identify these areas both across the Municipality and within individual departments. One area that does warrant further investigation is the question of how staff address customer concerns. Since a significant proportion of customers did not recall staff going over alternative ways to address concerns, it would be helpful to further explore why this is the case. Specifically, this investigation couid be designed to ascertain the extent to which this might be an issue of customer communication, an issue of procedure or circumstances where alternative suggestions to address concerns are not applicable. Many survey respondents provided detailed suggestion on w<lYs to enhance customer service for specific departments. It is recommended that individual departments review these suggestions and carefuily consider their value and implications before implementation. The Municipality of Clarington Customer Service Survey Project 2002/03 has provided key customer service baseline data; Municipality-wide and for individual departments. These data can be used as <I source of comparison for future customer service survey studies. Future customer service studies that the Municipality might consider running will benefit from the fact that nearly 400 residents who participated in the current project have agreed to join the Municipality of Clarington's consumer panel. These customers will be a valuable source of information for future online surveys for the Municipality. Collis & Reed Research Bowmanville, Ontario 1L i 5 .WWW.collis-reed.com email-crr@collis-reed.com Appendix I: Summary of Common Rating Questions: Percentage of Respondents that at least somewhat agree with the following statements I CIer1<s Community Emergency Engineering Finance Operations Planning Purchasing Overs" Services Services Services Services Overall Quality of Customer Service . Staff responded promptly to your 86% !lO% 93% 84% 98% 88% 89% 94% 88% requests or inquiries. ---- -"- Staff were friendly and courteous. 95% 95% 94% 88% 93% 98% 91% 96% 94% .- -, - - Staff attending to you clear1y 95% 94% 96% 88% I 96% 92% 93% 94% 93% understood what you needed. - -~ ~.- Staff were organized and professional. 95% 93% 97% 92% 99% 87% 91% 92% 89% .. . - Staff appeared knowledgeable about 88% 92% 96% 83% 97% 89% 89% 89% 89% the services offered. ., " ,- Reasons for any delays were 70% 82% 81% 75% 94% 76% 76% 83% 78% adequately explained to you. --,- ,- The service that you received was 84% 90% 94% 80% 95% 81% 80% 88% 80% delivered without procedural delays. ----- - Overall satisfied with the quality of 58% 91% 96% 83% 95% 95% 80% 88% 89% customer service that you received. Seeking Infonnation - - - You received the infonnation that you - 97% 95% 100% 100% 94% !lO% - 95% needed, - The infonnation that you received was - 99% 100% I 100% 100% 88% 93% - 96% helpful. ,- The information was accurate and - 96% 100% 94% 100% 91% 88% - 93% complete. .. " -- -- ...=.=' The information was easy to - 97% 100% 94% 100% 88% 88% - 93% understand. - The Information was provided in a - 96% 95% 88% 100% 88% 85% - 91% timely manner. - ---..-..- n~.._ The information was easy to apply to - 96% 100% 88% 100% 91% -- - 95% your situation. Raising Concerns or Issues - - - I I Staff understood your concern. - 67% 94% 100% - 81% 80% 77% 81% -. -.---.--- ~-_.- --- -- ---. - Staff attending to your concerns were - 87% 94% 91% - 95% 85% 92% 88% cooperative. .. ---, " Staff provided alternative ways to - 37% 83% 70% - 61% 66% 41% 57% address your concerns. The process for dealing with your 68% 80% 80% - 79% 69% 58% 70% concerns was adequately explained to - vou, ---- --," When follow up action was required - 50% 83% 82% - 85% 72% 76% 75% staff acted accordingly. ~' 0'-. * Consists of both departmental and general survey data as described on page 19 of the report ** ConsIsts of only departmental survey data *** Too few observations collected to summarize **** Questions not asked on survey