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Bowmanville, Ontario
September 8, 1970
Corrnnittee Of
The Whole
Committee Of
The Whole
Petition From
D. J. Beers
9 Lovers Lane
( 'I
Minutes of a regular meeting of Coul1cil held on the
above date in the Court Building at 8:00 p.m.
Present: l1ayor
Deputy Reeve
Ivan 11. 1fobbs
R. Dyl,stra
G. Stephen
J. Bell
D. Allin
o. Cobban
M. Prout
K. Hooper
E. D. Hubbard
Absent: Councillor
Resolution #C-5l6
Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.
THAT the minutes of a meeting of Council dated Aupst
4th, 1970, be appr~~ed.
Resolution #0-517
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykstra.
THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Co11Ullittee of the
Whole, dated August 24th, 1970, be approved.
Resolution #C-S18
Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.
THAT the minutes of a special meeting of the Committee
of the Wholc, dated August 31st, 1970, be approved.
Resolution #0-519
Moved by Reeve Dykstra, scconded by Con. Allin.
THAT a cOrnfoittee of three be appointed to study by-laws
regarding standards of property maintenance, and in the
meantime, the Clerk-Administrator be requested to advise
the Ol'mer that it is their wish that the property be
cleaned up.
The Mayor appointed Councillor Prout, Cobban and Bell.
llr. L. Piper
Re Trapping On
Town Property
Durham College
Overtice By
Folice For
Ontario Housina
Ren tal Housing
- 2 -
Resolution #e-520
Y~ved by Con. Prout, secondec by Reeve Dykstra.
THAT t~e request cf llr. Lcslic Piper for permission to
trap fur bearing animals on property owned by the Town
on the old Shortt farm. be approved.
With regard to Resolution #CW-268, the Mayor appointed
Deputy Reeve Stephen, Reeve Dykstra and Councillor Allin
to act as a committee on this matter.
With regard to Resolution lfC\'!-273. the Mayor appointed
Councillor Bell, Councillor Cobban and Councillor Prout
to act as a committee on this matter.
Resolution lie-52l
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Allin.' .
THAT the letter from Durham College regarding extension
courses, be received and filed.
Resolution #e-522
Movec by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.
THAT the mstter of overtime m.rkec! by the police with
regsrc! to th~. recent Stre.~lberry Festival, be referred
to the Cor,lffiittec of the Khole, and the Clerk-Administrator
be l'equestec! to check into the overtime for the Chief of
Police and a detailed report of costs be submitted to
the Attorney General showing complete breakdown.
Resolution #C-S23
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Reeve Dykstra.
;. ~
THAT Ontario1icusing Corporation be requested to provide
rental houaing accommodation on e. 8eared-to~income basis
for senior citizens .in the Town of Bowmanville, such
rental housing acco~~dation to comprise 33 one-bedroom
units, a.S indicated in the survey of need and effective
demand dated July, 1970, and t.~at the Corporation of the
Municipality of Bowmanville hereby undertakes and agrees
to contribute 7%7. of any annual loss arising out of the
Ontado Housing
Rental llDusing
Chamber Of
Commerce Re
Sidewalk Sale
- 3 -
operation of the said family housing.
Resolution #c.524
Ycved by Con. Prout, seconded by Reeve Dykstra.
THAT Ontario P~using Corporation be requested to provide
rental housing accommodation for families on a geared-to-
income basts in the Town of EO\i'tnanvUle, such accommodation
to comprise 12 two-bedroom, 14 three-bedroom and 4 four-
bedroom units, as incacatecl by tile survey of need and
effective demand dated July, 1970, and that the
Corpol'ation of the Hunicipality of Bowmanville hereby
undertakes and agrees to contribute 7\% of any annual
loss al.hing out of the operation of the said family
Resolution #C-52S
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Bell.
THAT the letter from Memorial Hospital dated August 7th,
1970, concerning ambulance situation, be received and
Resolution #C-526
Y~v~d by Con. Allin, seconded by Reeve Dykstra.
THAT the letter dated August 15th, 1970, from the
Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce, regarding the Sidewalk
Sale, be receiv? and filed.
Resolution #C-S27
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Bell.
T~~ the request of the Durhaw. Central Agricultural
Society contained in their letter dated August 7th,
1970, be concurred with and that the children attending
school in the Town of Bowmanvi11e be dismissed at noon
on Fl-iday, September 11th to a11o~1 them to take part in
and attend the activities planned for them at the Fair
in Orono.
Ontario Municipal
Boaru Re Planning
& Zoning
School Board
Report On Pits
And Quarries
- 4.
Resolution #C-528
Movod by ReevC! Dyl,stl'aj seconl,ed by Con. Prout.
THAT the letter dat.ed July 7, 1970 from th" Ontario
Municipal Loard be roceived and fi1e~ and that the
Clerl,.:'cministr..tor be re'luesto';' to sot up tho pro..
cedures as recommended by the Ontario Municipal Board
regarding planning and zoning enquiries.
acsolution #C.529
Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Doputy Reeve Stephen.
THAT the rel'Ol-t of the Town Clerk of Cobourg regarding
the change in separate school baard representation be
concurred ,<it;1 and the appropriate action be taken by
the Clerk-Aciministrator.
Resolution #C-530
Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Cobban.
THAT the briaf of the Associr,tien of Ontario Mayors and
Reeves reletive to pits and quarries be concurred ,dth
and that the appropriate action be taken by th" C1erk-
Resolution #C-531
Moved by Con. l~epor, soconded by Con. Prout.
THAT tho Fire Dellm:tr.:ent reports fel' the lllOr.ths of July
and August, 1970, be approved and that the Fire Chief
be authorized to hire a replaceoent for Mr. Avery.
\';e If are
InsPector I s
Resolution #0-532
V~vocl by Con. Bell, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Animal Control Report for the months of July
and August, 1970, be approved.
Resolution #c-,33
Moved by Con. Allin, soconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the Welfare Report for the month of July, 1970,
De approved.
Resolution #C-534
110vea by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Police Reports for the months of July and
August, 1970, be approved.
Resolution #C-535
!<-roved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Building Inspector's Report for the month of
August, 1970, be approved.
Resolution #C-536
~~ved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the report of the Chief of Police on police
overtime be referred to the Committee of tho Whole.
Health Unit
SE.fcty !o1easures
~t Ontario Street
Public School
Report On 10
Alexander Blvd.
- 6 -
Resolution #C-537
~mved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Health Unit Report for the lllOnth of June,
1970, be approved.
Resolution #C-538
Vrovec1 by Reevo Dykstre., seconded by D<.~puty Reeve Stephen.
THAT the report of the Central Lake Ontarie Conservation
Authorit.y of the minutes of a meeting datea Juiy 29th,
1970, be approved, subject to Resolution 51, where we
cannot agree with the floodplain as established in
this area.
Resolution #0.539
MOVGd hy Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the Co~~ittee Report regardinG safety measures at
Ont..r> Street Public School be approved.
Resolution #C-540
Movee by Con. Allin, sc~on~cd by Con. Prout.
T~\1 the Committoe Report =~garding the arena washroom
facJ.lities, be approved and reports of costs be
submittod to Connnittee of the Hhole.
Resolution #C-54l
Movce;. l:~7 Reeve Dykstra, scco!1(~cd i)y Deput.y Reeve Stephen.
TP~T the report of the Town Engineer relative to 10
Alexander Boulevard, proporty of Mr. Rance L. Dilling,
be approved.
Fire Prevention
Of Accounts
July 15-24
Of Accounts
No. 70-31
No. 70-32
Ii, .
- 7 .
Resolution #C-542
V~ved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban.
THAT the, report dated Geptember lfth, 1970 from the
Fire Chief regarding Fire Prevention Week be
approved and the necessary action taken.
Resolution #C-543
~mvea by Con. Dell, seconaed by Del'uty Reeve Stephen.
TtU.~ the Statement of Accounts for the period of July
l5th to July 24th, 1970, in the mnount of $43,064.28,
be approved.
Reso 1ution lFC-5ll.4
Moved b:' Con. Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.
THAT the Statement of Accounts :Cor the month of
August, in the &uount of $120,773.69, be approved.
Resolution #C-545
MoveG by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Con. Bell.
THAT tile third reading of By-Lau ~.;'oo 70-31, being a
by-law to authorize the construction of a sanitary
sewer and watermFcin on the Base Line Road and Caristrap
Street, be approved.
Resoh.tion lFC-5l,6
lfovcd by Con.. Prout, seconded by Con.. Allin..
THAT th" third reading of By-La~' 110. 70-32, being a
by-1m; to author.ize the construction of a road on
Cariotrsp Stroet, be approved.
For New
Br ief On
Fostivals, Etc.
- 8 -
Resolution #c..547
HOVCG bj" Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT t.l:o Clcrk-AdHlini'atrC'~tcr r~(~vcrtisc for the position
of To~m Engineer and that the same cOllUl.ittee which
interviewed the applicants previously, be appointed.
Resolution #0.548
Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.
THAl' a committee of three ~c appointed to prepare a
brief for submission to the next Council meeting, with
regard to Rock Festivals, etc., in this pa1't of Ontario.
The Hayor appointed Con. Prout, Con. Cobban and Reeve
Deputy Reeve Stephen rel'ortcd on the August 22nd
Counties Council meeting anL incicuted that he ~rould
make copies of the proposed reassessment schedule
av,d.lab1e to each member of Council.
Resolution 1,'c-5l:.9
Hoved by Con. Prout, seconded by Reeve Dykstra.
THAT the me"ting be adjourned.